Chapter 22


I woke up thinking about the things I'll tell Hill, I was nervous, too nervous to eat.

'Let's meet at the coffee shop next to your store, Cup & Couch' Hill texted, I texted him back saying I was on my way, while I was wearing my usual shirt, Navy Blue with black pants.

I left Sam still sleeping like a baby and went to the Coffee shop.

Hill was sitting in the far corner, knowing that I'd want no one to hear me say my story.

''Good morning Detective'', ''when will you replace 'Detective' with Peter?'', ''When I choose to'' I smiled and ordered coffee.

''So... Let's get this over with'', ''It's not a task Edeline, I really do want to get to know you'', ''why?'', ''Cause I want to'' we both stared at each other till the waiter interrupted the gaze.

''Well, I want to get to know you as well'' I said and he gave me a soft look. I was too weak to stare.

''You see I came here because Derek was my mom's boyfriend and he might know more than I knew about her'' I told him everything from the beginning, and the way he's looking at me feels like he's feeling sorry for me. I hated that.

''Eric is the only person I trust. He's like a father to me. My dad was pretty much the monster that drove my mom away to her death. I just want to meet Derek and get some kind of closure with mom's death'' I took a sip from the coffee, ''That's why you wanted to see the picture of Derek and your mom? to see how he looks like?'' he asked, ''yeah'', ''why don't you ask Maya? she must have some pictures of him'', ''she said his stuff were gone somehow, and she couldn't find anything of his'', ''now that's weird'' he said, ''A picture of him will turn up sooner or later'' I said.

Detective Hill

She looked really beautiful with her hair on her shoulders, navy blue shirt that matched her black hair. Her dad hurt her real good, and she just wanted freedom. Now she's after her mom's past, to get closer to her mom, and I'm gonna help her do that.

I don't know what is this, but all I keep doing is wanting to get closer to her, even though it's a really bad decision, but I can't help it.

''look at the time. I need to get to work. Thank you for listening to me. I appreciate it'' her smile was warmer than ever, ''no worries. I'm glad we did this'' I said standing up, she waved goodbye and gone out the door.

I got a call from the station needing me there.


Detective Hill is so different from when we first met. He's sweet and gentle. I don't know what happened.

I went back to the store and Sam was already working with children and reading with them.

I took the latter and moved to the back.
I climbed on it to arrange some Oxford dictionaries.

I moved the books around to clean the dust and arrange them according to their numbers.

I saw a freaking spider jumping around trying to protect its web.
I tried to kill it but it jumped away from me.
As I tried to reach it a book fell.

"Damn it" someone said underneath me, "oh god I'm so so sorry" I said as I reached the ground.

"Please forgive me. I was just trying to kill this stupid spider and the book..." , "it's fine. I'm okay" he said.

It's the guy that I almost hit with my bike.

And now I hit him with a book.

He looked at me trying to figure out what I'm thinking.

"You're her!! The girl that almost hit me the other day" he said smiling, "but now you succeeded" he joked, "I really didn't mean to" I said trying to remove the dust from his shirt, "it's fine. I'm messing with you" he said fixing his shirt.

He was wearing a grey shirt with a Capa Capa sign on it.

So he is a frat college boy.

"Are you gonna keep staring at me?" He said and took a book from the shelf and walked to Sam.

"Creepy librarian" he whispered to himself.

What the hell?!!

"Jerk" I whispered to myself and walked to the reading tables.

I arranged some kids books and color books and looked over at Sam and the frat boy.

He bought the book and walked to the door.
I could feel him looking at me, but I ignored him and cleaned around.

"Goodbye book girl" he said.

I looked at him and walked to the back.

A bunch of guys came in with 2 huge boxes.
They put them beside the cashier desk.

Each box had 100 bookcopies.

"I'm gonna print out a huge poster and put the books under it and place it beside the door" I said, "that's a good idea'' Sam said.

''did you notice that guy who was there reading a book?'' I asked, ''nope. I was busy chasing the kids'' He said.

I don't know why, but I feel like there's something hidden with that guy. The way he looked at me, was as if he knew me.
