Chapter 10

Detective Peter Hill

I tried to look for books in other shops, but all of them were just too fictional. I drove around town searching for other clues till it hit me. Edeline knows so much about books. Maybe she could help.

I don't know why, but I feel like everything I do leads me back to this girl. I just feel drawn to her, and everytime I see her I just wanna talk to her.

I drove to the bookstore and saw the lights were on, the front view is now full of books and decorations. She's doing a great job in there.

I parked on the side, and as I stepped out of the car, there she was, arranging books so gracefully with her hair laying down her back, she was coughing from the dust, she looked adorable.

I saw my reflection in the rear-view window, I was lightning up, I was smiling genuinely.


I heard the door open and footsteps coming in. I took a quick glance, it was Detective Hill. I guess I'm gonna have to accept that it's a small town, and that I'll be seeing him more often.

I hid behind the books, hoping he won't notice, but the dust that exploded in my face made me cough like an idiot!!

''I was hoping you'd be here'' Detective Hill smiled, ''Me? why?'' I tried to avoid looking at him by sorting books on the shelf. ''Well, you know your way around books, and I need to find one'', I walked to the back of the store, sending body messages of avoidance.

he placed his arm in front of me to stop me, ''Will... you help me?'' he was too close now, it's getting uncomfortable, ''Please?'' he added.

His ocean eyes made me agree to help out. Maybe I can ask a favor in return.

''Fine. What do you need?'', ''I think our killer is basing his murders on a book. I can't find which book, there's so many. I figured you read books so you might know'' he said looking through the books I arranged, ''well you certainly won't find your killer in Rom-Coms'', he looked at the book he's holding and smashed it close looking embarrassed , ''then let's get to work'', ''first you must tell me the details of the recent murder'', ''The Forensics report showed that the girl was stabbed two times in the chest'', ''only that?'' I asked.

''Most common cases in books weather it was fictional or based on real events, the victims are usually stabbed. I need something else'' I said opening the 'Real Crime Cases' book. This book includes both fictional and real event cases. ''What about the girl who was strangled then drowned'' Hill said, ''Okay... I need more details'', ''she was also kidnapped, and 3 nights after we found her in a lake. We thought it was suicide until we found hand-prints on her neck, she was strangled to death and thrown into water'', ''Poor girl, who would do such thing'' I stopped for a moment getting flashbacks of a similar thing I read.

''I think I found the book'' It was 'The Quiet Killing', a very old book about a serial killer who hunts down teenage girls. ''Did he leave a mark on her arm? like a line or some sort of symbol?'', ''There was a symbol on her arm, and on the arm of the recent victim as well'' he said showing me the report pictures, ''These marks are the same ones in this book'' I walked to his side and stood next to him showing him while he sat and spaced out the table.

Detective Hill

She walked to my side to show me the book, her hair dangled to my side next to my face. I can smell its scent. Lavender with Jasmine. It smelled really good. I couldn't focus, I kept looking at her while she explained.

I Can't drag her into my life.

''I think it's Phoenician'', she said ''phoe-who?'' I wondered if that's even a thing, ''Phoenician. It's a Greek ancient language. I need to look into my Phonetics book. I'm sure I'll find the meaning'' she said, ''no need. I'll have my team look it up'' I tried to finish up and leave.

''You will find everything you need if he's really copying these murders in real life'' she said, ''Well, thanks for everything, but I should get going'' I said taking the book and headed to the door.

''Wait'' she said, ''The killer won't know these murders unless he read the book'' she was right, ''genius. I knew I hired a genius'' Sam said, ''Sam print the list of people who bought this book'' she told Sam, ''you're really good at this. You should consider applying for the job'' Sam said, ''Naahh, I'll leave it to the detective'' she said, ''it's Peter'' I said, ''I like Detective better'' she smiled and now all I wanna stare at is her smile.

She handed me the list and wished me good luck. ''you might wanna do the same in other shops. Who knows where he might have gotten the book'' she said, ''right... thanks'' I said taking one last look at her.


His look was soft and sweet. He never looked at me like that before. His looks were always stiff and narcissistic, but now it's... different. The way his eyes looked at me like he genuinely appreciates my help.

His fingertip touched my palm as I handed him the list.

We looked at each other as if we both felt what that touch exposed.

I can't. I won't. 
