Chapter 21

Y/n groaned as she opened her eyes, her head throbbing and her body aching. Sitting up from the floor, she looked around, seeing the rest of the crew in a similar state. Once she sat upright, her chest began to ache and the sensation of not being able to breath forced her into a fit of coughs.

"What-...I can't....breath-" She stuttered between coughs, her hand moving up to her chest, feeling her heart beating at a fast pace.

"Damn..." Zoro cursed, panting as he looked around the deck. "What happened? Is everyone here?"

"Hey guys!! Look outside the ship!" Luffy ran up, surprisingly accustomed to the thin air. With slight struggles, everyone did as he requested, finding nothing but a sea of clouds.

"What is this place?" Sanji gasped.

"It's pure white!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Clouds?!" Chopper gaped.

"We're in the clouds?! How are we staying in them?!" Nami questioned.

"Of course you can stay on them, they're clouds." Luffy responded.

"No, you can't." Y/n sighed and crossed her arms, too exhausted to be dealing with his usual antics.

"Oh no!" Chopper suddenly exclaimed, grabbing everyone's attention. "Usopp's not breathing!!"

"What?!" Luffy cried out. "Do something! CPR! Y/n!" The rubber man turned to y/n, hoping she'd use her Virgo realm to heal Usopp.

"Usopp! Say something!" Chopper began to press down on Usopp's chest repeatedly, desperately trying to rise the sniper from his unconscious state. With a sudden gasp, Usopp's eyes opened, Luffy and Chopper calling out to him in relief.

"Clouds....?" Usopp looked around. "What?!" He cried out. "These are clouds! No, there's too many! What is this?!" He ran up to the side of the ship, looking over the edge and down into the fluffy clouds beneath.

"Basically, this is an ocean in the sky?" Nami muttered. "But look!" Nami held out her log pose. "The log pose is still pointing upward!"

"It seems we're in the middle section of the cumuloregalis clouds." Y/n hummed.

"We need to go even higher? How?" Chopper questioned.

"I'm not sure..."

"An ocean..." Usopp sighed before taking off his shoes and hopping up onto the railing. He laughed and posed, flexing his biceps. "In swimming lane #1, Captain Usopp!" He announced, Luffy and Chopper beginning to cheer him on.

"Hey, now! Don't be reckless! This ocean's still a mystery!" Sanji chastised.

"An ocean's an ocean!" Usopp shot back before diving into the sea of clouds.


"He's so brave!"

"He's an idiot." Y/n sighed. They all waited for Usopp to come back, possibly crying about the dangers of the ocean that he's witness, but when he didn't, it began to raise the crew's concern.

"Hey." Zoro grunted. "He's...not coming back up." He stated.

"I was just wondering...Do you think this ocean has a bottom?" Robin asked, causing everyone to tense up.

"You don't mean...?!"

"Did that bastard fall from the clouds?!"

"Usopp!" Luffy reeled back his arm, casting it out and stretching it as far as he could, hoping he'd be able to reach Usopp.

"That moron! I tried to tell him!" Sanji hissed.

"Stretch your arm as far as you can!" Robin ordered.

"But I can't see down there!" Luffy cried.

"It's alright. Leave it to me!" Robin brought her arms up and crossed them in front of her chest, closing her eyes. "Ojos Fleur!" She activated her devil fruit, duplicating her eyes onto Luffy's hand and arm, looking around for any sign of Usopp. Everyone watched Luffy and Robin in anticipation, waiting for them to bring the sniper back up. "There he is!" Robin suddenly exclaimed.

"Eh?! Where?!"

"Veinte Fleurs!" Robin's brows furrowed, her temples breaking out into a light sweat as she focused on reaching Usopp. "Okay! Pull him up!" Robin sighed and looked to Luffy, putting her arms down and relaxing.

"You got him?! Okay!" Luffy nodded, putting his focus on pulling the sniper back up. He pulled and grit his teeth, the weight he was pulling up suddenly getting a lot heavier.

"Is he heavy?" Chopper asked, watching as Luffy struggled.

"He shouldn't be..." Y/n raised a brow.

"Luffy! You can do it!" Nami encouraged the rubber man, her hands balling into fists from anticipation. With one final tug, Usopp emerged from the clouds, only to be followed by large sea creatures that they didn't recognize.

"Things came with him!" Luffy exclaimed, gaping at the gigantic tentacles squirming around before him. Chopper and Nami threw their hands up and let out a cry of fear. Zoro ran forward and jumped up, unsheathing his swords before cutting into one of the large tentacles. Once an incision was made, the whole creature cried out and began to deflate, sinking back into the sea of clouds.

"It sure is hard to breath here..." Zoro landed back on the ship, panting and keeling over, trying to catch his breath.

"That octopus was like a balloon!" Luffy exclaimed.

"I can't believe things live in the clouds!" Nami muttered.

"This is an ocean after all, not just your everyday condensation..." Y/n placed her hands on her hips, looking over the vast white sea. Suddenly, Usopp, who was previously unconscious, shuddered and awoke with a scream.

"Dammit! What is it this time, Usopp?" Sanji sighed.

"My pants! There's something in 'em!" Usopp responded, wiggling around before taking out some sort of fish from his overalls, falling unconscious once more once the fish was flung a good ways away from him.

"Usopp!" Chopper cried out, running over to the sniper in concern. The fish across from him flopped around, trying to get away back into the ocean. Robin walked over and picked it up, examining it.

"These are skyfish! The odd fish described in Noland's logbook! They must've evolved to survive in this bottomless ocean." She explained.

"So they turned all balloon-like and flat and stuff?" Zoro questioned, watching the flat, blue skyfish wiggle around in Robin's grasp.

"The buoyancy here is weaker than in the oceans below." Robin nodded, Luffy stealing away the fish to bring it to Sanji.

"They have scales like feathers and weird carnivore-like mouths..." Nami muttered.

"I tried sautéing it." Sanji said as he lit his cigarette, watching as Luffy stabbed a piece of the fish with his fork.

"This is good!" He exclaimed once the cooked skyfish reached his pallet.

"We're still investigating it!" Nami spat. "What're you guys thinking?!" The navigator took the fork from Luffy and tried a piece of the fish, her sour expression instantly lighting up. "Oh! It really is good! What is this?! I've never had anything like it!"

"Is it to your liking, Nami-san?" Sanji clasped his hands together and smiled.

"Where is the sky island...?" Chopper sat on the railing of the Merry, binoculars held against his eyes as he looked further into the horizon. "Oh! A ship...Oi! Everyone! A ship...and a person?" Chopper stayed silent for a bit before crying out. "Eh?!"

"What's wrong Chopper?" Y/n walked over and looked in the direction he was looking, seeing a faint line of smoke on the horizon. "There was a ship?"

"No, uh, there was, but not anymore...!" Chopper sputtered.

"What?" Zoro walked up behind y/n, crossing his arms.

"And there's a bull, and it's running straight here! It's on..."

"You're not making any sense! Calm down!" Zoro grunted.

"Wait, what's that?" Y/n nodded her head towards a singular figure surfing atop the sea of clouds, sporting a mask and a large bazooka, heading straight towards them.

"It's a person! Someone's coming! He's running on the clouds!" Sanji gasped. The stranger jumped up from the clouds towards the Merry. "Hey, stop! What do you want?" Sanji demanded, only to be met with a blow to his chin, sending him into the cabin wall.

"To eliminate you!" The stranger grunted, landing onto the deck. He jumped up again, dodging Zoro's incoming blade, the swordsman being met with a kick to the the chin just like Sanji. After Zoro hit the floor, the stranger jumped up for the last time, flipping and dropkicking Luffy's head, smashing the rubber man's face into the deck.

"H-Hey! What's with you three?!" Nami gasped, her eyes widened at the sight of the monster trio on the floor. Y/n unsheathed her sword, watching as the stranger leaped off the ship pointing the end of his bazooka at the Going Merry, fully intending on destroying it and the crew on it.

"He's gonna shoot us!" Chopper started to freak out.

"That is far enough!" A new voice was heard, the owner swooping in and attacking the stranger threatening the Merry. The stranger blocked the blow with their shield, but they ended up falling into the white sea before retreating. The newcomer landed on the railing of the Going Merry, Nami looking up at him with teary eyes.

"What?! Who's this now?!" She cried out. The newcomer stepped down from the rail, facing the crew.

"I am the Sky Knight." The man introduced himself, a large, strange, pink bird landing behind him, crying out.

"What the heck is going on?! Who was that?!" Nami questioned the Sky Knight before turning to look at the monster trio. "And what's with you guys?! You're pathetic, loosing three against one!" She spat. "And you!" She pointed at y/n. "Why didn't you do anything with your goddess powers?!" Y/n rolled her eyes and sheathed her rapier.

"Goddess?" The Sky Knight questioned.

"Thank you for saving us!" Chopper bowed to the man, gaining his attention.

"I have no choice. This one is on the house." He responded.

"Man...Talk about being worthless..." Sanji panted.

"I can't move well...for some reason..." Luffy groaned.

"It must be because of the thin air." Robin stated.

"Yeah, now that you mention it..." Zoro muttered.

"Are you blue Sea people?" The Sky Knight questioned.

"Blue Sea people? What's that? Oh yeah! Who are you?!" Nami furrowed her brows at the Sky Knight.

"I am the Sky Knight. 'Blue Sea people' is the term for those who live beneath the clouds." The old man responded. "In other words, did you come up here from the Blue Seas?"

"Yeah, that's right." Luffy nodded, still laying on the floor.

"Then that explains it." The old man nodded. "This is the White Sea, seven thousand meters in the air. The White-White Sea even further above reaches ten thousand meters high. Ordinary Blue Sea people can't possibly endure it here."

"Alright! I've gotten used to it!" Luffy sat up, no longer panting.

"Yeah. I feel much better now." Zoro nodded in agreement.

"No, no, no! That's not possible!" The Sky Knight sweatdropped.

"Just give up, they're actual monsters..." Y/n sighed.

"Anyway, what was that guy speeding on top of the clouds?!" Chopper spoke up.

"Now, now. Hold on. I'm sure you have many questions, but let's talk business first." The Sky Knight shook his head.

"Business?" Nami questioned.

"I am a freelance soldier-for-hire. These seas are fraught with danger. If you don't know how to fight in the sky, guerrillas like that one will come after you and turn you into food for the skyfish. For a 5 million Extol One Whistle, I will help you." He explained. Everyone furrowed their brows.

"What are you talking about, old guy?" Luffy asked.

"What?! That is quite cheap! I won't lower it a single Extol more! I need to earn a living too, you know!"

"What in the world is 'extol' and what's this 'whistle' or whatever?" Sanji asked him.

"You came here via the summit of High-West, did you not? Then you must've passed an island or two..."

"Again, what are you talking about, old guy?" Luffy huffed.

"Wait! You mean there are other ways of coming to this sky ocean?! And, 'an island or two'? Does that mean there are lots of sky islands?!" Nami questioned.

"Don't tell me you came here via the..." The Sky Knight trailed off.

"Knock-up stream." Y/n finished for him.

"My word! That monstrous current?! So there are still people gutsy enough for that..." He mumbled.

"It wasn't an normal route after all!" Nami began to cry. "We could've died you know?!" Nami picked up Luffy by the front of his shirt, shaking him back and forth. "We could've done it more safely if we had gathered more information!"

"What does it matter now? We're already here." Luffy whined.

"Did you lose any of your crew?" The Sky Knight asked.

"No, we're all here."

"That wouldn't've been the case with any other route. One hundred people head into the sky, a few arrive, and someone survives. That is the gamble. But with the knock-up stream, everyone dies or everyone arrives. That's it. Not many can make that all-or-nothing bet, especially these days." The Sky Knight explained. "I now see that you are capable navigators with courage and skill." He praised.

"Yes, I must admit it was only because I was here! While these guys were crying and giving up on life, I told them, 'I will navigate us-'!" Usopp was cut off as y/n punched him.

"Go back to sleep!" She hissed.

"One blow of this One Whistle, and I shall come to your aid." The Sky Knight threw a small, golden whistle at the crew. "Normally I would charge 5 million extol, but I will give you the One Whistle as a present!"

"Wait! We still don't know your name!" Nami called after him.

"I am Gan Fall, the Sky Knight! And this is my partner, Pierre." The old man gestured towards his strange bird. He mounted the bird's back, taking off. "May luck be with you, warriors!" He called back before disappearing into the misty clouds. Everyone sighed.

"In the end, he didn't tell us anything." Robin stated.

"You're right! Nothing at all!" Usopp nodded.

"Now we're back to square one." Sanji sighed.

"How do we get up there?!" Zoro questioned.

"I know!" Luffy walked towards the whistle on the floor, picking it up. "Let's call that old guy and ask!" He was about to place the whistle in his mouth, but everyone jumped at him, either pulling at his wrist or his face to keep him from blowing the small instrument.

"Hold on, Luffy! This is for emergencies only!!" Nami cried out, strangling his neck. Zoro sighed as he watched the scene.

"For now, let's just take our ship somewhere." He suggested.

"Hey, look over there!" Chopper called out, looking over the railing.

"What is it?" Y/n questioned, letting go of Luffy's cheek, the skin snapping back towards his face after having been stretched out.

"Isn't that a weird cloud?" The reindeer asked.

"It looks like a waterfall..." Robin stated.

"Alright, it's decided! Let's go check it out." Zoro grunted. Everyone nodded in agreement, getting the ship moving towards the waterfall of clouds. As they got closer, Nami ordered them to stop.

"There are huge clouds in the way..."

"What do we do?

"They're floating in the sky ocean, so they can't be ocean too.." Sanji muttered.

"Then what kind of clouds are they?" Usopp asked.

"If they were ordinary clouds, they'd keep moving forward..." Nami thought.

"Let's touch one and find out!" Luffy smiled, and reeled his fist back, launching and stretching it forward to punch the cloud. To his amazement, his fist bounced off, his arm retracting back. The rubber man's smile got bigger, an idea popping into his head. He ran and jumped off of the ship, landing on one of the unusual clouds. "Look! I'm on it! I'm not sinking! It's all fluffy, like cotton!" Luffy exclaimed, his body bouncing up and down on the cloud. "What is this?! It's too fun!"

"Wow!!" Chopper exclaimed, he and Usopp jumping up to Luffy on the cloud.

"But this means the ship can't go through places filled with these..." Nami muttered.

"Hey! There's a gate!" Luffy shouted, he, Usopp, and Chopper coming back down onto the deck.

"A gate?"

"Yeah! There's a big gate under that waterfall thingy!" Luffy nodded.

"There are manmade objects in a place like this?" Sanji questioned.

"We should stop trying to make sense of every little thing in a ocean made up of clouds." Y/n grunted, watching the solid clouds go by as they sailed through some sort of maze, eventually taking them to the gate previously mentioned. The crew's jaws dropped as the gate came into view. The large, golden structure seeming so bright against the white clouds surrounding it. At the top of the gate, on a large maroon plaque, read 'Heaven's Gate.' A fitting name.

"It's a gate alright..." Sanji muttered.

"And look, that waterfall-like cloud really was a waterfall! It's flowing over those different clouds from earlier!" Nami gasped.

"What's this now? 'Heaven's Gate'? That's unlucky! It sounds like we're on our way to die!" Usopp sputtered.

"Y'know, maybe we already are dead." Zoro snorted.

"That would explain this weird world..." Sanji mumbled.

"Eep! We're dead?!" Chopper cried out.

"Heaven, huh? This is gonna be great! I finally get to go there!" Luffy laughed.

"Get real!" Nami spat, hitting the monster trio upside the head.

"What was that for?!" Zoro growled.

"You're jokes aren't funny!" Nami hissed.

"Well, the fact that I'm here shows that we are not dead." Y/n crossed her arms. "I can't go to 'heaven,' or whatever..."

"Then this is the closest you're gonna get." Zoro huffed.

"Look! Over there!" Usopp exclaimed, pointing towards the inside of the gate. "Someone's coming out!" Just as he had said, everyone looked over and saw an old woman walking out, a camera pressed up to her eye, the flash going off every half-second. As the Merry got closer to the gate, the crew realized that this woman had pristine white wings on her back.

"Look! She has wings on her back!" Chopper exclaimed.

"It's an angel! Is that what angels are like?!" Luffy's jaw dropped, his expression turning sour. "She's like a picked plum!" Everyone stayed silent, the waterfall rushing down being the only sound that could be heard.

"U-Umm..." Nami spoke up.

"I am Amazon, the Heaven's Gate inspector." The old woman introduced herself, her voice low and raspy. "Sightseeing? Or perhaps war?" She questioned.

"I-I guess it's kind of like sightseeing..." Nami stuttered.

"We wanna go to the sky islands! They're past this gate, right?" Luffy asked.

"What do you mean by 'war'?" Zoro added.

"It doesn't matter either way..." The old woman responded. "If you're going to the upper area, pay the entrance fee of one billion extol per person. That is the law."

"O-One billion?!" Usopp exclaimed.

"There's that 'extol' stuff again..." Sanji muttered.

"How much is one billion extol in bellies?" Usopp held up his hands, counting his fingers.

"Whatever it is, one billion sounds really expensive!" Chopper spoke up.

"One billion per person...Eight billion for eight people..." Robin hummed.

"It's just to enter the country! Do countries usually charge that much just to enter? This old lady's trying to scam-" Usopp was cut off as Nami's hand pressed against his mouth.

"Um, about the money...What if we kinda don't have it?" Nami asked the old woman.

"You can pass." The old woman replied shortly.

"Are you serious?!"

"Or you don't have to pass..." Amazon droned. "I am neither a gatekeeper nor a guard. I simply ask your intentions."

"Then let's go! To the sky islands!" Luffy cheered.

"We don't got money, but we're going through, old lady!" Usopp announced.

"I see. The eight of you then?"

"Yeah. But how do we get to the sky islands-?" Before Luffy could finish his question, the clouds below them began to go wild, a large crawfish-like creature emerging from the white sea. It grabbed onto the Merry, everyone crying out in confusion. Before they knew it, the creature was taking the Straw Hat crew up a large river of clouds, taking them further up into the sky.

Once the creature reached its destination, it threw the Merry down, the sea splashing around them. The chaos died down and everyone took the chance to organize themselves. Y/n loosened her grip on the railing, tilting her head up to look at her surroundings.

"An island!" She heard Luffy exclaim. "It's a sky island!" The crew let out gasps of awe and excitement as the Merry approached the strange landmass.

"Hey...That sign...said Skypiea." Robin muttered.

"Yeah! That's the same name as the one written on the map that Luffy found!" Nami exclaimed.

"This is...beautiful..." Y/n gasped softly, taking in the bright and soft scenery around her. The architecture was something she had never witnessed before. Some of the buildings were sitting atop floating clouds, long, white staircases leading up to them. Tall spires were used on many of the buildings and the color schemes were all soft and relaxing.

"What is this place?! You can really smell adventure in the air!" Luffy was bubbling with excitement as the Merry reached the shore of the beach, Zoro setting down the anchor. The rubber man jumped down from the ship, the water splashing beneath him as his feet touched the sand. "It's fluffy!" He cheered as Usopp joined him into the water.

"I'm gonna go change!" Nami smiled, running down to the girl's quarters.

"Y/n! Come down here already! This beach is fluffy!" Luffy called to the goddess, having fun rolling around and bumping into Usopp and Chopper who were playing around with him.

"Alright, alright." Y/n sighed.

"Still, this scenery is amazing..." Zoro muttered. "It's like something out of a dream." He hopped off the ship, helping y/n down as well.

"Considering the buildings and infrastructure, there is a population here." Y/n stated while walking to the shore with Zoro. As their feet no longer touched the water, y/n noticed a small animal laying on the beach. She walked over to it cautiously, kneeling down to examine it.

"Suu!" It squeaked, walking over to y/n. She held her hand out, letting the creature sniff her. After taking in her scent, the animal rubbed against her like a cat, its soft fur caressing her skin. The creature then perked up before running off. Y/n watched it run across the beach, heading towards a stranger playing some sort of harp. Her guard instantly went up as she noticed the stranger. The rest of crew also seemed to notice the stranger, freezing in their tracks.

"Is it that guerrilla again?!" Usopp stuttered, hiding behind nearby foliage.

"No, hold on." Sanji shook his head. "That's not a guerrilla. That's..." His eyes widened. "an angel!"

"An angel?" Looking a little more carefully, the crew noticed the pair of wings sprouted from the stranger's back, just like the old woman, Amazon. The stranger stopped playing her instrument, turning towards the crew. She smiled.

"Heso!" She greeted, only to the crew's confusion.

"Heso...?" They echoed.

"Like...bellybutton?" Usopp questioned.

"Well, Heso is Heso." Zoro grunted.

"That makes absolutely no sense." Y/n sweatdropped.

"Did you come to the Blue Sea?" The stranger asked, walking closer to the group.

"Yeah. We flew up here from below." Luffy nodded.

"Do you live here?" Y/n asked the woman.

"Yes, I'm a resident here. Welcome to Skypiea's Angel Beach." She smiled. "My name is Conis. This is Suu, a cloud fox." She picked up the small creature that y/n was interacting with earlier. "If there is any way that I can be of help, please let me know."

"Well, you see...your gaze is setting my heart on fire-Ow!!" Sanji cried out in pain as y/n pinched his ear, pulling on it. Despite the pain he felt, he held a happy, blushing expression on his features at y/n's touch.

"There are lots of things we'd like to know. To us this place is filled with mysteries." Nami spoke up.

"Okay. Please ask me anything." Conis nodded.

"Oi, something's coming." Zoro announced, catching everyone's attention.

"Oh, that's my father." Conis informed them, waving at the man approaching the shore on some sort of strange vehicle.

"Conis-san! Heso!" He called out, getting closer and closer to the beach.

"What's that thing he's riding on?" Nami asked, taking interest in the vehicle Conis's father rode upon.

"Oh, are you talking about the waver?" Conis turned to her.

"Wow! That thing is so cool!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Waver..." Nami thought.

"I'm sorry, I'm coming to a stop!" Conis's father announced, his waver crashing onto the beach, throwing the man into a nearby tree. Everyone looked at the older man in concern. He got up shakily, rubbing his head. "Is everyone alright?" He asked.

"You're the one who crashed!"

"Hey, Luffy. Didn't you salvage a waver from that galleon...?" Y/n looked at the waver on the beach.

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" Luffy thought.

"That's the boat I read about in Noland's diary...The boat that can be propelled without wind!" Nami realized.

"Are they your friends, Conis-san?" The older man questioned, picking his waver upright.

"Yes. We've just become acquainted." Conis replied. "They said they came from the Blue Sea."

"I see. Then there must be many things that you're puzzled about. I'm sorry, this place is the White-White sea." Conis's father said.

"Oh, no need to apologize..." Usopp told him.

"Excuse me for not introducing myself sooner, but my name is Pagaya. I'm sorry." The man introduced himself, apologizing once more.

"Oh no, no...Nice to meet you." Usopp bowed.

"Father, were you able to catch some fish?" Conis asked her father.

"Yes, I had a large catch." He nodded. "Oh, yes, why don't you all come to our house? I'll prepare some dishes for you using the sky harvest." Pagaya offered.

"Are you sure?! Then, let's go, let's go!" Luffy immediately accepted the offer, cheering out excitedly.

"Sky island cuisine? Let me help you!" Sanji smiled, excited as well.

"Before we go, can I ask you a question?" Nami called out, kneeling next to the waver. "This boat doesn't have a sail, and you weren't paddling either. How did you propel it on the sea?" She asked.

"Oh, you mean you're not familiar with dials?"

"Hm? Dials?" Luffy questioned? Pagaya gave Luffy the waver, allowing him to try it out. Once the rubber man pressed down on the pedal, the waver took off speedily, Luffy yelling out in panic. "Wh-What is this shaking?! I can't stop it!" He cried out. Eventually, the male flew off of the vehicle, landing into the sea of clouds.

"Oh no! Is he alright?!" Conis gasped.

"Heavens! I'm sorry I let him use the waver!" Pagaya apologized.

"Speaking of which, I wonder how this sea treats those with powers." Sanji muttered.

"Oh, yeah...This isn't an ordinary sea." Zoro added. "He may just float." They all looked out into the sea and saw Luffy's form slowly disappearing as it sank into the water.

"He sank."

"So he doesn't float..."

"This is terrible!" Chopper exclaimed, jumping into the water to go and save Luffy, despite being a devil fruit eater himself. Y/n sighed and grabbed Chopper before he got to far into the water. She then flicked her wrist, opening the Aquarius realm. A pillar of sea clouds erupted from the sea, spitting Luffy out and back onto the beach.

"You're lucky I can control this ocean as well." She huffed, looking down at Luffy who was panting heavily, limbs spread out as he laid on the beach.

"I'm sorry for letting a beginner use that boat." Pagaya apologized. "The body of the waver is made so light that its rudder can be taken over even by small waves. Unless you know very well about the sea, you can't handle it that easily. I'm sorry." He explained.

"I've finally become able to ride it recently." Conis told Chopper.

"It's that hard?!" The reindeer exclaimed.

"Well, if you train, in ten years or so, you'll be able to ride it." Pagaya informed.

"That's a lot of training!"

"Hey, she's riding it!" Usopp shouted out, pointing to Nami who was riding on the waver easily.

"This is so cool!" She cheered.

"Nami-san! You're the coolest!" Sanji called out, a love-struck expression on his face.

"Whoa! This is incredible! I can't believe it!" Pagaya gasped in shock.

"Why is she able to ride that thing?!" Luffy's jaw dropped. His expression turned sour. "Hey, Nami! We're going to the old guy's house now, so get off already!" He demanded. "You stupid head!"

"Don't take it out on her!" Sanji kicked the rubber man in the head.

"You stupid head!" Luffy repeated, ignoring the cook.

"You guys go on ahead! Mister! Can I stay out here a little longer and have fun?" Nami called out.

"That's fine! Be careful!" Pagaya called back. "Now, this way, please." Pagaya began leading everyone towards his house. They trekked up a long path of stairs, stopping at the top to look at the spectacular view.

"Hey look! You can see Nami!" Chopper tried waving, hoping the navigator would see him from up here.

"Why can she ride it so easily?" Luffy muttered. "Sink!" He stuck his tongue out. Y/n pulled and stretched his rubber cheek, Luffy whining in protest.

"Stop acting like a child."
