Chapter 35

"Franky's building a ship for us?!" Luffy smiled widely, very pleased at the news.

"Oh yeah, you were asleep." Sanji hummed, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Woohoo! He was a good guy after all!" Luffy cheered, bouncing up and down with excitement.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the ship." Zoro smiled.

"Perhaps this new ship will continue Merry's legacy." Y/n placed her hands on her hips, smiling softly.

"In the meantime, why don't we go shopping?" Nami gushed, walking over to the safe she had stashed the money in. "Huh...?" The navigator's expression darkened. "What happened to the 100 million bellie?"

"Ah! We used it for the party!" Luffy grinned, only for that grin to be punched right off his face. Nami gave the rubber man a good beating, crying out about how she wanted to buy furniture for the new ship.

"I wouldn't mind getting a new wardrobe..." Y/n muttered. So many of her clothes have gotten drenched in blood or were torn to pieces.

"I'll come along, y/n-swan~!!" Sanji swooned, imagining y/n trying on racy clothing. His daydream was cut short as Nami requested that he buy groceries. He happily oblidged, taking his allowance from Nami. The navigator gave out more allowances to the others, save for Luffy, who got another punch to the head upon requesting. Taking the little money they had, each of the crew set out to the water roads of the city.

Upon finding a clothing shop, y/n browsed the available wares. Picking out a few pieces, she tried them on in the dressing room, deciding on which ones she liked best. Taking the new clothes to the checkout, y/n bought what she could with her allowance. As she grabbed the newly packed shopping bags, she heard a slight commotion outside.

Exiting the store, y/n saw Zoro being kicked out of what seemed to be a bladesmith shop. The swordsman grumbled and looked at the small amount of money in his hand. He stuffed the bills in his pocket, only then noticing y/n.

"Trying to find a new sword?" She questioned, with a tilt of her head. Zoro scowled and looked down at the water roads.

"Can't buy shit with this much money..." He huffed, lightly placing his fingers on the hilt of one of his swords. Pulling it out of its sheath, Zoro revealed the broken, rusted blade. "A marine with devil fruit powers did this to my sword. I have to find another one..." He looked at the blade with a stoic expression, though y/n knew he had been fond of the sword, just like the other two in his posession. She couldn't imagine what she would do, should she misplace or damage her beloved rapier.

"It'd be great to have a bladesmith on this crew." Y/n huffed, placing her hands on her hips, her paper shopping bags rustling. "And a seamstress..." She sighed, looking at the few clothing items she was able to afford.

"Who comes with us is all up to Luffy." Zoro sighed.

"I really wonder what's ahead in this crazy adventure." Y/n closed her eyes and rubbed her temples. "I think I've lost a few centuries of my existence just having to be around you fools."



"The log is ready!" Nami smiled, glancing at the needle in the log pose as it finally settled in one direction.

"All we need is the ship to set sail! I can't wait!" Luffy laughed, bouncing around the room. Everyone sat in the makeshift headquarters, relaxing, as they had been doing for the past three days.

"Do we know where we're headed next?" Y/n asked, sitting on the floor with Chopper as she brushed his fur.

"No. Hm? The log pose is pointing slightly downwards..." Nami answered, a bit confused.

"Nagagaga! Of course." Kokoro laughed, in a slight drunken haze. "The next island is Fishman Island. The paradise under the sea!"

"Eh?!! Fi-Fish-Fishman Island?!!" Sanji exclaimed, his eyes turning into hearts as he thought perverse things. "Finally!!"

"Sanji?!" Chopper exclaimed, frightened by the cook's sudden outburst.

"Fishman Island...I've got mixed feelings." Nami sighed.

"Yeah...That thing that happened in your village." Luffy hummed. Y/n tilted her head in confusion.

"But back then, those fishmen were pirates, right?" Zoro added.

"Damn right!" Sanji spun around. "Fishman Island is a famous spot in the Grand Line! Beautiful mermaids draw arcs above the water and play with the fish in the dream kingdom!!" He fawned. Kokoro laughed, capturing the cook's attention, reminding Sanji of her true form and lineage. "Can't I at least dream about it?! I'm a damn pirate!" He cried, crumpling to the floor.

"They have young mermaids too!" Kokoro huffed. "But it's not easy to get to the paradise..." She sighed, taking a swig of her alcohol.

"I'm curious about the 'beneath the sea' part..." Robin hummed.

"That...You'll get it when you get there. That's not the problem..." Kokoro muttered, picking up and passing Nami a newspaper. "Look at the front page, it's pretty recent.

"What's this...?" Nami examined the headline and article. "Fourteen ships disappeared this month again..." She read. "What does it mean?" She inquired.

"Florian Triangle." Kokoro spoke. "It's an area that you have to go through to get to the paradise." She explained. "More than one hundred ships each year are reported missing on that sea...Later on, people also come across ships without the crew..." Chopper shook in y/n's arms as Kokoro's explanation scared him. "There are even constant sightings of ghost ships that carry the dead on board." Y/n wrapped her arms around Chopper as he shrieked, the doctor turning and burying his face in her bosom, unknowingly earning himself glares from some of the crew.

"I can meet living skeletons?!" Luffy beamed, more excited now than ever to set back out to sea.

"What kind of thought is that...?" Zoro muttered, tearing his gaze away from where Chopper's head lay.

"Nooo!" Nami cried out. "I don't want to!"

"Either way, it's a dangerous sea where many accidents have happened. Just be prepared." Kokoro warned.

"Merchant and pirate ships coming back as ghost ships..." Robin hummed. "The legends of the 'treasure ship' always revolve around them..."

"Let's go find ghost ships!" Nami suddenly had no fear at the mention of treasure. Luffy cheered, why Chopper cried and tried to change their minds, running out of y/n's grasp.

"Treasure ships...Perhaps they'll have swords..." Zoro muttered.

"If they did, they'd be rusted to all hell and completely useless. Considering how old they might be, and with no one to care for them." Y/n sighed.

"Maybe we'll find some that aren't as old as you." Zoro sneered, earning himself a kick to the face.

"Pirate bros!" Chimney, Gonbe, Kiwi, and Mozu ran through the doors, panting.

"What's up?" Luffy questioned.

"Franky bro asked all of you to come!" Mozu started.

"The 'Dream Ship' is done!" Kiwi finished.

"It's a really good one!" Chimney added.

"Eh?! It's done already?!" Luffy exclaimed. "That's much faster than planned!"

"Alright! Let's go!" Everyone was excited to see their new home.

"Strawhat-saaaaaaan!!" Somebody called out. Everyone walked out of the headquarters to see what was going on. The Franky Family rushed towards them. "I...I have to ask a favor of you..." Zambai started. "Did you see the wanted posters?!"

"Wanted posters?" Luffy questioned.

"You...You have an outrageous bounty on your head, Strawhat-san!" Zambai answered. "The others too! You all've got a bounty on your heads!" The man pulled out the wanted posters, showing the crew what he was talking about.

"Woohoo! Mine increased!" Luffy cheered. Zoro just smirked at the papers. Nami, Chopper, and Sanji, on the other hand, were mortified.

"Even Sogeking got one!" Luffy giggled.

"Our request is in reguard to this. Look!" Zambai pulled out another wanted poster. It was Franky's. "I'm sure bro won't listen to we've all agreed..." The Franky Family all nodded. "Strawhat-san! Please, use force if necessary, take him out to sea with you!!" Luffy just giggled.

"Sure!" He smiled widely. Y/n had no doubt in her mind that Luffy was already planning on inviting him to be the shipwright on the crew anyway. Y/n picked up her wanted poster. 425 million.

"Talk about a pay raise..." She sighed, looking at the picture accompanying the bounty. It was an updated picture, showing her sitting on the docks of water seven, sword in hand. The moonlight glittered on her skin and the waters below. Someone must've spotted her and sent a picture in to the marines. Something else on the poster grabbed her attention. The print below the picture read in bold letters. 'Only Alive'. Y/n supposed it made since. The marines wouldn't have much with just her dead body. She'd just rebirth in another body somewhere else in the great sea. They wanted her alive, they wanted to figure out how to get rid of her once and for all.

After coming up with a plan with the Franky Family, everyone headed back inside of the headquarters to pack up.

"Guys...You're all prepared to deal with this matter about Usopp, right?" Zoro grunted, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

"I think it's about time men start taking responsibility for their actions. He shouldn't be allowed back if he wants to pretend it never happened." Y/n spoke as she finished collecting her things.

"Y/n, that's mean! Usopp is a part of this crew-!" Luffy started but y/n cut him off.

"Was! He was a part of this crew. He quit, remember?" Y/n placed her hands on her hips, her stern expression softening at Luffy's discouragement. "But..." She continued. "If he really still wants to be a part of this crew, that's all the more reason for him to own up to his actions and apologize. Right?" Luffy and the others smiled a bit.

"Right!" He cheered. Picking up his large sack, mostly filled with food, Luffy prepared to head out. "Sanji, how long are you gonna stay depressed? We gotta get to the new ship! If it's about your bounty, I'd say it's a pretty high for your first time!"

"Shut up! Why is my picture the only one hand-drawn?! Tell me which part of this is me?!!" Sanji spat. The marines surely had done the poor cook dirty.

"That picture looks just like you." Zoro stated, causing Sanji to mutter incoherent words towards him.

"I'll be a laughing stock of all the ladies out there..." Sanji slumped down.

"I was tricked! He said he was a reporter from the town's magazine!" Nami huffed, looking over her wanted poster. "I look cute in it, so I guess that's fine, but..." She sighed. "Now I have a bounty on my head too..."

"I'm a pirate as well! I fought like a brave man! I'm not satisfied with this fifty bellie!" Chopper cried.

"Well, better luck next time!" Luffy laughed.

"You two don't seem fazed at all!" Nami looked towards y/n and Robin.

"What do you expect? We've pretty much had bounties on our heads our whole lives..." Y/n shrugged, Robin just smiling.

"Hurry up! Bro's waiting for you!" Kiwi and Mozu stood outside of the building, calling for them. Everyone began to file out the door.

"Guys, Sanji's not moving..." Chopper muttered.

"Just leave the swirly idiot behind." Zoro scoffed.

"What?!!" Sanji shot up.

"Let's just get to the ship." Y/n sighed, everyone else nodding in agreement.


"Whoa!! Something's huge over there!" Luffy gasped.

"Is that it?!" Chopper exclaimed.

"Hey! We're here, Franky! Give us the ship!" Luffy called out.

"Nma..." Instead of Franky, Iceberg approached them.

"Ice-ossan!" Luffy smiled, greeting the man.

"Welcome. Unfortunately, Franky's not around, but the ship is ready." Iceberg explained. "Allow me to show you the ship instead." He turned around, grasping the cloth covering the large mass. "This ship is amazing. I was quite astonished when I saw the blueprints. It will be able to cross any kind of sea. With this ship, you can even go to the end of the world." Everyone waited with anticipation. "Franky also left behind a message; If you will be the Pirate King one day, then set sail with the 'King of Beasts!" Iceberg pulled down the cloth, revealing a beautiful ship. Everyone gasped in awe.

"It's huge!! It's beyond amazing!!" Luffy exclaimed.

"Nice..." Y/n muttered, eyeing the cute figurehead.

"I wonder what kind of flower he used for the figurehead..." Robin smiled.

"I think it's a lion..." Y/n tilted her head, following everyone as they boarded the ship. The crew was in awe at the craftsmanship of every thing. The grassy deck, the available space to garden or workout. Franky truly made a masterpiece.

"Hey, Ice-ossan! Where's Franky? I want to thank him!" Luffy called out, leaning on the railing of the ship.

"It seems he has no intention to see you guys anymore. Are you trying to recruit him as your shipwright, Strawhat?" Iceberg asked.

"Yup! How did you know? I want him on our crew!" Luffy grinned.

"He probably noticed that." Iceberg sighed.

"You mean, he wouldn't want to?" Luffy's grin faded.

"Quite the opposite actually." Iceberg responded. "He's not confident enough to reject such an offer when he is asked face to face...That's why he's hiding himself." The man smiled. "Nmaa, I'm sure he wants to go to sea with you guys. He's entrusting the 'Dream Ship' that he treasured so much to you, so it should be obvious. Franky really likes you guys, but he believes he has a 'duty' to stay on this island forever." He explained.

"Duty?" Y/n raised a brow, taking a seat on the railing next to Luffy.

"Nothing more than a silly tenacity, if you ask me." Iceberg sighed. "If you really intend to bring him along, don't choose your means. Just take him by force. That's the only way to set him free."

"By force?! Can we really?!" Luffy exclaimed. Iceberg only nodded, Luffy grinning and taking off into the city. Y/n could hear the tiniest bit of chaos in the distance. The Franky Family must be up to something to get Franky over to the ship. The rubber man shortly came back, panting slightly with a pair of speedos in his grasp. Y/n recognized them instantly, her eyes widening.

"Where did you-?" She gasped and looked away swiftly as Franky fell from the upper level of the city, his bottom half sticking up, completely bare, showing off everything. "What the hell?!" She shrieked.

"Franky!!" Luffy called out, holding up the cyborg's speedos. "Thank you so much for the ship! It's the greatest! We'll take good care of it!"

"Yeah. I wish you all a safe journey with the ship." Franky smirked, standing up to face the crew.

"If you want these back, then be our nakama!" Luffy smiled.

"Just give it back, Strawhat." Franky frowned.

"Then be our nakama!" Luffy persisted.

"Don't be ridiculous! Don't assume you can make me your nakama by just taking my pants!" Franky placed his large forearms together, leaning a bit to the side, his legs in a spread stance. The residents of Water Seven that were watching everything unfold shrieked in horror.

"I underestimated him! He's...He's the man of men!!" Luffy gawked.

"He's just a huge pervert!" Y/n hissed, doing her best to not look at the cyborg posing in front of them.

"If I'm allowed, I can help." Robin smiled, speaking up. She crossed her arms in front of her, activating her powers. "Dos Fleur..." Arms sprouted from between Franky's thighs. "Grab!"

"Robin! What are you doing?!" Y/n's eyes widened as the arms sprouting from Franky's legs grabbed onto his privates, sending him into agony.

"She grabbed them!!!" Luffy's jaw dropped.

"They'll be smashed!! Robin!!" Chopper cried out.

"Hey, Robin! I want him to be our nakama as a man!! Don't make them come off!" Luffy shouted at the archeologist.

"It hurts just looking at it...!" Chopper whimpered.

"If you asked a bunch of pirates to back off in front of 'treasure', then you'd better have a good explanation, otherwise, there's no way they'll back off." Robin spoke calmly.

"Gah!!" Franky panted, laying on the ground, still twitching in pain. "I...I said I wanted to stay on this island!" He responded. "I'm really thankful to you guys, more than I could ever imagine!" He struggled. "I want to go with you guys, but I have stuff to take care of here! That's why I gave you the ship! The 'Dream Ship'!"

"Wait, Franky..." Iceberg spoke up. "This ship hasn't become your 'Dream Ship' just yet." Franky's eyes widened.

"...I changed my mind of what I want to do!" He huffed.

"What you want to do? No, that's not right. Whatever you're doing on this island now, is just atonement!" Iceberg shook his head. "You are still blaming yourself for what happened to Tom-san. But he already forgave you on that day. Everything you've done up until now to protect this island that Tom-san loved, was atonement. Though probably no one looked at it that way..."

"Of course not! That wasn't my intention!" Franky spat back stubbornly.

"Even if Tom-san forgives you...I forgive you...You'd still quit ship building, huh?" Iceberg frowned. "Why can't you just forgive yourself?!" He shouted. "You can live your own dream, can't you?!" Franky's eyes welled up with tears. The cyborg fell back dramatically, crying out in feigned pain.

"Robin, stop! He'll become a woman!" Luffy cried out. Y/n rolled her eyes. No matter what happened, nothing could ever make someone like Franky into a woman.

A bag landed next to Franky, voices calling down from the upper levels.

"It's your luggage for your journey, bro!" The Franky Family shouted, bidding their tearful farewells. Franky scowled.

"How dare you make decisions for me! Don't butt into my life!" He growled.

"We're sorry but...after everything you've done for us...can't we think about your happiness?!!" Zambai cried out. Franky's expression turned shock, the man beginning to tear up again and howl.

"Nico Robin, you bitch! I'll never forgive you! It hurts so much I can't stop crying!" He rolled around.

"Robin-!! Hm? You're not doing anything?" Luffy tilted his head in confusion.

"I only did it once." The archeologist giggled. "He's sneaky, blaming the pain for his tears."

"Ugh, men." Y/n sighed, shaking her head with a soft smile.

"Luffy!" Two voices were calling out, jumping down from the upper level.

"Zoro! Sanji!" Luffy called back. The two had probably gone into the city to help with the Franky Family's plan. Knowing Zoro, he probably got lost and Sanji had to bring him back.

"Luffy! Your grandpa's coming back!" Zoro warned them. "The marines are looking for us! They're already on the offensive!"

"What?! Why?" Luffy exclaimed.

"How would we know?! Prepare to set sail!" Sanji huffed, he and Zoro getting onto the new ship. "Ah! Franky, you still haven't put your pants back on?"

"Oh, yeah. Here." Luffy tossed down Franky's speedos, the cyborg catching them. "Now get on my ship!" Luffy ordered, a cheeky smile growing on his face.

"Heeheehee. You're amateurs that can only do bad touchup jobs." Franky smirked. "I'd pity this excellent ship if it didn't have a shipwright!" He pretended to think a bit. "Alright! I'll take care of it! I, Franky, will be the shipwright for your ship!" Everyone on the crew cheered at his announcement, well, mostly Luffy and Chopper, but everyone else smiled. Picking up the duffel that the Franky Family threw down to him, Franky approached the ship, tears welling up in his eyes from behind his sunglasses. "Everyone...I'm gonna be away for a while!" He called out, jumping onto the ship.

"Put your damn pants on." Y/n growled.


I didn't proof read this chapter, so please excuse any mistakes.

