Chapter 3

Y/n woke up to the sound of waves hitting the hull of the Going Merry, along with other voices outside of the cabin. Rubbing her eyes, y/n walked over to her new shared dresser, grabbing some clothes from Nami. She told herself to keep the reminder for buying new clothes in her mind. Looking in the mirror, y/n decided that it was good enough. A plain white button down vest with some frills along the buttons and collar, along with some black leggings and her own black boots. To top it all off, she wrapped her brown leather belt holding her sheathed rapier around her waist. Making sure her hair was neat, y/n made her way outside the cabin.

"Nami-san! I have a report of love!" He called down, binoculars against his eyes. "I see big rain clouds up ahead!" Nami nodded, looking down to her sea chart.

"Looks like we're back on our original course. We should be seeing the Red Line by now..." She mumbled to herself, not noticing y/n's presence.

"Is that the Red Line?" Y/n spoke up, her gaze stuck on Nami's sea chart.

"Oh, good morning y/n!" The navigator pointed to a large landmass labeled 'Red Line'. "It is." Her eyes narrowed. "I'm a little confused though." She gathered the crew into the kitchen, placing the chart down on the table.

"Look at this." The crew placed their eyes on the chart. "If this map is real, the entrance to the Grand Line is a mountain." Luffy's eyes were glued to the illustration before him, a glass cup stuck between his lips.

"A mountain?" He managed to ask from behind the cup.

"We have to crash into a mountain to enter the Grand Line?" Zoro asked, raising one eyebrow like he usually does.

"If you look closely, there are canals leading up to it. That might mean we have to go up the mountain!" Y/n raised a brow.

"A ship climbing a mountain? I've lived for a while but I can't ever recall such a phenomenon." She muttered, her arms crossing.

Behind their discussion, Usopp was struggling with the rudder, making all sorts of annoying noises.

"Sanji-kun, give Usopp a hand." Nami ordered, complaining about the noise.

"Yes Nami-san!" He eagerly complied, but was confused as the rudder wouldn't budge.

"Doesn't this current seem too strong?!" Usopp inquired, cheeks red from effort.

"Huh? What did you say?" Nami asked, suddenly realizing something that y/n didn't quite understand. "I got it!" The navigator exclaimed, looking back down at the map. "We really do have to go up the mountain!" She then went on to explain Reverse Mountain.

"So basically, it's a mystery mountain!" Y/n deadpanned at Luffy's conclusion, whacking him on the back of his head.

"That's not it." She frowned, now slightly regretting taking such a person for a captain.

"Well, I guess you don't get it." Nami sighed.

"So we really are going up a mountain. I've never heard of such a thing." Zoro added.

"I've heard rumors. Not specifically of ships climbing mountains, but I knew that it would be a challenge to get into the Grand Line." Sanji added, giving up on helping Usopp.

As the Going Merry entered the stormy area, Nami ordered the men to furl the sails and keep track of the rudder, making sure that their one chance into the Grand Line didn't screw up. Unfortunately for them, as they tried to fight against the current, the helm snapped right off, leaving the crew in a shocked and fearful state. Before the cavalier could hit the entrance pillar, Luffy jumped out, inflating his body, cushioning and changing the course of the boat before it could crash.

Once the captain made it back to the ship with Zoro's help, Usopp and Sanji started to cheer, dancing around out of pure joy. Y/n walked to the bow of the ship, smiling as she enjoyed the strong wind brushing against her front. "Now it's just a straight shot to the summit!" They all enjoyed the ride, looking in awe at the sky once they breached the clouds.

"We're above the clouds!" Luffy exclaimed, cheering the loudest out of everyone.

As they reached the top, the current still going strong, the Going Merry went airborne, drifting in open air before colliding back down into another current. Y/n's ears twitched as they made their way down, catching the sound of a deep chirping.

"Did you hear that too?" Zoro asked her, noticing her more attentive state. Nodding in reply, y/n tried to look past the mist of the clouds and flying water. Her eyes widened as she spotted a large figure in the distance, blocking the exit from Reverse Mountain. The others seemed to have noticed it too.

The crew started to freak out as the ship neared the bottom of the mountain.

"It's a huge whale!" Y/n's mouth was left agape. Never, in any of her lives, has she seen a whale this huge. The crew had tried desperately to turn the ship and escape through a small opening to the left side, but all of them froze in shock as the cannon was fired. The ship slowly came to a stop, but not before Merry's head collided with the whale, breaking it off of it's neck, sending it flying.

"My favorite seat!" Luffy exclaimed, running out on deck from where the cannon was held.

The men started using the oars, quickly getting the ship out. Luffy glared at the large animal, cursing at it for breaking his favorite seat. He sent his fist flying towards the whale's eye, hitting it as hard as he could. The crew froze and cried out, eyes white and foreheads blue from fear. The whale cried out, opening it's mouth to suck in the water around it along with the ship. Y/n didn't have time to worry about Luffy as he fell out of the ship, focusing on not being the next to fall out as the ship spun and twisted around, going deeper into the whale's mouth.


"H-H-H-H-How?!" Usopp stuttered, the whole crew trying to comprehend what they were looking at.

"I'm almost completely sure we got swallowed by that whale." Sanji tried to assure himself while looking at the bright blue sky above him.

"Is this a dream?" They stared at the island before them, atop it a small cabin, seeming to be lived in.

"Yeah, it's probably a dream." Zoro confirmed. Suddenly, a giant pink squid emerged from the water, moving to attack. Zoro, Sanji, and y/n got into an attack position, but before they could rain hell upon the monster, three harpoons shot through it's body, instantly killing it.

"Look, there's someone in there!" An old man with a strange hairdo pulled in the squid, tying the ropes connected to the harpoons to a post on the island.

"Was he just fishing? Or did he do it to save us?" Y/n inquired, watching along with the crew as the old man walked alongside the edge of the island, their bodies tense. They could only shout at the old man as he plopped down on a lawn chair, starting to read the newspaper nonchalantly.

"Say something you jerk!" Sanji spat. The old man gave a glare.

"Y-Y-You wanna fight? We'll fight you! We've got cannons!" Usopp sputtered, standing further back, hiding behind the rest of the crew.

"If you do that, someone will die." The old man responded menacingly.

"Oh? Just who will that be?" Y/n raised a brow, crossing her arms.

"Me." The old man responded, making the crew shout in disbelief once more.

"You?!" Sanji looked just about to burst, Zoro placing a hand to calm him down.

"Calm down, I've got this." The swordsman stepped forward. "Oi, old man. Where are we? Who are you?" Zoro's look of confidence faltered as the man responded.

"Isn't it proper manners to give your name before asking questions?" Sweatdropping slightly, Zoro agreed.

"Right." Just as he started to introduce himself, the old man interrupted him, giving out his own name and information, ignoring Zoro's own introduction.

"Can I cut him?!" The male shook with anger, hand trembling on the hilt of his sword.

"The exit is over there." The old man pointed to a large door not too far off.

"Alright, Nami, let's get out of here." Zoro requested, but before they could get the ship moving, everything started to shake, throwing y/n off her feet. Before she could hit the ground, Zoro caught her arm, pulling her up.

"What's going on?!" She asked, not liking the thought of falling into a large sea of gastric acid.

"It's started." The old man mumbled, grabbing the crew's attention once more.

"Oi! What's started?! Tell us!" Usopp shouted out, hands gripping tightly to the rail of the Going Merry.

"This whale..." The old man looked up to the fake sky. "Laboon has started ramming his head into the Red Line." Thinking back, y/n did notice the giant and plentiful scars upon the whale's head.

"Alright, now that the mystery is solved, let's get out of here. We'll be digested if we stay here any longer."

The whale continued it's ramming, making it impossible to move the ship towards the exit.

"Oi!" Y/n called out as she saw the old man jump into the sea of gastric acid. "What the hell?!" She ran over to the side of the ship, looking for any sign of the man. "Look!" She looked up towards the doors, seeing the man climbing a ladder. Before he reached the top, a smaller set of doors above him were burst open, three figures flying out, one of them being their captain.
