Chapter 8

The Going Merry sailed smoothly through calm waters, the path to Alabasta seeming clear. Y/n raised a brow as Nami's breaths became ragged, her body leaning against the mast, her forehead breaking out in a sweat. Usopp and Luffy continued to fool around, chanting nonsense about Elbaf, Karoo running around frantically as the two almost fell off the ship.

"Those two are teeming with energy." Nami sighed out, placing a hand on her forehead. "I'm suddenly exhausted after everything." She handed the eternal pose to Vivi, smiling as Sanji came out with a platter full of pastries. Y/n took one of the pastries, biting into the sweet cake treat. Nami's pupils constricted and dilated, her vision blurring. "Hey, I'm going to go lay down." She muttered, attempting to get up, only to collapse to the ground.

Vivi gasped, rushing over to Nami's form, y/n also approaching to see what happened. Nami's face was flushed, even the tips of her ears tinted with red. Her breathing sounded pained, her eyebrows furrowing.

"Oh no! Nami-san! Everyone, come here, quickly!" The whole crew stopped what they were doing, Zoro stopping his weight training and the four in the kitchen appearing at the door.

"What's wrong, Vivi?" Luffy asked, his mouth still full with pastries.

"She has a high fever!" Vivi responded, Sanji pushing aside Luffy and Usopp, starting to freak out about Nami having a fever. Everyone gathered around Nami, hovering over her collapsed body. The boys helped to bring Nami to her room, putting her down in her bed gently.

"Is Nami-san going to die, Vivi-chan?!" Sanji cried out dramatically, teeth tugging on his shirt.

"It's probably the climate. One of the obstacles all sailors who enter the Grand Line face is illness due to climate change.." Vivi furrowed her brows, placing a cold, wet cloth over Nami's forehead, hoping to cool her fever. Sanji cried out the navigator's name once more, wiping his tears with his sleeve. "Does anyone on this ship have any medical knowledge?" Luffy and Usopp slowly pointed to her, Sanji only sobbing shortly.

"I can heal or purify, but if I don't know what caused the injury or illness, I won't be able to do much." Y/n crossed her arms, eyes never leaving Nami's form.

"But eating meat makes sickness go away, right Sanji?" Luffy's usual optimistic attitude calmed Sanji down slightly. But not by much.

"I can make some basic food, meant for sick people, but there's no guarantee that she'd get better." He muttered, looking down at Nami. "I usually put 100 times more care into Nami-san's, Vivi-chan's, and y/n-swan's meals than I do with yours. As long as I'm the chef on this ship, you'll always have a balanced meal with the nutrients you need. But there are certain types of food for different types of sick people. I can't make the call on what's wrong, so I can't cook to meet her needs." Sanji explained.

"40 degrees celsius?! Her fever's gone up!" Vivi looked at the thermometer, her eyes widening at the high temperature.

"Is it really that bad being sick?" Luffy inquired, turning towards Sanji and Usopp. The two shrugged their shoulders.

"Dunno, never been sick before." They said in unison, Vivi yelling at them in disbelief.

"Who in the world are you people?! 40 degree fevers don't come out of nowhere! Of course it's bad!" Vivi calmed herself down, her saddening gaze turning towards Nami once more. "This may be a life-threatening illness.." The three boys then started to freak out at the thought of Nami dying.

"Nami's gonna die?! We need to find a doctor!" Luffy shouted out. Vivi tried to calm them down, the noise becoming too loud.

"No..." Nami choked out. She sat up, holding the cold cloth to her head. "We need to get to Alabasta as soon as possible."

"But, you need to see a doctor." Usopp told her, but Nami only shook her head.

"I'm fine. That thermometer must be broken." She swung her legs over the side of the bed, steadily getting up. "We'll just keep heading to Alabasta as planned." She smiled. "Thanks for worrying about me." She then walked up the stairs and out of the room.

"She's better now?" Luffy asked, Usopp only shaking his head.

"Idiot, she's just acting tough." Y/n followed Nami out, watching silently as the navigator leaned against the wall, breaths still labored.

"Nami." As she heard her name being called, the navigator turned around in shock, never having realized y/n was there. "I know how you feel. You want to help Vivi, right?" She asked. Nami looked down, nodding slightly. "But what help will you be if you're dead?" Y/n left at that, returning to the deck. Nami stood still, eyes slightly widened at y/n's statement. Shaking it off, she followed y/n out, looking at the log pose, only to see that they were way off course.

"Ugh, what were you watching this whole time?" She chastised Zoro.

"What are you talking about? The ship's been goin' straight!" He grunted.

"We're way off course!" She groaned, holding her head. "God, my head is killing me."

"Then go back to bed and let me handle it!" Zoro huffed.

"I'm here now because I let you handle it!" Nami retorted, her head lifting as she felt a change in the air. "Zoro! Get them back up here!" She ordered, the swordsman then calling the crew up. "Something strange is coming this way. We need to get moving." She ordered. The crew all watched her with concern, trying to convince her to get more rest.

"Nami, I really think you should-" Usopp started, only to be cut off by the navigator.

"Just hurry and move the ship!" She shouted, the boys getting to work. "Sheesh, do these idiots wanna die?" She leaned against the rail, trying to stabilize herself. As the ship was set back on course to Alabasta, Vivi emerged from the cabin, grabbing everyone's attention.

"Everyone, I have a favor to ask." She looked over at the crew. "I need to get to Alabasta as soon as possible!" Nami smiled at her.

"That's what we planned to do. It's what we promised!" She said.

"So that's why I'd like to find an island with a doctor on it right away!" The princess demanded with a smile, Nami's expression turning into a shocked one. The boys cheered slightly, Nami carefully making her way over to Vivi.

"Thanks." She muttered, her form hunched over from exhaustion.

"Nami-san, don't overexert yourself!" Vivi held onto Nami, making sure she didn't fall.

"Gah! What's that!" Luffy pointed to a large cyclone that appeared in the direction that the ship was once headed. Y/n looked between the cyclone and Nami, amazed that the navigator was able to predict something like that.

"What an amazing navigator!" Vivi held onto Nami. Y/n nodded in agreement.

"An amazing navigator that needs to stay alive." She muttered.

"Alright! Let's go find a doctor!" Luffy cheered, the rest of the crew echoing after him.


Y/n shivered slightly as it started to snow. She wrapped her arms around herself, trying to warm herself up. Only now did she realize she was still wearing Zoro's singed shirt, the swordsman wearing a newer, cleaner one. She sighed, walking towards the bedroom to grab a new, warmer pair of clothes.

"She needs to see a doctor as soon as possible." She heard Vivi say as she entered the room. She walked over to the dresser, grabbing some warmer clothes that Nami had. She only had short sleeved shirts, but she had a few cardigans and coats that y/n could use. Grabbing a plain black shirt and the red coat, y/n made her way out of the room to change. But before she could even get near the stairs, the ship started to violently rock back and forth, her form falling to the ground as her weight became unbalanced.

"What the hell?!" Y/n groaned, sitting up.

"Why are we shaking?!"

"Bastards! If anything happens to Nami-san, I'll gut you all!" Sanji shouted out, holding Nami's bed up with his leg so it wouldn't shake. As the ship slowly stopped shaking, y/n changed her shirt, not caring about the fact that Sanji was in the room. She ignored his cries of joy as she threw Zoro's old shirt to the ground, putting on the red coat. She ran up the stairs to see what all the commotion was about.

Opening the door, y/n's eyes widened as she spotted a man eating parts of the Going Merry. Her eyes then narrowed as four gunmen surrounded her, their barrels pointed at her.

"Don't eat our ship!" Luffy yelled at the strange man, the gunmen around him shoving their weapons closer to him. Luffy became annoyed, swinging his arms up before punching the two men beside him.

"Damn, that bastard! Fire!" More gunmen pointed at Luffy, shooting at the rubber man. Zoro and Sanji then smirked, ready to fight, while Usopp crawled around, trying to avoid the gunfire. A fight then broke out on the ship, y/n sighing as she brought out her rapier.

"Gemini.." She pointed her sword the the sky, her blade emitting a soft glow. "Gust!" She then swung her sword horizontally, a large gust of wind pushing them back into their comrades, Zoro and Sanji doing the honors of finishing them off. Luffy charged towards the man eating the ship, easily punching every enemy in his way.

"Stop eating the ship!" He demanded, but the man didn't listen. As Luffy got close, the man turned around before opening his mouth, chomping down on Luffy's upper half.

"What a hard to chew person." The man muttered as he chewed on Luffy.

"Gomu Gomu no.." His voice was muffled from inside the man's mouth. The rubber man's hands stretched back, quickly making their way back forward before slamming into the fat man's stomach. "Bazooka!" The man spat out Luffy as his body shot into the sky, his crew looking on in shock and horror as their captain disappeared from sight. They panicked, all of the crew returning to the ship so they could hurry and rescue their captain.


"This isn't over!" They shouted, disappearing into the horizon. Y/n sighed, sheathing her rapier.

"Wh...What was that just now? They seemed to be calling him Wapol, but.." Usopp started, but Sanji only shrugged.

"Doesn't matter. Don't worry about it." He walked with Vivi back down to check on Nami, Luffy following suit. Y/n stayed back, sitting in the snow, watching as Usopp tried to patch up the Going Merry. She traced the snow with her finger, leaving behind a trail.

"The Grand Line is quite a bizarre place, isn't it." She murmured, Usopp putting down his tools before plopping down next to her.

"You know, I used to tell these amazing stories about the Grand Line to my friends back in the East Blue. They were so bizarre and unbelievable then, but now that I'm actually here, they don't seem so impossible." He smiled, looking down at the abstract picture y/n was creating in the snow with her finger. "I want to be a brave warrior of the sea." He stated, a determined look on his face.

"I think you can be." She stopped drawing, turning towards the sniper. "Just remember that it's okay to be scared sometimes. There wouldn't be bravery if there wasn't cowardice." Y/n looked to the horizon as the sun began to go down. "I'm gonna head back down and get ready for bed." She stood up, brushing off the snow on her legs before walking off, not noticing the slight blush on Usopp's face.


Y/n woke up to the sound of strange noises coming from the other side of the room. She groaned, sitting up while rubbing her eyes.

"Ah, the sleeping beauty is finally up." A gruff voice sounded from the stairs. Looking over, y/n saw Zoro walking down. She smirked.

"Aw, you think I'm beautiful? I'm flattered, marimo." She teased, the swordsman blushing.

"I don't, you goddess bitch!" He huffed, turning towards Luffy, who y/n now knew the weird noises were coming from. He walked over to the captain, listening to him grumble. "What's wrong Luffy?" He asked. The captain turned around, his face covered in black marker, his cheeks stretched out, scaring the souls out of Zoro and y/n.

"Stop that! You're creepin' me out!" Zoro fell to the floor in surprise.

"Thank you!" Luffy laughed, continuing to stretch his face out.

"We found an island!" Sanji's voice could be heard from upstairs.

"Nami! An island! Good for you! Nami! You can see a doctor now and get better!" Luffy started to become restless.

"Just go look. Y/n and I will watch her." He sighed. Luffy let out a cheer before rushing out, the room finally becoming quiet once more. Y/n yawned, stretching. She combed a hand through her hair before reaching down to the side of her bed to grab the red coat she removed last night. She shivered slightly as her bare feet touched the wood floor. Putting on her shoes, y/n made her way over to Nami, sitting at the bedside.

"You can go up, I'll watch her." Y/n said, re-soaking the cloth on Nami's forehead. Zoro nodded before leaving the room to join the others. The silence was comforting, only the two female's breaths could be heard. Y/n thought back to the time Din was sick. She hadn't been able to do much, still being new to the Virgo realm. Nami was just like Din, putting on a brave face despite being in pain. She couldn't help but admire their strength.

Suddenly, a gunshot was heard, y/n standing up in alarm. She heard distant mumbling, but it was nothing she could make out. She waited for a while for something to happen, but it was only silent for a while. Then the door opened, Sanji entering the room.

"What happened?" Y/n asked, eyeing the chef. He only smiled, lifting Nami out of the bed and placing her on his back.

"Nothing bad. We're going to see a doctor now." Nodding, they both walked out, following the rest of the crew.


The crew walked with a man named Dalton to his home. Setting Nami down in the bed, Vivi covered her in a thick blanket to keep her warm.

"Please forgive our heavy-handed welcome." He apologized, most likely referring to the gun shots y/n heard. He set down his bag before looking towards Vivi. "Have we met before?" Vivi turned her head away quickly.

"It's probably just your imagination..." Dalton continued to stare at her. "Anyway, could we please see this doctor? Nami-san's temperature just reached 42 degrees!" The man's eyes widened at that.

"42 degrees?!" He stood up. "She'll die if it goes up anymore!"

"We are aware of that." Y/n muttered, crossing her arms.

"We don't even know the cause of her illness, let alone how to treat it." Vivi told him, placing a hand over Nami's.

"We need to see a doctor now!" Sanji said restlessly.

"Do you see those mountains out there?" Dalton pointed to the window. The crew followed his finger and spotted large cylindrical mountains in the distance. "Those mountains are called Drum Rockies. Do you see that castle at the top of the tallest one? Our only doctor, Dr. Kureha, lives in that castle, as the king no longer resides there." He explained.

"What?! Why so far away?!" Sanji exclaimed.

"She comes down from the mountains when she likes. And she'll take anything that she likes from you as payment." He sighed out.

"She almost sounds like a pirate!" Luffy said, Usopp nodding in agreement. He then went over to Nami, patting her cheek, trying to wake her up.

"What the hell are you doing?!" The others exclaimed in unison. Luffy continued to pat Nami's cheek until her eyes opened slowly.

"Ah, she's awake." Nami looked over to Luffy. "Hey, the only way to get you to a doctor is by climbing a mountain. We're gonna climb it." He said simply.

"Eh?" Nami breathed out.

"You can't do that! What about Nami-san?!" Sanji frowned, the thought of Nami getting hurt making him restless.

"It's okay, I'll carry her on my back." The crew started to argue, saying it was too dangerous for Nami. Y/n watched Nami as she tried to speak, but her words never left her throat. She finally managed to get a sound out, capturing the attention of the crew.

"I need to get over this fast. For Vivi." She smiled, bringing her hand up. "I'm counting on you, captain." Luffy smiled, slapping her hand.

"That's more like it!" He laughed out. "Just leave it to me!" Stepping outside with Nami on Luffy's back, they began to prepare for their journey, making sure that Nami was able to stay on securely.

"Alright, you're all set." Vvi stood up after making sure all the preperations were complete. Giving her a smile, Luffy and Sanji began to run off towards the mountains, ignoring Dalton's warnings about the dangers. Dalton sighed before heading back into his house. He stopped as he noticed how Usopp, Vivi, and y/n weren't following him.

"What's wrong?" He asked, wondering why they were staying in the cold. "Come inside, it's cold out." Vivi smiled and shook her head.

"No, that's alright. I want to stay outside." She explained.

"M-Me too." Usopp shivered, but stayed put. Y/n didn't say anything, only staring off in the direction of the castle.

"I see." Dalton smiled, sitting down in the snow. "Then I'll join you." They all sat in silence for a while, staring off at the large mountains and the castle. "We did have some." Dalton started, making Vivi and Usopp look at him. "Doctors, I mean. But they're all gone now...This land was once known as an advanced medical nation."

"Then what happened?" Vivi asked. Y/n looked at them from the corner of her eye.

"This country was destroyed not too long ago. By pirates, no less." Vivi and Usopp gasped.

"So that's why you were all so cautious towards us."

"Yes, the word 'pirate' is too much to handle for some people. There were five of them, and the captain called himself 'Blackbeard'. He destroyed this country with the blink of an eye." He explained. "But some people think the attack brought some good."

"What? How could a pirate destroying a country be a good thing?!" Vivi exclaimed. Dalton smiled.

"They say it brought some good because there was a corrupt monarchy that governed this land." He then frowned, looking down. "We no longer call this country Drum Kingdom, it's too much of a bad memory. He was the worst king imaginable. His name was Wapol." Vivi and Usopp gasped, thinking back to the man they saw eating the ship and Luffy.

"Him! Yes, I remember him!" Vivi gasped out. Dalton looked to them.

"You know him?"

"We don't just know him, he attacked our ship!" Usopp placed a hand on his chin. "But I do recall him saying something about Drum Kingdom."

"I met him once at a monarch meeting my father took me to when I was young." Vivi told him.

"A monarch meeting? Just who are you?" Dalton raised a brow. Vivi began to stutter.

"It doesn't matter. In any case, we met your ex-king yesterday." Y/n muttered, side eying the man.

"So the people on that ship were kicked off the island for losing to Blackbeard?" Vivi inquired.

"Losing? They didn't even try to fight! In fact, the moment they heard of their strength, Wapol abandoned the country, leaving with his army and all the doctors!" Dalton grit his teeth.

"What kind of king abandons his people?!" Vivi clenched her fists. "It's appalling."

"Vivi." Usopp murmured, looking at the princess with concern.

"You're exactly right. But at least his tyranny is over. The remaining people of this land have come together to create a new country. Our greatest fear is Wapol's return." Y/n stood up as Dalton finished. He sat in short silence as he looked over the three pirates before him. "Just who are you people? Traversing the Grand Line without a doctor on board?" He asked.

"We may be a small crew, but as long as I, Usopp, the brave warrior of the sea, am with them, we're fine." Usopp puffed out his chest slightly in a boasting manner. Y/n rolled her eyes. "But it is true that we want a doctor. I was hoping we'd find one here, but I had no idea there'd only be one doctor on this island."

"Dalton-san!" They all looked at the large lady headed their way, calling for Dalton. Y/n ignored Usopp as he bowed deeply, thinking it was a hiking bear that you were supposed to bow to. "You were looking for Dr. Kureha right? I heard she's in the neighboring town!"

"What?!" They all exclaimed, surprising the woman.

"So they just passed each other?!" Usopp exclaimed. Dalton ran off, Usopp, Vivi, and y/n ran after him. They got into a sleigh, heading off towards the neighboring village.

"I'm sorry. It was my mistake." Dalton apologized. "Since I heard that the doctor came down the mountain yesterday, I thought she wouldn't come down for a while." He explained.

"Don't worry about it, it's not your fault. The issue here is Luffy and Sanji's monster strength. Even if we went after them now, we wouldn't be able to catch up to them!" Usopp said. "It's best to go to the village the doctor is in now and tell her to go back to her castle."

"He's right. There's no other choice!" Vivi agreed.

"I'm sorry." Dalton apologized again. "That there aren't enough doctors."

"That's not something you should be apologizing for!" Vivi told him.

"She's right!" Usopp nodded. Dalton didn't respond, continuing to steer the sleigh.

"Let's hurry!"


"W-What did you say?!" Usopp exclaimed. "They already left this town? And just a moment ago?!" He sighed exasperatingly while Vivi leaned down towards a little boy who said he was just cured of his sickness.

"Are you looking for the doctor, Dalton-san?" A random villager asked, gaining the attention of the others.

"We've got an urgent case. Do you know where she went?"

"Someone said she was headed to Gyasta."

"Gyasta?!" Dalton sweat.

"Where's that?" Usopp asked, wondering why Dalton had a panicked look on.

"With Big Horn, the village we came from, in the middle, it's in the opposite direction of this town." He explained.

"What? So we passed each other too?!" Vivi tried to calm Usopp down, deciding that they should just head over to Gyasta instead of wasting time here. Suddenly, a bloodied and beat up man walked through the door, calling for Dalton. He fell over, Dalton running up to catch him.

"What happened? How did you get so many injuries?!" He asked.

"It's Wapol! Wapol came back!" He exclaimed, the rest of the villagers gasping in shock. Dalton stood up before running out the door. Usopp called for him, but it was no use, the man was already gone. Vivi grabbed Usopp and y/n, running towards the sleigh they came in.

"Come on! We need to get to Gyasta!" She hopped on the sleigh with the two, urging the two animals up front to start running.

"Are you sure we're headed the right way?" Y/n wondered, grabbing her arms for comfort in the cold weather.

"I'm not sure." Vivi muttered, trying to decipher the map. With all the snow lying around, it was hard to tell where they were and where to go.

"What do you mean, 'you're not sure'?! Come on, Vivi! You're a princess! Do something!" Y/n hit the back of Usopp's head.

"Being a princess has nothing to do with this, idiot." She leaned back as the sniper turned to look back at her.

"Okay fine, a princess might not be able to help, but what about a goddess?" He lifted a brow, a slight smirk gracing his lips.

"Right right, let me just turn on my goddess tracking device." Y/n let out sarcastically, but Usopp still looked at her expectantly. She hit his head again, this time harder. "I'm a goddess, not a GPS!" She spat.

"Okay, okay! Sorry!" Usopp whined, holding his pained head.

"Why don't you try to do something?!" Vivi shoved the map in Usopp's face, but he just stammered. "See? Not so easy, huh?"

"Nope!" Usopp puffed out his chest, another smirk upon his features. Y/n hit his head for the last time, growling out.

"That's not something to be proud of!" Usopp apologized once more, now staying silent as the sleigh ride went on. It was silent until a low rumbling was heard. Looking up, the three started to freak out as an avalanche fell their way. Abandoning the sleigh, they all ran as fast as they could, away from the snow. But they couldn't outrun it, the snow enveloping their bodies. Everything went black after that.
