Chapter 67 - The orders came in like snowflakes.

While she was there, Shu Yan also asked Lao Hu whether there was a fortune teller around.

"What do you need a fortune teller for?" She didn't look the superstitious type.

"My place's remodeling is completed and I plan to move in by year end. I need to pick a good date to move in." Shu Yan has a look of happiness on her when she talked about her upcoming move.

"Ah, I see. Yes, you should pick a good date for that. I do have someone in mind. Want me to bring you over there now?" Lao Hu congratulated Shu Yan. It didn't matter when and where, moving into a new house always called for celebration.

Shu Yan took a look at the time. It was still early so she went with Lao Hu to meet with the fortune teller. It so happened that that fortune teller's place was right next to Feng Zeyu's. After listening to Shu Yan's ask, the old man touched his fingers and calculated that December 25 on the lunar calendar was the best date for that.

"My friend, too, will be moving on that day. Is there a different date?" Shu Yan had already promised Lin Hui that she'd cook for her that day and she didn't want to go back on her words.

"The 16this not a bad date either. That day, however, is bad for Monkeys. Are there any monkeys (Chinese horoscope) in your family?" asked the old fortune teller.

"No, the 16 this fine. Thank you, Sir." Shu Yan took the red slip of paper from him and ran into Feng Zeyu on her way out.

Feng Zeyu was a bit surprised. He didn't peg Shu Yan as the superstitious type.

"I will be moving soon so I wanted to find a good date for that. Are you just getting off work?" Shu Yan greeted him with a smile.

Feng Zeyu was taken aback. There were others around and Shu Yan talked to him? He frowned a little and acknowledged her question nonchalantly.

Shu Yan was not displeased by his attitude. She understood that he only did that with her best interest in mind.

Smiling slightly, Shu Yan said, "I will take off then."

"You too know each other?" Lao Hu finally asked after there were a distance away.

"Yeah, something happened a while back and he saved me." Shu Yan didn't tell the whole truth as that would not be necessary. Feng Zeyu helping her was the truth.

"He's a nice guy but his reputation was ruined by others." Lao Hu lamented.

"You know that as well?" Shu Yan looked at Lao Hu, surprised.

"Everybody around here know that. He offended someone back then when he saved the girl. Normally speaking, he could still live a semi-decent life after he got out of jail except that someone tried very hard to smear him." Lao Hu looked around and said in a low voice, "Most likely that stepmother of his. Those are his family business so it is difficult for us to get involved."

So there were others who knew of his innocence. Unfortunately, there was someone out there who couldn't just leave him alone. Shu Yan sighed to herself.

"We have worked together for a few times and I think of you as a friend. This doesn't sound good but I have to say it. Even if he had helped you out in the past, I wouldn't suggest that you greet him in the middle of the street. You don't want to get dragged into it." Lao Hu was being vague about it but Shu Yan got what he was trying to say.

Feng Zeyu was a single man and Shu Yan was a woman with two children. Without a husband around, it was easy for her to become the target of gossips.

"Thank you." Shu Yan knew that Lao Huo meant well.

Now that she was already nearby, Shu Yan took a detour to look for Lin Hui and let her know her move-in date.

"Ah, so you went to look for a good date. They've told me 16th and 25thwhen I went as well but I had other engagement on the 16th so I postponed it to the 25th. I bought the house before you and my remodeling completed before you but now you will be moving in before me." Lin Hui teased. Then, she asked, "How many are you planning on inviting that day? We need to see how much food to prepare and will also need kitchenware. You can borrow mine as well."

A housewarming would definitely be necessary since she would be moving into a new place. That being said, Shu Yan didn't know that many people in City Nan. Definitely Hu Ruixue, Lin Hui and family, Wu Xiuyue and family, Lao Zhang and his wife, Lao Hu, and the couple from the hotel. She has this list in mind for a while now. There was one other that she had been hesitating about. Should she invite Feng Zeyu?

"What's the matter? You are still coming up with the list? That's alright, you still have plenty of time to mull over it." Lin Hui thought Shu Yan was still working on her list.

"No, I have an idea. You know that I just moved to City Nan this year and don't really know a lot of people. I have less than 20 people in total, maybe two tables full of guests." Shu Yan thought about it for a little and thought that sounded about right.

"That's good. Do you have a menu for the event? I have one from the past. Would you like a copy?" Lin Hui thought about it quickly. Two table full of guests wouldn't be too difficult.

"Oh, good. That's what I am worrying about." In the past, Shu Yan had always taken people to dine outside and it was easy to order a table full of food. She really had no idea what to order at home.

"Alright then. I'll go grocery shop with you on the morning of the 16th. We will have Xiuyue come and help too. Three of us should be more than enough to handle two table-full of food," said Lin Hui with a smile.

"Not just the three of us. I invited Xiuyue's sister-in-law also and she can help as well. There will be four of us. One of us take care of the rinsing of the vegetables, one take care of the chopping and cutting, and two for the cooking. That should be more than enough." Shu Yan was more worried that there were more people than her kitchen could hold.

"That's great. More people mean less work for everyone." Lin Hui found the menu and handed it over to Shu Yan. "These are the usual dishes that we have here for such events. You can take a look and see if you want to add any special dishes from your region."

"I do know a few major dishes from my region. I'll have you guys try them on the day of." Shu Yan took a look at the menu and got an idea.

"Alright, we will wait for your dishes then," said Lin Hui as she walked Shu Yan out.

Shu Yan told Hu Ruixue that she would be moving on the 16th the very next day and Hu Ruixue immediately offered to help.

"Do you know how to cook?" Shu Yan recalled what it was like when she tried to teach her how to make the sweet soup. It was like a warzone. She didn't want to create more work for herself. It just might be better off for them to not have Hu Ruixue help them out.

Hu Ruixue wasn't unhappy now. "I can at least help with rinsing the vegetables and dishing out the plates." She finally hrumphed when Shu Yan apologized. "You don't need to buy any seafood. I receive too many as gifts and we can't even finish eating them. I will bring some over for you and they will also double as my housewarming gift for you."

Shu Yan saw no reason to turn down her generosity. She gave Hu Ruixue a list and even joked that she should empty out her house for her.

"Shoo, shoo, shoo. You keep that up and I won't give you any of it." Hu Ruixue adjusted her position and said, "There's something else I want to talk to you about. Our commercial is going to be aired tonight?"

"Already? Which channel is it going to be on?" Shu Yan looked at Hu Ruixue. She was pleasantly surprised.

"City Nan Station. It will play tonight. You must watch it on television." Hu Ruixue was very excited too. Tonight would decide the fate of their company.

Shu Yan clapped her hands. "How much inventory do we have?" She understood the power of commercials very well.

"We have about 30,000 sets. That ought to last us for a while." This was the amount that Shu Yan and her had came up with after several discussions.

Truth be told, Lao Zhang was sheer lucky that he happened to run into someone from Taiwan merchandizing and that was the only reason he was able to wholesale the amount that he did.

City Nan Station would be playing the 2-minute version of their commercial during prime time. The house that Shu Yan was renting has a television inside of it. She normally allowed the kids to watch television for an hour over dinner but she turned the television on as soon as she got home today.

Tianbao thought that his mother had forgot and wanted to pretend that he didn't notice it. JingJing was the more honest one and she said, "Mom, you turned the television on too early."

Shu Yan busted out laughing when she turned and saw Tianbao giving his sister a you-are-so-hopeless look. "I didn't turn it on too early. Do you remember Aunty Xue from last time? She has a commercial that will be playing on television tonight and Mommy wants to see it."

Their commercial came on shortly.

The wife had put on her clothes and stood in front of the full-length mirror checking out herself. Her was very discontented about her chubby look in the mirror and, for the same of looking pretty, took off her knitted undergarment. She nodded satisfactorily. Pulling open the door, the wife immediately shivered in a gust of wind.

The husband appeared now, pulled her back inside of the house, and gave her a set of fall winter garment romantically. The wife put them on dubiously. She twirled around in front of the mirror and it didn't look like she had any kind of undergarment on at all. When they left the house, the winter gust had no effect on her. She turned, looked at her husband who also had the same undergarment on, and the two of them exchanged a happy look.

The commercial was a little cliché but, back at this era, this was the first airing of a commercial of this kind. Every woman who saw this commercial fell for it instantly.

Many wives hinted to their husband that their outfit were too clumsy and that they need a set of fall undergarment.

The smart ones would know to get a set for their wives. The ones who didn't catch on immediately were picked at by their wives. All in all, when a woman wanted to find faults with a man, they could always find something.

After being aired on CCTV, the commercial hit all satellite television. All of a sudden, it was as though anyone who watched television at all would have seen this commercial.

Their phone at their company rang off the hook. Calls came in from every location where the commercial was aired.

They thought their inventory was plenty sufficient but their 30,000 sets of fall undergarments were sold out within a day.

"I don't want to listen to excuses. All I need from you is to find out whether we will be able to increase production and how to solve this problem that we have right now," said Hu Ruixue nonchalantly to the manager of the production department as she put down a file.

"We have already started up all of our back up plants and we will be able to produce 30,000 sets a day. But that is still way below demand." China was a very big country and with so many different locations calling in for orders, the production department, too, was under a lot of pressure.

"Haven't we lined out a few other factories to help out as well? What's the situations over there?" Hu Ruixue understood that this was a big problem for the production manager as well. The effect of the commercial had exceeded her expectation as well.

"I have already contacted them. We have already sent over the materials and they should be able to churn out productions shortly. That being said, we are running into shortages from some of our suppliers."

"You don't worry about materials. I'll figure that one out. You just take care of production." Hu Ruixue immediately placed a call to Hu Ruiyang after the production manager had taken off. "Big brother, I need a massive quantity of materials."

"Just contact my assistant. We will arrange to have them send over immediately." Hu Ruiyang had been paying close attention to Hu Ruixue's company. He knew that her company would be successful when he first saw the proposal. He just didn't know it'd be this successful. His sister's company had beco0me a well-known brand within the country in just a few days. As long as they didn't run into any issues in the later stages, their company would be considered as established in the undergarment field.

"Thank you, big brother."

This winter, one would be considered behind their days if they did not possess a set of Xianxue fall undergarment. Especially young girls, if they would still walk outside dressed chubby, they would be talked about behind their backs. Let it be the rich or the poor and those from all ages and walks of life, everybody would have at least one set of Xianxue fall undergarment.

"Have you purchased a set of Xianxue fall undergarment?"

"Yes, of course! A long time ago. They are so comfortable. No wonder their commercials were aired on CCTV."

"I know, right? It wasn't uncomfortable at all to sleep in at night. And they are warm too."

"Exactly. Remember the days when we used to wear knitted tops and pants? Along with our sweater and padded jacket, we all looked like bears. Check it out, you can see my waist now."

"That's because your body is shapely to begin with. My mom said it was too thin before and won't be warm enough. I straight up bought her a set. She said they are warmer than knitted undergarments after she had tried them and bought my dad a set too."

"Knitted undergarments are thick and heavy. And not wind-proof at that. The cold air goes straight through when the wind blows. Of course it is cold. These fall undergarments are much better. Use their thinner set when it's warmer out and the velvet added ones on colder days. I've heard that they will be coming out with a set that has thicker velvet. I am going to buy a set of those when they come out for the snowing days."

Conversations like that took place all over and orders came into Yanxue like snowflakes.

Shu Yan, too, went to help out at the company to liaised with the bigger customers. Usually she'd take them to their direct sales shop after they had chatted.

"This is our direct sales shop. We do more than just fall undergarments. We also do casual wear and underwear. You can check out the styles and quality." That was right. The other plan for their company was to look for franchise on chained shops.
