Chapter 18

"This 'Jaya' island isn't that far, right?" Zoro questioned.

"The weather's been stable for a while now, so we should be pretty close." Nami responded.

"It must be a spring island then!" Luffy sighed in content.

"It's nice and warm." Chopper sighed as well.

"Wow! Cool! I see a neat-looking town!" Luffy exclaimed as the Going Merry finally made it to Jaya.

"Hey, hey! Doesn't it look kinda like a resort?" Usopp questioned, getting excited about landing.

"Yeah, it makes me feel like I want to stick around for a bit!" Nami added.

"It must be a pirate resort then..." Y/n murmured, pointing to the long line of pirate ships docked at the harbor.

"Silly y/n! There's no way pirate ships can just openly line up in a harbor!" Nami slapped her arm, making the goddess frown and rub the abused spot.

"Whatever you say..." Y/n sighed.

"Help me! He's gonna kill me!" A loud scream was heard from the island, Usopp and Nami bursting into tears.

"What's with this town?!" They exclaimed. After docking, Luffy, Zoro, y/n, and Nami made their way into the town to gather information.

"There're all kinds of people here." Luffy stated while looking around, Zoro nodding in agreement.

"Looks like a fun town." Y/n let out sarcastically, crossing her arms.

"You guys have to promise me that you won't fight!" Nami huffed, eyeing Zoro and Luffy. "Repeat after me. In this town, I will not fight. I give my word!"

"In this town...I will..." Luffy trailed off, watching as fights broke out all over the town.

"not fight! I give my word!" Nami grabbed his ear, pulling on it. "Say it!"

"not fight. I give my word." Luffy huffed, setting his gaze straight after rubbing his sore ear.

"Good. This is serious, you two." Nami nodded firmly.

"Yeah." Luffy let out simply.

"Yeah." Zoro echoed.

"What's with those weak replies?" Nami questioned. "If you cause trouble, we'll have to leave this town! If that happens, we won't be able to go to the sky, got that?!"

"Yeah..." Luffy said again, not really paying attention. Suddenly, a man collapsed in front of them.

"The hell...?" Y/n raised a brow.

"Look, he fell from a horse." Luffy stated.

"Yeah, he did." Zoro nodded. The man on the floor began to grown and shudder violently.

"It looks like he's in pain." Y/n stated.

"Yeah, it does." Zoro nodded again.

"Hey, you guys, sorry to bother you, but please help me up." The man requested, reaching out weakly towards Luffy.

"You're not going to get up by yourself, are you?" Zoro sweatdropped. "Luffy, get that side." The swordsman sighed, walking over to the collapsed man.

"Okay." Luffy followed Zoro, helping him place the man on the horse. Well, more like throw the man onto the horse.

"Well, thanks...I'm on the horse now. I was born frail. Now, let's go, Stronger." The man ordered the horse to move, but it only collapsed.

"The horse too?" Y/n sweatdropped. Zoro rolled his eyes and set the horse back on it's feet.

"Thanks again. This isn't much of a reward, but would you like some?" The frail man offered some apples, which Luffy took greedily. As the rubber man bit into the fruit, the building behind them exploded.

"What?! What happened?!" One of the locals questioned.

"Well, some guys were eating apples that they got from a frail man, and then they exploded!" Another explained, making Nami go pale.

"Luffy! Spit it out! The apple you just ate is gonna explode! Spit it out!" She began to choke Luffy, shaking him back and forth.

"You bastard! What's the meaning of this?!" Zoro placed a hand on the hilt of his sword, y/n doing the same. The frail man only laughed.

"Well, he's alright. If you ate a bad one, you would've died on the first bite. You're...lucky." The man chuckled and groaned, his horse then began to carry him away.

"Just what is up with this town?" Nami huffed, beginning to walk forward again, y/n, Zoro, and Luffy following in tow.

"Well, don't be so touchy, Nami." Luffy said nonchalantly.

"You almost got killed for no reason, you know?" Y/n raised a brow.

"I guess it just happens sometimes." Luffy shrugged.

"I'll be damned if it does!" Nami spat. "Ugh. I wonder if we can really get information from a town like this..." She groaned, walking towards what looked like a hotel.

"How about this place?" Zoro questioned.

"Hmm...This place seems quiet." Luffy stated, the four of them looking around curiously.

"Or rather, this place seems lovely!" Nami picked up her pace, smiling in amusement at the architecture and decor spread around the place.

"It really is a resort..." Y/n murmured, also looking around in awe.

"E-Excuse me! Please don't enter without permission!" A man suddenly came out, sweating nervously. "This Tropical Hotel is currently chartered by B-Bellamy-sama and his party!" The man explained. "So we're asking other g-guests to leave!"

"I-If Bellamy-sama sees you, it'll be a problem, so please leave at once!" The man pleaded.

"Who's Bellamy?" Nami questioned.

"Hey, what's going on?" A new voice sounded, the frazzled man they were talking to immediately began to freak out. "Who the hell are these shabby guys?" The new stranger sneered.

"Sarquiss-sama! Welcome back! Well, this is just-" The man, who y/n now assumed was the owner of the hotel, started, but was cut off by the woman that was walking next to Sarquiss.

"Never mind your excuses! Just get rid of them already! How much do you think we're paying to charter this place?!" She scoffed.

"She's right. Now go home, you dumb brat." Sarquiss towered over Luffy, who only looked up at him with a stoic expression.

"Hey, can I beat him up?" Luffy turned towards Nami, jabbing a thumb at Sarquiss.

"Absolutely not!" Nami and the hotel owner spat.

"Ha! You're going to beat me up?" Sarquiss questioned. "What funny guys! At any rate, those are rags your wearing." The man reached into the pocket of his fluffy coat, bringing his hand out before throwing a bunch of money on the floor in front of Luffy. "Here. Take this money and buy yourselves something you like."

"Sarquiss, you're wasting money by giving it to guys like them." The woman beside him sneered.

"Maybe I should've thrown it down the drain instead." Sarquiss laughed.

"Let's go, this is unpleasant." Y/n started to walk away, Nami grabbing Luffy and Zoro, dragging them along before they decided to fight.

"Oh? You don't want it?" Sarquiss laughed, y/n gritting her teeth and making her way into a nearby bar, the others following. They took a seat, ordering some drinks.

"Dammit! I'm really pissed!" Nami downed her drink and slamming the glass down onto the counter.

"That's a shame. Mock Town depends on pirates who spend lots of money, after all." The bartender took the glass from her.

"So poor pirates aren't invited, huh?" Nami huffed.

"I guess there's no way of calming you down, huh?" The bartender sweat. "Here, this one's on the house." He refilled her cup that he took, placing it in front of the navigator. "Since tough guys gather here, there's lots of trouble. But if you get bothered by it each time, you can't get by in this town. All you can do is play it safe when dealing with people. Here you go." The man placed two cherry pies on the counter, one in front of Luffy, and one in front of the stranger sitting next to him.

"But this town is quite unpleasant, you know?" Y/n traced the rim of her shot glass with her finger, slightly pouting, her sake bottle becoming forgotten on the side.

"That's probably how a right-minded person would think." The bartender laughed. "But unfortunately, right-minded people are rare in this town. Well, the log will be stored within four days or so, so you should leave before you get into trouble."

"Four days. Then we can't even stay for two days." Nami looked at her log pose, the needle still pointing up at the sky. "Hey, mister-" Nami was cut off as a loud slam resonated throughout the bar.

"Hey buddy/old guy!" Luffy and the stranger yelled at the same time, both capturing the bartender's attention.

"This cherry pie tastes extremely good/bad! Huh?" Luffy and the stranger spoke in unison again. Their opposite opinions made them look at each other with confusion. They both then chugged their drinks, washing down the pie. Both of them slammed the glass down, each of them sighing out loudly.

"This drink tastes exceptionally bad/good! Hm?" Once again, Luffy and the stranger spoke at the same time, this time, they couldn't just ignore each other.

"Is there something wrong with your tastebuds?" The stranger questioned.

"Is there something wrong with your head?" Luffy asked.

"Well, since I'm not the cook, I don't really care what you say..." The bartender said awkwardly, witnessing the fight going on.

"Hey, old guy! Give me 50 steaks to go!" Luffy requested, pushing aside his plate of unfinished pie.

"Buddy! Give me 51 cherry pies to go!" The stranger ordered, trying to one up Luffy. Noticing this, Luffy increased the number of steaks he wanted, which only triggered the stranger to increase the amount of pies he wanted. Zoro and Nami watched Luffy and the stranger with unamused expressions. Y/n didn't really pay attention to them as their numbers reached ridiculous numbers, taking a fork and trying a piece of the cherry pie. She felt indifferent about the taste, so she kept eating a slice, not wanting to waste the money they spent on paying for it.

"You bastard! Do you wanna fight?!" Luffy and the stranger turned to each other, baring their teeth and raising their fists.

"What the hell are you fighting about?!" Zoro spat.

"Luffy! You promised! Remember?" Nami called out to him.

"Besides, we don't have enough money for 100 steaks..." Y/n muttered, finishing the slice of pie.

"Are you a pirate?" The stranger questioned.

"Yeah, that's right." Luffy answered simply.

"What's your bounty?"

"30 million!"

"30 million? For you?" The stranger questioned. "Can't be true! You're lying!"

"I'm not lying! It's the truth!" Luffy spat.

"Cut it out already!" Zoro demanded.

"Hey, no fighting in the bar." The bartender placed down a large box on the counter. "Take this and leave now! 50 cherry pies." The stranger grabbed the box, still glaring at Luffy, before finally leaving, the tension in the air still thick.

"Is there a man with a straw hat in here?" A new voice sounded at the entrance of the bar.

"I-It's Bellamy!" The people in the bar exclaimed and murmured amongst themselves.

"Hm?" Luffy questioned, turning to face Bellamy.

"So you're the 30 million bounty, Straw Hat Luffy!" Bellamy walked forward.

"What's this about?" Luffy questioned.

"Looks like he's got business with you, Luffy." Y/n said, pouring herself a shot, ignoring Bellamy as he towered over Luffy.

"Man, I keep running into tall guys today." Luffy said while looking up at the blond man in front of him.

"Give me your most expensive alcohol. And give this shorty what he wants as well." Bellamy ordered, the bartender nodding and fetching the drinks. Bellamy sat down next to Luffy, waiting for the drinks.

"Huh? This place is full!" Suddenly, Sarquiss entered the bar, a whole posse following behind him.

"What's this place? It's stinky and dirty!" The woman, still attached to Sarquiss's hip, whined. The people occupying the bar began to evacuate, allowing Sarquiss and his group to sit down.

"Well, have a drink." Bellamy told Luffy as the bartender set down their respective drinks.

"Oh, thanks! You're actually a nice guy!" Luffy smiled and picked up the glass, taking a nice long sip. Y/n placed a hand on the hilt of her sword as Bellamy slammed Luffy's head down into the counter, unsheathing it and pointing it beneath Bellamy's chin.

"What's the meaning of this, woman?" Bellamy questioned, smirking at her dark expression.

"Why don't you tell me?" Y/n forced through grit teeth.

"Y/n! Hold on a minute!" Nami exclaimed. "We haven't gotten any information from this town yet!"

"Shut it, girl! I'm tired of being pushed around today." Y/n hissed, glaring at Bellamy with sharp eyes. Luffy got up slowly, wiping off the blood from his cut lip.

"Hm? So you got back up!" Bellamy laughed.

"So you're ready to take me on, huh?" Luffy asked, looking up at the blond pirate before him with a stoic expression. Luffy gave y/n a glance, the goddess lowering her sword, sheathing it as she stood up with Zoro.

"Whoa! They're gonna take Bellamy on!" The bar became rowdy, the pirates scattered around the room cheering and laughing.

"This isn't a fight, it's a test! C'mon! Let's see how strong you are!" After Bellamy said this, Luffy's expression faltered, his hands going to his side.

"Wait! Guys!" Nami cried out before turning towards the bartender. "Hey mister! We want to go to the sky island! Do you know anything about it?!" She asked, the rowdy pirates around her immediately shutting up. Sweating nervously, Nami looked around at the now quiet crowd. She then turned back, asking again about the sky island, only to be cut off by roaring laughter. "What...?" Nami grit her teeth. "But the log pose is definitely pointing to the sky!" The pirates only continued to laugh, Nami's face becoming red with anger and embarrassment.

"You guys believe in such an ancient legend?" Bellamy took a seat and chuckled. "How foolish! All phenomena have reasons! These things that people dream about will all be explained soon! Good grief. I thought I'd test you and let you join my crew for the new era, but you're such a delusional dumbass!" Bellamy gave a menacing smile. "Listen! The era where pirates dream is over! In this era, those who should be capable of crossing the great seas are mislead by dreams and illusions and die! When I see idiots chasing after dreams like that, I get disgusted!" Bellamy ran forward, throwing a punch to Luffy's face.

"Luffy!" Nami gasped as the rubber man fell to the floor.

"Since they're weak pirates like you, it even makes us strong pirates look worse." The blond threw down Luffy's mug of ale, the glass breaking right next to Luffy's face, the drink spilling all over the floor.

"Get outta here, you scum! We can't enjoy our drinks!" One of the pirates jeered, the others around the bar joining him, throwing insults along with their glasses at Luffy, Zoro, Nami, and y/n. Y/n stepped in front of Nami, shielding her from the shattered glass flying around.

"Y/n..." Nami watched as y/n remained relaxed despite being threatened with sharp glass and flying alcohol. "Luffy! Zoro! Forget the promise! Beat them up already!" Nami told them, but the boys did nothing. They stood still and allowed the pirates to jeer and throw stuff at them.

"Zoro..." Luffy sat up. "Don't take them on, no matter what." Zoro simply nodded. The two of them stood still and allowed mugs and chairs to be broken off of their heads and torsos, fresh wounds burning from the alcohol that cascaded down their bloodied, beaten bodies.

"Luffy! Zoro! Why are you taking this from them?!" Nami questioned, stepping forward, but y/n raised an arm and held her back.

"It's no use lady. They've realized that their opponents are out of their league. Not fighting a strong's a disgraceful move though." Sarquiss laughed out. "The navy's real generous nowadays, giving 30 million for the head of someone as worthless as him."

"In addition to being weak, you have no pride. You can't get into a single fight, yet you have these ridiculous dreams in your head. You're just like worms." The bar exploded in laughter once more. Bellamy got up from his seat and grabbed y/n's sake, walking towards Luffy. "I'm done here. A weak-looking shorty worth 30 million...I wondered what kind of man he is. This isn't just a let down, it's boring! I've never met cowards like them before." Bellamy stood in front of Luffy before taking a mouthful of sake, spitting it in Luffy's face. "Get them out of my face. They're eyesores." Bellamy ordered.

Luffy and Zoro her kicked and tossed around the bar, Nami watching in horror as they did nothing and let themselves bleed.

"Luffy...Zoro..." Nami went over to Luffy who had just been smashed into a window head first.

"Hey woman. You won't be able to move forward into the new era if you're with him. How about I buy you?" Sarquiss questioned, smirking at Nami's kneeling form. The navigator's expression turned dark.

"What was that? You're gonna buy me?" She spat.

"That's right. Join us. It'll be fun." Sarquiss chuckled.

"Hate to say it, but I'm too good for a team of small fries like you!" Nami feigned a smirk, trying to put on a confident act, despite how horrified she really felt about the situation. Everyone began to laugh, forcing Nami to grab Luffy and Zoro by their shirts and leave the bar. Y/n still didn't move from her spot, simply crossing her arms.

"Hm? Weren't you a part of their crew?" One of the female group members questioned, looking y/n up and down.

"Quite small and frail aren't you? I bet you're worth nothing." Another laughed.

"Right. Nowadays 100 million isn't much, isn't it?" Y/n sneered, looking at the woman with sharp, menacing eyes. Her statement immediately shut up everyone in the bar.

"100 million? That's an obvious lie!" Sarquiss spat.

"Believe me or don't. It's really up to you." Y/n shrugged before placing a hand on her hip. "After all, we're just a bunch of dumbass dreamers, right?" She feigned an innocent pout before dropping the expression and started towards the door. She then stopped walking, closing her eyes and letting out a deep sigh. "Care to move out of my way?"

"If you're really worth 100 million, prove it." Bellamy crossed his arms and looked down on her.

"Prove it? I'm not sure you'll survive if I do...Now if you'll excuse me..." Y/n walked around Bellamy, stopping right in the door way as Bellamy threw a punch. She swiftly caught his fist, squeezing it in her smaller hand. "Try that again, and I'll send you to the next life." Y/n scowled darkly, throwing his fist down before walking away and out from the bar.

Y/n made her way back to the ship alone, seeing as Luffy, Zoro, and Nami went ahead of her. As she climbed on board, she saw Luffy looking at some sort of map.

"What's that?" She questioned.

"Welcome back y/n-swan! Are you hurt too? Shall I kiss it better?!" Sanji waved his arms around sporadically. Y/n just ignored him.

"It's a map of this island. There's a man that was driven out of Mock Town for speaking of dreams. His name is Montblanc Cricket. Perhaps you'll have something in common to discuss?" Robin explained before disappearing into the girl's quarters.

"I guess we should go there then." Luffy decided.


The Going Merry made it's way around the island swiftly, getting over to the east side in no time. As they got closer to their destination, they ran into a ship that looked a lot like the one Masira's crew sailed on.

"But it doesn't look like the same guys as before, Usopp." Luffy told the sniper, who was currently hiding behind Sanji.

"Well, whether that's a good thing or a bad thing is another story." The cook sighed.

"In any case, we did see them! Right?" Usopp looked at Chopper. The doctor nodded.

"Yeah. As we thought, that salvager is from this island! We saw his ship coming back!" Chopper explained.

"I see...But I don't mind seeing him again." Luffy said.

"Oi, oi! Quit your mumbling over there!" A man from the enemy ship yelled out. "Ha! Honestly, I got all worked up wondering who you guys were!" As the Going Merry got closer, they noticed that the man was quite big, and looked like some sort of monkey, a little different from Masira, but like a monkey none the less.

"That's quite a reckless face you've got! What species are you?" Luffy gaped rudely.

"I'm human, you moron!" The man yelled.

"You punks don't know Shojo-sama?! Don't make our boss angry!" His crew started to yell and make a riot, but their captain waved them off.

"Now, now...Looks like you're pirates. Did you know that Crocodile, one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea, was defeated?" The man named Shojo asked.

"You don't say..." Y/n muttered.

"When you consider my abilities, that post may come to me. So I've been getting all worked up waiting for them to contact me."

"I see...So you want to become one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea?"

"Well, in any case, the great part about me is that i haven't had my hair cut in all my 25 years of life. Now, aren't you surprised?"

"Sounds stupid." Luffy deadpanned.

"Whoa! I'm surprised!" Shojo gasped. "What you say really gets me worked up! Listen, you will come out of the tunnel of that is my anger into a sea of blood." He put on a dark expression.

"Okay, whatever. But there's somewhere we want to go. So move aside." Luffy said simply, not at all fazed.

"Idiot! This area is my turf! If you wanna pass, pay the toll!" Shojo exclaimed, fuming with anger.

"What's he mean by his turf? He's talking like Masira." Usopp muttered.

"What? Masira?! What about Masira?!"

"We kicked him off our boat, but..."

"K-Kicked...? Kicked?! How dare you do that to my brother! This is revenge for Masira!" Shojo brought out a microphone, opening his mouth wide. "Sound wave! Havoc sonar!" The man brought the microphone to his lips, letting out a shriek, the loud noise beginning to tear apart his ship.

"So...What're they doing?" Sanji questioned, taking a drag from his cigarette.

"Who cares! Now's our chance to break through!" Nami yelled out, appearing from below deck.

"Yes, Nami-san!" Sanji cooed.

"Hey look, Nami's not a demon anymore!" Luffy stated.

"Demon?" Y/n raised a brow.

"Hey, hold on!" Usopp shouted out, grabbing everyone's attention. "The sound waves are reaching the Going Merry after all!" Usopp held down a ripped plank with his foot. "If we stay here, the ship's gonna fall apart!"

"Full speed ahead! To someplace out of his voice's reach!" Nami ordered, everyone immediately getting to work. Fortunately, they were able to escape, unfortunately, the Going Merry needed some major repairs afterward.

"Hey guys. I think we've found our dreamer..." Y/n stood at the bow of the ship as the others did the repairs, staring straight at what looked like a large castle.

"Amazing!" Luffy and Usopp exclaimed in unison, abandoning their repairing jobs.

"That's his house?! That's a palace!" Luffy gaped at the building.

"Is this Cricket guy mega rich?!" Usopp questioned.

"Idiots. Look closely." Zoro grunted. Luffy jumped off the boat once they got close enough to the shore. Getting a view of the house from the side, Luffy realized that it wasn't actually a palace, but just a large board in front of a broken building.

"It's only half a house..." Y/n murmured.

"What kind of dreams did he talk about?" Nami asked.

"I don't know the details, but I heard that he said a huge mountain of gold rests in Jaya." Robin told her.

"Gold...?" Y/n thought. "Now that I think about it, Montblanc sounds familiar..." She muttered.

"Living alone in such a remote area?" Sanji walked up to the house, watching as Luffy allowed himself in.

"Hello, I'm coming in." He stated before walking into the house. "Hm? No one's here. Hello!" Luffy looked around. "No answer..."

"Hold on Luffy! What if this guy's dangerous?!" Usopp tried to pull Luffy out of the house before they were caught.

"Hey everyone! No one's home!" The rubber man yelled out.

"Hm? This is..." Nami found a book lying around on a table outside the house. "a picture book?" She held it up, reading the title. "It's called, Noland the Liar." She giggled.

"That's a cool title! Nice idea for a book!" Usopp stated.

"Noland the Liar?" Sanji walked up, interest in his tone.

"You know it, Sanji-kun? But it says it was published in the North Blue." Nami questioned.

"Yeah. I was born in the North Blue. Haven't I told you guys?" Sanji smiled.

"That's news to me. I thought you were from the East too." Usopp shrugged.

"I grew up there." Sanji told him.

"Born in the North Blue? Me too." Y/n smiled.

"Really? I thought you never were born in the East, in Lurelin..." Nami raised her brows in surprise.

"Well, yes, I was born in the East Blue in this life. I've been reborn in every single ocean, but North Blue was my actual starting point." Y/n sat down at the table.

"That's pretty amazing. You've been through a lot, huh, y/n-chan?" Sanji sat next to her, and she was slightly surprised, as this was the first time he's ever used the suffix "chan" instead of "swan".

"I can't really remember a lot from my first life in the North Blue, but I do remember being reborn in the North Blue when this book came out. Maybe that's why the name 'Montblanc' is so familiar to me." Y/n looked at the book that Nami was holding.

"That book is a fairytale, but I've heard that this Noland guy actually existed long ago." Sanji explained. Nami began to read the story, refreshing Sanji's and y/n's memories. Suddenly, a yell and a splash sounded, breaking them out of their storytelling daze.

"Luffy fell into the sea!" Nami gasped, shutting the book.

"What are you doing?!" Usopp ran over to save the rubber man, but was stopped as someone else emerged from the water.

"Who the hell are you?!" The stranger questioned, getting into a fighting stance. "You've got a lot of nerve, relaxing at someone's house without permission!"

"Hey Usopp! Grab Luffy!" Sanji stood up from his seat, running towards the stranger.

"You're after the gold, aren't you? Die!" The man pulled out a gun, shooting at Sanji, who dodged skillfully. After a while, the man became pale, his body swaying. Then suddenly, the man dropped the gun and collapsed to the floor, shocking everyone. Luffy and Usopp emerged from the water, the rubber man coughing and gasping as he explained to the sniper exactly what happened.

"Hey! Chopper!" Sanji called to the reindeer, who nodded and ordered Sanji to bring the man into the house so he could treat him.

"Bring cold towels! Open up the windows!" Chopper ordered, as the man was laid down on the bed. He then began to look over the man, making sure he wasn't in critical condition. "It must be caisson disease!"

"Caisson disease?" Zoro questioned.

"Is this guy sick?" Luffy asked after rolling up the window blinds.

"Yeah, it's a sickness that divers sometimes get. But it doesn't usually become a longstanding condition." Chopper began to explain the disease, to which Luffy replied simply.

"So it's some bizarre phenomenon, huh?"

"He probably kept diving everyday without giving time for his body to heal." Chopper muttered, soaking a towel in cold water before placing it on the man's forehead.

"What for?!" Nami questioned.

"I don't know, but he's taking a risk. In some cases, caisson disease can...cause death." Everyone stayed quiet, looking over the unconscious man.

"Old-timer! Are you alright?!" Suddenly the two monkey-like men, Masira and Shojo popped their heads into the front door, shocking the pirates inside.

"Ah! They've come to kill us!" Usopp yelled out, raising his arms up in the air.

"What are you guys doing here?!" Shojo questioned.

"What did you do to the old-timer?!" Masira added.

"What? We're looking after this guy right now, so go somewhere else." Luffy told them.

"Idiot! They aren't really gonna hear us out!" Usopp yelled at Luffy.

"You..." Masira and Shojo started. "You guys are so nice!"

"They're listening!" Usopp collapsed to the ground.
