Chapter 5

"What's going on?" The crowd was less than hostile.

"Hooray for for the heroes of the sea!" Confetti and flags flew around above the crowd.

"Whoa! There are a ton of cute girls!" Sanji cooed, waving over to a group of girls with hearts in his eyes.

"Oi." Y/n whacked the back of his head.

"Maybe pirates are heroes after all!" Usopp blew kisses to the crowd, obviously enjoying the attention. Despite their cheers, y/n still couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

Docking the Going Merry, the crew was welcomed by a large man with large curls in his hair.

"Welco-" The man started to cough. "Ma-Ma-Ma" He warmed up his voice before continuing his welcome. "Welcome. My name is Igarappoi, I am the mayor of Whiskey Peak." He introduced himself.

"Okay. I'm Luffy. Nice to meet you." He responded simply before rudely commenting about the man's hair.

"Our island is known for our hospitality and our bountiful liquor." He ignored Luffy's comment. "Please allow us to throw a party for you." Luffy, Sanji, and Usopp smiled brightly, latching onto each other.

"Of course you can!" They laughed, dancing off with the villagers, leaving Nami, Zoro, and y/n behind.

"Three idiots." Nami muttered, y/n nodding in agreement.

"Say, how long does it take for the log of this island to be stored?" Nami asked, holding up the log pose for Igarappoi to see. The man simply shook his head, placing a hand on Nami's shoulder.

"Log? Forget such boring stuff! Please rest after your long journey." He walked her in the direction that the three idiots danced off to, Zoro and y/n trailing behind.


The music played loudly, many people singing and dancing if they weren't eating or drinking. Y/n sat in the corner, watching as Luffy downed tons of food, Sanji flirted with every cute girl, Usopp exaggerated and lied about adventures he'd never been on, and Zoro downing alcohol like it was water on a hot day. Igarappoi suddenly announced a drinking contest, Nami declining before she heard there would be prize money. She dragged Zoro in with her, downing mug after mug, only giving out once she won.

Everyone had such a good time, no one seemed to notice as y/n slipped out of the building, sitting in a shadowy spot against the building wall. She sighed out, closing her eyes. She stayed there for a while, simply enjoying the gentle breeze against her skin. The time passed by quickly, the stars revealing themselves to her. She didn't have time to admire them though, as her ears caught wind of an interesting conversation.

"Again, tonight, the cactus rocks look beautiful beneath the moonlight." A voice hummed out.

"You're such a poet Igarappoi, no, Mr. 8." Y/n silently neared the edge of the corner, peaking out to see who was speaking.

"Oh, it's you two." Igarappoi stated as Mr. 9 and Miss Wednesday approached him.

"What happened to them?" The blue haired woman asked. With a dark expression, Mr. 8 replied.

"They've fallen, to hell." Y/n furrowed her brows.

"Geez, since they were so stubborn, I added a little alcohol to their drinks." A new figure walked out. "They'd probably still be up and partying had I not done so." She muttered, ridding herself of her outfit, revealing her broad muscles.

"I've checked them out before hand. Look at this." Mr. 8 held up two wanted posters, one with Luffy's picture and another with y/n's picture.

"30-30 million bellies? For the straw hat?!" They exclaimed.

"Never mind that, what about the girl? I mean, 100 million?" Y/n had to hold back a huff. 100 million bellies for her head? The world government was starting to get on her nerves.

"It's foolish to judge a pirate's ability based on their looks, Miss Mon-" Mr. 8 coughed out. "Ma-Ma-Ma. Miss Monday." Said woman rubbed her head sheepishly. "Anyway, it looks like we can send in a good report to the boss. Grab all of the valuables from their ship." Y/n narrowed her eyes.

"What about the pirates?" Miss Monday asked.

"The government wants to hold public executions, so the bounty drops by 30% if you kill them." Mr. 8 wore a dark expression. "Go, capture them alive!" He ordered. But before they could do anything, a new voice sounded.

"Hey...Sorry but, could you let them sleep? They're all exhausted." Zoro smirked from atop the roof, his sword glinting in the moonlight.

"Mr. 8! Miss Monday! The man with the haramaki slipped out while we weren't looking!" Two men exited the building, a panicked expression on their faces.

"Plus, we just now realized that we were missing one of the crew members to start with!" Miss Wednesday sighed.

"He's right here. As for the missing one, go find them! Quickly!" The woman ordered, sending the two men off.

"No need, I'm right here." Y/n decided to step out, shocking the group.

"You, where were you hiding?!" Mr. 8 glared at her before turning his gaze to the swordsman on the roof. "And you, you bastard, I thought you were asleep!" The male smirked.

"A swordsman should never make the mistake of letting their guard down that much." He stood up. "So let's see if I got this right. This is a nest of bounty hunters. You dupe pirates who are in high spirits, having entered the Grand Line." Y/n crossed her arms.

"Of course our idiot captain was one stupid enough to fall for the trap." Looking around at the new crowd, y/n guess there were about 100 of them.

"We'll fight you all..." Zoro narrowed his eyes. "Baroque Works." The bounty hunters all stood frozen, shocked.

"How do you know our company name?!" Y/n looked up to her crew mate, also wanting to know the answer.

"When I used to be in a similar line of work, I was recruited by the company once." He said, his smirk growing wider. "Naturally I rejected." Mr. 8 glared at Zoro, shadows covering his face.

"If you know our secrets, then we have no other choice but to kill you." Zoro raised his brow before jumping down, surprising the bounty hunters as he moved so fast they couldn't see him.

"Y/n." Said goddess looked at the swordsman, a brow raised. He smiled. "Shall we?" She smirked, giving him a thumbs up. The bounty hunters pointed their guns at him, pulling the triggers. Before any of the bullets could hit him, Zoro moved again, the bullets hitting the other bounty hunters behind him.

"Idiots! They shot each other!" Mr. 8 froze as a rapier was shoved through his hair, the metal glinting in the moonlight.

"Do you still wish to capture us?" She asked, her eyes narrowed at the men surrounding her, their guns pointing at her.

"Shoot her!" One of them yelled.

"N-No! If you shoot you'll hit me too!" Mr. 8 began to panic, bringing out his own weapon, which looked like a saxophone, before shooting the men down. Y/n took this chance to slip away with Zoro, hiding behind a wall.

"Phew." Zoro let out a sigh of relief. "So that thing's a shotgun?" Y/n crossed her arms, listening to the Baroque's workers mutter to themselves. Zoro put a hand on one of his swords. "Time to test out the new recruits I got in Loguetown." Y/n brought out her rapier.

"Wanna compete to see who takes down more?" Zoro asked, eyes widening as she effortlessly cut down on of the bounty hunters that just spotted them.

"I'm already ahead Marimo." Zoro made a sound of surprise, not having noticed the man, only making y/n's smirk bigger.

"There you are!" A man stood atop the roof, pointing the gun down towards Zoro. "Die!" He shot his gun, Zoro barely dodging as he entered the door behind him, crawling behind a table as more bounty hunters shot at him. He brought out is Yubashiri, slicing the table and the men at lightning speed. Y/n let out a low whistle.

"Nice." She ducked as one of the men tried to jump her, stabbing her rapier forward into the airborne man.

The two ran around, attacking and dodging the bounty hunters. Zoro climbed up a ladder, the bounty hunters following close behind. He toyed with the edge of the ladder, pushing it back and forth, scaring the man climbing.

"Please don't!" He begged before letting out a scream as Zoro pushed the ladder back, not allowing anyone else to climb up.

"Oi dumb ass! Are you trying to kill me too?!" Y/n shouted from below, cutting down many bounty hunters that surrounded her.

"Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen!" He responded, running off. Y/n growled, finishing off the enemies before jumping down.

She heard a few crashes then a scream. She looked up and saw Miss Monday's face being crushed by Zoro's hand. Walking towards Mr. 8, y/n pointed the tip of her sword at him.

"Give up?" Miss Wednesday and Mr. 9 jumped at her, y/n dodging at the last second.

"Looks like it's our turn to fight." Mr. 9 went to attack Zoro while Miss Wednesday called for someone, whistling using her finger.

"Come Karoo!" A large duck-like bird squawked and put out it's wing, making the blue haired female yell out. "I didn't say give me your hand! Come over here!" She spat at him, the duck obeying. She got onto the duck, smirking at y/n. "Let's show them your speed that leaves leopards in the dust!" The duck squawked again, but instead of running, it sat down. "Who told you to 'sit'?" The woman punched the bird in the head. Y/n smiled behind her hand, finding the animal extremely cute.

Suddenly Mr. 9 fell from the sky onto a large wooden crate. Y/n looked up to where he fell from, seeing Zoro standing there scowling.

"Isn't there anyone better?" He asked, jumping down to where y/n was standing.

"Anyone better?" Miss Wednesday asked. "That would be me!" She stood on top of Karoo, her hands over her head. "Now, take in my allure to your heart's content!" Her palm opened slightly, revealing a small perfume bottle. Zoro and y/n looked at her with stoic expressions as she started to swivel her hips. "Charming Perfume Dance!" The perfume was released into the air, it's smell strong and nauseating. Zoro covered his nose, crouching to the floor. Y/n brought her shirt over her nose, coughing slightly. "Now I'll finish you off! Go Karoo!" The duck started to run, but he ran right past Zoro and y/n, right off the roof.

"Fighting these guys is starting to get embarrassing." Y/n pushed Zoro out of the way as Mr. 8 blew his saxophone shotgun. They both fell down a hole that Zoro had made earlier, escaping the building through the door. They hid behind a wall, thinking of a strategy to take down Mr. 8. Suddenly, Mr. 9 emerged from the broken shards of wood, holding two metal bats.

"How dare you beat me like that!" Zoro furrowed his brows.

"You fell on your own!" Mr. 9 didn't respond, simply lifting up his bat before attacking.

"Home Run: Sneaky Bat!" He called out, the end of his bat shooting out, the chain connected to it wrapping around Zoro's arm.

"Ha ha ha! I've caught one of your arms!" Mr. 8 appeared from atop the roof.

"Good, you caught him." Miss Wednesday also appeared, holding a large knife over Luffy as she and Karoo brought him out.

"Don't make a wrong move, or I'll have to kill your captain." Y/n and Zoro scowled at her dirty trick.

"Good job Miss Wednesday!" Mr. 9 laughed.

"Idiot." Y/n muttered.

"At least wake up when you're being held hostage!" Zoro finished, tugging against the iron chain.

"Prepare to fire!" Mr. 8 pulled on his bow tie, gun barrels appearing out of the center of each hair curl. "Igarappappa!" He yelled out, pulling on his bow tie again, the guns firing at Zoro.

"Is he a toy?!" Zoro yelled out, pulling the iron along with Mr. 9 into the bullets. He then threw the man into Miss Wednesday and Karoo, getting them away from Luffy.

Mr. 8 kept firing, Zoro swiftly dodging. Y/n ran towards her captain, preparing her rapier as she jumped on Luffy's large stomach. Once she had Mr. 8 in her sights, she swung her sword, slashing his chest before landing on the roof. Sheathing her sword, Mr. 8 fell down, groaning in pain.

"Finally." Y/n sighed, wiping her sweaty brow. Zoro walked onto the roof, sitting at the edge of it along with y/n.

"It's become a quiet, peaceful night." He commented, looking up at the moon.

"Here." Y/n tossed him a bottle of refined grape juice. "I think you won Marimo." Zoro smirked.

"Damn right I did." He responded, taking a swig.

"Ever heard of modesty?" She huffed, looking up at the stars she adored so much. Before Zoro could respond, two strangers entered the scene, grabbing their attention.

"Mr. 5! Miss Valentine!" Mr. 8 yelled out. From what y/n gathered, they were here to kill Mr. 8 and Miss Wednesday for knowing who their boss is.

"Shit, we left Luffy down there." Zoro muttered as the Baroque Works agents started to fight. Mr. 8 had desperately tried to shoot them, but had fallen as a large explosion hit him. "All right, time to get out of here." Y/n jumped down, Zoro following suit, grabbing Luffy before they started to run. Y/n watched in disgust as Mr. 5 dug his nose, flinging his booger at Mr. 9 who had begun to attack. As it hit him, the booger exploded, throwing Mr. 9 into the river.

"Whoa! That's some dangerous snot!" Zoro commented. Y/n felt shivers go down her spine.

"Ew." She shook from disgust.

Mr. 8 suddenly latched on to Zoro's ankle.

"What the hell?!" Zoro tried to pry his foot from the man.

"Sir swordsman! Upon seeing your skill, I have a request for you, unreasonable as it may be!" Zoro continued pulling.

"Yeah right! Let go!" Mr. 8 still clung onto Zoro's ankle.

"Please! Protect my princess!" He begged. "If you do so, you'll be greatly rewarded!" He cried out, becoming more desperate as he saw Mr. 5 and Miss Valentine chase after the princess.

"Rewarded?" A voice sounded, y/n sighing as Nami appeared. "How does one billion bellies sound?" The three of them looked at the navigator like she was crazy.

"Nami!" Zoro called her name as Mr. 8 stuttered.

"One...O-One B-Bi Billion Bellies?!" Y/n raised an eyebrow as Nami approached them.

"I thought you were asleep." Zoro stated, huffing as Nami told him it was all an act and that she could keep drinking if she wanted to.

"So, what do ya say Squad Captain? Your princess will probably die without our help." Y/n crossed her arms.

"You're worse than a devil." Nami waved off the goddess before pressuring the man below her to promise her a one billion belli reward. After getting an answer she was okay with, she ordered Zoro and y/n to go save the princess.

"Why us?!" Zoro spat. "I don't see why we have to go along with your money making schemes!" Nami just smirked.

"You still owe me money from when I gave you 100,000 in Loguetown." They started arguing, y/n watching from the sidelines. Zoro was obviously losing the argument, eventually ending up cursing at the navigator before running off. Nami then looked at y/n expectantly. Y/n looked at the woman with cold eyes.

"I don't owe you anything you snake." She spat, the navigator then nodding with a cold sweat.

"Yes! Of course!"

Y/n sat down against the wall, looking up at the stars as she ignored Nami talking to Mr. 8, who y/n now knew to call Igaram. As they conversed, y/n noticed clouds of dust floating above the buildings. Straining her ears, y/n heard faint yelling from voices she recognized.

"Hey Nami, I think the boys need some attention." Y/n said, standing up. They both walked over to the fight scene, witnessing Zoro and Luffy about to attack each other.

"Knock it off!" Nami yelled as she appeared behind them, punching their heads.

"What are you two doing?!" She yelled out. "It's a good thing the girl is safe. You almost let my reward slip away!" She huffed. Miss Wednesday looked at the group with confusion.

"What do you mean? Why did you save me?" She asked. Nami then went to explain the reward to the princess, insisting on making a contract. In the mean time, Luffy and Zoro made up, y/n rolling her eyes at her captain's denseness.

In the end, the princess wasn't able to promise one billion bellies, explaining how her kingdom was in a bad state at the moment.

"It's all because of him." She spat.

"Him?" Nami questioned.

"The boss of Baroque Works. Mr. 0." The princess answered. Luffy furrowed his brows.

"So, who's the boss?" The princess's head shot up.

"The boss's identity?! Don't ask me that! Anything but that! If you know the identity of Mr. 0, your lives will be put in danger!" She informed, her tone panicked. "You'd be going up against one of the shichibukai. Crocodile." Everything turned silent.

"Princess, you just gave it away."
