Chapter 6


'' Would you mind dropping me off at the Police Department?'' I smiled, ''Didn't take you for a criminal'' he joked, ''oh god no. They just wanna ask me some questions regarding the crime that happened at my building'' now THAT sounded suspicious.

''I'm not involved, I literally moved in last night and it all happened before I arrived'' I explained, ''I know, I heard'' he said, ''you did?'', ''yeah, some girl went missing two nights before, the whole town did a search group for her, Ginny Harvey, 16 years old. Poor girl found dead in a garden next to a building, I'm guessing the one you live in'' He spoke as we reached the Police station.

''oh god, poor girl. Her family must be devastated'', ''her mother went into shock. Ginny was an only child'' he said with sounded sincere. ''I hope they find that sick person who did this'' I said.

Scott offered to wait for me, I told him it might be a while so he better go home.

I placed my stuff inside on a chair as I spoke to the officer at the front desk.

''Edeline Adington to see Detective Hill'', ''Please wait a while''.

I waited half an hour, I was getting hungry when I saw that vending machine in the corner, and that chocolate bar that looked rather tempting.

I tried to buy the chocolate, but the stupid machine won't give it to me.

''There you go'' Detective Hill punched the machine and got the chocolate.

''Thanks''... ''so... what's up?'' I asked taking a bite out of the chocolate, ''well, let's talk in the office'' he said as we entered his office.

it was a plain office, just dull and plain. Documents everywhere, empty coffee cups, donuts pieces all over the desk. I could barely find a place to sit.

''Sorry about that'' he said as he cleaned the chair from those donuts pieces.

''so... New face in town. Whats your name?'', ''it's Edeline, Edeline Adington'', ''you sound British, yet you're not'', ''I know... my mom was obsessed with Jane Austen, so she picked a vintage name for me'' I smiled at the thought of that.

''So... Why did you move here?'', ''I'm sorry, does this have to do with the missing girl who died? cause I can't figure out why you're asking me all these questions'', ''You moved right before we found the body. You're new in town. we need to take our precautions'', ''if you're saying that I have anything to do with this. you're wrong. I couldn't even hurt a fly let alone a human being'' I was getting pissed off, how could he accuse me of such a horrid thing. ''And as YOU said, I JUST moved into town. I'm still cleaning my apartment and buying groceries. My alibi is just outside your office'', ''doing this doesn't mean I'm accusing you of anything Edeline, I'm just doing my job'', ''Well, if you're done. Can I be excused?'', ''of course. and thanks for stopping by''. I can't really say 'My pleasure'.

I went outside to look for a cap, but I couldn't find any yellow cars around.

I don't have anyone to pick me up, or a cap number.

''Hi... can you help me call a taxi?'' I asked the officer, ''sure young lady'' he went to look for a number in a book.

''Need help?'' Detective Hill asked, ''no'', ''yes'' both the officer and I spoke.

''I think she needs a ride'' the officer spoke, ''Well let's go then'' Detective Hill smiled, ''I'm fine I'll just get a cap'', ''you won't find one around here'' the officer said, ''then I'll walk'' I said trying to carry my stuff. ''I'm just trying to help'', ''the last thing I need is help from someone who accused me of murder'' I took the box from him, ''I did NOT accuse you of anything, you assumed I did'' I kept walking till I reached the side walks, ''FINE. SUIT YOURSELF'' he yelled.

I felt like I was being a bit stubborn, but I can't let a 'cop' drive me home.

I kept walking till I couldn't hold the box anymore. I was just two blocks away, but it's too heavy.

''still won't let me help out" It was Hill, ''are you stalking me now?'', ''no... my house is that way and I saw you desperately trying to carry that box. So I thought being the gentleman that I am, I'd help a girl in need'' he stepped out of the car, ''I won't tolerate anymore stubbornness, please get in the car'' he said carrying my stuff to his car.

''Why do you feel the need to help?'' I asked as soon as I got in the car, ''and why do you feel the need to do everything yourself?'' he asked back, I crossed my arms and sat back.

The drive home was quiet, too quiet actually.

''Here you go. Safe and sound'', ''Thanks for the ride. Although I would've walked home just fine, but thanks'', ''here we go again with Ms. Stubborn'', ''I'm not being stubborn. I just don't like to rely on anyone'', ''it's just a ride and besides, girls tend to go missing in this town, I can't afford another one'', ''girls?'', ''Not to frighten you or anything, but It hasn't been the perfect year down here. Anyways... take care'', ''you too'' I said as I closed the car door.

I remembered there's a dirty apartment waiting for me to clean it. Ugh, why can't I have magic so I could use my wand to make it clean!!

I heard a knock on my door, I hope that's not the killer.

''you forgot your stuff'' I really hoped that would be the killer.

Hill came inside dropping off my stuff that I stupidly forgot in his car. ''sorry about that. I'm just tired I guess'', ''no worries. You still need to clean though'' he said entering my bedroom, ''ah.. excuse me!!!'' I went after him, he started removing the bed sheets and placing new ones.

''I could've done that you know. it's MY room'', ''you look tired so I'm helping out'', ''you're just used to getting into people's homes like that?'', ''we're a friendly town, we care for each other'' he smiled, ''okay... well, thank you but I got it'' I said leading him out, ''I'm sorry if I stepped in. I was just trying to help'' he meant well.

''it's okay. I just don't trust easily. even though you're a detective, but still'', ''of course. Goodnight Edeline'', ''Goodnight Detective'', ''Call me Peter. Just Peter'' he offered his hand to shake, ''Okay... Peter'' As soon as our hands touched I felt some sort of electricity, ''ouch...'' I pulled back, ''our spark'' he smiled, ''Have a goodnight''.

What the hell just happened?!!

I heard a vibration coming from the kitchen.

It was Eric calling.
I didn't answer. I wasn't ready to open a portal from the past.
He didn't give up and left a massage.

I missed you, please call me.
I'm worried about you. Just tell me you're okay"

I missed his voice and when he called me Eddie. He always said it in a funny tone.

"Hey Eric.
I'm sorry, I just can't call you or talk to you right now. I need to be alone. Away from my past. I need to count on myself and live my own life"

"Okay Eddie. Just call me when you're ready"


Hope you guys liked it. It would mean a lot if you took the time to read it :)
And also I would love to read your opinions. It's important if you say what you didn't like and like.
Thank you...
