Chapter 139 - "I sure hope they would know better than have any ideas."

After dishes were done, Shu Yan poured out a couple of red wine, went over to the patio, and handing it over to Feng Zeyu.

 It was still a bit rural around them and they couldn't see any other lights. They could, however, see a sky full of stars. That was a scene that could not be seen in City Nan dozens of years from now.

Under the starry night, the two randomly chitchatted. Shu Yan's cheeks were red and she was already a little drunk.

Feng Zeyu could hold his alcohol but he wasn't intoxicated from the alcohol right now; he was intoxicated from the person. He looked at Shu Yan and fished out a jewelry case from his right pocket.

"Happy birthday."

"Haven't I already received my birthday gift?" She thought the flowers, the cake, and the meal that Feng Zeyu had prepared for her was already her birthday present.

"Of course not. Open it up and see if you like it." Feng Zeyu took a sip and was a little nervous.

Shu Yan's heart pounded when she took the jewelry case over. Could it be a ring? They had only known each other for a little over a year. Would they be rushing it if she was to accept Feng Zeyu's proposal now? 

Would her children be alright with that? Opening up the jewelry case, it was a very pretty diamond necklace inside. Shu Yan couldn't quite describe her feelings right now. Perhaps she was a little bit bummed.

"Let me help you put it on."

Shu Yan had already had two glasses of red wine and, when she was about to have her third, Feng Zeyu stopped her.

"You really will be drunk if you drink any more and you will get a headache tomorrow."

Looking at Feng Zeyu, Shu Yan stroked the pendant and chuckled, "Earlier you...... I had thought It was a ring inside and that you will get down on one knee and propose to me when I open it up."

Feng Zeyu felt that he needed to explain himself when he heard Shu Yan said that.

"I'm a silly person and don't know anything about a pleasant surprise. I even went to consult a friend what to do for your birthday. He told me that I should laid down flowers in front of our office building on this day and propose to you. 

Truth be told, I was very tempted to do so but I worry be too abrupt and that it will scare you. Yanyan, I like you. I mean I really, really like you. I very much wish that you can be my wife but I don't want to put any pressure on you."

Shu Yan looked at him and her eyes sparkled. "If you like me so much and want me to be your wife so badly, then why aren't you proposing right now?"

Feng Zeyu looked at Shu Yan happily and got down on one knee. He pulled out another jewelry box from his right pocket. Inside was a ring that was a set with her necklace.

"I thought you said you weren't going to propose, so where did this ring come from?" Shu Yan felt that she had been tricked. Even her head had cleared up some.

"I did mention that I was very tempted at his suggestion so...... I couldn't help but buy the ring also when I was shopping for your birthday gift. I figured it will come in handy one day even if it isn't today." Feng Zeyu got down on one knee and looked at her sincerely. 

"Yanyan, I am not one who is good with words. I, Feng Zeyu, solemnly promise that Shu Yan will be the only woman that I will be fond of in this lifetime and I will treat the two children as though they are my own. Will you marry me?"

Shu Yan chuckled and reached her hand out. "Alright, I guess I will marry you then."

Feng Zeyu put the ring on Shu Yan with his hands shaking.

Both of them were a bit dazed when they woke up the next morning. Shu Yan didn't think that she would have said what she said and Feng Zeyu didn't think that he really had proposed and that Shu Yan had said yes.

The two exchanged a look and Shu Yan pulled the blanket over her head. Alcohol always causes troubles! How could she be that drunk from just a few sips of red wine??

"What? Are you regretting about it now?" Feng Zeyu pulled the blanket off of her and asked nervously.

Shu Yan glared at him and said, "Hurry up and get ready. Aren't we heading over to old grandma's place today?"

She had already said yes so what was there to regret about. She was at most...... a little vexed.

Besides, getting married is always a rush act. Anyone who thinks about it rationally will probably never get married.

Feng Zeyu's mouth cracked open like a fool.

The two had had intimate relationships a few times already but this was the first time that Feng Zeyu had stayed over at Shu Yan's place. The two children, sitting at the dinner table, watched the two of them exited Shu Yan's room one after the other and both had curiosity in their eyes.

Being looked at by the two children, Shu Yan's old face blushed. She gave Feng Zeyu a stare and said, "Have you two eaten yet?"

"Yes, we have eaten and are about to leave for school." JingJing looked at Feng Zeyu and Shu Yan back and forth. "I am going to take off with Tianbao now. You and Daddy Fang hurry up and eat."

Shu Yan and Feng Zeyu finally turned and looked at each other after the kids were gone and the door was closed.

"Did JingJing call you Daddy Fang earlier?" Tianbao had been calling Feng Zeyu Daddy for a while now but JingJing had always used Uncle Fang. Shu Yan had never interfered with how JingJing referred to Feng Zeyu. To an adult, it might just be a term. But the referral was very meaningful to a child.

Feng Zeyu's little heart pounded. "Yes, JingJing called me Daddy Fang."

Shu Yan gave a smile. It looked like the kids had truly accepted Feng Zeyu. That was, doubtless, the best birthday present for Shu Yan.

Feng Zeyu dropped Shu Yan off her office after the two enjoyed breakfast happily.

Hu Ruixue, who had good eyes, saw the ring on Shu Yan's finger right away and teased. "Feng Zeyu finally learned and knew to prepare surprise gifts for you on your birthday?"

"Like heck he did." Shu Yan couldn't help but cuss when that was brought up. "He wasn't going to take it out at first. I had to hint at it." Then she told Hu Ruixue the story.

"That's quite nice of him." And Hu Ruixue truly felt that way about Feng Zeyu. He was not rash, nor presumptuous.

"Yeah. Truth be told, had he really lined the ground outside of the office with roses and proposed to me yesterday, I think there will be more shock than pleasantness."

Her situation was different than other women. She had been divorced once and had two children. Had Feng Zeyu proposed to her in front of so many people, she would feel that he was putting her on the spot and he was not being considerate for her and was being disrespectful.

 What Feng Zeyu had done might lack the impulsiveness and passion of a young person but it had the maturity and consideration belonging to someone their age.

"You two had all the details nailed down? What's the date?" asked Hu Ruixue with a smile.

"Not yet. Sheesh." Shu Yan had a happy smile on her. "Guess what? JingJing called Feng Zeyu Daddy Fang today."

"JingJing is a mature child. She has always understood everything."

"I never plan to make her call him 'Dad'. She just did that on her own all of a sudden. As such...... Feng Zeyu and I have been happy all morning long."

"That meant that Feng Zeyu had been so nice to her that even a sensitive child like JingJing could change the way that she refers to him." Hu Ruixue helped with the analysis.

After Feng Zeyu's successful proposal, the biggest change was the two's routine. If they had been somewhat restrained in the past, they no longer cared about how others looked at them. 

They were always seen going in and out together and Feng Zeyu had been staying over frequently. Had it not been for the old lady, Feng Zeyu would have moved in with Shu Yan already.

"Perhaps I can move to my other house?" asked Shu Yan tentatively.

When they returned today, they overheard someone in the small district commenting on how smart Feng Zeyu was to have purposefully picked a woman so rich that she even had her own house. They said he was a kept man and that he was even willing to take care of someone else's children. All in all, the words were awful.

"That's fine. It's a bit humid over there right now and you and the children would be uncomfortable. You can move over in the summer time." Feng Zeyu chuckled when he thought about what the others had said. "Just ignored them. We don't know them anyway."

Those words, however, replayed in Shu Yan's mind repeatedly and were impossible for her to ignore. Then she thought to herself, if she couldn't even handle words like these, then how awful was it for Feng Zeyu when he was accused and was on the receiving end of all sorts of verbal violence?

"I just feel bad for you. You had just cleared your names and now there are more misunderstandings surrounding you. We need to do something about it. The things coming out of their mouths are so awful." Luckily, her kids didn't go to school in this area.

Looking at Shu Yan, Feng Zeyu seemed to be deep in thought.

The next day, Feng Zeyu had his man drove his car into the small district. The driver was his assistant. When he got out, he referred to Feng Zeyu as Boss Feng in front of everyone.

"Since when did Feng Zeyu become a boss?" Someone asked.

"That woman has her own company, right? Maybe she straight up gave him a position as a manager at her company. Tsk tsk tsk, such a good plan. He got himself a wife and lots of money. That's totally worth being an instant dad for."

As they talked, a few security guards spotted Feng Zeyu. They stopped where they were, saluted Feng Zeyu and said at the same time, "Boss Feng."

"Mmm, how do you like working here?" He sounded like a caring boss.

"It's quite good over here. Thank you for asking, Boss Feng."

"Good then. Carry on. Be sure to be attentive and ensure the safety of the public living here." Feng Zeyu nodded and waved to dismiss them.

"Yes, Boss." The few responded loudly.

Shu Yan came down with bags in her hand, smiled, and asked loudly, "Your company is responsible for the security in our area too? How come I didn't know that before?"

"Have I never mentioned it?" Feng Zeyu put on a dubious look and carried on after seeing that Shu Yan shook her head. "We are involved in the security of almost all high-end properties in City Nan. Plus, they would also send all of their security guards to be trained at our company."

Grandma Zhang was closer with Shu Yan so she couldn't help but asked, "Xiao Feng has a security company?"

Shu Yan smiled. The perfect support came at the perfect time.

"Yeah, he lost his job over the other incident so he started his own security company. All of the employees are his comrades in arms. It's all meant to be. His company is in the same building as mine so it's very convenient to go in and leave together."

"Aiya, Xiao Feng is so low key that we never even know that." Grandma Zhang purposefully pointed at those who had been gossiping.

The others smiled embarrassingly. They never expected that Feng Zeyu had such a career without anyone knowing. All of the high-end properties employ his security guards? Exactly how big is his company? He must make a lot every year then?

Watching the car took off slowly, the woman how had called Feng Zeyu a lover boy said again, "I knew it. That woman has such a big business, for sure she is very smart. How would someone like that be fool by words of a man, right?"

The others all chimed in and agreed with her.

"You put on the show and now everyone around know that you are a big boss. What if your dad and your stepmom....." Shu Yan worried that more problem would follow after they had just quelled one.

Feng Zeyu sneered. "I sure hope they would know better than have any ideas."

He was in jail at the time but, right before his grandparents passed away, he might have been able to see them one last time had his father put in the words for him.
