Chapter 25


I woke up smelling fresh eggs and something burning.

I walked slowly to the kitchen to find Sam cooking breakfast.

"Good morning" I said making coffee, "how's the hangover" I said and poured coffee into the mug.

"About that... I'm sorry Edeline I was just.." , "that's okay Sam. I don't mind. But what happened?" I asked as I took a sip, "nothing. I put my grandma in bed and saw this bar near so I stopped for a few drinks. Next thing I know, I'm here in bed" he said placing eggs in my plate, "it's a good thing you came here instead of the streets" I said, "thank you, for everything" he said, "no need. That's what friends are for" I said and winked.

"By the way. I'm gonna go sign the papers" I said, "you're gonna get the house?" He asked, "yeah. I don't know if it's a good decision, but I feel like it's a good start" I said placing the plates into the dishwasher, "that's good. Owning your own house is a good step" he said.

I changed my clothes and asked Sam to drop me off at that lady's office.

When I entered, I saw her family pictures and a picture of her and mom.

"You knew my mom?",
"Yes. She was one of my good friends. She was very kind to me",
I smiled, she was a nice person. And I'm sure mom mentioned her before but I can't remember.
"You remind me of her. You resemble her" she said smiling
"Thank you" ,
"When you sign those papers. The house will be completely yours. You can sell it, keep it. It's your choice",
"Okay, thanks"

She placed some papers in front of me and I signed.

I just made a huge step in my life and I don't even know what to do next.

As soon as I left her office I smiled.

I can sell the house and use the money, but I wanted to keep it for a while.

It's where my mother was raised. It would mean a lot to her if I kept it.
So many memories were made there.

I walked towards my bike and saw that jerk from the library.

He was walking towards me.

I ran inside a store to avoid him.
As soon as he left I walked slowly after him.

He entered the office I entered.
Maybe he's selling his house to leave this place.

I went to buy some clothes from a store at the corner.

I noticed they were selling Marvel goodies.
I bought some and got myself converse shoes.

As I opened the door to get out I almost pump into...


"Book girl" he said smiling mischievously.
