Chapter 24

Detective Hill

She looked sad and alone. I wanted to sit with her and talk like we did before, but she looked like she wanted to be alone. I respected that.

I found a box with an old picture of her mom. I'm afraid if I showed her she'd get more upset.

But I have to, she has the right to have it.

''I don't mean to bother you Edeline, but I found something'' I said as I approached her slowly, ''about the case?'', ''No. It's something else'' I sat next to her with the box in my hand, she looked at it, ''I found this in my office the next morning. Someone must've put it there. It has the initials D.W'', ''Derek Williamson'', ''How did you...'', ''he was the reason my mom died'' she said looking down at the pigeons walking next to us, ''Did he kill her?'', ''GOD NO!!! she loved him too much to come back here, but she died in a car accident. I believe he loved her way too much too, that's why he disappeared. Maybe killed him self feeling guilt'' she said as she fed the pigeons, ''Well, you might wanna see this'' I handed her the box, she held it carefully as if it was made of glass, she opened it and stared.


I couldn't believe what my eyes are seeing. It was mom, in her teenage years. she looked so beautiful. I never saw a picture of her like that.

I tried to look for more pictures, but only this one in the box and nothing else. He really did love her so much and kept this picture all these years.

''It's like you're twins'' Hill said, ''It's crazy'' he continued, ''Well, I am her daughter aren't I?'', ''right'' I couldn't hold back the tears that's coming down my cheeks, I didn't wanna cry in front of Hill.

I felt his finger wipe away my tear, I looked at him and for a split second I stood up, I couldn't let the feelings take over me.

''It's not a coincidence that the minute I move here, all of those hidden things are coming out'', ''What are you saying?'', ''I'm saying that someone here knows who I am and somehow wants me to find Derek, and it's not Maya, because she would've told me herself if she found anything'', ''So it's someone else. Maybe Derek?'', '' I have no idea, but I'm gonna find out'' I gathered my stuff, ''let me help'' he said standing up, ''you wanna help? find that murderer and make him pay'' I said and left.

I parked my bike and walked upstairs. I saw Sam sleeping on the floor next to the door.

I woke him up and he smiled like a drunk guy.
"Why didn't you call?" I asked, "I forgot" he said and stood up, he was swinging around.
"Are you drunk?" I asked as I opened the door, "just a little" he said smiling, "my god Sam, Just go to bed" I said and pushed him inside.

He fell on the couch and drifted to sleep.

"Goodnight then" I said and walked into my room.

I saw mom's journal on the bed.
I wanted to read more but I didn't wanna find something more tragic.

I called that woman again and told her I'll visit tomorrow.

Maybe owning a house isn't a bad thing.

It will help me get on my feet and start a new life.
