Chapter 3 - Wench

Shu Yan, being the only one home, had something simple for dinner. After she finished cleaning up, she took a shower and decided to turn in early. She had been running around all day long and that was quite tiring.

On the top of the night table, there were pictures of the two kids. Perhaps, because she had the memories of the original owner, Shu Yan felt a closeness to the two children. Recalling their endings in the book, she felt a stiffness in her chest.

In the book, the two of them did not have a happy life. Ye Jingjing quit school after graduating high school and joined the workforce in order to support her brother, Ye Tianbao, to continue to go to school. The two of them hated Ye Zhiqiang their entire lives.

One time, Ye Tianbao's company had a project together with Ye Zhiqiang's company, and Ye Ranran was Ye Zhiqiang's company's representative. Ye Jingjing saw the white swan like Ye Ranran, became crazy jealous of her, and wanted to set her up. And, Ye Tianbao decided to help out his sister.

During dinner, Ye Tianbao added drugs to Ye Ranran's food. Ye Jingjing worked at the hotel and her plan was to take Ye Ranran, who looked like she was drunk, into a room and take naked pictures of her.

Of course, the female lead would never truly be hurt. Right when Ye Jingjing was leaving with Ye Ranran, they ran into the male lead, who just arrived at the restaurant. He saved the female lead.

After that event, the male lead set Ye Jingjing up and sent her straight to jail. Ye Zhiqiang, seeing that Ye Tianbao was his oldest son, protected him, but he was still forced to leave City Xi. He was brought up one more time in an extra chapter where he died in a car accident like his mother. Shu Yan didn't think much of it when she was reading the novel; they were merely cannon fodder. But now that she had become their mother, she had a different take on it.

Wasn't that too much of a coincidence? There weren't that many cars back in '92. According to the original owner's personality, she would most likely have taken both of her children back to the village where she came from. Other than the two buses a day, Lingan Township only has a few tractors. How did she end up dying in a car accident? And her son Ye Tianbao, he was forced out of City Xi, then died in a car accident shortly thereafter. How did both of them die in car accidents? And both died on the scene no less.

Shu Yan shuddered from her own conspiracy theory. Ye Zhiqiang didn't care about his children, their fate would probably be worse being with him than with her. She had promised original owner that she'd take care of her children. In addition, Shu Yan quite like children. Now that she had gained two children without having to carry them for 10 months in pregnancy, she quite honestly felt like she had gottem the longer end of the stick.

She heard the sound of a door opening, and her heart tightened. Ye Zhiqiang? What was he doing here?

She saw Ye Zhiqiang. Just like in her memory, he was wearing a floral shirt paired with a light-colored pants and a gold chain that was the size of a pinky finger along with his bald head. He couldn't look any more like a parvenu.

"Have you signed the papers yet?" was the first thing he asked.

Shu Yan pursed her lips and faked a sad look. She couldn't afford to alert him right now. She needed to wait till she had collected the evidence that she needed...

"What about our kids if we get a divorce? You don't even want your son anymore?" said Shu Yan as she choked back her tears.

"If it wasn't for my son, why would I leave you the house? You will have the house and money. And, I will send you an additional $300 a month so you can just stay home to bring up the kids. Go ask around Lingan Township. You'll see that your situation is the best out of all of them. Alright, stop dragging it out, just sign the papers," said Ye Zhiqiang impatiently.

Jiaojiao was three-month pregnant. If they didn't get married soon, her stomach would begin to show. His children should be from Jiaojiao. They would for sure be pretty and smart. He should have never married this whale. If he hadn't, he wouldn't have to deal with this mess right now.

"I don't want a divorce! No way!" shouted Shu Yan hysterically. "You are a horrible man, Ye Zhiqiang. If I hadn't stayed and worked with you all those nights and days at the construction site, you would never have made it."

"Bullsh*t! It was my own talent. Shu Yan, do not test my patience. Sign the documents if you know what's good for you."

"No! I would not sign them! Ye Zhiqiang ,you are a monster!" Shu Yan sat and bawled at the end of the bed.

"Husband, are you done yet?" came a delicate voice from downstairs.

Shu Yan's eyes dimmed. Damn this Ye Zhiqiang, he straight up just brought Li Jiaojiao with him. He was truly fearless.

Ye Zhiqiang acknowledged her.

Shu Yan almost had goosebumps from hearing the tenderness in his voice when he spoke to Li Jiaojiao. It was so different to how he had been talking to her.

"You better think this through. I have already decided to get a divorce, end of discussion." With another call from Li Jiaojiao, Ye Zhiqiang left with these words and took off.

Shu Yan looked up, and all the sadness was gone. She let out a harumph. She needed to ask Third Brother to hurry up. This couldn't be dragged on much longer. She needed to move quickly.


Shu Jianyang was quite quick. Three days later, a not-too-old man came looking for Shu Yan and asked her to go with him to Hotel Rixin.

"Hotel?" Shu Yan's eyes beamed. "Do we go now?"

"Yes, Third Brother said everything had been arranged." The man eyed Shu Yan up and down subtly and was a little disappointed. He had to fight a few guys for the opportunity to come and deliver this news. They figured that Third Brother was so handsome, so his cousin must be fairly pretty too. Well, the higher the hope, the higher the disappointment. This cousin of Third Brother.... He wasn't even sure what to make of her.

What he thought was subtle, Shu Yan caught it all. She had a pretty good idea what this body looked like. It wasn't worth getting upset over. The most important part right now was to go catch the couple in bed.

When she arrived at the hotel, Shu Jianyang was already waiting for her there.

"Ye Zhiqiang just walked inside; there's no rush there. These were what I was able to dig up. You can take a look at them first," said Shu Jianyang as he handed over a few large document envelopes to Shu Yan.

Shu Yan gave him a look and took the envelope from him. Inside the first one, there were documents that showed was all of Ye Zhiqiang's assets. He had a construction company, 4 houses, two trucks, and a sedan under his name. Perhaps, he figured that Shu Yan was ignorant, or that he was simply an over confident man, all of his assets were under his name, making it very easy for Shu Yan.

The other one envelope contained Li Jiaojiao's hospital report. She wasn't even trying to hide anything; she went straight to the People's Hospital. She was 14-weeks pregnant, a little over 3 months. No wonder they were rushing.

"These are some of the pictures that we were able to get. Not a whole lot, but we should be able to get more shortly." Shu Jianyang lifted his chin and gestured Shu Yan to open up the next envelope.

There were pictures of Ye Zhiqiang having dinner with Li Jiaojiao, walking down the streets hand-in-hand, and also shopping for kid's clothes. Ye Zhiqiang hadn't done any of these things with the original owner because he felt that she was not presentable and never wanted anyone to see her.

These pictures alone wouldn't be enough, but she trusted that once they have pictures of them in bed together, the physical evidence would be mounting.

"Is this where they always come to get together?" Shu Yan looked around the hotel. This was not a bad setup for '92. She glanced at the price list, a deluxe room cost $50 a night. $50 in '92 was more than $100 in 2019.

"Ye Zhiqiang bought a house for that woman, and it's currently being remodeled. He has a standing room here and have been staying here for the most part," said Shu Jianyang as he watched Shu Yan's look carefully. She showed no signs of emotions. She had truly given up on this man. Which was not a bad thing. Once she has money, she could.... get married again....

He hesitated for a little bit and decided that he'd viciously blackmail Ye Zhiqiang in a bit. Maybe just like his cousin wanted, he would take him for every penny that he had. Otherwise, it just might be... a little difficult... for her to get remarried.

"Let's go."

The young man who fetched Shu Yan earlier whistled around the corner, and Shu Jianyang patted Shu Yan on her shoulder. The two of them fiercely walked toward room 505 and with a switch kick from Shu Jianyang, the door flew open.

Shu Yan looked at the door that was cracked open and gulped. Third Brother was so heroic.

Those two people were naked in bed together. Ye Zhiqiang was startled by the loud noise.

Shu Yan scanned over his unmentionables and wondered if he would be traumatized by this event.

Ye Zhiqiang turned around and saw Shu Jianyang and Shu Yan behind him. His face was beet red and right when he was about to say something, he heard the sound of shutters clicking. He looked over and saw something taking pictures of them from all sorts of angles.

Li Jiaojiao shrieked and wanted to grab the blanket, but Shu Jianyang's man had already grabbed the blanket and thrown it out of the fifth-floor window along with their clothes, including their underwear.

Shu Yan looked sad, but she was cheerful for the smart boy deep down inside. Good job, little boy. I'll pay you bonus money afterward!

"Stop taking pictures! Do you hear me!" Ye Zhiqiang's eyes were beet red. "Shu Yan, what the hell are you doing?"

He wouldn't believe that Shu Yan had what it took to pull this off, but Shu Jianyang was a whole different story. He turned his head to negotiate with Shu Jianyang. "Third Brother, we had never crossed each other in the past. What's going on between Shu Yan and I is family business. Don't you think you might be overreaching a bit?"

"I was the one who asked Third Brother to help me out," said Shu Yan as she pointed as Li Jiaojiao. "You wanted to divorce me for this wench? You are a horrible monster, Ye Zhiqiang."

"Stop! Stop taking pictures! Oh, Zhiqiang, make them stop!" Li Jiaojiao curled up and covered up her face.

Shu Yan ran over, grabbed Li Jiaojiao by her hair ,and slapped her twice on her face, "Is that why your parents paid for you to go to college? So you can seduce something else's husband? You shameless wench...."

Shu Yan was anxious. She was brought up way too well by her parents from her past life, so she didn't even know how to yell at someone.

Seeing that his Jiaojiao was attacked, Ye Zhiqiang wanted to go and beat up Shu Yan. With a wave of Shu Jianyang's hand, a couple of his men went over and beat up on Ye Zhiqiang.

Li Jiaojiao was pregnant, so Shu Yan didn't want to be too vicious. Slapped her a couple times? Sure. But, she didn't want her to lose her baby. That would turn her into the perpetrator instead of the victim.

"Enough, Shu Yan. Have them stop. We can talk it through like adults." Ye Zhiqiang covered up his head and let out a small cry here and there.

Shu Jianyang's men were professionals. They knew where to hit that would cause the most pain but leave no evidence.

"Third Brother?" Shu Yan looked over at Shu Jianyang. She had asked him for help, and Third Brother had also said that he'd take care of it, so she must look to him to see what his thoughts were.

Shu Jianyang nodded and his two men gave Ye Zhiqiang one final kick before they went back to stand behind Shu Jianyang.

"Okay, since you wanted to talk, then let's talk." Shu Yan looked at Ye Zhiqiang and seeing his painful look, she felt redeemed.

No matter what, they had given him a beating. That was for the original owner.
