Chapter 47


He just burst into my apartment like he owned it...

I felt rage in my body. I wanted to slap him hard.

''How dare you?'' I said almost yelling, ''I can explain'' he said holding his hands up as if I'm gonna attack him and punch him. Which I should be doing by now.

Peter pushed him away.

''Yes please explain this'' I threw the pictures at his face, he looked at them while they fell on the floor, he was surprised at how I found them.

''Those are...'' he said picking them up slowly, ''Did the cat eat your tongue? Go ahead, explain'' I said crossing my arms, Peter came closer to me, I felt his hand on my arm. Getting ready to pull me back if I attacked.

I looked at him and I knew he sensed fear in my eyes. Fear of finding out something I don't wanna find. Fear of knowing something I won't be strong enough to handle...

''I took those for something I'm working on. It's harmless I promise. I was gonna tell you but, I couldn't find the right time'' he said, ''Aha... okay... okay... then why steal these?'' I said showing him Sam's pictures.

''I... I saw those in your room when you slept in the guest room. I found them suitable for my...'' he stopped and looked at the photos, ''Listen... you will know everything soon'' he said taking his jacket, ''Wait, know what? Tristan tell me what's going on?'' I asked, he didn't respond, he just walked to the door and opened it.

Peter rushed to the door and smashed it close.

''Look... I saved your cousin Maya and went into a coma for it, and you went on taking pictures of me like a stalker. You are definitely hiding something. Is it about your uncle?'' I asked, ''You saved your boyfriend'' Peter shoved him to the wall and asked him to speak.

''Just tell us what you're hiding?'' Peter said looking frustrated...

''How will I trust you again'' I said, ''You won't now, but maybe after knowing my reasons. You might forgive me someday'' he said, Peter's phone rang and I could hear his boss's voice yelling at him to go back to the station.

''You should go'' I said holding his hand, ''If you touch one hair on her head. I know where to find you'' Peter threatened Tristan, ''You be safe, call me once you need something. I'm one minute away'' he kissed my forehead and hugged me.

I sat on the couch trying to gather what I want to say.

''I know you know more about me. If you won't tell me what you're doing. Then answer me this?'' I stood up, I had to know something.

''Is it about my mother?'' I asked walking towards the kitchen table where he stood on the other side of it.

''No'' he said looking down, ''but I need to take you somewhere. If you'd come with me'' he said.

I wanted to say no. I wanted to push him out and close the door, but I needed some truth.

''Come on'' he said walking towards the door, ''Let's get out of here'' he said taking my jacket. ''listen... Sam would've wanted you to be happy. My heart still hurts every time I say his name or think of him. He was my friend too, even though he hated me sometimes, but he'd always treat you in the best way he can, and for him I'm taking you somewhere he wanted to take you himself'' Tristan said as he drove.

''To Neverland'' he said.

Thank again for reading xoxo

- Nina
