Chapter 22

"It sounds cheery in there." Luffy smiled at the kitchen door after hearing Sanji screaming and choking, having swallowed mold growing on some spoiled food.

"He's probably excited about the sky food, since it's new to him!" Usopp shrugged, not paying attention to the loud conversation going on behind the doors. Y/n walked over to the open balcony, looking over the sea of clouds as the group behind her began to talk about dials.

"Huh? What? It's a seashell." Luffy stated as Conis gave him a dial.

"Yes. Please say something to it." Conis requested.

"Okay. Hm...." Luffy brought the dial up to his mouth, thinking about what he'd say to it. "Y/n is-!" Luffy stopped short as he felt y/n's dark aura behind him. "cool!" He finished with a nervous sweat.

"Hmph, that's what I thought." Y/n muttered, crossing her arms as she leaned her lower back against the railing of the balcony. Conis chuckled and pointed to the tip of the dial.

"Now, please press the apex of that shell."

"What's an apex?" Luffy asked, looking at the dial curiously.

"It's the tip of the shell." Usopp walked up to Luffy, pressing down on the apex.

"Y/n is-!.....Cool!"

"Ah! The shell complimented y/n!!" Luffy held the shell further out and away from him, shocked and confused.

"No, that was your voice!" Usopp exclaimed.

"Woah! That's amazing! It stored sounds?" Zoro chuckled from his place on the puffy cloud couch.

"So that seashell is a dial?" Robin questioned.

"Yes. This is called a Tone Dial. It's a White-White Sea seashell that records and replays sounds." Conis explained.

"But the sea here is bottomless, right? Where do they live?" Zoro asked.

"They live in the reefs of the shallows."

"But I can't believe that this thing can move that waver." Robin furrowed her brows.

"You're right." Conis nodded, grabbing another seashell from a dresser across the room. "This is the kind that powers the wavers." She held it up. "This is a small one, but it's fundamentally the same as the Tone Dials." Walking back over towards Luffy and Usopp, she held the shell over her head, pointing it towards a small talisman hanging from the doorway to the balcony. Pressing on the apex of the shell, the device whirred to life and the talisman fluttered around as air was blown out from the shell.

"Ooh! So wind comes out of this one." Usopp and Luffy looked up at the talisman and shell with awe.

"Let me try it!" Luffy demanded, reaching out for the dial.

"This is the Breath Dial. It lets you store and blow wind as you desire." Conis explained, handing the shell over to Luffy. The rubber man began to swing the dial around, allowing the shell to collect air. He then stopped, turning the opening to his face before pressing the apex. He let out a gasp of surprise as a strong wind hit his face, nearly blowing his straw hat off, had it not been strapped to his neck. "The capacity varies depending on the size of the shell, but by attaching this to the stern, you can move a light boat."

"That's the waver." Robin stated, nodding her head as she now understood.

"I see. So it's moved by blowing wind!" Usopp smiled, standing next to y/n on the balcony, looking out on the white sea, trying to spot Nami.

"I wanna ride a waver." Luffy huffed, approaching the other side of y/n.

"Actually, there're various kinds, like a skating type, and a board type, although riding the waver is as much as I can handle.

"I wanna ride it! I'm jealous of Nami. Too bad we have one but we can't use it." Luffy huffed again, causing y/n to roll her eyes.

"You have a waver?" Conis asked.

"Yeah. We happened to come across a beat up one. Well, to start with, it's 200 years old. There's no way it works." Usopp responded.

"We don't know that." Conis hummed. "Dials have always been made from shells of dead shellfish. So unless the shell itself is damaged, they work semi-permanently." She explained.

"So we can use ours?!" Luffy exclaimed.

"You still can't control it, dumbass..." Y/n sighed.

"I'm jealous..." The rubber man deflated.

"Sounds like other kinds of dials exist as well, huh?" Robin questioned. "Is this one of them too?" She pointed to a large, cone shaped dial placed on the coffee table.

"Yes! That's a Lamp Dial." Conis nodded, walking over to the coffee table. She pressed on the apex, the shell lighting up from the inside.

"Whoa! The seashell lit up!" Chopper gasped, looking at the shell in awe.

"In addition, there are Flame Dials that store flames, Flavor Dials that store fragrance, Vision Dials that store videos, and so on."

"How interesting!" Chopper sighed.

"People in the sky couldn't live without these." Conis smiled. "So you could say that sky culture goes hand-in-hand with dial-energy."

"Now, the food is ready!" Sanji and Pagaya walked out from the kitchen, placing trays upon trays of delicious looking food on the coffee table. "It's a hearty sky seafood course with sky island fruits!"

"It looks amazing!" Y/n took a seat next to Chopper on the puffy couch, her eyes widening at the colorful display.

"Why, thank you, y/n-swan~!" Sanji cooed.

"Yum!" Luffy exclaimed, he and the others immediately digging in. As they ate, Sanji moved out to the balcony for a smoke.

"Hey, where did Nami-san go?" The chef questioned, noticing the navigator was no longer in sight.

"She's out there on the sea, isn't she?" Luffy questioned, his voice muffled behind the sky lobster jammed into his mouth.

"No, she isn't." Sanji shook his head, too concerned for Nami to care about the rubber man's bad manners.

"Then she probably went a little far. Don't worry about her." Usopp shrugged.

"Father, I wonder if she's alright." Conis placed down her fork, turning to Pagaya.

"Yes, Conis-san, I'm a bit concerned myself." The older man sweat nervously. Their exchange had everyone's relaxed attitude tense up.

"Why? What's the matter?" Luffy questioned.

"Here in Skypiea, there's a place that we're never to set foot in no matter what." Conis explained with a concerned expression. "That place is next to this island, so if you travel a bit by waver, you can get there. We call that place..." She paused. "Upper Yard, the land where God lives."

"There's a God?! In a place we're never to set foot in?!" Luffy exclaimed, an excited buzz emanating from his body. Y/n raised a brow as she ate her meal, looking at the rubber man through the side of her eye.

"Yes." Conis nodded.

"God...You mean that God?" Chopper questioned. "God lives on the sky island?"

"Yes. Since Skypiea is God's Land, it's ruled by the Almighty God Enel." Conis nodded again.

"The Almighty God?" Sanji echoed.

"God Enel knows everything in this world." Conis stated.

"Everything?!" Usopp questioned. Conis nodded in response.

"He's also watching us all the time." She stated.

"All the time?!"

"Now too?!"

"Of course."

"What?! He's watching us now?!" Chopper exclaimed, looking all around him with paranoia. Y/n just pat the top of his hat and had him sit back down. She could hear Zoro scoffing next to her.

"God, huh?" He hummed.

"Zoro, you don't believe in God?" Chopper asked.

"I don't know. Whether or not God exists doesn't matter to me. I couldn't care less from the beginning." Zoro shrugged. "But I don't intend to deny those who want to believe."

"Then what does that make me, if you don't believe in gods?" Y/n rested her chin in the palm of her hand, looking at Zoro with an intrigued expression. The swordsman didn't hesitate with his answer.

"An old bitch."

"You fucking marimo-!" Y/n was cut off as Sanji whacked Zoro in the head, ignoring the glare he received as he turned towards Conis.

"So, have you seen that God who lives in Upper Yard, Conis-chan?" Sanji asked.

"No! God forbid!" Conis shook her head. "We cannot step foot in Upper Yard. Never..."

"I see." Luffy hummed. "A place that we're not allowed to go in no matter what, huh?" The rubber man was beaming.

"Ah! Your eyes!" Usopp cried out, grabbing a hold on Luffy's vest, shaking him back and forth. "What are you thinking about right now?! Listen good! 'Never step foot in' means you're absolutely not supposed to go there, Luffy!"

"Oh, I see...So there's a place that we're not supposed to go..." The rubber man completely ignored Usopp.

"He's definitely planning to go there..." Everyone mumbled in unison.

"But if he's God, wouldn't he forgive you, even if you go someplace you're not supposed to? He's nice, right?" Luffy questioned.

"Well...But breaking God's rules is blasphemous, so..." Conis trailed off.

"I see. Well, I guess it doesn't matter either way." Luffy shrugged and continued to stuff his mouth full of food.

"So what happens if someone goes into that forbidden Upper Yard?" Robin asked.

"Th-That's..." Conis started to sweat nervously.

"That's...?" Zoro raised his brow.

"That person cannot come back alive. Everyone believes so." Pagaya finished for his daughter, seeing her having trouble explaining it.

"Cannot come back alive?!" Usopp exclaimed.

"I-I'm worried about Nami-san. I hope she isn't near Upper Yard." Pagaya and Conis exchanged glances. Meanwhile, Sanji began to panic, running to the balcony, shouting for Nami to stay put and stay away from Upper Yard.

"Come on, Luffy! Let's go!" The cook demanded, forcing Luffy to finish his food faster.

"Hold on a second. We'll go after I finish these." Luffy mumbled, continuing to stuff his face.

"What're you gonna do if something happens to Nami-san while you're sitting around like it's nothing?!" Sanji huffed. "Just leave them there, since we're coming right back!" The cook sighed, seeing as Luffy ignored him. "Conis-chan, it'll be night if I wait for him! Take me to that Upper Yard place!"

"What? B-But...we don't know if she was really headed there. And..." Conis trailed off. "If we incur God Enel's wrath, we'll really be in big trouble."

"God Enel seems to be pretty scary..." Chopper gulped.

"God Enel...God, huh?" Zoro muttered.

"In any case, we should get moving." Y/n stated, standing up from her seat. Everyone nodded in agreement, following her lead as they headed back down to Angel Beach, where the Going Merry was still docked. They all boarded the ship, waiting for Pagaya's instructions.

"Ah! I'm sorry! There's a headwind right now. With this wind, going to Upper Yard will take quite long! I'm sorry!" The older man shouted from his place on the shore.

"What?!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Quite long?!" Usopp added.

"If this ship moved using dial energy, it wouldn't take that long..." He paused. "I'm sorry."

"How long do you mean by 'quite long'?" Sanji asked.

"I don't know. Only the wind knows."

"I see...Quite long, huh?" Usopp hummed, obviously relieved that they wouldn't be traveling to Upper Yard after all. Aggravated that the Merry couldn't carry them, Luffy quickly grabbed the salvaged, broken waver and jumped down onto the shoreline. He shouted out and hopped onto the waver, his shouts of aggravation turning into cries of panic as he began sinking, the waver taking in water due to the massive holes inside it. Y/n sighed and watched as Luffy's form began to sink into the water.

"That idiot!" Zoro hissed.

"This was obviously going to happen!" Usopp added.

"What are we gonna do? He sank again." Chopper questioned.

"Just leave him!"


"Usopp! Look at this!" Chopper exclaimed, having finished his cloud-sandman. The reindeer's cloud-sandman was a very modest, traditional sculpture, with two large spheres as the head and body, and hoofmarks being used for the eyes.

"Mine's finished too!" Usopp nodded, a smug expression upon his face. Unlike Chopper's sculpture, Usopp had made very realistic looking cloud-sandmen, all fashioned after each crewmember, all of them fawning over the one in the middle, which happened to be Usopp's model. "What do you think?" The sniper turned to y/n, who was walking by. She looked over them, humming.

"I think you're missing something." She walked up to the sculpture, pausing, before throwing her fist forward, hitting the head right off of the Usopp replica. "There, all better." The goddess nodded before walking away, ignoring Usopp's cries.

"Can it be fixed?" Luffy asked, watching as Pagaya inspected their salvaged waver.

"I've never seen these parts." Pagaya hummed.

"Please fix it one way or another!" Luffy pleaded.

"I'm sorry, but I can't say much until I investigate it more." The older man fiddled with the dials and different parts of the old waver.

"Anyhow, please try." Luffy smiled.

"I'll try disassembling it." Pagaya hummed again, causing Luffy's smile to widen. His smile then faded as he spotted a large group of men marching their way.

"Old guy, what's that?" The rubber man questioned.

"You, suspicious ship over there! Hold it!" One of the strangers shouted out.

"Who're they?"

"Why the heck are they crawling?" The Straw Hat crew sweatdropped at the sight of the large group army crawling towards them.

"I don't know."

"They must be idiots..." Y/n muttered.

"What?! So those are idiots..." Chopper hummed.

"Everyone, halt!" The leader of the strange, crawling group called out, the whole group stopping and standing up straight.

"Heso!" They greeted, striking a strange pose.

"Heso!" Conis and Pagaya greeted back.

"What are you guys saying?!" Luffy groaned.

"Who are these guys?" Zoro questioned.

"Y/n said they were idiots..." Chopper muttered.

"So you're the eight illegal entrants who came from the Blue Sea?!" The leader exclaimed.


"I'll humbly bring Heaven's Judgement upon you!"

"Illegal entrants?!" Pagaya and Conis gasped.

"Hm? Illegal entry? What's that?" Luffy asked, turning to Pagaya.

"I-Is that right?" The older man stammered.

"There's no making excuses, since Amazon, the inspector at Heaven's Gate, sent us pictures by a Vision Dial." The leader brought out a stack of photos, the first one being a picture of Luffy.

"Oh, no! That can't be true!" Pagaya shook his head. "Isn't that some sort of mistake, Captain McKinley?! They're not bad people like you say!" The leader, Captain McKinley, ignored Pagaya and hid the photos away in his coat, eyeing down the Straw Hat crew.

"What do you mean by illegal entry?" Sanji spoke up.

"Was the entrance fee 1 billion extol per person?" Robin questioned. "It's true we didn't pay that."

"But that old lady said we could pass without paying, didn't she?" Usopp asked.

"Yes, she did!" Chopper nodded.

"It's no use. Please stop making excuses and admit it." McKinley huffed.

"Like hell we're making excuses!" Y/n hissed.

"However, there's no need to get panicked yet." McKinley ignored y/n's comment and continued. "Illegal entry is only an 11th degree crime, according to 'Heaven's Judgement.' Once you accept your punishment, you can become legal tourists on the spot." The man explained.

"Oh, you should've said so sooner." Sanji huffed. "I still don't like it, but just what is this punishment?"

"It's simple. Please pay ten times the entrance fee. If you pay right now, we'll humbly write off your crime. 10 billion extol per person, in other words, 80 billion extol for all eight of you."

"8-80 billion extol?" Usopp stuttered. "S-So how much is one extol in bellies?"

"Bellie...That's the currency in the Blue Sea, right?" McKinley hummed. "10 thousand extol is one bellie."

"10 thousand extol is one bellie..." Usopp echoed, trying to do the math in his head. "How much would that be?" He gave up and turned to Robin.

"Then, 80 billion extol is 8 million bellies." The archaeologist answered.

"That's expensive!" Sanji exclaimed, his cigarette dropping from his mouth as his jaw fell in disbelief. "Do you realize how much rice we could by with that?! Hey!" The chef was fuming. "After risking our lives coming up into the sky, why do we have to pay that much just to enter?! We can't agree to that!"

"What are you saying? If that was the case, all you had to do was pay 8 hundred million bellies when you entered-"

"I'm telling you that's still expensive!" Sanji barked.

"Consider this a forewarning," McKinley narrowed his eyes. "but we, the White Berets, are the unit directly under God's priests. Please be careful, as arguing raises the degree of your crime."

"Oh, whatever. Let's just forget this guy." Sanji huffed. The Straw Hat crew turned away from the White Berets, beginning to discuss their next move. "More importantly, we need to find Nami-san. I'm worried."

"Okay then! As soon as the wind direction changes, we'll go out for an, to look for Nami!" Luffy's determined expression was wiped off of his face as y/n whacked the back of his head. "What was that for?!" The rubber man whined.

"We're not going anywhere!" Y/n hissed.

"She's right, Luffy!" Usopp nodded, grasping the captain by his shoulders. "You know, if Nami is just taking a little ride around here, she may come back soon. If she does, you'll miss her."

"Taking a little ride?"

"But she's taking too long for that!" Chopper exclaimed, only for Usopp to cover his mouth and shut the reindeer up.

"We just need to wait quietly for Nami to come back without making a fuss. It's Nami we're talking about. She must have a secret stash with some small amount like 8 million bellies or so. Actually, there's no way she doesn't!" Usopp laughed nervously, trying to find a silver lining in this situation.

"What have you been blabbering about? Come to think of it, it seems one of you is missing." McKinley stepped forward. "In addition to the illegal entry, now there's suspicion of fleeing-"

"Ahh! H-Hold on a second!" Usopp cut him off, waving his hands around sporadically. "She'll be back soon! Then we'll pay the entire amount! So please relax and wait calmly!" Usopp forced a smile onto his face, hoping McKinley would agree. The Captain only seemed to become aggravated with Usopp's expression and request. "Alright! Let's break up for now!" Usopp announced.

"Come now, Robin-chan, shall we have some tea over there?" Sanji led Robin towards the gazebo with a smile, already relaxing despite the current situation. The rest of the crew followed their lead, deciding it would be best to just wait things out.

"Nice job." Y/n wrapped an arm around Usopp's shoulders, causing the sniper's face to darken with red at her closeness. "Let's see how long this holds up." The goddess then began to walk away, ignoring Usopp's sputtering and red face. Sighing in content, y/n took off her boots and let her bare feet sink into the fluffy sand-clouds. Walking further down the shore, y/n allowed the gentle waves lap at her ankles. She smiled softly and went deeper into the sea.

"Hold it! Attempting to flee will only raise the degree of your crime!" McKinley shouted out, interrupting y/n's peace. She grit her teeth and spun around, hand squeezed tight around the hilt of her rapier.

"Who said I was fleeing?!" She hissed, irritated at this man's persistence.

"L-Let's calm down!" Usopp ran towards her, picking her up bridal style and taking her away from McKinley. "Why don't we go fishing?!" Usopp asked, hoping the goddess in his arms would calm down before something bad happened. Y/n just huffed and glared at the White Berets from behind Usopp's shoulder, sending chills down their spines.

Setting the goddess down next to Chopper, Usopp handed her a fishing pole before plopping down with his own. Not too long after his line was cast, Usopp began to feel a tug at the end, the strong pull dragging him towards the sea of clouds.

"What a strong pull!" The sniper gasped, tugging on his pole, trying to reel in whatever he caught.

"Don't let it get away, Usopp!" Chopper exclaimed, grabbing onto the sniper's leg, in hopes that it would help him remain stable. "Y/n! Help us!" Chopper pleaded, the goddess giving in and putting her hands out in front of her. Swinging her arms up, she used the Aquarius realm to pull a pillar of water out from the sea, taking the fish attached to Usopp's line with it.

"We got it!"

"It's a big one!"

As the fish was pulled from the water, the fishing line snapped. The gigantic fish began free falling towards Conis, it's jaw wide open, ready to consume her. Zoro jumped into action, using the back of his blade to knock out the fish, stopping it from getting any closer to Conis.

"What the heck is this?" Usopp and Chopper ran up next to Zoro, inspecting the fish from afar. "What a weird fish!"

"It tried to eat Conis!" Chopper stated.

"Is this another one of the skyfish?" Zoro questioned.

"Are you alright?" Y/n walked up to Conis, helping the woman to her feet, as she had collapsed to her knees from fear.

"Yes, thank you." Conis nodded.

"Thank you very much for saving Conis-san." Pagaya ran up to them, looking over his daughter to make sure she was okay.

"Father, look..." Conis turned to the unconscious fish, a nervous tone in her voice.

"We're in trouble..." Pagaya gasped as he got a good look at the fish.

"Well, well, well." Y/n didn't bother resisting the urge to roll her eyes. "This skyfish is so rare that it's forbidden to capture it. You're action was a violation of the protection law, and it's a 9th degree crime."

"Why is it a crime?!" Chopper spat. "Zoro saved Conis!"

"Zoro, did you kill it?" Usopp turned to the swordsman.

"I just smacked it." Zoro responded.

"I see. Then if we release it, there shouldn't be any problem, right?" Usopp walked up to the fish, kicking its jaw, bringing it back to consciousness. "All right! It's very much alive!"

"Oh! It looks yummy!" Luffy ran up towards the group, eyeing down the fish that was helplessly flopping around.

"Hey! Wait, Luffy! Don't eat it!" Usopp's pleas were in vain as Luffy pushed the sniper out of the way, biting down onto one of the fish's feelers.

"If you eat it, you can't even give an excuse. That's theft, an 8th degree crime." McKinley smirked.

"Go back to the sea now! Don't get caught again!" Usopp tried to get the fish to move, but it was stuck on the shoreline. "Hey y/n! Can you help?" The sniper turned to y/n. Sighing, she opened the Aries realm, curled horns growing from her head. She ran towards the skyfish, her horns pointed at its body. Upon collision, the goddess threw her head up, effectively throwing the fish back into the water. "Ah! I didn't mean knock it back in! I meant gently!" Usopp grabbed the sides of his head, hoping y/n's actions wouldn't get them into any further trouble. Fortunately, McKinley didn't have anything to say, as he couldn't say anything, seeing as the fish was alive and well. Unfortunately, Zoro had something to say.

"I kept quiet and listened to all your nonsense about crimes and such, but..." The swordsman placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, glaring at McKinley. "if you don't cut it out, I'll-" He was cut off as Usopp ran in front of him, stopping him from unsheathing his sword.

"Wait! Wait, Zoro! Don't be hasty!" The sniper pleaded.

"This is now far beyond arguing. His speech and behavior just now are unmistakably extortion. So, that's a 7th degree crime!"

"Nice going, moss man." Y/n snorted, crossing her arms.

"Shut up, you bitch. You know you want to hurt them as much as I do." Zoro snapped back.

"Hm, you make a compelling argument." Y/n hummed.

"But Zoro's right! Isn't he twisting what we do into crimes on purpose?!" Chopper raised an accusing hoof at the White Berets. "We can't do anything like this!"

"Can't do anything...?" Usopp echoed, an idea sprouting in his head. "Oh, yeah!" The sniper squatted down and began to fluff up the sand-clouds. "All we have to do is do nothing! Let's take a nap!" Usopp placed his head on the fluffed up clouds, using it as a pillow. "Now, take a nap! Take a nap now!" He demanded. Everyone, excluding y/n, laid down and reluctantly started to fall asleep, snores being released from their throats. Y/n just sighed and sat on top of Zoro's stomach, forcing a grunt from him. She smirked and chortled at his discomfort.

"They're producing tremendous noises at divine Angel Beach! And that woman! She's performing a sexual exhibitionist act! Completely unacceptable!" McKinley exclaimed.

"I just sat down!" Y/n barked, pounding her fist down, forgetting that she was on top of Zoro, her fist landing down on his face

"Hnn!" The swordsman's muffled cry brought y/n out of her fit.

"Sorry..." She grimaced.

"I'll kill you..." Zoro grumbled, blood falling from his nose.

"You all...if your action falls under destruction of the environment, a 6th degree crime will be added!" McKinley stated.

"Hey, we can't even snore?!" Usopp snapped.

"Ah! How annoying!" Luffy huffed. "I'm gonna beat up this beret-wearing old guy!"

"Shall we do it?" Zoro sat up, forcing y/n to fall off of him.

"Wait! Stop it!" Usopp cried out. "Don't be hasty, Luffy, Zoro!"

"Hold on a second!" A new voice sounded, coming from the sea.

"Ah! Nami-san! You're alright!" Sanji shot out of his seat next to Robin, waving his arms around to catch Nami's attention.

"Luffy! Don't give them any trouble!" Nami shouted towards the captain.

"But they..." Luffy began, but Usopp yelled over him, catching Nami's attention.

"Nami! Go ahead and and pay them the 8 million bellie fee for our illegal entry using your secret stash!" Usopp pleaded. Nami nodded and continued speeding towards the shore on the waver, a dark smile plastered on her face. She began to speed up, the waver leaving the water and launching into the air, straight towards McKinley.

"That's too expensive!!" She hissed, the hull of the waver hitting the White Beret Captain right in the face, knocking him to the floor.

"We're so fucked..." Y/n sighed.
