Chapter 38


He came inside and shut the door behind him as if he doesn't want anyone to see him.

''Eric? Oh my god... What are you doing here?'', ''I came as soon as I heard. I was Worried sick Edeline. What were you thinking?! Putting yourself in danger like that'' he was so angry I could see his veins showing on his forehead.

''How did you know what happened?'' I asked, ''My name is your emergency contact'' he said smiling.

Right... I remember back in New York when he got me my first phone as a gift. He enlisted his name under emergency contact. It's when I knew right there and then, Eric was more than a godfather. He was a father to me.

All I did in that moment, was hug him so tight as if I'm afraid he'd disappear any second.

As we pulled away, I looked around and Hill walked outside of the room. I guess he wanted to give us some space.

''You have to meet my friends. Sam and Maya, they saved my life'' I said and I was excited for him to meet them, but something in his eyes frightened him of the thought.

''As much as I want to, I can't'', ''What do you mean you can't? You literally just came'', ''I know and I'll come back I promise. I just need to go back to New York to finish some work'', ''Fine. Go finish your work'', ''Please don't be mad Eddie. I'll come back I promise'', ''Thanks for coming'' I said and turned my head to the side.

I hate goodbyes, and I hate that I'm being childish about it. I just missed him so much.

''Who was that?'' Hill asked as he came back inside, ''My godfather, the one I told you about'', ''I'm sorry if he upset you'', ''No worries, I could never be mad at him''.

His boss called needing him in the station. ''Go, we'll meet later'' I said, ''I'm really sorry'' he kissed my forehead and left.

After a while Sam and Maya came with a bag for my stuff. Getting ready to go back home.

''Maya can we go to the Salon?'' I asked on our way home, ''The Salon?'' she asked, ''Yeah. I need a makeover'' I said looking at my reflection in the rearview mirror, ''Why would you need a makeover, you're perfect'' Sam Said, ''That's ridiculous, there's no such thing as perfection. Flaws are what makes us who we are'', ''whatever'' Sam said, ''What kind of makeover do you want?'' Maya asked, ''I need to cut my hair''.

They say when you get out of a phase or if a major incident happened to you, you need to cut your hair. not all of it. just a portion.

It somehow cleanses our bodies from toxicity. And right now I need to cut my hair.

Sam dropped us at the hair salon right across the street from the bookstore. He said he'll be at the bookstore to run it for a few hours.

Maya has mentioned before how I need to cut like the tips of my hair every once in a while. It helps for it to grow, but now I need like more than half of it cut.

''You're going bold aren't you'' Maya said, ''I just got out of a coma. I think being bold isn't an option'' I said and nodded at the hairdresser. Giving him permission to do whatever he pleases with my hair.

20 minutes to 30 minutes. That's all it took for the hairdresser to finish up my hair. He kept spraying some stuff on my hair making me cough.

''All done'' he finally said and turned me around so that I could see myself in the mirror.

I feel... free.

''Oh wow. Short hair is definitely your thing'' Maya said with her hands on her mouth, ''I feel like a heavy weight has lifted'', ''Yeah well... cutting hair does make you feel that'', ''This is the first time ever to get this haircut. My hair was always long. I loved it long, but right now I just needed this'' I said touching my hair. It feels so soft and easy to brush.

''let's go show Sam'' Maya said.

Sam was in Owe. He couldn't believe it. It's like I had a tattoo and not a haircut.

''but I like it. it's bold'' He said, ''Exactly what I thought'' I said smiling.

''Okay I need to get home guys. I'll see you around'' Maya said holding her bag, ''Wait I'll take you'' Sam said, ''Come on Eddie let's go'' he continued, ''you guys go. I'll walk home'', ''no way you just got out of the hospital'', ''I need the fresh air, it's okay'', ''are you sure?'', ''Sam I'm fine'' I assured him, ''okay then. let's go Maya'' they both walked out and I waited for the girl who was trying her best to choose between Pride & Prejudice by Jane Austen and It End With Us by Colleen Hoover to make up her mind so that I could go home.

''What speaks to you?'' I asked, ''Excuse me?'' she looked at me, ''Which book speaks to you. Like how do you feel holding them. Which one gives you the 'this is it' feeling?'' I asked, ''Well... I did see the movie version of Pride & Prejudice, but I don't know'' she said walking towards me. ''I'll tell you what. Read the book, and watch the movie again. It'll be magical'' I said, ''Pride & Prejudice it is then'' she said paying and saying thank you.

Choosing a book isn't that difficult. It's the way you hold it in your hands that counts. It feels like a companion. A friend that will go through the days with you.

I closed the bookstore and walked across the street to go home. The air was cold, but warm. It felt really tinder and nice on my skin.

People were walking around peacefully. Giving smiles and saying hello.

Huntersville is so quiet and so peaceful. It started to grow on me. And I like it.

As I walked to the next block, I ran into someone and his arm hit my chest. It hurt a little and I had to stop for a minute to endure the pain and then walk again.

''Edeline?'' the guy said and I looked up.

