Chapter 37


After what it seemed like forever in total blackness, I opened my eyes slowly, my eye lids felt heavy. Was I asleep that long?

As I looked around I saw a room with big windows, flowers surrounded me as if it was my funeral. I felt pain in my chest as I moved a muscle. and two people holding each other as they slept.

those two were Sam and Maya, I guess they're official. 

I needed to go to the bathroom and when I tried to get up, I hit some kind of monitor because the peeping won't stop. Sam woke up frightened and ran towards me thinking I died.

''Oh my god you're awake'' he said holding me close making sure I'm alive.

''I guess I am yeah. What happened?'' I said fixing my hair, ''you were in a coma... for a week'', ''a coma? how did that happen?'' I did feel I was someplace other than earth, ''you got a bullet right next to your heart. If we hadn't gotten you here as fast as we did. you would've been dead'' he said looking relieved that I woke up, ''I was terrified Edeline. I thought I was never gonna see you again'' he hugged me tight, even though it hurt my chest to hug him, I didn't wanna let go.

''You said we. who are 'We'?'', ''Me, Maya and Tristan'' he said, ''oh yeah... I see Maya, but I don't see Tristan'', ''Tristan left as soon as he knew you were in a coma. I told him to stick around, maybe you'll feel us being around you and you'll wake up, but he rushed out. I never saw him since then'' Sam said shrugging his shoulders, ''Detective Hill was here. Everytime he came, he touched your hands and whispered things, I could never tell what he said'' he gave a side smile, ''he checked up on you everyday, He kept blaming himself saying it's his fault you're hurt, he kept wishing the bullet got him and not you. I tried to tell him otherwise, that if it was you in danger he'd risk his life as well'', ''Did they get the killer?'', ''They caught the psychopath who did this, but didn't say who he is. I guess after the arrest, it's FBI business'' he said and walked back to Maya, she was waking up.

''Edeline. I am beyond glad you're okay. I can't believe you saved Detective Hill and risked your own life'' she said sincerely.

''He would've done the same for anyone. I appreciate you being here and all, but I'm fine. you can go home and rest'' I said smiling, ''no way I'm leaving this guy'' she said holding Sam, ''and no way I'm leaving you'' he said, ''really guys, you need rest'', ''I'll get rest when we all get out of here'' Sam said, ''What did I ever do to deserve you?'' I asked holding his arm, ''you being you'' we both hugged again and Maya joined in.

it was the perfect cinematic moment.

until the door opened and the doctor came in. ''How are we feeling today?'' he asked, ''great. I feel fine'' he did some check ups and changed the wound bandage.

''It looks really good. I'm glad you're awake'', ''When can she go home doctor?'' Sam asked, ''by the end of today. I need to write her prescriptions and check ups every week for the heart'', ''the heart?'', ''you see Edeline... the bullet was too close to the heart it might have touched the tip of your left heart valve, but it's nothing serious. We just need to do some check ups to make sure its perfectly fine'', ''okay... no problem'' I said and felt like a heavy weight passed on me.

I really could've died. I was really lucky to be alive.

As the doctor went out. I saw Hill coming in.

his eyes were so sincere I could see beyond them. ''Edeline'' he said walking towards me, not even noticing Maya and Sam in the room.

''Hi Detective'' Sam said with a smirk, ''We'll leave you two alone'' Maya dragged Sam outside.

There was silence in the room right after the door was closed.

''How are you feeling?'' Hill asked, ''great actually. The doctor said I can get out today'', ''That's great news. I was really scared Edeline. I didn't even care when they caught the murderer. I wanted to be here with you'', ''And why the hell would you do that? now I won't know who he is'', ''you are a weird one Edeline. You literally just came out of a coma, and you wanna know about the murderer'', ''Well yeah, he's the one who shot me. I can't remember his face though'', ''Don't worry about him anymore. he's behind bars. where he belongs''.

There was a long pause with us looking at each other. His hands rested on the bed, almost touching mine.

''You said my name'' he said, ''what?'', ''before you got shot, you shouted my name Peter, it was the first time you called me by my name'' he said touching the tip of my hand with his finger, I looked at his hand and decided to intertwine our fingers together, by the look of his face he was surprised.

''It was an instant reaction. I saw his gun pointed at you and all I could think about is jumping to save you'', ''I could've shot him'', he said still looking at our hands, ''And I would've lost you, I won't allow it'', ''What if you died Edeline'', ''But I didn't'', ''but what if you did'' he locked his eyes with mine.

                                                                            Detective Hill

''Hah? How do you expect me to live with myself, to live without yo...'' before I finish the sentence she grabbed my shirt sleeve and kissed me, she kissed me like she's about to lose me.

''Awh my heart'' she layed back touching her chest, I yelled for the nurse, but she started laughing, ''Edeline are you serious!! what the hell was that'' she couldn't stop laughing, she looked cute laughing out loud, ''I got you Detective'' she said, ''very funny, and it's Peter from now on'' I sat closer and kissed her hand, she ran her fingers through my hair and for the first time in 4 years, I'm in love.

''Now tell me. What is it do you want to eat. I can see you're very hungry'' I asked cozying up next to her  ''That's true. I didn't eat for a whole week. I'm starving'' she said and we both laughed.

I heard the door open and as soon as I turned my head towards it, it was a man in his 50's looking at Edeline with fear and tears in his eyes.

''Eric?'' she said.
