Chapter 55 - Dinner

Shu Yan wanted to invite Feng Zeyu to walk with her but he disappeared from here again shortly thereafter.

At first Shu Yan thought he did that for the sake of catching the bad guys. Just like someone going fishing, and she was the bait being used to lure out the kidnappers. Now she realized that wasn't the case at all, when they weren't nearby City Nan University, he'd respond to her when she greeted him; when they were nearby City Nan University, she almost didn't see him at all or, if she did, he would act like they were strangers to each other.

She figured that Feng Zeyu didn't want his bad reputation to also taint her.

Shu Yan walked over to the kindergarten with her head lowered. Her child was still in the after-class section. It would be another 20 minutes or so; so she decided to take a detour and to check out her new place.

All of the remodeling has been completed, including furniture and appliances. As she had decided on using the developer's team for the remodeling, they gave Shu Yan a discount, totaling to 10,000 yuan. Shu Yan had looked up the prices for this time period. Bricks were 0.12 yuan and cement were 7 yuan. Pipes and cables were reasonable as well. Most importantly, the labor between now and the future were drastic. She recalled her family having a remodeling in 2018. Labor for carpenters and electricians were up to 300 yuan a day. Helpers cost 150 yuan. And that was not including beverages and cigarettes. Nowadays, technical workers only cost 15 yuan a day and helpers, 8 yuan.

The remodeling cost her 10,000 yuan because she had three in-wall closets made plus an additional storage room in the living room. In addition, she also had the patio and the two bathrooms altered, which added significantly to the cost.

Shu Yan had picked out the appliances herself with the designer at the remodeling company. She had, therefore, received a steep discount using their name. But, even so, appliances were expensive back then and a refrigerator, a coloured television, a washer, plus four air-conditioning units came out to be 20,000 yuan. Costing more than the remodeling.

Nothing she could do. Appliances were luxurious items back in these days. Many families still had black-and-white televisions. Take Wu Xiuyue's family as an example, they only had a 10" black-and-white television. Lin Hui's family was more well off and have a coloured television but they still didn't have a washer. They only have one air-conditioning unit inside of the master bedroom and that was already very luxurious by today's standard. Someone as rich and imposing as Shu Yan was uncommon.

She bought her furniture through connections of Chen Fei. They were said to be made out of redwood. Shu Yan had only heard of them but never seen them in person before. She trusted that Chen Fei would not try to scam her. Redwood furniture could keep their value. She needed furniture one way or another so she bought them. Shu Yan bought a set of redwood dinner table set, a couch, a television stand, a coffee table, three desks, a bookshelf, two dressing tables all at once and that cost her 18,000 yuan.

Chen Fei said the master who made these still adopted the traditional method and their workmanship was of superior quality. He'd only sell them to those with referrals. Shu Yan didn't understand any of these. The only thing that she could tell was whether they were pretty. The flowers and birds that he carved all looked lifelike and retro, so she bought them.

Chen Fei also referred her to buy her beds. A bed cost upward of 2,000 yuan but it was very comfortable. Shu Yan felt that a person could easily spend half of their life in bed so a good one was very important. She thought about getting kid's beds for her two children but finally gave up on that idea and got them the standard 1.5-meter ones.

This house plus remodeling cost 500,000 yuan; 550,000 yuan counting appliances, bed, and other miscellaneous items.

That was a lot of money spent but Shu Yan felt that it was worth it. Never mind about the appreciation that would come with this house, but mainly she'd be comfortable living in it. She was certain that she would not be moving again anytime soon and would stay here for at least another ten to twenty years, or possibly even the rest of her life.

The weather report said there would be rain tonight. Shu Yan closed the windows, checked around the house, before she turned the lights off and left. She ran into Zhang-jie in the elevator. Shu Yan had been here quite a few times but had never run into her before.

"You've moved in already, Zhang-jie?" Shu Yan could see that she was carrying a lot of used daily necessities with her.

"Guess what? I have relatives who came to visit. There is just not enough room in the house so I have my husband stay over at the new place for a night with the child." Talking about her relatives, Zhang-jie pursed her lips. "They are very distant relatives, but would always come and stay over at my place whenever they visit City Nan. She gets to save room and board but it is such a hassle for my family."

People tend to be frugal during this time and would usually stay over at their relatives in anyone was there locally. Shu Yan was sure that many people, however, would bring gifts when they do. They'd never go empty-handed. That being said, from Zhang-jie's perspective, when relatives from her home town come to visit, she would at least need to cook a few extra dishes and set up the bed. Her place wasn't big to begin with, so it made sense that she would grumble.

But that was not her place to comment on it. Shu Yan only give her an awkward smile and said, "Your remodeling is already done?"

If she remembered it correctly, the two of them bought their houses around the same time. Did she have the job rushed also?

"Yeah, it doesn't take that long to remodel. Just to hook up the water and electricity and have the wall painted, right?" Speaking of, Zhang-jie asked Shu Yan, "I saw that you have remodeling, big screen colored television, refrigerator, and air-conditioning. You must have spent a lot."

"It was alright." Shu Yan didn't like others prying about that. "The elevator is here. I need to go pick up my kids. We will talk later."

"Okay, you go get busy." After the elevator doors had closed, Zhang-jie couldn't help but grumbled, "So many electronic appliances. Those must have cost her at least $20,000. Tsk tsk. She's so rich."

After picking up Tianbao, Shu Yan turned around and took a look. She did not see Feng Zeyu but she was sure that he was nearby.

"Mom, what are you looking at?"

"Nothing, let's go. Let's go pick up your sister." Shu Yan paid close attention the entire time and finally spotted Feng Zeyu when they arrived at the market. Shu Yan stopped. "JingJing, do you see that uncle over there?"

"The uncle who looks mean but was a hero?" JingJing has very good memory plus Feng Zeyu's face was also very memorable.

Shu Yan smiled. "That's the one. You go tell him to go pick up an item in the flower bed outside of our district in a little bit."

JingJing gave Shu Yan a look before she pitter pattered over without asking her anything.


This was the first time Feng Zeyu interacted with a girl her age. He felt a bit awkward. "Hi."

"My mom asked you to pick up something in the flower bed outside of our district in a little bit." Having said that, she ran back over to where Shu Yan was.

She made braised pork, cola chicken wings, celery and squid, and a tofu dish. After she was done, Shu Yan started placing some of them inside a lunchbox. After she was done boxing the food, she had the children started eating before she walked over to the flower bed outside of her district with the lunchbox in hand. There weren't a lot of people there. She placed the lunchbox inside of the grass and looked around. She didn't see Feng Zeyu anywhere. Did he not come?

Then she spotted Feng Zeyu strolled out casually. He didn't walk over to her as though he was merely letting her know that he was there.

After Shu Yan had left, Feng Zeyu casually pulled out what Shu Yan had left inside of the flower bed. It was warm food and rice along with a bag of rinsed fruits. His hand that was hold onto the bag tightened a little and a warm sensation washed over him.

"You are back?" An old lady walked out from the house. When she saw Feng Zeyu, she smiled and said to him, "Have some dinner. I'll go heat them up for you."

"That's alright, Grandma. I've brought food home with me," said Feng Zeyu as he walked over to lend support to the old lady.

This is the sister-in-law of the old lady who had shown Shu Yan the place. She was younger than that old lady but, as she had received a series of bad news one after another, she had aged a lot over a very short period of time. She was only in her seventies but she looked like she was in her eighties.

"You brought home food?" The old lady helped him take the lunchbox out of the bag. When she saw the food inside, she took a look at Feng Zeyu and said with a smile. "They look good. She must be a very virtuous person."

Feng Zeyu thought about Shu Yan. She was, indeed, a kind a virtuous person.

The old lady did not ask too many questions but returned to the house to go to bed. Others said that Feng Zeyu became her grandson for her house. They didn't know anything. The old lady was ill and needed medications every month. The supplements she received from the government every month did not cover the cost of the medicines and they were all paid for by Feng Zeyu. He also bought her clothes and other necessities and took good care of her. He was even better to her than her own grandchildren were. Plenty of times he wanted to explain to others but she was stopped by Xiao Yu. How unlucky of him, to have such awful parents and a stepmother who couldn't stand to see him well. Now he wasn't able to find himself a wife. She hoped that the one who cooked for him was a single woman. The old lady could go in peace if Xiao Yu could find himself a wife.

Other the other end, Shu Yan had already finished having dinner, cleaned up, bathed Tianbao, and bathed with JingJing. The three of them played for a while in bed and were ready to turn in.

Shu Yan noticed that ever since she came to this world, with the exception of the days she needed to go merchandizing, she'd be in bed by 10 PM at the latest and get up at 6 AM. It did feel a lot better going to bed and getting up early.

There were certainly benefits not having cellphone or computers. She was forced to go to bed early. Shu Yan pinched her hand. Another day that she missed her cellphone. Go to bed. Perhaps she could dream about it.

She wanted to buy breakfast for Feng Zeyu as well but she didn't see him in the morning. Shu Yan waited for Feng Zeyu purposefully when she got out of the bus.

"I am going to have lunch with a friend today and I should be safe. I'll leave dinner inside of the flowerbed again tonight. Don't forget to pick it up." Having said that, Shu Yan turned and left.

Shu Yan had given Hu Ruixue a call after she returned from merchandizing yesterday and arranged for a lunch date with her.

She thought it was going to be a simple lunch but Hu Ruixue brought up working together again.

"I asked to work together before and you said you have no time or energy. Welp, then you turned around and partnered with someone else," said Hu Ruixue with feigned anger.

"That is different. My partnership with Lao Zhang is just temporary. These fall tops and pants involved no technical skills. They will be all over within a week. I am just making a few quick bucks." Shu Yan had planned to pull out when the profit diminished.

"Yes, just a few quick bucks the way you were doing it. But haven't you noticed a much bigger market?" Hu Ruixue knew that the fall outfits would be super popular the minute that she saw them. "I looked for you this time to establish an undergarment brand with you. We will focus on undergarments and fall outfits. We won't need too much investment at the early stage. What do you say?"

"We can throw pajamas in there as well," said Shu Yan.

"I know you have a flexible brain. What a bummer that you family didn't send you to school before." Hu Ruixue revisited the same subject. "Just give me the words. Are we partnering up or not?"
