Chapter 27


"Your mother?" She asked, still shocked, "I know it sounds crazy but..." , "crazy? This is beyond crazy. This is madness. She's the reason he left. He kept talking about her before he left us'', ''yeah well, she died trying to get back with him'' I felt like I swallowed a rock saying that, ''what happened with them?'' she asked.

I told her what happened and she smiled when she heard their love story.
It was beautiful... Yet tragic.

"I'm glad they never forgot each other. I believe in true love" she said, "me too. But how come he never came back? I mean, this is his home" I said, "maybe it's too painful for him to come back and your mom won't" she said, it's like I got stabbed in the heart when she said it.

I looked down, trying not to show her I was that hurt at the fact that my mother is forever gone.

"I'm sorry" she said and touched my hand, "don't be. That's how life goes. We must move on right?" I said smiling, "we must keep looking for him. I have so many questions" I said and looked out the window, "definitely " she said.

After we left the restaurant.
Maya and I went our separate ways.

I walked through town a little bit, breathing fresh air and all. There was a long sidewalk with trees and roses on side.

"How's the chat with the cousin?"

I heard someone behind me as I walked.

I stopped and sighed.

I recognized his voice.

"Are you following me?" I asked crossing my arms, "no. I was..." He said and stopped.

"actually yes" he continued and smiled.

I sighed and walked away.

"Wait..." He said grabbing my arm, "yes?" I asked, "I want to apologize for earlier. I was rude and you were nice. So... I'm sorry" he said, "it's fine...", ''let's start over'' he cut me off offering his hand.

''Tristan... Tristan Williamson'', ''Edeline Adington'' I said shaking his hand.

"let me make it up to you?" He asked trying to look honest.

his eyes shined as the sunlight reflected on them, his hair was ginger and so was his beard, and his eyes look mischievous when he smiled.

"You REALLY don't have to" I said forcing a smile, "I want to. Please?" He said begging.

"Okay. What do you have in mind?" I asked, "meet me in this spot right here, tomorrow at... Let's say 7?" He asked, "alright" I said, "nice to meet you... Edeline" he said and walked away.

I shouldn't trust him, but he's Maya's cousin, even though he looks suspicious, I should give him a chance.

I took out my phone and searched for him on Facebook or Instagram.

There he was on Instagram, Tristan Williamson.

I looked through his profile, it looked normal. Just a guy spending time with books, with a typewriter, and his car.

There's nothing suspicious about a guy with a book and a typewriter.

I guess he just made a bad first impression!!
