
Hello everyone! I'm sorry if you thought this was a new chapter, I know I haven't written anything in quite a while, but I've been getting some messages asking me to update this story and I want to explain my absence.
At the start of this year I was busy studying for my GED (which I got last month after just 2-3 months of studying, yayy!✨), so that was my main focus, as well as working on starting up my own small business. While I did have time to write and update my stories, it wasn't a priority to me and I'd rather spend that time doing other things.
I've also been very stressed as I had been anticipating hip surgery, which I just had yesterday, and I have another surgery coming up soon.
I don't know the fate of my books, as I've lost a lot of motivation to write over the past couple of years (hence all of my hiatuses and absences). I can't say for sure if I'll be discontinuing my books, because I've always had ideas of how I wanted each of my stories to play out. Especially this book. As I was reading the One Piece manga I was excited to choose how our main character would go through Wano Kuni~. But alas, writing takes a lot of energy from me, so I'm sorry that I haven't been active.
I also wanted to give some friendly advice/a little reminder...You may love a story, and you may want the author to continue writing, but please do not ask them to update their work. There's a time for everything and you just don't know what the author may be doing/dealing with outside of writing. Writing is a pastime for most of us, it's often not a high priority. So while it's flattering that you enjoy our stories and would like to read more, getting a sense of pressure to continue our writing can actually make us more reluctant to update. And I'm sure that as much as you want an update, if that new chapter was built on peer pressure and stress, I can assure you none of us would be happy with the outcome. So just keep all of that in mind.
I hope I haven't disappointed you all too much, and I hope you can forgive me for being absent and for probably continuing to be absent for a while. I want to thank all of you that comment and message me telling me how much you love to read my work, it really means a lot, and it helps me to continue thinking of how to write out a new chapter. Again, I'm sorry I can't say when a new chapter will come out, but I've seen so many of you add this book into your libraries, so hopefully the next update you see will be more exciting than this one.
Thank you for taking the time to read this if you've made it all the way through. I hope you all have a great day and enjoy your summer~!
