Chapter 121 - "Tianbao, would you like me to be your Dad?"

Shu Yan brought up the activities at Tianbao's kindergarten the next day to Feng Zeyu when he called that night.

"It said it was mandatory for the parents to attend together. I would... like to ask you to come with and Tianbao had agreed to it as well. Do you have time tomorrow?" Shu Yan asked Feng Zeyu, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Yes, yes, yes. Of course I do." Feng Zeyu was very emotional. It didn't matter what plans he had tomorrow; they would all be cancelled.

The next morning, Shu Yan put one of her company's latest outfits and also brought with her a set of exercise outfit, just in case there were physical activities involved. She would not be able to participate in them in her dress. 

The kids had already changed into their school uniforms and Shu Yan took them downstairs with her. Feng Zeyu was already waiting there. Shu Yan was almost dazzled blind when she saw Feng Zeyu. He was in a full suit. His hair combed back and was shiny from the mousse.

"What is that all about?" He was a cigar short from a boss in a movie from Hong Kong.

"I thought I'd dress up like a successful person. Does this work? Will I embarrass Tianbao?" He dug through his chests and closets last night and found this set laying in the bottom of a chest. He had only worn it once to a banquet and had no idea whether it was already out of fashion.

 He heard that rich people bought the latest styles every season and was very particular about that. He would buy a few new sets from the mall later.

Shu Yan couldn't stop laughing. Tianbao ran up and circled Feng Zeyu. "Uncle Fang looks so handsome today."

Feng Zeyu lifted his brows proudly. "This little man has taste."

Shu Yan felt that that was very retro. That being said, the way he was dressed had been in style for a while in the 90s, especially among successful people. Nevertheless, Feng Zeyu looked mean and had a scar on his face. Dressing that way was a little bit odd.

"Maybe I should change out of it." Feng Zeyu, too, felt odd dressing the way that he did.

"It's fine. It's nice the way you are. But I'd suggest to bring a set of exercise outfit with you. This was my first time as well and I had no idea what kind of activities we are talking about. Just in case parents need to perform or workout, your outfit would be cumbersome."

"Perhaps we will have to perform?" He wasn't worried about physical activities but performing? It wasn't like he could perform singing the national anthem or military anthem.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure things will work itself out. We'll just see what kind of instructions are provided by the teachers."

Truth was, Shu Yan, too, was a little worried. She had heard of parents watching their children perform at the kindergarten back at Nanfu Mansion. This was a different kindergarten and Tianbao mentioned that parents would be participating as well. Shu Yan recalled some of the videos that she had seen with parent's complaints before and that made her worry.

Shu Yan and Feng Zeyu were among the first to arrive. There were a few other parents there and they were chatting among each other. They looked to be familiar with each other. They exchanged looks with each other when they saw Shu Yan and asked around in a low voice. None of them recognize Shu Yan. 

Regardless, anyone who could afford sending their children to Nanshan Kindergarten would be somebody. As such, the others greeted the two of them courteously.

Tis was the special time period in China. Many large families had disappeared during this time period and all of the news ones were farmers just a few generations back. Nobody was more special than anyone else. As such, nobody gave too much thought when they saw Feng Zeyu. So what if he had a scar on his face? Even a paraplegic rich person would be called charming.

The other parents trickled in and some of them knew each other. Shu Yan and Feng Zeyu sat in the corner and did not join in.

"Most of those here are very accomplished in their respective fields. You may not need them right now but you might someday. Don't you want to go network some?" The person who said that was a very beautiful woman in a white suit, exuding a strong, domineering female CEO aura.

"I don't really understand what they are talking about. I'll pass," said Shu Yan with a smile. Seeing the girl next to the woman, she said, "Is this your daughter? She's too cute." The girl was really cute, like a barbie doll.

"This is my daughter, Angela. She is 5 years old. Where is your child?"

Shu Yan pointed at Tianbao, who was playing with his friends not too far away. "That one is my son. He's a naughty one and way too energetic."

"It's fine for a boy to be outgoing. You'd worry if he is too shy." The woman stroked her daughter on her head. "You don't know these people, do you? Well, I have time, let me help you out here. See that woman in red? Her family business is in rubber. Her husband's uncle has a rubber plantation in Country Nan. The couple who just walked in are in the hotel business. They own Nanshan Hotel......"

Shu Yan felt that the woman's personality was very different than how she looked. She was a very affectionate person.

It was, indeed, helpful to have someone giving her the introduction. Shu Yan learned a little about everyone's background. This was, indeed, a noble kindergarten. All the parents were either rich or powerful.

There was a total of 15 students in Tianbao's class. The parents came on time and the teacher started with the opening remark, followed by how the children were at school and today's agenda. Sure enough, the parents were expected join in on games and competitions after the children were done singing and dancing.

Shu Yan thought it might be very lively kind of games but, as it turned out, each family had to complete a drawing and create a craft. That made sense. All of the parents were officials or big bosses, it would be reasonable to expect them to run or jump around.

The competitions were quite lively. The mothers compete in dressing their children. The children in the fastest team would receive a little red flower. The fathers competed in fruit-grabbing while tied up by rubber bands. Feng Zeyu, who had been quite all along, suddenly became lively. He didn't have a lot of strengths except when it came to grabbing things.

As soon as the game started, Feng Zeyu dashed out and reached for the fruits. All of the other fathers either worked out of their offices or were networking regularly. None of them could rival Feng Zeyu, who worked out all the time. They were all dragged by him.

Tianbao was very excited. His little face flushed. Seeing how Feng Zeyu never stopped grabbing things, he jumped up high and shouted out, "Go, Dad, Go!"

Feng Zeyu heard Tianbao calling him dad. He paused a little and was pulled back a step by the person next to him. Recovering quickly, he pulled the man back.

Showing Tianbao 8 white teeth, he said, "Dad will get all of them for you."

"Dad is awesome." Tianbao smiled so much that only his teeth could be seen.

When the activity was over. Tianbao ran up to Feng Zeyu. Feng Zeyu picked up him and tossed him high up into the air while he screeched. "Well? I didn't embarrass you, did I?"

"Dad was the best." Tianbao gave Feng Zeyu a thumbs up.

Shu Yan smiled and watched the two interacted with each other. Nobody would believe that these two were not related if they were not told.

Then it was the closing remark. The woman earlier also returned with her child. Next to her was a very handsome but also very cold man.

"You are happy."

"Everyone is." Shu Yan looked around at all the parents with their children. All of them smiling. Everyone was happy.

"Not the same." The woman cocked her head as she looked at Shu Yan. The two of them were the only ones who truly came for their child and were laughing happily. The others...... all had their own agendas. "I forgot to introduce myself. Hi, my name is Sun Qian."

Shu Yan almost thought that she had heard wrong. She repeated after her, "Sun Qian?"

"Yes, Sun Qian, Hu Ruixue's childhood friend." Sun Qian looked at Shu Yan casually. "She must have mentioned me to you before. That's the only reason why you would react this way when you heard my name."

"Ahem...... she talked about you a little bit." She did overreact a bit. She was, indeed, quite surprised. The person who was supposed to be overseas showed up all of a sudden and had a child with her. It was only reasonable that Shu Yan was surprised.

"Mom," said the child next to Sun Qian softly as she tugged at Sun Qian's sleeve.

"Are you thirsty?" Sun Qian poured her some water and, when the child finished drinking, looked up and smiled. "Are you wondering why I am in the country and have a child her age?" She carried on before Shu Yan said anything, "After I graduated college, I went to study abroad despite my family's objection. My reason was simple. I like Ji Fansheng and I missed him a lot, madly, even. I didn't think that he'd agree to be in a relationship with me. During that period of time ...... I was very happy. Unfortunately, that was short lived. He disappeared during my pregnancy."

"Ji Fansheng took off during your pregnancy?" Shu Yan had found the man revulsive before. Now she learned that he could be even more revulsive. He called himself a man? He shouldn't even call himself human.

Sun Qian did not respond to Shu Yan's question. Looking down at her own child, she said nonchalantly, "I couldn't get hold of him and abortion was illegal where I was. Truth was, I want to keep Angela as well. When I was almost due, I finally broke down and let my family know. They took me back to China after I had given birth and Angela is now my brother's child on paper. I had been living in capital city."

"So your plan of returning was?" Shu Yan was still baffled about what Sun Qian was trying to tell her.

"I'm just here for the activities. I hadn't planned on running into you. Don't worry. I did not look into Hu Ruixue or you. I only asked a couple of questions when my mom mentioned something last time and I ran into you having dinner with Hu Ruixue one time. That was how I know what you look like. Perhaps I am telling you all this because I wish that you would relate them to Hu Ruixue. I regretted about my own actions. I've lost my best friend because of Ji Fansheng and my family is upset at me. My life is in shambles," said Sun Qian with a bitter smile.

"One way or another, you have a child. You must have her best interest in mind."

Sun Qian nodded. If it wasn't for her child, she would have given up a long time ago.

"I do want to tell you something. Let Hu Ruixue know to watch out for Ji Fansheng. He is not the same person as he once was." Sun Qian did not say much more than that.

After the activities, Tianbao held onto Shu Yan with one hand and Feng Zeyu the other. He bounced the entire way. Had they not be holding onto him, he would have bounced out of sight a long time ago.

"Dad, look at the little red flowers on my face." Tianbao lifted up his head to show Feng Zeyu all the little red flowers on his face. There were 5 or 6 of them. He was the child with the most of them along with a lot of other prizes.

Feng Zeyu had thought that Tianbao had purposefully referred to him that way in front of his other classmates and their parents but he was still referring to him as Dad now. Feeling very emotional and warm, he asked, "Tianbao, will you be okay with... me being your father from now on?"

Tianbao gave him an odd look. Wasn't he calling him Dad already?
