Chapter 66 - "Just keep an eye out for me."

Now that she was aware of Hu Ruixue's situation at home, Shu Yan couldn't let her take care of everything at the office. She needed to chip in and take over what she could.

"Duoduo needs you to spend more time with her. Let me know how I can help with the work around the office. I will help at best I can," said Shu Yan.

"It's alright. I've hired an expert at home to stay with Duoduo. And my mother helps out as well. You don't need to worry about that. That sweet soup, thought, I don't know what it is but Duoduo doesn't like it when I make them." Hu Ruixue made the same sweet soup that Shu Yan did but Duoduo would only have a couple sips and wouldn't want any more.

"I've tried it last time you made them. It tastes just like mine!" It tasted almost exactly the same as the one that Shu Yan made. Shu Yan was baffled.

Hu Ruixue couldn't figure that out either. Perhaps Duoduo has a very strong sense for taste and could tell the a very subtle difference between the two.

"Okay, then. Why don't we do this. I make lunch for JingJing in the morning anyway. I'll make a sweet soup and bring it over so you can bring it home to your daughter." Shu Yan had resumed making lunch for JingJing. It was no big deal to make a sweet soup on top of that.

"That's too much trouble."

"What trouble? I am cooking anyway." Shu Yan put the documents down and looked at the fabric samples that was sent to them. There were all kind of fabrics but more elastic ones will be better for fall outfits."

The commercial was already done and Hu Ruixue and Shu Yan went to look at the edited versions. There was a total of three of them. One was 5 minutes in length, one was 2 minutes, and the condensed one was 20 seconds in length.

"What do you think? Any questions?" Hu Ruixue crossed her arms in front of herself, looked over at Shu Yan and asked.

Basically her ideas had been conveyed, especially in the two longer versions. They were very well done.

"What do you think about repeating our brand name three times at the end of the condensed version?"

"What do you mean?"

"This very last sentence, repeat it three times." Shu Yan recalled seeing a commercial like that before. It was only 5~6 seconds in length with no fluff in the content. All it did was repeat the brand name and the factory name three times. Shu Yan heard it in passing once and it left a lasting impression.

Hu Ruixue immediately repeated their request to the responsible party at the advertisement agency and have him create one more version per Shu Yan's request.

Repeating the last sentence wasn't as artistic as it was before but it certainly made their brand name very memorable. Anyone who has seen it once could more or less remember them.

"That doesn't look very good," said the director of the commercial in a low voice.

"It's fine. I like it." Hu Ruixue decided to use that version. It was not a television show; artistic did not matter here. Their purpose was for everyone who watched the commercial to remember their brand.

They have spoken with CCTV a few times but they rejected the 5-minute version, not even during the non-prime time. Somehow, Hu Ruixue was able to talk them into accepting the 2-minute-long version for 2 weeks. Then they must swap to the 20-second one.

"Two weeks? That's not too bad." That was pretty good. It was, after all, CCTV. Truth was, even if it was just the 20-second one and even if it was just for a day, Shu Yan would be able to print that it had been advertised on CCTV on their boxes.

The public had a lot of faith in the government and everything that has the government's mark of approval. With these few words, their fall outfit would jump up a few tiers.

"Mmm. CCTV is different, after all. Our 2-minute version will be aired on all major satellite television channels during the non-prime hours and the 20-second one during prime time. We have also reached out to some local television stations and they will be airing the 5-minute version during prime time. We are covering about half of China." Hu Ruixue didn't sound fully content. "I was hoping to play the 5-minute version during prime time. Too bad we couldn't pull that one off."

That was just nonsense. The entire advertisement period was between five to eight minutes long during prime time, which was the same length as their entire commercial. Of course they would agree to it.

"What about the cost?" Shu Yan only knew that CCTV costed 5 million yuan. She had no idea about the others.

"CCTV costs 5 million yuan. The rest aren't too bad. All of them combined is another 12 million yuan or so," said Hu Ruixue nonchalantly.

That cost well exceeded Shu Yan's original budget. That being said, how else could they expect results without putting in the appropriate amount of investment? Shu Yan had a prior conversation with Hu Ruixue about their capital. The company had taken out a 5-million-yuan loan along with their 200 million yuan of initial investment. That's a total of 700 million yuan. That was still enough for the time being. If they really needed more, Hu Ruixue could increase her share of the investment and decrease Shu Yan's share of ownership.

That may have been their agreement but Hu Ruixue wasn't really planning on decreasing Shu Yan's share. If that was her intention, she wouldn't have given Shu Yan such a big share to begin with.

"Okay, the planner of the commercial. We are going to air this for real if everything looks okay to you." Hu Ruixue took another look at the commercial. This was for sure a commercial that had never been seen before.

"Yep. I'm good. How soon till we start seeing this commercial on television?" Once the commercial was being aired, they would also need to up their production. "How are we doing on the factory end?"

"The expansion has been completed and all of the machines are ready to go. We have hired a new batch of employees in addition to the original crew. They are ready to officially start tomorrow. As for production, if we run all the machines, we should be able to crank out almost 10,000 sets a day." Hu Ruixue had already acquired all of the smaller factories around them.

Then that shouldn't be a problem. They were all set and just waiting for the commercial to air. That was when they would find out how their company was really doing.

When things were settled over on this end, Shu Yan went to check on the progress of the direct sale shop. The overall remodeling had already been completed and they just needed to take care of some of the fine tuning.

She went over to her own shop and the two new salespersons greeted her passionately.

She asked Zhang Huaxiu at the end of closing that night, "How are the two new employees?"

"They work hard and take initiatives. Mainly, they have good attitudes. I don't see them being impatient even when the customers try on multiple sets of clothes." Zhang Huaxiu liked the two new employees a lot. They were reserved, hardworking, and driven.

They had both been let go from the factories just this year. Both of them were between the ages of 35 – 40. That was the most awkward age range with the most pressure. They had parents and children and it was difficult for them to find work. As such, they were usually very hard workers when given a chance.

Both Hu Ruixue and Shu Yan had been housewives before and had first-hand experiences at this job that might seem easy but was nowhere close to it. As such, they tend to give people in this category a chance when they were hiring. That being said, whether they could make the best out of the opportunity, that was up to the individuals themselves. After all, they were running a business here and profits were important.

"That's good to hear. Post another wanted sign in the next couple of days. They will be starting across the street soon so we should hire a couple more over here." Shu Yan felt that it was too much work for just the two of them right now.

"I don't think we need to add any more workers right now. Xiuxiu and I can handle it," replied Zhang Huaxiu.

"Yeah, we can handle it." Xiuxiu, too, chimed in from one side.

Truth was, Zhang Huaxiu didn't care one way or another. Her commission was based on the shop's total sale. She was truly saying that with Shu Yan's best interest in mind. Yingying, on the other hand, wasn't in the same boat. With just her, even when Zhang Huaxiu and her teamed up to sell some items, Zhang Huaxiu would put the sale under her name. Right now, she has very high performance. With an added employee, her sales would go down and that was all money they were talking about.

"I won't have much time to come over here going forward. I have other matters to attend to and we will be having promotional activities during year end. You sure you two can handle it?" Shu Yan said to Zhang Huaxiu. "If we end up losing customers because we couldn't handle the flow then, I am going to hold you, not anyone else, accountable."

Zhang Huaxiu stunned for a little bit then smiled and said, "I understand. What I was thinking is that school is about to let out for winter vacation. Can we hire a few temporary workers instead? Push comes to shove, we can hire more then. There are many out there looking for work right now."

Many lost their jobs at the factories this year so there were a lot of people who were looking for work. They would have a lot of applicants as soon as they post the help wanted advertisement.

"Winter vacation? They might want to go home for the new year." Shu Yan felt that that might be a bit difficult.

"We can mention that upfront and there will be local applicants as well." Zhang Huaxiu felt that it would not be a problem.

Zhang Huaxiu said she has a cousin studying at City Nan University and she could find out more from her. Shu Yan decided to let Zhang Huaxiu handle this and leave it all up to her.

Finishing up her books, Shu Yan collected her money and went home. She swung by the grocery market on her way home and finished the preparation for dinner. It was still early in time so she laid down to take a nap. Turned out she wasn't able to fall asleep at all and felt very uncomfortable lying down.

Sometimes it just wasn't meant to be. When she was busy, she wanted to rest. When she finally got a chance to lay down, she felt uncomfortable all over. Shu Yan sighed and sat back up. Yep, all she was missing was a cellphone. She could otherwise spend all day laying down.

She decided, instead, to get up and go look for Lao Hu. She was lucky. Lao Hu was just returning when she arrived at his place.

"Hey there, Boss Shu. Long time no see." Lao Hu broke out into a big smile when he saw Shu Yan.

"Yeah, it has been a while. I need some more help from you again," said Shu Yan with a smile.

"My pleasure." Lao Hu invited Shu Yan inside and poured her a glass of water. "What do you want to buy or find out this time?"

"I've heard that demolition is about to take place over at the Xiaonanmen area?" Shu Yan cut straight to the chase.

"Em... yeah, I have heard about it as well but nothing definitive yet." Lao Hu did not want to make any promises. Anything thing could happen until an official announcement was made.

The reason that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer is exactly because that the rich has more information whereas the commoners don't. He already knew the area that was going to have demolition. All he needed to do was to buy any one of the houses and wait till the demolition time to make a big amount. Yet that usually call for a lumpsum that a normal person couldn't even make in a lifetime.

"Why? You are interested in buying as well?" Lao Hu pondered for a little bit and said, "I'm afraid it's too late already. Many of them over in Xiaonanmen had caught wind of it as well. Everybody is waiting for the demolition to take place. Nobody will be selling right now."

Then it was too late. Shu Yan, however, wasn't too disappointed. Mainly she had received a large sum of money from Lao Zhang recently and didn't want to just keep it in the bank so she thought she could come and see what Lao Hu have to say.

"That's fine. Just keep an eye out for me and let me know if anyone is interested in selling."
