Chapter 32


I couldn't stop thinking about Hill, no one should ever go through that. Losing someone you love dearly so sudden hurts really bad.

I looked at my phone and saw 5 missed calls from Eric.

When I was about to call him, he called.

''Hello. Eric, hi" I picked up, "Edeline. Thank god. I've been calling forever" he said with relief.

"I've been sleeping Eric. Cause you know, its 6 freaking A.M in the morning" I said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean too. But it's the only time I can call you" he said, "what do you mean, the only time?" I asked, "your father is going crazy here. He knows I'm the only one you know in New York so he's been bugging me for days. He got me fired" he said.

"What?!! This is crazy. Why would he do that?" My dad should be locked in an asylum.

"He thinks I helped you leave and that I know where you are" he said, "my god. I am so sorry Eric. I never knew it would get to this. It's my fault, I shouldn't have left" I said, "no. Don't beat yourself up for this. Your dad and I aren't exactly the good friends we were years ago. When he got sick. We've been fighting and I couldn't keep up with him anymore. But I never made any problems with him cause I know he'll prevent me from seeing you and... You made my life worth living. You are the daughter I never had Edeline", I felt the tears fighting their way to come out, but I held myself.

"And you are the father I wish I had Eric, but you know I needed to leave. I needed to breath and I'm really happy here Eric. People are so nice and I finally have friends who actually care" I said, "I can't come back now. I'm sorry" I continued.

"I didn't call to ask you to come back. No, I called because I'm worried sick about you. Don't come back. Stay as long as you want. You don't have responsibilities here. Not anymore. You're dad is pretty much showing everyone that he doesn't need anyone" he said, "yeah. Sounds just like dad" I said, "at least tell me where you are" he said, "okay. I'm in... North Carolina" I didn't know why I paused but I think I felt safe telling him.

He might even come visit me, cause I missed him so much.

"North Carolina? Wow. Good choice" he said, "you've been here before?" I asked, "yeah. On business trips. I loved it there" he said, "yeah. Nice people, calm and quite town", "which town?" He asked, "Huntersville" I said, "oh. Nice, nice" he said and went silent for a minute.

"Are you okay?" I asked, "yeah, yeah. It's just... My grandfather died there. He was my hero" he said, "oh I'm sorry" I said.

"Well, I gotta go now. Take care" he said, "I will. You too. Thanks for calling" I said, "don't forget me" he said, "never. Goodbye Eric" I said, "goodbye Edeline" he said and hung up.

I gotta admit.
It felt great talking to him.

You know that feeling you get when you stop talking to your best friend for weeks and when you talk again it feels like you never stopped talking?!!

That's how I felt with Eric.
He's my best friend, my godfather, and my mentor in this life.

Losing him would make me lose myself.

I went back to my room, placed my phone on the nightstand and gone in the shower.

I made some scrambled eggs, French toast and drank some milk.

I took my mom's journal and went beside the window to read.

There were some papers glued to the journal.
They were from Derek.
His response after he broke up with her.

He was heartbroken as well, and he was only doing it to make sure she gets a better life.

But I'm sure she made it clear that if she lived with him she would get the best life.

He mentioned that my grandparents threatened him.
If he didn't leave mom, they would burn his farm.
And his dad would lose everything he ever owned.

I believe my grandparents were raised by the devil.

I turned the pages and continued reading.

'Dear diary,

Derek made it clear that he will never see me again.

And that I have to accept what is happening and move on with my life.

I will never move on from this.

My life will stop here.
I will be 18 forever till I see Derek again.

If there is a reason why I should move on and be happy with Robert, then please tell me.

Because I can't find any.
I will never be complete again''

No one deserves to be forced to live a life they never wanted.

But look who's talking.
The girl that ran away from her home to get closer to her dead mother.

If I had a time travel. I would prevent all of this from happening.

I closed the journal and went to check on Sam.

He was still asleep.
It was 12 in the afternoon.

I guess he came back late last night.

I wrote him a note and left him breakfast and went to the store.
