Chapter 14

"Crocodile! I'll kick your ass-!" Luffy tried to fit through the bars, but his powers were weakened by the sea prism stone. The warlord of the sea only watched in amusement as Luffy struggled.

"So many moves I've made to make it this far. Have you any idea why I'd go to such lengths to attain this country?" Crocodile questioned Vivi, who only glared at him.

"As if I'd ever understand anything going through your rotten head!" She spat.

"You really are a bad mouthed princess." Crocodile sighed. Vivi leaned to the side, knocking over the chair she was sitting in, throwing herself to the ground. "Oi, oi. What are you trying to do, Miss Wednesday?"

"I'm going to stop you." Now that her hands weren't bound behind the chair, Vivi was able to crawl along the ground, desperately trying to escape. "There's still time! I just need to get to Alubarna! I will absolutely not let you win!"

"Vivi." Luffy and the others watched the princess struggle on the floor, a place a princess shouldn't be.

"What a coincidence. We were just about to head to Alubarna too. If you'd like to come with us, then do so. Or...." Crocodile looked at Vivi with a wicked expression. "would you rather save these people?" The man lifted up a key, most likely for the cage.

Y/n moved to grab the key with the Cancer realm, but as she reached out, Miss All Sunday used her devil fruit powers to hold the goddess back, bending her body in a dangerous position. She cried out in pain, not being able to use her powers. The rest of the Straw Hat crew glared at Miss All Sunday, wanting to attack the woman to set y/n free. Vivi struggled desperately, trying to break free from the ropes.

Crocodile smirked and let go of the key, letting it fall down. Just as Vivi broke free from the ropes, Crocodile opened a trap door, the key falling into the room below before she could grab it.

"It won't be too long before their fight to the death begins. Even if you left for Alubarna now, who knows if you'll make it on time...?" Crocodile turned towards Vivi. "To stop the rebellion, you'd need to leave at once, Miss Wednesday. Or will you save these people instead? It also doesn't help that I accidentally dropped the key into the floor below, the bananagator's den." Vivi gasped as she looked into the trapdoor, a large alligator with a strange banana-shaped lump on it's head walking towards the key.

"Whoa! There's an alligator growing out from under that banana!" Luffy looked at the sight in awe and curiosity.

"What's with those huge alligators?!" Nami shrieked.

"This room's underwater?" Usopp questioned.

"What a strange banana!" Luffy gasped. If y/n wasn't seconds away from having her back snapped in half, she would've punched her captain for being such a dumbass. Vivi gasped in shock as she watched the bananagator below.

"What's wrong, Vivi?" Luffy questioned, unable to see from his spot in the cage.

"The bananagator just swallowed the key!" She told them.

"What?!" Luffy shouted in disbelief. "Hurry up and chase it and make it spit the key out!"

"I can't! bananagators are so ferocious, they even prey on sea kings!" Vivi informed.

"I apologize for clumsily dropping the key. Plus, there's no telling which one of them swallowed it." Crocodile smirked, not looking apologetic in the slightest. "Also, this room will be destroyed automatically in one hour's time. One million citizens of Alabasta, or five measly pirates and a marine with no future? Which do you choose, Miss Wednesday?" Crocodile began to walk away, laughing at the desperate expressions on his enemy's faces. "Let's go, Miss All Sunday." The woman nodded, releasing y/n before following Crocodile out of the room.

Y/n gasped out, finally able to breath normally without fingers pressing into her esophagus, along with not having her body contorted in a way that it was hard to take in air. Usopp and Nami rushed over to her, making sure she was okay. Suddenly, a trapdoor opened, allowing water to pool in quickly.

"Ah! The rooms gonna be flooded! Vivi! Help! Do something!" Usopp started to panic.

"Stop freaking out." Zoro furrowed his brows, sighing.

"How can you not freak out! I don't wanna live for only an hour more!" The sniper cried out.

"The kingdom or my friends, you say?" Vivi muttered. "I doubt you're planning on giving anything back! I know you plan on taking my life before I reach Alubarna. Nothing will end unless I beat you!" Vivi prepared to attack, but she fell short, feeling hopeless and unable to do anything. She whimpered, much to Crocodile's delight.

"Vivi! Do something! Get us out of here!" Luffy yelled out.

"Luffy-san..." Vivi cried.

"Finally starting to beg for your life, Straw Hat?" Crocodile smiled in amusement.

"If we die....If we die, then who's going to kick your ass?!" Luffy shouted, making everyone look at him in shock.

"Don't flatter yourself, small fry." Crocodile scowled at him before snapping his fingers, a trapdoor opening, allowing a bananagator to crawl through.

"Vivi!" The entrapped crew called out as the large reptile snapped it's jaws at her, the princess dodging quickly, the stairs that were once behind her now in the bananagator's stomach. The beast turned towards her, whacking her with it's tail, throwing her across the room. The crew called out to her again. The bananagator approached Vivi's trembling form on the floor, opening it's jaws, ready to swallow the princess.

Suddenly, the bananagator stopped, the ringing of a den-den-mushi capturing it's and everyone else's attention.

"Someone's calling." Miss All Sunday brought out a mini den-den-mushi from her pocket, answering the call. "What is it?" She asked.

"Hello? Hello? Can you hear me?" A familiar voice was heard.

"Yes, I hear you. You're a millions, yes? What do you want?" Miss All Sunday questioned.

"Hurry and state your business. What happened?" Crocodile grunted out.

"Oh? I've heard that voice before." A few silent seconds passed by. "Heya. You've called the Damn Restaurant."

"The Damn Restaurant?" Crocodile echoed.

"Oh, it sounds like you remember me. That's great."

"I'm certain I have all four Straw Hat pirates inside that cell. All that's left is their pet." Crocodile's eyebrow twitched. Was there another Straw Hat pirate that wasn't accounted for?

"That voice...Damn Restaurant...? Could it be?" Nami inquired. Luffy was about to shout out Sani's name, but Usopp quickly covered his mouth.

"Wait Luffy! The enemy doesn't know about him! He was in the storage room when Mr. 2 showed up, so they never met!" Usopp told him.

"Just who are you?" Crocodile growled out, loosing patience.

"Me? I'm, Mr. Prince." Y/n could almost hear the smirk in Sanji's tone.

"I see. Mr. Prince. Where are you?"

"Now, now. If I told you where I was, you'd come over and get rid of me."

"Mr. Prince! Come rescue us! We've been caught!" Usopp shouted, hoping the den-den-mushi would pick up his voice. Luffy joined Usopp in the shouting, Sanji's laughing could be heard through the den-den-mushi.

"Sounds like my crew's right by your side. In that case, I'm gonna-" Suddenly Sanji's voice was cut off by a gunshot and a grunt. Usopp and Luffy stopped their shouting, shocked.

"Hello? We've caught him! What should we do with this strange man?!" A new voice sounded.

"Where are you? Tell me!" Crocodile demanded.

"T-The front gate of a casino in Rainbase named Raindinners!" The stranger stuttered out. Crocodile sighed and hung up, ignoring the entrapped crew as they started to freak out.

"Let's go to the front gate of Raindinners." Crocodile told Miss All Sunday.

"Is that wise? The Millions still don't know who their boss is..." The woman inquired.

"I won't be going as their boss. What's so strange about Crocodile, the owner of this casino, going to see what happened in front of his building?" As Crocodile began to walk forward once more, Vivi ran towards the stairs, reminding the bananagator of her presence. It's jaws missed Vivi's fleeing form as she climbed up the broken stairs.

"Vivi!" Luffy called out.

"There's still time before this room is flooded! I'm going to get help!" The princess told them. But just as she made it safely onto the ledge, Crocodile shot his hook out using his sand powers, knocking Vivi off and back down to where the bananagator was waiting. The princess laid unconscious on the floor, Luffy and Usopp screaming for her to wake up. Crocodile laughed and finally left for good, leaving the Straw Hats to panic and figure out what to do.

Vivi shortly regained consciousness, quickly dodging as the bananagator snapped it's jaws at her again. As it recovered from biting into her sharp weapon that she threw at it, Vivi took the chance to climb atop the bananagator, escaping up the stairs. The beast attacked again, taking another chunk of the stairs with it. Vivi was able to get away, but due to the massive amount of destruction, water started to pour in from the now shattered windows.

"Hang in there just a little while longer! I promise I'll bring back help!" With that being said, the princess ran off, back up to the casino. As the entrapped group waited, the water level began to rise, Luffy, Usopp, and Nami beginning to freak out. Nami began to egg the beast on, trying to get it to break the cage. The bananagator took the bait, but instead of the cage breaking, the reptile's prized teeth were broken. By now, the water was up to everyone's thighs, Luffy and Usopp beginning to freak out even more.

"Try not to make any noise during mealtime." Everyone quieted down as a voice was heard. Suddenly, the bananagator was shot up into the air, revealing Sanji, who had kicked the beast. "Bad Manner Kick Course!" Sanji took a drag from his cigarette, turning towards the cage. "Hey there. Been waiting long?" Sanji smirked.

"Prince!" Usopp and Luffy began to cheer, dancing around like idiots.

"Nami-san! Y/n-swan! Are you in love with me now?" Sanji also danced around like an idiot, his eyes replaced by hearts.

"Yes, yes, I'm swooning. Hurry up and open this cage up so I can give you a kiss." Y/n waved him off, hoping that would be enough to get the chef working.

"Vivi! Good job!" Luffy yelled at the princess who was at the top of the stairs. She smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Bananagators began to pile in, the large amount of numbers not threatening Sanji in the slightest.

"Anyone with manners as poor as yours, who would attack a lady, gets some table manners beaten into them." Sanji lifted his leg, ready to kick the crap out of these bananagators.

"Take out the third one who just came in." Smoker grunted out. "His growl is the same as the one that swallowed the key, isn't it?" Y/n crossed her arms.

"You pay attention to the weirdest things." The goddess stated, ignoring the glare that Smoker directed at her. Sanji did as he was told, kicking the bananagator in the stomach, forcing it to spit out the key. But instead of a key, it spat out some sort of ball.

"What is that? It doesn't look like a key..." All of them looked at the strange ball with curiosity. Suddenly, it started to crack, a dried up, almost mummified Mr. 3 popping out.

"W-Water!" Mr. 3 gasped before dunking his head into the water, gulping down the life liquid.

"O-Oi! It's that guy!" Zoro stammered.

"Three! It's Three!" Luffy shouted out.

"What was Mr. 3 doing in the belly of a bananagator?!" Vivi inquired.

"I'm alive again! I thought for sure I was dead!" Mr. 3 cheered, his body now restored back to normal. "Huh? What's that?" Mr. 3 picked up the key to the cage, Luffy, Usopp, and Nami immediately shouting at him and demanding that they give him the key. The wax man nearly jumped out of his skin as he saw them. "It's you! Wait...." The man held up the key, looking at it, before looking around the room, and back at the entrapped crew. He smirked. "Here comes a long throw!" Mr. 3 threw the key back into the water, erasing any sort of chance the crew had of escaping.

"That bastard!" Zoro growled.

"Wait! Can't he know...make another key with his wax?" Usopp questioned.

"Indeed." Sanji smirked as he looked at the candle man.

After a nice good beating, Mr. 3 made the key for the cage with his finger, opening the cage door.

"Nice work." Sanji praised the candle man as his crew escaped from the cage. He then stuck a note for Crocodile to the man before kicking him through the air and into a wall.

"Wait! But there are so many bananagators left! How are we going to-!" Vivi cut herself off as she saw the large pile of beaten up bananagators, curtesy of Zoro and Luffy. She then put a hand over her mouth, turning away in embarrassment. "And after I had such a hard time with just one!" She cried out.

"Hey, hey, they're just monsters with monstrous strength!" Usopp tried to comfort her. As more and more water flooded in, the structure became more and more unstable.

"We need to move!" The walls began to crumble, letting a large amount of water come in. Soon enough, everyone was enveloped in water, those who couldn't swim needing to be saved by those who could. Using the Pisces realm, y/n was able to breath under water. She quickly swam to the surface, avoiding any debris that was in the way. As she climbed onto dry land, y/n wrung her hair out, and whatever parts of her clothes that she could. As she did so, the others broke through the surface, gasping for air. Zoro was the last to come up, throwing Smoker onto dry land with him.

"Oi, marimo! What are you bringing the enemy for?!" Sanji questioned.

"Back off! I didn't want to!" Zoro responded, catching his breath.

"Whatever. Let's just keep going. Nami-san, do you still have that perfume?" Sanji turned towards the girls who were wringing out their clothes.

"Yeah. Why?" The navigator questioned.

"Put some on." Sanji told her.

"Like this?" Nami started to spray the perfume on herself, Sanji swooning at the sight.

"Roronoa!" Zoro stopped paying attention to the love cook as his name was shouted out. Bringing up his sword, Zoro blocked the jutte that was aimed for his face. "Why did you save my life?" Smoker asked him. Zoro knocked the marine's weapon away, sheathing his sword.

"I was just following captain's orders." The swordsman answered simply. "It was one of his whims. Pay it no mind."

"Then, you'd have no gripes with me carrying out my duties here, right?" Smoker asked.

"See? Didn't I tell you? That's what you get for saving a marine." Sanji sighed.

"Ah! Full speed ahead to Alubarna!" Usopp shouted as soon as he came to.

"Where's Crocodile?!" Luffy also came to, demanding the warlord's whereabouts. Luffy's snarl came to a stop as he noticed Smoker. "Ah! Smokey! You wanna fight?!" Luffy turned towards the marine, getting into a battle stance. Smoker stared at the rubber man for a short while before sighing.

"Go." He muttered, making everyone let out a noise of confusion. "But this is the only time I'm letting you off! Next time we meet, consider yourselves dead!" Everyone smiled, starting to run away as Smoker's subordinates approached.

"C'mon Luffy! Y/n!" Zoro called, running after the crew that was already headed East, to Alubarna.

"Right!" Luffy laughed, following after his first mate. Smoker watched the rubber man run off, his eyes then falling on y/n.

"You're not too bad, Smokey-kun~." Y/n smiled slightly before running after her captain, ignoring the marine's now flushed face.


"Hey! Guys!" Chopper yelled out. The crew smiled and waved as the reindeer appeared on the back of some giant crab. The large creature stopped right in front of the group, allowing them to get on. "This is Lashes's friend! Lashes was born and grew up in this town, so he has a lot of friends in the area!" Chopper told them as they all boarded the crab. As soon as everyone was sitting comfortably, Chopper tugged on the reins, the crab beginning to swiftly move through the desert. But they didn't get too far before a familiar golden hook grabbed onto Vivi, dragging her away.

"Vivi!" Luffy called out. Y/n jumped forward, grabbing onto the hook before throwing Vivi back onto the crab. The hook was now taking y/n away, Zoro having Chopper stop the crab. "Y/n!" Luffy stretched his arms, grabbing onto the goddess before she got too far. But it was too late to get her safely back on the crab, so they both ended up being dragged away by Crocodile.

"Oi! Luffy! Y/n!" Zoro called from the crab.

"Keep going! We'll handle it!" Luffy yelled back.

"Get Vivi to Alubarna! Make sure she gets there!" Y/n added, yelping as she and Luffy were released from Crocodile's hook, colliding with the desert sand.

"Luffy-san! Y/n-san!" Vivi cried out, her voice echoing off the dunes. "We'll be waiting for you in Alubarna, okay?!" Y/n and Luffy smiled.

"Yeah!" The rubber man shouted out. Y/n got up from the ground, dusting the sand off of her clothes. Luffy remained on the floor, watching as the crab carrying his friends disappeared into the distance.

"It seems the princess Vivi got away from us, huh?" Miss All Sunday giggled.

"Either way, the agents are scheduled to gather in Alubarna. Contact them at once." Crocodile instructed. He then looked down at Luffy, glaring at his back. "You've taken your nonsense a little too far, Straw Hat Luffy." He muttered. Luffy finally sat up, taking his blue scarf off his head.

"She tries, you see, to help everyone she sees, despite how weak she might be." Luffy sighed. "She can't bear to abandon anything, so she's always in pain. She doesn't think that anyone needs to die in this revolt." He finished, throwing his scarf to the side.

"No one needs to die?" Crocodile hummed. "There are many maudlin, peace-loving fools like that. That's because they don't know what a real fight is. You think so too, don't you?" Crocodile asked. Luffy looked up, nodding his head shortly.

"Yeah." He began to stand up. "But as long as you're around, she's going to go at you until she dies. So I'm going to put you down, right here!" Y/n stayed silent, crossing her arms.

"That's worse than nonsense. You're the unsalvageable fool here. You get close to someone and then die because of it. I've forsaken tons of people like that." Crocodile laughed.

"Then, you're the fool, aren't you?" Luffy smirked and cracked his knuckles. Crocodile stopped laughing and, instead, shook with anger, snapping the cigar in his mouth with his teeth. Miss All Sunday began to chuckle quietly, Crocodile's glare turning towards her.

"What's so funny? You wanna die too, Nico Robin?" Crocodile scowled.

"If you feel like it, go right ahead. Besides, didn't you promise not to call me by that name?" Y/n watched as the woman began to walk away, waving off the warlord.

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going on ahead to Alubarna."

"I can't figure that woman out." Crocodile muttered before grabbing an hour glass from his coat, throwing it down in front of Luffy. "I'll give you three minutes. I don't have time to mess with you any longer than that." The large man cocked his head slightly. "You don't mind, do you?"

"Nope, that's fine." Luffy answered simply. "Crocodile's mine. Stay out of range for now." Luffy ordered, y/n reluctantly nodding and backing up. "Gomu Gomu no Pistol!" Luffy threw a punch at Crocodile, only for the man to dodge, turning into sand, his body reappearing in front of Luffy. He swung his golden hook at the rubber man's face, Luffy just barely dodging. "Gomu Gomu no...Stamp!" Luffy kicked at Crocodile's body, but the larger man's frame only turned to sand, Luffy's blows doing next to nothing.

"I should warn you, Straw Hat Luffy, that no matter how hard you try, there's no way that you'll ever beat me." Luffy ignored Crocodile's statement, quickly throwing multiple punches at Crocodile. Every punch went straight through the warlord's body, making the male chuckle in amusement. "Listen here, you can continue these mosquito-like attacks of yours forever, but you'll never-" Crocodile was cut off as Luffy ran up, attacking with his rubber bazooka move, blowing a large amount of sand from Crocodile's torso. He then stretched his leg up to the sky, bringing it down and slicing Crocodile in half.

"I told you that won't work." Crocodile reappeared behind Luffy. "No matter how hard a rubber man like you might try, there is no way you'll ever peat-" The warlord was cut off again as Luffy punched his face, turning it into sand.

"Peat? What was that you were trying to say?" Luffy raised his brow. Crocodile grew furious, a vein popping out from his forehead, his eyes sharpening.

"I think that is just about enough fun and games, Straw Hat Luffy." Crocodile reeled back his hand, the appendage turning into sand. "There's a difference in the level of pirates that you and I are. Desert Spada!" Crocodile threw his hand down, slicing through the sand and rocks before him, almost hitting Luffy had the rubber man not dodged.

"What the hell?" Y/n murmured, seeing that the desert was practically split down through the mantle.

"Desert Girasole!" Crocodile threw his hand down again, but instead of slicing the ground, he triggered a sink hole, the area around Luffy turning into quicksand. Luffy ran as fast as he could to escape the quicksand, yelling like an idiot. "You don't know about quicksand? It makes for a handy desert coffin, with no need for a tombstone.

"I'm not going to let myself be buried alive in sand!" Luffy ran faster, stretching his arms up before slamming them down on the ground, propelling himself into the air and out of the quicksand. Luffy attacked from the air, using different techniques, but none of them worked. Y/n watched in horror as Crocodile grabbed Luffy's arm, throwing him back after sucking all of the hydration out from the limb.

The rubber man panicked as he saw his mummified arm before looking around for the water that Toto gave him back in Yuba. Gulping down the liquid, Luffy's arm went back to normal, hydrated and well once more.

"That was worthless." Crocodile stated.

"Nothing worthless about it! The dried up old man in Yuba spent all night preparing this for me!" Luffy smiled. "The old man told me, Yuba wasn't going to give in to the sand."

Crocodile's expression darkened. "Die. You, along with the indomitable land of Yuba. Your three minutes are up. Like I said before, I don't have time to mess around with the likes of you. Sables!" Crocodile brought out his hand, creating a large tornado of sand. He smiled in content. "This baby sandstorm will just grow and grow as it naturally heads south. Just where do you think the larger sandstorm will hit?" Crocodile smiled menacingly. "Yuba."

"Leave him out of this! The old man has nothing to do with this!" Luffy cried out and ran up to Crocodile, grasping the man's fur coat. "Stop it! Right now! Stop-" Luffy's angry expression turned to a shocked one. Y/n gasped, subconsciously taking a step forward towards Luffy as he was pierced through with Crocodile's hook.

"Luffy!" She cried out, running forward.

"Stop! Y/n! Don't! This is my fight!" Luffy choked out, y/n freezing in her tracks. Crocodile lifted a brow, turning his gaze towards y/n.

"Y/n? As in l/n y/n, the Celestial Being?" Crocodile questioned.

"Yes, that's me. So what?!" Y/n hissed. Before the warlord could respond, he let out a small cry of pain as Luffy squeezed his arm. Y/n's eyes widened. As she looked more carefully at Luffy's grip on Crocodile's arm, she noticed that water was dripping down from his hook and onto his arm, as he had penetrated Luffy's water container.

"You're still alive?!" Crocodile questioned with surprise. He scowled and threw Luffy off of his hook, sending the rubber man into the quicksand. Luffy gripped his wound, rolling around and crying out in pain. "That looks like it hurts. But don't worry, you'll be out of your misery soon enough." He smirked down and Luffy's writhing form, laughing.

"Aries: Joust!" Y/n cried out, charging toward Crocodile. Sharp, pointed horns grew out from her head, prepared to pierce through the warlord's body. The man didn't flinch nor dodge, he simply let her run him through. Just like Luffy's attacks, it didn't work, his body turning into sand. She closed the Aries realm, moving to try something else, but before she could, Crocodile grabbed her face, her cheeks being smushed inward. She glared at him, beginning to struggle.

"Now, now. That's not a good look for a lady." Crocodile smirked, raising y/n above the ground. "Stop struggling, or that pretty face of your will be mummified." Y/n simply glared harder, spitting at his face. Crocodile's smirk dropped, his expression immediately turning dark. He brought y/n down, kneeing her in the gut. The goddess wheezed and yelped from the pain. Crocodile threw her over his shoulder, wiping her spit off of his cheek. "You're lucky you're useful to me, or I would've killed you by now." He growled, beginning to walk back towards Rainbase so he could prepare for his journey towards Alubarna.

"Luffy!" Y/n cried out weekly, reaching her hand towards his sinking figure. The sight of him reaching back towards her was the last thing she saw before blacking out.
