Chapter 92 - "I am glad you thought of me."

Zhang Huaxiu looked better after a couple days of rest. Shu Yan made sure she was feeling alright before she allowed her back at work.

"Let me know if you feel any discomfort. Don't just try to bear it through. Nothing is more important than the baby in your belly right now." Many people thought they could just bear it through for work. She didn't want to be responsible if anything happened to the child.

"I know. I will let you know if I don't feel well." After a slight hesitation, Zhang Huaxiu said to Shu Yan, "I feel that Ling-jie is quite good. She isn't a strong salesperson but that can be worked on."

Ling-jie is the salesperson that was slightly older. She was reliable and attentive. She was the one who had been running the shop during Zhang Huaxiu's absence and had not made any mistake.

"Do you plan on quitting after you have your child?" This was important for Shu Yan to know. She would need to plan ahead if Zhang Huaxiu did not intend to keep on working.

Zhang Huaxiu wanted to keep working. Now that she was familiar with it, the work wasn't tiring plus the pay was excellent. She didn't want to give it up. That being said, but she worried that she may not be able to handle it when she was more along her pregnancy plus she would need time off after the baby came. What was she going to do then?

Shu Yan could tell from her look that she liked the job very much and said to her, "I have mentioned it to you before already. If you want to work, then keep working. I'll give you three-month maternity. Don't worry too much. Worrying too much is not good for the child."

Perhaps because she had taken a 5-day break and then discovering that Ling-jie was quite good at what she did, Zhang Huaxiu felt a bit threatened and panic.

Shu Yan had already thought about this when Zhang Huaxiu and Chen Fei got married. At their age, they would be thinking about having children as soon as they get married. Shu Yan figured that she could stand in for a little while but she had not expected Yanxue to expand so quickly. But it was fine. She'd just promote Ling-jie to deputy store manager and had her stood in for a while. If she was competent, Shu Yan could recommend her to become the store manager for their underwear shop.

Now that Zhang Huaxiu was pregnant, Shu Yan told her to avoid any heavy lifting and have the sales people under her take care of inventory, etc. She could still sell clothes. She didn't need to be coddled to that point. If she couldn't even do that, then there would be no point in her coming in to work.

Now that Zhang Huaxiu was back, Shu Yan no longer needed to stay in the shop all day long. Shu Yan planned to go and visit Hu Ruixue now that she was back.

Hu Ruixue was very emotional when she saw Shu Yan. "Duoduo... Duoduo called me mom yesterday when she saw me. She called me mom." Hu Ruixue cried with her hands over her face.

Shu Yan patted her lightly on her shoulder and put her arms around her. This woman had tried very hard to appear strong and confident but she was fragile inside.

"That's a good thing that Duoduo was able to call you mom. She will get better and better from this point forward." Shu Yan, too, was happy that Duoduo was improving. It was very unfortunate that she could not be cured.

Hu Ruixue lost control of herself and cried into Shu Yan's chest.

"I'm sorry you have to see that," said Hu Ruixue, sniffling. She broke into a smile and said, "I'm just too emotional, being able to hear Duoduo calls me mom in this life time. I..." Having said that, she started crying once again.

Even Shu Yan felt the urge to cry when she saw that.

"She will get better and better. I came today to talk to you that as our company expands, we will need to go on business trips more often. My thought is to do that as little as possible and spend more time with our children. At the very minimum, only one of us will go at any given time. What do you think?"

 Never mind that Duoduo would need a lot of attention from Hu Ruixue, JingJing and Tianbao also needed to have Shu Yan by their sides. She couldn't just pawn it all off onto the nanny.

"That is my thought as well." Hu Ruixue started to calm down slowly. Her eyes red and her hair messy. If it wasn't Shu Yan but a man in the house, there would probably be some rumors. "The expert talked to me yesterday that I should try and spend more time with Duoduo. As such, I would like to delegate more of my work. There is always more money to be earned but only one chance to be with your child when they grow up."

"My thought as well. We have already made plenty of money. It isn't like we need a lot for food." Their company's net assets were already over 100 million yuan. Even half of that was still 25 million yuan for each of them. They could easily purchase dozens of houses and never had to worry about money again for the rest of their lives.

"Right. But we still need to make more," said Hu Ruixue as she chuckled.

With Duoduo's condition, she would not be able to take care of herself her whole life. The only way for her to have a decent life is to have more money than most. Hu Ruixue couldn't predict how long she would live. Nobody could predict the future. She didn't know when she will die so she needed to make sure that Duoduo would be able to live a good life after she was gone.

"We've been talking about taking the kids out for a while now but still hadn't done that yet. Let's go when the weather is nicer in a couple of days." Shu Yan felt that she had failed JingJing and Tianbao. That being said, the weather was part of it as well. This was an odd year and that it had been raining nonstop for an entire month. They weren't able to go out even if they had wanted to.

Shu Yan went to pick up her children at 3 PM. Aunty had taken the day off and wouldn't be back till tomorrow.

"Mom!" Tianbao ran up happily when he saw Shu Yan.

"Be careful. Don't fall," said Shu Yan as she picked up Tianbao's little hand.

"You haven't come pick me up in a long time, Mom." Tianbao was very happy.

Shu Yan stroked his head and the two of them went to pick up JingJing. They ran into Mother Zhang who was there picking up her grandson.

"Ah, you are picking your kids up yourself today?"

"Yeah, Aunty has the day off so I came myself." Shu Yan took a look at the dispirited Zhang Chenghan. "What happened?"

"It's his birthday today and he wanted his mom and dad to take him to that KFC. His dad had to work overtime and his mom, as you know, has been so busy that we have to bring her meals to her." Mother Zhang shook her head. Her daughter-in-law was making a lot of money now but they hadn't seen her in a long time.

Shu Yan was taken aback a little. "She has been that busy?"

She figured that Wu Xiuyue's shop made about four to five hundred or five to six hundred sales a month. She shouldn't be so busy that she didn't even have time to eat.

"Yes, very busy. She had promotional activity lately and has been gone all day lately." Mother Zhang was happy about that. She hoped that her son and daughter-in-law could live in a big house also. The house would more likely to happen if Wu Xiuyue could make money.

Promotional activity? It's not New Year or any festivals lately. Why was she doing promotional activity?

Shu Yan wasn't sure. She planned on checking with Zhang Huaxiu later.

When Shu Yan woke up to go to the bathroom that night, she went to check on her two children. JingJing was sound asleep. Shu Yan merely glanced at her and closed the room door again. Tianbao's blanket had been kicked off. Shu Yan walked over and saw that his little face was beet red. She touched him and he was burning up.

"Tianbao, Tianbao..."

"Mom, I feel awful. I am so hot..." Tianbao sounded like a kitten. His voice was hoarse.

Shu Yan quickly ran over to the living room and found the thermometer. 39.6 degrees. That was high. She must take him to the hospital.

The two children were like little tigers normally and had never been sick before. Now that Tianbao was sick, Shu Yan panicked. She ran in and out multiple times and had no idea why she did that.

She looked at the time. It was 1 AM. The road from there to the hospital was not very populated still and Shu Yan didn't feel comfortable going alone. Aunty was there either. For some odd reasons, Feng Zeyu popped into her mind.

"Hello," came Feng Zeyu's slightly hoarse voice from the other end of the phone.

"It's me. Tianbao is runny a high fever. I want to take him to the hospital but I won't be able to get a ride at this hour."

"Wait for me. I'll be right over." Feng Zeyu put on his pants, grabbed his jacket and was on his way out the door.

After hanging up on the call, Shu Yan gave Tianbao some fever-reducing drugs before she fetched some rubbing alcohol and rubbed them in his armpit and the inside of his elbow. Slowly, his temperature seemed to have gone down a little. She checked his temperature again, 39.4 degrees. He was slightly cooler than before. Shu Yan continued to rub alcohol on him.

When the doorbell rang, Shu Yan went and checked. She opened the door after she confirmed that it was Feng Zeyu standing outside.

"Where's the kid?"

"On the couch. I was rubbing alcohol on him to cool him down. I'll bring him out."

"No need. You go change. I'll get Tianbao." Feng Zeyu walked past Shu Yan and helped Tianbao into his clothes.

Shu Yan looked down on herself and blushed immediately. Her company had launched a new style of silk sleepwear. Narrow shoulder straps on the inside and a robe on the outside. It was particularly sexy. Hu Ruixue forced her to take three sets home with her and she happened to have the bright one set on today. The sash on her robe had loosened when she was running in and out and the straps were... very seductive.

She quickly grabbed on tightly to her jacket and dashed back into her room to change. If she wasn't so worried about her son, she would be too embarrassed to leave the house right now.

Shu Yan woke JingJing up before she headed over to the hospital. She didn't want her to worry when she woke up and they were gone.

"Tianbao is running a fever and Mom is going to take him to the hospital. You go back to sleep. If Aunty is still not here tomorrow morning, you can have some milk and bread from the refrigerator then go to school with Aunty Lin Hui."

"Okay, I will," said JingJing docilely.

Truth was, JingJing had been awake since the moment that Feng Zeyu had rang their doorbell. She just never made a noise. Seeing her mother out and the tall and big Uncle Fang carefully holding Tianbao in his arms as he waiting for her mother by the door, JingJing couldn't help but compared him with her own father. In her memory, her father had never once smiled at her mother. He was always yelling at her mother. He scolded her mother often, and her as well. His look? She suddenly realized that she couldn't recall what her father looked like. She took another look at Feng Zeyu. Would he become her new father? And, if so, would he be nice to her and her little brother?

Shu Yan had no idea what was going through JingJing's little head. She quickly turned to JingJing before she closed the door and said, "Hurry up and go back to sleep. Aunty Lin Hui is right across from us. You go to her if you need anything. Don't be scared."

"I know, Mom. You hurry and go."

After they had arrived at the hospital and told the doctor what was happening, the doctor took Tianbao's temperature again.

"39.5 degree, a little higher than when you took it. We will need to give him IV fluid. You can carry your child and Daddy can go pay." The doctor quickly wrote out a note and handed it over to Feng Zeyu.

Shu Yan quickly took the note from him and said, "I will go pay. I..."

"Let your husband go. There are more I need to tell you," said the doctor with a frown.

Shu Yan was just about to explain when Feng Zeyu took the note. "You stay here. The doctor needs to talk to you still."

Shu Yan cocked her head and looked at him. When she saw that his ears were all read, her heart, too, skipped a beat. "Okay. You go then."

Once the IV was going, Tianbao's temperature began to come down and he no longer complained about feeling awful.

"Let me help you carry him for a while. You had been carrying him for quite a while now." Feng Zeyu had taken Tianbao from him since he had returned and wouldn't let Shu Yan carried him even when she asked.

"It's alright. It's not tiring." Feng Zeyu patted Tianbao, who had stirred. His motion was particularly gentle, even the way he looked at him was gentle.

Shu Yan was taken aback a little when she saw that. He would be a good father when he was one. She looked down at Tianbao. Unfortunately, he was not the father of these two children.

"You get some rest on the chair. I'll let you know when we are done," said Feng Zeyu to Shu Yan.

"No, I... called you over in the middle of the night..." How could she go rest before him.

Feng Zeyu's lips curved upward slightly. "I am very happy."


"I am very happy that you thought of me at times like this."
