Chapter 39


''You look good'' I hear sadness in his voice. ''Thanks'' that's all I could say. ''Your hair looks great. it makes you look bold'' he said with half a smile, ''that's what I was aiming for'' I said and walked past him.

''Why?'' I had to do it.

I walked back and faced him. I had to have some sort of closure. He kept staring at me. His eyes know exactly what I'm talking about, yet he's not talking.

''Why? Why did you go MIA on us. On Maya'' I was getting frustrated. He's so cold.

''I did show up'' he said speaking softly, ''No you didn't. Sam never saw you'', ''That's because I was standing outside of the room'', ''feeling shy?'' I sounded like a jerk, ''I know, I'm sorry. There was nothing to be done'' he said still looking at the floor.

I was done with his bullshit. I had to move away before I blow up.

I turned around and walked away from him. ''I'm sorry'' he said and walked away.

I needed to get away. I needed some time alone. Being in a coma was awful. It kept all your emotions on pause, everything was stuck inside waiting to be set free. As soon as I opened my eyes and started feeling again, all those feelings rushed to the surface. Seeing Hill, then Eric.

I reached my bike on the side walk next to the gate, all I did was get on it and ride away. I knew where I had to go to clear my head.

I drove to my mom's house...

I ran to the lake and jumped. I felt the cold water on my skin as if I poured cold water on fire...

It was so peaceful and calm.

Sometimes you just wanna run away and disappear for a while, no drama and no emotions.

I just needed me time.

I heard footsteps in the bushes. I went halfway under the water so they won't see me. I swam slowly towards the house.

It was a man. He was trying to get into the house with keys in his hands.
