Chapter 25

"God...?" Y/n's brows furrowed as she began to understand the situation. "Enel." She stated, staring back into his cold eyes to confirm that she was right.

"Yes, that is my name." The man smirked, amused by y/n's expression.

"What are you doing here?" Y/n asked cautiously, her hand never leaving the hilt of her blade.

"Is it a crime to walk around my own home?" Enel raised a brow, taking a step forward, relishing in the way y/n took a cautious step back.

"This isn't your home." Y/n spoke.

"Oh? Is it not?" Enel's smirk widened. Activating his devil fruit powers, Enel swiftly transported himself right behind y/n, his hand finding its way to her jaw. "You're not from here, are you?"

"Do not test me!!" Y/n roared, unsheahting her sword, swiftly turning around and swinging it down on him. She huffed as her sword went right through him, the man transporting himself a small ways away.

"You have amazing power. Your voice..." Enel hummed, his wide smirk never faltering. "It's much louder and clearer than the others." Y/n didn't reply, only watching the man with sharp eyes. "Why don't you join me? Come with me, and with you by my side, we will rule the land of Endless Vearth!" Enel spread out his arms, laughing out.

"You must be dreaming to think I would ever join your side." Y/n spat, baring her teeth at the man before her.

"My, my. Although I do find your power alluring, it is quite difficult when you do not fear me..." Enel sighed.

"I find it hard to fear someone so idiotic." Y/n scoffed, not missing the way Enel's expression darkened.

"You really are difficult, little lamb..." Enel took a step forward, his lips curving upwards in amusement as y/n jabbed her rapier forward, only for him to catch it in his hands. "But you will be mine." The man released a surge of electricity through his hand, the current running down y/n's sword. Y/n screamed once the current hit her body, painful shocks running through her, burning her from the inside out. The last thing she saw before blacking out was Enel's smirk.


Returning to his shrine, Enel carried y/n over his shoulder, attracting the attention of all his attendants.

"Welcome back, God-sama." They greeted him.

"Find the finest of garments and dress her. She should look the part if she is going to be my goddess." Enel's female attendants immediately complied, having one of the male attendants help to carry y/n. They brought her into the bath house, searching through the wardrobes to find something for her to wear. Upon finding an exotic outfit of silk, gold, and jewels, they began to strip y/n and place her in her new clothes, its fabric and accessories not doing much to hide her soft skin.

Bringing in the male attendant again, having had him leave so they could change y/n in private, the attendants all brought y/n back to Enel's throne, presenting y/n to him like a gift. The man looked y/n up and down, his lips curling up in satisfaction. This would surely do. The woman before him had already been beautiful, but now her beauty was able to be shown off in her new garments. Thanking them shortly, Enel took y/n from them and set her on his large love-seat throne, placing her against him like they were lovers.

"Well, well...That's kind of a surprising beginning." Enel sighed, bringing his hand atop y/n's head to stroke her soft hair. "Shura was defeated."

"What? Shura-sama?!" His attendants exclaimed in surprise.

"The fool underestimated his opponents too much. Yahahaha!" Enel laughed loudly.

"This...This is terrible news! In two days, two priests have fallen! They have been undefeated for the last six years!"

"Yeah, it can't be helped if they got beat up! It seems that God wasn't on their side! Yahahaha!" Enel's laughter awoke y/n from her unconscious state. The goddess blinked the sleep from her eyes away, doing her best to figure out what was happening. "Ah, it seems my goddess has awoken. Leave us." Enel ordered, his attendants nodding and making their way away from the throne. Enel sighed and caught y/n's fist as it shot up to hit his jaw.

"Your 'goddess'?" Y/n scoffed. "I will never be anyone's anything! Release me!" Y/n snapped, trying to pry her fist from Enel's grip.

"I found it quite amusing at first, little lamb, but your resistance to me is starting to become an annoyance." Enel tightened his grip on y/n's fist, giving her warning. "I'd be careful if I were you. What you do next may lead to some unfortunate events." Letting go of y/n's fist, Enel watched as y/n swiftly moved away from him. She only now noticed her outfit, an angry blush making its way to her cheeks.

"What are you planning?" She demanded, her hand reaching for the hilt of her rapier, only to find that it was missing. "My sword!! What did you do with it?!" Her glare was fierce as she looked to Enel, demanding the whereabouts of her beloved rapier.

"Now, now. Let's negotiate, little lamb. With me as God, and you as my goddess, we can have anything we want. I will give you what you want if you comply to what I want." Enel held up y/n's sheathed sword, the sheath given to him by his attendants who took it from her, the sword taken from the clearing he found her in. Y/n was about to lunge forward to grab it, but Enel held up his other hand, blue sparks of electricity flying from his hands, threatening to shock y/n again. The goddess backed down, but continued to glare at the man.

"What do you want from me?" She asked, her fists tightening as she unwillingly decided to hear him out.

"I want your power. Stay by my side as my goddess, and you will get everything you could ever want. All the finest clothes, the ripest of fruits, the richest of riches."

"What about my crew?"

"Your crew? You mean the Blue Sea dwellers?" Enel raised a brow. Y/n nodded. "Well, they are meant to be a part of this war. I predicted that out of the many attending this game, only six would survive, you and me included. Who knows if your crew will be the ones to survive? Even then, it seems only four our of the seven would be left." Enel smiled as y/n's fists got even tighter. "But," He stood up, walking towards y/n's figure. "if you stay with me and lend me what I need, I may let them go, alive." He leaned down to meet y/n's eyes. "Anything you want." He held up her sword. Y/n grit her teeth. She wasn't left with much of a choice.


"Good choice, little lamb."


She traveled with Enel to the ruins of Shandora, the man having noticed someone snooping around. Upon getting there, y/n saw that it was Robin. She was about to call out, but one look from Enel told her that she was not allowed to speak. Sighing heavily through her nose, y/n complied, in hopes that doing what he said would save her crew from harm.

"Amazing, isn't it?" Enel spoke up as Robin looked around the ruins, discovering many things. "The city has kept its splendor even after being blasted into the sky...The magnificent Shandora." Robin turned around upon hearing Enel's voice, her eyes widening slightly as she saw y/n standing next to the man. "The poor city was hidden in the clouds, with no one to admire it. I was the one who discovered it. My foolish predecessors had no idea of its existence." Y/n eyed Enel from the side upon hearing this information.

"And you are?" Robin questioned cautiously, her eyes flicking between Enel and y/n.

"God." Enel answered shortly. Robin looked to y/n, but the goddess only furrowed her brows and looked away. "I'm impressed. You are an archeologist from the Blue Sea, correct? It took us several months to find these ruins. Was the process simplified by your ability to read those writings?" Robin didn't reply. "Unfortunately, the gold you seek is gone. You are a few years too late."

"The gold..." Robin murmured. "Now that you mention it, I didn't see it anywhere. You are the one who took it, aren't you?" The woman questioned.

"Yes, I am. That shining material quite suits me." Enel hummed.

"So, you took the golden bell too?"

"...Golden bell...?" Enel raised a brow.

'So he doesn't know...?' Y/n thought.

"Very interesting! What did you learn by reading those runes?" Enel questioned.

"Nothing new, unfortunately. If it wasn't here when you arrived, then the bell probably didn't arrive." Robin thought. "The Shandians were really proud of their golden bell and the belfry it was in...But I was rather interested in the belfry..."

"Wait!" Enel suddenly exclaimed. "It is!! It's here. It did get to the sky!!" The man brought his hand to his chin, thinking back. "400 years ago, when Upper Yard was born...That is when this island was blown into the sky. A ringing sound of a bell was heard throughout the country. The old men here call it 'the song of the island'...So, this bell was made of gold!" Enel smiled. "Fascinating! As soon as the game is over, that is, in eight minutes, I'll just look around this place! Yahahaha!" Enel suddenly stopped laughing, his expression darkening. "Oh. It seems a that a bug has reached the edge of the island..."

Y/n furrowed her brows and looked away from Enel, her fists clenching as he lifted his arm, sending a large amount of electricity into the sky, no doubt on its way to kill his target. He then sent another blast of lightning up to the island cloud right above them, breaking it and allowing debris to fall through.

"What was that?!" Robin gasped.

"Yahahaha! I invited your friends to join us down here! In Shandora!" Enel began to laugh even more, watching as debris and people alike fell down towards them. "Yahahaha! Let's orchestrate the final act together!" He exclaimed.

"Ruins?" Robin questioned, dodging the large pieces of stone that fell towards her. "Why are such big pieces of ruins falling from above?"

"Dammit!!" One large piece of stone was suddenly chucked across the area, revealing a familiar head of moss and reindeer.

"Zoro! Chopper!" Y/n breathed, stiffening slightly as she felt Enel's eyes on her.

"Mr. Swordsman. Did you fall along with these rocks?!" Robin sweatdropped.

"I almost died!!" Zoro spat, throwing away more rocks surrounding him.

"A normal person would have died..."

"Oh, you're here. Where are we?!" Zoro turned to Robin.

"This is the golden city we were searching for. However...The gold is gone." Robin stated, ignoring as the giant snake that was chasing them earlier fell down into the ruins as well. The snake recovered, looking around in confusion. It's eyes began to water as it realized where it was. It cried out and looked around frantically. Y/n had a feeling that she knew what it was looking for.

"What are you getting so excited about, King of the Sky?" Enel questioned, raising his hand before shooting a large blast of lightning towards the beast. "You annoying snake! El Thor!!" The blast hit the snake, immediately knocking it out, its giant body crashing down, unmoving.

"Enel!!" A voice shouted out, enraged. Enel swiftly grabbed y/n's waist and dodged as a large blast of fire was shot at them. Bringing out a dial, Enel created a cloud ball, landing atop it, placing y/n on his lap, much to her discomfort. Only then did the other Straw Hat pirates besides Robin notice y/n.

"Y/n!" Zoro called out, his cheeks reddening as he saw what she was wearing. He turned his head away quickly and pinched his nose, the gesture causing y/n's cheeks to light up as well.

"What the hell are you thinking, marimo?!!" She spat, shaking her fist at him.

"Such bad manners." Enel sighed, looking to the Shandian below. "That's no way to return the favor of bringing you back to your homeland! Yahahaha!" Enel smirked. "Just wait a bit longer...The game's not over yet!"

"What game?!" The Shandian demanded.

"That's right. You...and those others behind you are all contestants...of my little game. The rules are all pretty simple. Three hours after you stepped onto this island, we see how many people...among the original 81 contestants are still alive. It's a survival game! Of course, I'm also a contestant, along with my goddess!" He wrapped an arm around y/n's bare waist, relishing in the way she flinched and tensed under his touch. "I predicted that there would be six survivors! In three minutes, the three hours will be over. Thus, it is quite problematic that there are still seven survivors here."

Y/n's eyes widened at his statement. She only saw Zoro, Robin before her, along with Nami and an unconscious Chopper hiding behind some rocks. Did that mean everyone else was defeated?

"However, God's predictions can't be wrong. So one of you here will be eliminated. Will you do it yourselves? Or shall I do it for you?" Enel questioned. His hand around y/n's waist moved up to her jaw, stroking it lightly with his finger. "My goddess did give a request to save her crew, so perhaps I should be the one to chose."

"Hey, do you want to?" Zoro turned to Robin.

"No thank you." Robin shook her head.

"Me niether." Zoro nodded.

"I don't think so." The Shandian huffed.

"I refuse as well." Gan Fall spoke. Nami could also be seen from behind the rock, shaking in fear. Her eyes widened as she saw the four others standing with their weapons raised, pointed at Enel.

"You will!" They all said in unison.

"Let the young woman go, Enel!" Gan Fall demanded.

"How impudent." Enel's expression darkened, his arm falling back down from y/n's jaw to her waist. "Yahahaha! You're going to eliminate me? I wouldn't expect any less from the survivors of this game. However, do you know who you are talking to? It seems that you do not understand what a god is! Yahahaha!" Enel laughed. "The old man fighting for the prosperity of Skypiea, the warrior fighting to return to his homeland, and the pirates from the Blue Sea trying to steal the gold. This world is filled with so many troubled lambs. Even the country itself has sinned greatly!"

"Instead of talking nonsense, why don't you tell me what you seek to accomplish here, and where the militia members are being held captive!" Gan Fall raised his voice, glaring at Enel.

"I simply seek to return, Gan Fall!" Enel spoke.


"Yes. I have a place where I should be. On the sky island where I was born, where people say god lives. People call it Fairy Vearth! There is a limitless amount of Vearth! That is the ideal world I seek! That is what I deserve to have!" Enel spread out his arms, smiling widely as he thought of his utopia. "This God's land...This puny piece of vearth is nothing, yet you've fought for centuries to control it! Do you understand? The reason to fight is actually more philosophical. Think about it...Not a cloud, but born of the sky; not a bird, but lives in the sky...This country in the sky defies all the laws of nature! Earth, men, and God, they all have a place they belong!"

"You can't...!" Gan Fall's expression turned shocked.

"What do you mean, 'you can't'?! I am doing what a god should do. I am sending you all to where you belong. Below the sky!"

"You want to destroy this country?!" Gan Fall shook in anger.

"It's the law of nature." Enel replied simply.

"Don't think so highly of yourself Enel! 'God' is nothing more but a title for the leader of our country!" Gan Fall roared.

"That's before I became God."

"The people of this world do not need a 'God'!! You fiend!!" Gan Fall charged forward with his javelin, only for Enel to move both himself and y/n. He placed y/n a good distance away as his hands created electrical currents.

"Thirty million volts...Vari!!" The currents shot towards Gan Fall, shocking and burning the man as he screamed out in pain.

"No!!" Y/n choked, watching as Gan Fall fell to the floor unconscious.

"Gan Fall, in this world, there is a god..." Enel smiled. "Me!"

"Devil fruit!" Zoro grunted, unsheathing his swords, preparing for battle.

"Most likely the goro-goro no mi. It's one of the..." Robin paused. "invincible powers...The power of lightning."

"Perfect, it is now the predicted time, there are exactly six survivors. Yahahaha! Good job surviving this far! Now I shall travel to the Fairy Vearth! And all of you shall come with me!" Enel exclaimed.

"What did you say?" Zoro grunted.

"Once we are all there, I will create a new god's land. Only those chosen by me may live there!"

"What if we refuse..?" Robin questioned. Y/n's eyes widened.

"Refuse...? Why? I've already decided! If you stay here, you will fall into the abyss with this country." Enel raised a brow, confused. He jumped back onto his cloud ball, looking down at the survivors of his game.

"True...With your power, it is possible. However, if you destroy this country, that thing you want will also fall, no?" Robin questioned.

"You mean the golden bell? Yahahahaha! Don't worry. Judging from your earlier adventures, I can think of only one place where the bell could be..." Enel smirked as Robin's stoic expression faltered into an expression of shock. "Looks like you're thinking what I'm thinking. You seem surprised! Did you think you could trick me and find it yourself? You underestimate me...How shallow!" Enel's hands sparked to life, his arm raising, the path of his electrical current pointed toward Robin. "I hate calculating women..."

"Robin!!!" Y/n cried out as the archeologist was shot down, Zoro swiftly moving to catch her. "Enel!" Y/n looked to the man with a sharp expression.

"She's a woman!" Zoro hissed, glaring at Enel as he gently laid Robin on the ground.

"I noticed." Enel scoffed. Zoro moved to attack, but he stopped as y/n called out.

"Wait." She jumped up to Enel, putting herself in his lap, straddling his waist. She wrapped an arm around his neck, bringing their faces closer, her other hand moving to twirl his elongated earlobe around her finger flirtatiously. Enel smirked at the feeling of her so close to him. Meanwhile, the rest watching had their jaws dropped to the floor.

"What is it, little lamb. You're in the way." Enel hummed.

"Do you really need to shoot them down?" Y/n cooed, looking up into his eyes through her long lashes. "Why don't we just go to the Fairy Vearth together..." She leaned down, placing her lips along Enel's sharp jawline, right below his ear. "alone...?" She held back a gag as she forced herself to hint at an innuendo. Enel's smirk widened.

"I do enjoy the idea, little lamb. But I'm afraid these people have resisted the orders of God, so they will receive the proper punishment before we leave." Enel's smirk dropped into a frown. He took y/n off of his lap and dropped her down to the floor, jumping down himself immediately after. Seeing y/n hit the floor with a grunt, Zoro snapped out of his shock and ran forward, swinging his sword towards Enel, who immediately blocked it as he brought out his gold staff. "Hmm, nice strong arms." Enel hummed, smirking at Zoro.

"You really are insane!" Zoro spat, his eyes flicking towards y/n, the action not being missed by Enel. The man jumped up and used his staff to vault himself further into the air. The Shandian standing not too far off brought up his bazooka weapon, firing a powerful blast towards Enel's airborne form.

"Burn Bazooka!"

"Kali!!" The powerful blast was deflected thanks to Enel's electrical powers.

"Impossible!" The Shandian gasped.

"Do you still not get it? The pathetic trickle of power you wield is useless against me." Enel sighed. "I was simply inviting you to come to Fairy Vearth. Why did you suddenly start attacking me?"

"Who are you trying to invite? We have no interest in that dream world of yours!!" Zoro lunged forward, slicing through the stone Enel stood on, the man hopping away before he got hit.

"Zoro, stop!" Y/n called out, knowing firsthand that swords were no good against Enel.

"It seems you need to be taught a lesson...on what a god is!" Enel laughed as Zoro pointlessly cut through his body with his swords. "No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to win. I will use my overwhelming strength to teach you what 'hopelessness' feels like!" Enel grabbed Zoro's swords, sending a powerful electrical current through them. "Losing hope and dying are strangely similar things..." Enel smirked as Zoro began to cry out in pain, the swordsman dropping his swords, the man falling to his knees, his breath labored. "That's when men pray to god, they kneel down and bury their heads to the ground!" Enel stomped on Zoro's head, forcing the man's cheek into the ground. "It can't be helped. Men beg when they are terrified. It's in their nature.

The loud clanking of the Shandian's bazooka hitting the floor could be heard, the man springing himself forward, his legs wrapped around Enel's waist, his hand pressed against the man's chest.

"What are you doing? Committing suicide?" Enel raised a brow before his stance faltered, much to his surprise.

"Do you know what Sea Prism Stone is?" The Shandian questioned. Y/n's eyes widened. "I added some to my shooter, and it's draining your devil fruit powers." As Enel wobbled to stay upright, Zoro slid himself out from underneath the man, moving to y/n's side.

"I see. My strength is being drained." Enel said weakly. "You're trying to use 'reject'? Your body can't take it! Don't you want to live? I know you just want Vearth!"

"Shut up! I'll be happy to die if I can take you with me!" The Shandian hissed.

"Don't do it!" Enel pleaded, his eyes widening.

"Reject!!" The Shandian activated the dial, a powerful force surging through both his and Enel's body, the latter spitting out blood as he fell to the ground.

"Is it over...?" Y/n stood up, looking towards the unconscious body of Enel. Zoro grunted, looking at y/n, only to quickly look away and pinch his nose just like last time, his cheeks exploding with red.

"What are you doing, thinking like that right now?!!!" Y/n spat. Her rage was cut off as a blast of electricity left Enel's body, shocking her and everyone else as they watched the man begin to revive himself. One blast at a time, Enel's body raised from the floor, his consciousness returning.

"He restarted his own heart...!!!" Nami gasped.

"It's not 'God' that people fear..." Enel wiped the blood from his mouth, a demented expression upon his face. "Fear itself is 'God'!!"
