Chapter 29

As the foremen began explaining exactly what was wrong with the Going Merry, y/n glanced around, looking for their long-nosed sniper.

"Y/n...?" Nami called the goddess's name.

"I'll find you all later..." Without any further clarification, y/n stalked off in a random direction. Y/n's eyes narrowed as she entered a tiny alleyway in the shipyard. Her gaze sharpened further as she spotted a few bits of slingshot amo and a bit of blood on the floor. "Usopp..." She muttered. She ran forward, following the blood trail.

Running as fast as she could, y/n followed the trail of crimson droplets, finally coming across a large crowd. She growled and pushed her way through.

"Move it!" She spat, finally making it to the center of the ring of people. "Usopp!" She gasped, finding him bloodied and beaten, collapsed on the stone pavement.

"Y/n...?" Usopp answered weakly.

"Usopp, what happened?!" Y/n knelt down next to the sniper, helping him to sit up against the wall. "All of you get lost! This isn't a damn show!!" Y/n spat, her expression alone scaring people into following her demands. "Usopp, talk to me. What happened?!" Y/n cradled Usopp's face in her hands, offering him support.

"They took it....I'm so useless..." Usopp coughed out weakly.

"Took what? Who did it?" Y/n growled, urging the sniper on.

"The Franky Family...They took the money..." Usopp began to tear up, biting his lower lip. "I' sorry!! Everyone!!" He cried out. "We were finally fix the Going Merry..." Y/n's breath got caught in her throat. So he didn't know...That the Merry could sail no longer. "Yet I lost the money...I'm so...useless...!" Y/n furrowed her brows, her head hanging down, her gaze not meeting the sniper's. No matter how much money they had, the Merry could go no further. But she didn't have the heart to tell him.

"Usopp...Don't worry..." Y/n spoke lowly. "Stay here...I'll find Chopper and everyone else. We'll figure out something...Okay?" Y/n grit her teeth as Usopp didn't respond. She closed her eyes and activated the Virgo realm, doing what she could to ease his pain. "I said get lost!! Does this look like a damn circus?!!" Y/n roared to the people who still lingered around. "Which way did they go?" Usopp still didn't speak, only weakly pointing his finger towards the North. "I'll get the money back...I promise." Y/n swiped her thumbs over Usopp's cheeks, wiping away the blood and tears. She then stood up, striping away her shirt, leaving her in only her bra and white shorts, along with her rapier. The people lingering around gasped as she dived into the water road, nearing the edge of the sidewalk to see where she went.

Using the Pisces realm, y/n gave herself fins and scales, helping her to swim swiftly through the water. She dodged many yagara bulls and boats drifting through the water. Exiting the road out into open seas, y/n swam around the peninsula that the Merry was anchored at. She jumped out from the water, landing on the rocky beach. She wasted no time, running straight for the ship.

"Chopper! Are you here?!" She called out.

"Y/n?!" Chopper looked over the railing.

"Mellorine~!!" Sanji approached the railing as well, fawning over y/n's exposed form. Her white shorts were now see through due to the soaked fabric, showing her underwear beneath.

"What the hell are you wearing?!!" Zoro appeared at the railing as well, sporting a blush just as bright as Sanji's.

"Chopper, it's Usopp! A gang got to him and took our money. He's located a bit East of the shipyard. Go find him and help him. I did what I could with my powers, but he's still severely injured." Y/n explained, ignoring both Zoro's and Sanji's comments. She began to run northeast, where Usopp had told her the Franky Family had run off to, but she was stopped.

"Wait! Where are you going?!" Zoro hissed, wanting more information.

"I have a gang to beat up..." Y/n responded, a dark smile spread across her face. With that, she took off, using the Taurus realm to help her move faster.


Y/n was able to find the Franky Family hideout in no time. The building was just as obnoxious as the members who resided within it.

"Usopp?!!" Y/n called out as she saw the sniper laying in front of the building. She ran towards him, kneeling down, finding him unmoving and barely breathing. "You idiot! I told you to stay put!" Y/n muttered to the unconscious male before standing up straight. She glared darkly at the building before her.

Stepping up to the door, y/n used the back of her hand to knock. Not waiting for an answer, y/n unsheathed her rapier, letting out a loud cry as she shoved the blade into the ground. The dirt beneath her cracked, the break moving forward and through the Franky House. The building groaned and shook as the foundation was sliced through. Y/n pulled her blade from the ground, parts of the Franky House beginning to crumble to the ground, creating a large hole for y/n to enter through.

"Aries: Curl!" Before any of the people inside could process what just happened, y/n leaned forward, curled horns sprouting from her head. She ran forward, ramming into many of the Franky Family members, breaking through their armor and throwing them every which way.

"What the hell?! Who is that?!" Y/n smirked and closed the Aries realm, pointing her rapier to the sky.

"Gemini: Gust!!" She swung the sword down before swinging it again sideways, creating an 'x'. A large gust of wind pushed the men back, throwing them into the walls, breaking more of their armor. Just as one man was about to attack y/n from behind, y/n turned around, grabbing his neck.

"Let go of me, you bitch!!" The man wheezed, kicking his legs wildly as he was lifted up into the air.

"What the hell is your goal here? Destroying our workshop like this?!!" Another man yelled at her, charging at her from the side. Y/n simply lifted her rapier, pointing it in his direction, causing him to stop in his tracks, lest he run himself through.

"I believe you have something of mine. Why don't you return it so that my crew may be at ease?" Y/n asked, squeezing harder at the neck in her grasp.

"Are you part of those Straw Hats...?" The man wheezed, a smirk forming on his face. "You looking to get your money back? Don't bother..." Y/n raised a brow at that. "Our boss Franky already took it and went shopping!! No matter how much havoc you wreak, you can't get your money back!! Hahaha-!!" The man was cut off as y/n threw him into a group of more men, taking them all down at once.

"Let's not forget...You've stolen another thing from my crew..." Y/n's eyes were menacing, a crazed expression upon her face.

"We didn't take anything else, you bitch!!" One of the men spat. Y/n walked towards the entrance of the house, turning to face the Franky Family as she reached the 'doorway'.

"You've stolen our sniper's pride." Y/n sheathed her rapier, putting up her left hand. "And that is simply...unforgivable." Y/n's palm began to glow brightly, nearly blinding the men before her. "Capricorn: Hoof!!" A beam of light shot out of y/n's hand, causing an giant explosion.

Y/n huffed and walked away from the now obliterated Franky House.


Y/n sat on the railing of the Going Merry, looking out on the sea. After she had walked away from the Franky House, she saw Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Chopper walking towards her. Luffy had whined about how she stole his prey, but the goddess only rolled her eyes, moving with Chopper to help Usopp. Now the sniper was resting within the infirmary, everyone but Robin returned on the ship.

"Hey, everyone! Usopp's awake!" Chopper came running out of the infirmary, notifying everyone on deck of Usopp's awakening. The crew moved into the room where he resided.

"I'm sorry everyone!! I lost our money!" Usopp cried out, jumping onto Zoro's legs.

"Oi!" The swordsman sweat, trying to shake the sniper off.

"We worked so hard to get that money and I just gave it all away like that!!" Usopp ignored Zoro's protests, continuing to cling onto the man's pants.

"Usopp! You need to rest!" Chopper exclaimed.

"O-Oi! I get it! So let go!" Zoro grunted, pulling at his pants so that they wouldn't fall down. Y/n watched in amusement, getting a glimpse of Zoro's underwear from behind.

After Usopp calmed down and got back onto the infirmary bed, y/n explained the situation to everyone.

" the end, we still don't have it..." Usopp muttered.

"We don't know yet. We're still waiting for Franky to come back, but even if he doesn't have the money, we still have 100 million! Don't worry about it!" Luffy smiled.

"I'm so sorry..." Usopp apologized again. "So can we fix the Going Merry with 100 million? We came a long way to get to this high class shipyard. We need to make the ship even stronger for us to conquer the sailing beyond."

"Nope! Usopp, I've decided to change ships! The Going Merry has helped us a lot, but its sailing days will end right here!"

"Hold on, hold on! Don't joke around! It's not funny at all!" Usopp frowned. "Do we not have enough money to repair Merry? Is it because I lost the 200 million?!"

"No! That's not it!" Luffy shook his head.

"Then what is it?! Tell me! Don't worry about hurting my feelings!!" Usopp shouted.

"I don't! It has nothing to do with the money!!" Luffy shouted back.

"Then why do you have to say such nonsense like changing ships?!" Usopp and Luffy both got up, both of them glaring at each other.

"Oi. Stop yelling you two. Sit down and talk calmly." Zoro grunted.

"Calm?! How can I be calm after hearing such stupid things?!" Usopp spat.

"We only decided on that because we have no other choice!" Nami spoke up.

"Merry is going to die!!" Luffy shouted, causing everything to go silent. "No one can fix it no matter what. I would never make that decision otherwise!" Luffy calmed down a bit, backing away from Usopp as Sanji pulled him away.

"But...this ship...It took us all the way here. Didn't it?!" Usopp slammed his hand down on the wooden floor.

"Yeah...But it's only a matter of time before it sinks. That's what the ship mechanics said." Luffy told him.

"Ah...So they said we can't get to the next island...huh? Do you always listen to strangers and trust everything they say?!"

"Usopp." Y/n called him with a warning tone, but the sniper didn't listen.

"Just because a few carpenters said're going to leave a friend behind to die?!!" Usopp shouted. "I'll never leave this ship behind!! Don't you say 'I've decided' like you're a real captain!! I've misjudged you Luffy!!" Usopp grabbed the front of Luffy's shirt, glaring at the rubber male.

"Usopp!" Y/n furrowed her brows, raising her voice.

"Don't talk like you know everything, punk!" Luffy pushed Usopp down, pinning him to the floor.


"You're not the only one who cares about Merry!!" Luffy snapped.

"If you care, you wouldn't want to change ships!!" Usopp snapped back.

"Fine!! If you don't like my decision, then just get off-!!" Luffy was cut off as Sanji kicked him in the face, sending him into the wall.

"Idiot!!" Sanji hissed. "What are you thinking?! Calm down!! Watch what you say!!" The blond hissed.

"Ah, sorry. I didn't mean.." Luffy started to get up off the floor.

"No. That's fine, Luffy! Since that's what you really feel!" Usopp sat up. "Leaving behind crewmates that are useless to you one by one, so you can keep on moving forward...If you want to leave this ship behind, then leave me behind too!!"

"Usopp! You're not serious...!"

"No...I am. I've thought about it...Luffy. You're goal is to become pirate king, but I'll only hold you back." Usopp stood up before walking out of the cabin, jumping down from the ship.

"Where are you going?!"

"I quit."


"I can't go with you anymore...I won't cause you trouble anymore...But the ship belongs to the fight me."


"If I win, I'm taking the Going Merry!" Usopp stopped walking away from the ship, standing still before turning around. "Monkey D. Luffy...I challenge you to a duel!!"


"Why didn't you just finish them off?! If you had, Usopp wouldn't have gotten robbed and lost his pride!!" Sanji spat.

"Look who's talking!! You went off shopping instead of staying here to help!!" Zoro snapped.

"I'm a cook! That's my job!!" Sanji and Zoro growled at each other.

"Enough!!" Y/n's voice boomed, instantly silencing the cook and swordsman. Sighing heavily, y/n exited the ship.

"Where are you going?!" Nami called after her.

"On a walk." Was all y/n said. Entering the darkened city of water, y/n sighed and looked for some place to relax. Finding a bar, y/n entered, deciding she needed a drink.

"Welcome." A deep voice grumbled above all of the rowdy chatter from drunk patrons. "What's a young lady like yourself doing out so late?" The man behind the bar questioned as y/n took a seat on one of the counter stools.

"Just trying to get away for a bit..." Y/n mumbled.

"Troublsome crew?" The bartender hummed curiously.

"How'd you...Oh..." Y/n cut herself off as the large man before her gestured towards the many wanted posters plastered on the wall, spotting her own face. "I suppose..."

"So what will I be getting you to calm your nerves?" The bartender rumbled.

"A bottle of sake. The best you've got." Y/n sighed. "Thanks." She smiled softly as the man placed down a bottle of her preferred alcohol, along with a glass.

"You're a highly wanted criminal. The government places you pretty high on their list of dangerous pirates." Y/n hummed as she downed a shot of sake.

"It's nothing new, really..." Y/n sighed, pouring herself another shot.

"Ever feared being captured?"

"Who doesn't? Not necessarily because I'm afraid of death. It's more like...what they would do to give me a fate worse than death..."


"It's complicated." Y/n downed another shot, feeling her body buzz slightly.

"Hey, Blueno! The usual over here!" A group of men entered the bar, y/n not bothering to see who it was.

"Oi, shameless girl! What're you doing here?!" Only then did y/n look over when a familiar voice called out to her.

"Is it illegal for me to get a drink?" She raised her brow at Paulie.

"Don't mind him. He's a bit of a prude." The man with the long, square-ish nose from before smiled at her. Y/n snorted as Paulie yelled in protest. "I'm Kaku, by the way. I remember seeing you in the shipyard for a short while."

"Y/n. I'm part of the Straw Hat crew." Y/n shook his hand, crossing one leg over the other.

"I'm real sorry about your ship..." Kaku said softly. Y/n didn't respond, only playing with the rim of her glass. The fluttering of wings caught y/n's attention, a familiar white pigeon landing on the counter next to her.

"Well hello there, Hattori." Y/n smiled softly and pet the bird.

"Ah, so you've met Lucci and Hattori." Kaku smiled, earning a nod from y/n.

"I'm surprised, really. Hattori seems to like you a lot. He rarely leaves Lucci's shoulder." Paulie grunted, accepting a beer bottle from the bartender, Blueno.

"He's cute..." Y/n said, a small lisp in her dialect as she became a bit tipsy.

"You drank that fast." Blueno stated, looking at the half empty sake bottle. A snap of the fingers was heard, Hattori fluttering back over to Lucci's shoulder.

"You should get back to your crew and rest. Coo!" Hattori spoke, Lucci walking over to y/n.

"I don't think I want to go back right now..." Y/n muttered, taking another shot.

"Where you planning on staying somewhere else for the night?" Kaku asked.

"Not really. Things just kind of ended up this way. It's not that I want to avoid the crew...I just kind of want to be alone right now..." Y/n sighed deeply before turning to Lucci. "Know any good places for stargazing?"

Y/n walked side by side with Lucci, the cool night breeze cooling her down. After requesting directions for a good stargazing spot, Lucci offered to take her to the location.

"It's a bit cloudy tonight, though..." Y/n muttered, looking up at the sky. She was still able to see the stars, but the occasional cloud drifted by to cover some up.

"We're here, coo coo!" Hattori informed. They stopped on a small, empty dock. There was nobody else there. It was quiet and serene, exactly what y/n wanted. Y/n smiled and sat down at the edge of the wooden dock, her legs dangling over the water.

"Thanks for taking me here. I appreciate it." Y/n turned her head to smile at Lucci, who stood behind her. The male moved to sit next to y/n.

"How long are you going to stay out here?" Hattori questioned.

"I don't know...A good while." Y/n responded, her eyes trained back on the stars. She heard Lucci sniffing at her again, but she didn't say anything. She also heard a light scratching noise on the wood, but thinking it was just debris in the water scraping at the docks, she wasn't bothered.

"We'll be leaving. Goodnight. Stay safe! Coo coo!" Lucci stood up before slowly stalking off. Y/n watched him leave, her eyes moving to the spot where he was sitting. Her eyes widened, her brows furrowing. She immediately felt sober again as she looked between Lucci, and the small carving of the World Government symbol he left behind.


"Miss! Are you alright?! Miss!" Y/n was awoken by a strangers voice above her, her body being shaken roughly. Opening her eyes, y/n saw what looked to be a fisherman kneeling by her side, calling out to her as he shook her awake. "Are you awake?" The stranger questioned, noticing her slowly blinking at him.

"What...?" She mumbled, furrowing her brows as she sat up. Looking around, y/n noticed she was still at the small dock Lucci had taken her to. Looking to her side, that carving was still there, mocking her.

"Miss..?" The fisherman beside her called out once more, concerned for her well-being.

"What time is it?" She asked, turning to him.

"It's almost noon. Are you alright? What were you doing, sleeping on a dock?" The man answered.

"Noon...? Damn..." Y/n looked to the high risen sun. She must've consumed more alcohol than she thought. "I'm alright, thank you..." Y/n gave the fisherman a small smile. "I just fell asleep while stargazing, don't worry about me." The fisherman sighed and smiled back at her.

"Okay then. But be careful next time! I heard that the Aqua Laguna is approaching very soon! I came out here to make sure my boat would be preserved."

"Aqua Laguna?" Y/n raised a brow.

"It's basically a high tide. This lower town is gonna be submerged in water, so we're all getting ready for it. It's best if you hang out on the upper levels at this time of year." The fisherman informed her.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know." Y/n finally stood up from her spot, deciding she should head back to the Merry to figure out what to do.

"Hey!! Hey! There's a freakin' giant high tide called Aqua Laguna comin' this way!!" As y/n approached the Merry, she saw Sanji and Chopper standing a good ways away from the ship, shouting out warnings about the Aqua Laguna.

"Yeah! Yeah! This town's gonna sink! It's gonna go 'bloop'!!"

"What are you two doing...?" Y/n approached them.

"Y/n-swan!!" Sanji gasped, instantly beginning to fawn over the goddess.

"Y/n! We were so worried about you! You didn't come back, and we couldn't find you!!" Chopper cried out, transforming back into his smaller body from his walk point.

"I was stargazing, and I fell asleep." Y/n explained.

"As long as you're fine." Sanji smiled. "Let's head back into the city. We booked a hotel to stay in last night."

"What about Usopp? And the Merry?" Y/n questioned.

"Oh, right. You weren't there for the fight..." Chopper muttered, looking down at the floor.

"The Merry and Usopp are their own team now. They're no longer our business..." Sanji spoke monotonously. Y/n glanced at the Going Merry, nodding her head in understanding.

"What about Robin?" Both Sanji and Chopper shook their heads solemnly. "I see...Let's go then. We should look for her and create a plan..." Y/n sighed, heading towards the city, Chopper and Sanji following behind her.

"Do you think Robin got mad when I went to the bookstore...?" Chopper worriedly looked up at Sanji and y/n, wondering if it was really his fault that Robin left during their shopping trip.

"Of course that's not a plausible reason." Y/n pet the reindeer's head, reassuring him that he wasn't at fault.

"This place looks so deserted now..." Sanji muttered as they continued walking through the city.

"It's not surprising. Everyone's probably evacuated by now...Robin...?" Y/n's brows furrowed as she spotted a familiar figure standing across the water road.

"Robin-chan!!" Sanji gasped.

"Robin!!" Chopper exclaimed as well. "Where did you go?! Everyone is worried about you!!"

"Let's go back to the hotel! I'll tell you everything later-" Sanji was cut off as Robin shook her head.

"No." The black haired woman stated shortly. "I won't go back with you."

"Robin-chan?! What are you saying? Is this about the thing in the papers? Don't worry, we don't believe it!" Sanji frowned.

"Yes. You guys were falsely accused of the crime, however, for me, it is the truth." Robin stated. "I did, in fact, infiltrate the mayor's office last night."

"Iceberg...?" Y/n furrowed her brows further, processing all the information she was being given.

"This doesn't make sense...Did something happen to you?"

"Robin! Let's go back together!"

"We haven't known each other for long, and after today, we won't be seeing each other again. Say 'hello' to everyone for me. In the time I've been with you, you've treated me well. Goodbye." And with that, Robin began to walk away.

"Wait a minute, Robin-chan! This isn't funny!" Sanji cried out, jumping into the water road, trying to swim across to reach Robin. But it was too late. She was already gone.

"Sanji..." Y/n watched as the cook rung his shirt out, the water dripping onto the pavement.

"Y/n-swan. Chopper. Find Luffy. Tell him exactly what happened. Don't miss a single word." Sanji ordered.

"What about you? What are you gonna do?" Y/n asked, crossing her arms.

"I have a plan. Don't worry." Sanji gave the goddess a reassuring smile, but she wasn't convinced.


After finding Luffy, Zoro, and Nami hiding under a bridge, Chopper and y/n gathered them and explained the details. They now hid atop a roof, trying to figure something out.

"It's time for everyone to wake up..." Zoro spoke, tapping his sword on the ground. "Robin started out as our enemy. Then we let her on our ship. She wouldn't've left us out of fear after all this time." Zoro's expression darkened. "Before the sun goes down, we need to figure out if that woman is a friend...or foe..."

"You make it sound as if you've already decided for yourself..." Y/n spoke.

"From how she spoke, it seemed that Robin had a plan to make things worse for us. It's natural to think that she's going to try completing the assassination again. We've already been put on the short end of the stick for her last attempt. If we go to the crime scene, then we'll automatically be framed." Zoro stated.

"Wait, Zoro! Robin couldn't possibly do something like that, right?! She's our friend, but you're acting like she's our enemy!" Nami exclaimed.

"I'm only speaking of the possibilities. I'm not really on either side." Zoro grunted. "Whether to believe it or not, if I pick one side and the truth is the opposite, the instant in which I make my move, I'll be slowed down." The swordsman grabbed the hilt of his sword. "If something's gonna happen, it's gonna happen tonight. Do we go to the crime scene?" Everyone turned to Luffy, awaiting his decision.

"We go." He nodded.

"So this is my happiness...Din...?" Y/n spoke softly, turning her gaze to the sky. Everyone looked to her, their expressions darkening.

"Let's go."
