Chapter 15

Y/n groaned as she opened her eyes, blinking quickly so her eyes would adjust to the light. Her mouth felt dry and her muscles felt stiff. She tried to move, but her wrists and ankles were restrained by ropes. Crying out in protest, y/n noticed that the reason her mouth felt dry was because of a piece of cloth that was shoved into her mouth, the ends tied behind her head.

"Let his majesty and that woman go, Crocodile!" A foreign voice sounded.

"Oi, oi...You really think I'd agree to let them go, just like that?" Crocodile raised his brow, lighting the butt of his cigar. Y/n struggled, trying to get out of the ropes, but all her efforts were fruitless, the only thing she achieved was rope burn and decreased stamina. "Miss Celestial Being, it'd be in your best interest, and mine, for you to stop struggling." Crocodile muttered, sighing out at the sight of the goddess desperately trying to escape.

"I'm sorry, Vivi." Y/n looked to her side and widened her eyes as she saw a man, pinned to the wall through his arms. "I couldn't make full use of the chance that you risked your life to create..."

"Father..." Vivi whimpered. Y/n eyed Crocodile from the side of her eye, watching as he walked closer.

"Good grief...Is this how a father and daughter talk after being separated for so long?" His gaze turned to Vivi. "Anyway, Miss Wednesday-"

"Don't call me by that name!" Vivi spat, cutting him off. Crocodile took a drag from his cigar, blowing out the smoke with a huff.

"Let me tell you something first. I don't intend to keep you and your father alive. When a kingdom dies out, it's only natural for it's royalty to die as well." Crocodile then walked over to, who y/n now knew was Vivi's father, the king. "But before I take over the throne, there's something that I need to ask you, the current king. In fact, this is indeed my biggest goal." Y/n bit down on her gag, thinking back to the time that Ace brought up the idea that Crocodile was after something more than the throne. "Cobra...Where is the Pluton?"

" you know that name?" The king's and y/n's eyes widened at the mention of 'Pluton'. Crocodile only chuckled.

"I hear that only one shot from Pluton can destroy an entire island. One of the world's most disastrous weapons from ancient times, also called a god." Y/n gasped softly. He was after an ancient weapon? From the memory of her past lives, y/n had learned about Pluton and the other ancient weapons. She was the only person in the world who knew about each of the ancient weapons and what they were, excluding the one among the stars. No doubt a man like him wouldn't settle for only one of the weapons. He was going to use her for knowledge. "I see that you've just realized why you're of use to me, Celestial Being y/n." Crocodile smirked.

"An ancient weapon? Such a thing exists in this country..? And Father knew about it?" Vivi questioned.

"A secret passed down with the throne..." The man standing next to Vivi murmured.

"That's been my goal from the start. With Pluton, I'll be able to build the best military state right here. With the ancient weapon among the stars, obtained by using the Celestial Being here, I'll be unstoppable." Crocodile smirked, taking in y/n's shocked expression. He wanted the ancient weapon among the stars? "My influence will increase, and I will eventually gain more power than the World Government! It'll be a dreamlike country!"

"There's no way that the World Government would allow that!" Cobra spat.

"They probably wouldn't. That's why I need them. The ancient weapons."

"Crocodile!" Everyone looked over at y/n who had managed to push the gag out of her mouth with her tongue. She ignored the drool that slipped from the corners of her lips, focused on getting information from the Warlord. "What do you know about the ancient weapon?! The one among the stars?!" Crocodile smirked.

"Ah? Peeked your interest? I don't know much, in fact, I was hoping you'd be the one to guide me. But I've heard that it's the most powerful among the ancient weapons, and a single girl, the Celestial Being l/n y/n, is connected to it." He informed her.

"Even if I did know what or where it was, don't think I'd ever help out someone like you!" She spat. Crocodile's smirk fell as he walked up to her, kneeling down.

"I don't believe I would've given you a choice, l/n y/n." Crocodile put the gag back in the woman's mouth, having Miss All Sunday tie it tighter so she wouldn't be able to push it out again.

"I don't know where on earth you've heard about the ancient weapons, but I don't know where it is, and I'm not even sure such a thing exists in this country." Cobra spoke up, trying to get Crocodile away from y/n.

"I see." The warlord stood up. What you say probably isn't a complete lie. I did think that that was also possible. I do know too that its very existence is in doubt." Suddenly, a bunch of yells were heard from outside the gate, the royal army trying desperately to get inside and save their king. "What noisy flies." He sighed. "According to my plan, the rebel army will reach that square within 20 minutes or so and start fighting. After other words, at 4:30 pm, thirty minutes from now, I've ordered that a powerful cannonball be shot into the square."

"Are you insane?!" Cobra yelled out. He and Vivi had distressed expressions on at the sound of Crocodile's plan.

"It's a special shell that can destroy anything within a five kilometer diameter. The view from here will completely change as well." Crocodile explained.

"If you do that, then...!" Vivi gasped.

"No one from the rebel nor royal army will survive. Hence, the battle will be ceased forever. Aren't you happy? After all, you wanted the fight to end so badly..." Crocodile smirked, taking another drag from his cigar.

"What did these people ever do to you?!" Vivi lunged at Crocodile, but the man standing next to her stopped her, holding her back. The warlord ignored her, turning back towards Cobra.

"Where can I find the poneglyph?" Crocodile asked.

"If I tell you where it is...No...I'll show you." Cobra gave in, Vivi gasping with widened eyes. Crocodile laughed loudly.

"Just what I'd expect from a wise king, Cobra. You're a clever man." His laughter died down and his smile fell as he saw a sword pointed at him.

"Vivi-sama. I can't take this anymore!" The man next to Vivi shook with anger, his grip on his sword tightening.

"Chaka-sama! Wait!" Suddenly, the gates opened, four men running in.

"Hm? Who are they?" Crocodile raised a brow.

"Kicking Claw Force!" Vivi gasped.

"Don't do it! Stay away from this man!" The king ordered.

"Your Majesty! Defending you to the death is our mission! We can't just stay away!" One of the men spoke up.

"When dealing with one of the seven warlords..." Another spoke up.

"we have to do whatever it takes, even if it's unfair." The last finished.

"All four of us will fight together!" They all said in unison.

"It seems that you're very popular. I'll spare you, so go home." Crocodile waved them off, but they refused. The four men began to grunt an groan as their muscles bulged, they're forms becoming bulkier and stronger.

"No...In order to gain temporary strength...they drank the water that shortens their lives...the fatal fuel...They only have a few minutes left to live! They can't be saved..." Chaka explained, Vivi gasping in shock.

"I thought as much. Challenging me at the cost of your own lives?" Crocodile scoffed. The four of them jumped forward, swinging their weapons down, Crocodile turning into sand as they sliced his body. Moving up to the roof of the building, Crocodile smirked down at the desperate faces of the Kicking Claw Force. "That's not smart. You should value your lives. Well, I guess it's too late, huh?" Crocodile began to laugh. "You're going to die anyway, I don't even have to kill you myself, right?"

One by one, the Kicking Claw Force fell to their knees, their bodies giving out, their lives ending.

"This is the very definition of stupidity." The warlord continued to laugh.

"You...fiend!" Chaka shook, his body starting to grow fur, his face and body changing into that of a dog's. "You bastard!" He yelled out before charging towards Crocodile, Cobra and Vivi calling out to him in protest.

"Chaka!" Vivi cried out, watching as the battle between the warlord and the royal guard ended in seconds, the latter falling to the ground, bleeding profusely.

"Being weak is a crime." Crocodile muttered.

"Vivi!" The princess turned her head at the call of her name, her eyes widening as she saw who it was.

"K...Koza!" She breathed out.

"Is something wrong with my eyes?" The man asked, taking in the scene. "I came to persuade the royal army, but..Chaka...The about to be killed by this country's hero...It's hard to believe what I'm seeing."

"Looks like your confused. Well, that's a natural reaction...but it's simple." Miss All Sunday smiled. "Just imagine the worst case scenario." Koza's eyes widened from behind his glasses.

"Koza, listen.."

"Vivi!" The man cut her off. "Tell me, who took away the rain from this country?" He asked. Vivi turned and looked up at Crocodile.

"Everything was..." She shook.

"It was me, Koza." Crocodile spoke up, grabbing the man's attention. "Everything you thought was the king's doing, was a 'trap' by my company. Over the past two years, you've played right into our hands. Though, you may have died happy, not knowing this fact." The warlord laughed.

"Don't listen to him! Koza!" Cobra shouted out. "There's still things you can do! Save as many citizens as you can!"

"Within less than half an hour, the palace square will be blown up!" Chaka choked out, fighting to stay conscious.

"What?!" Koza shouted in disbelief.

"You're still alive?" Crocodile looked down at the zoan type user before lifting his left arm up, ready to attack.

"Hurry!" Chaka yelled out as Crocodile brought his hook down, piercing the royal guard. Everyone watched in shock, Koza snapping out of it quickly, taking Chaka's advice and running towards the gates. Vivi ran after him, grabbing him by his coat and pinning him to the ground.

"No!" She yelled out.

"Hey, Vivi! What are you doing?!" Koza looked up at her with a shocked expression. "The square will become a battlefield once it blows up!"

"I won't let it become a battlefield!" Vivi gripped his clothes harder, her expression pained. "You're still panicked. What do you think will happen if they realize now that the square'll be blown up?! No one will be saved!"

"Well, what clever judgement..." Crocodile hummed.

"Vivi..." Koza placed a gentle hand on her wrist, sitting up. Before they could discuss the plan, Crocodile flew over behind Vivi using his sand powers.

"And you think I'm just going to sit back and watch?" The warlord brought his arm up, ready to attack Vivi, but before the hook could hit it's target, Chaka jumped down, blocking the hook with his sword.

"Chaka!" Vivi gasped in shock, surprised that he was still alive and moving.

" the Jackal, Alabasta's guardian deity! The one who destroys the enemies of the royal family! As long as I live, I will fight!" He exclaimed.

"That's what you call 'stupidity'." Crocodile muttered.

"Both of you, go do what you must! I'll be able to handle him for at least a few minutes!" Chaka grunted, doing his best to hold Crocodile back. With reluctance, Vivi and Koza ran to the gates, preparing to carry out their plan. While everything happened, y/n felt extremely useless, unable to move or say anything. While Vivi was struggling to do everything she could, y/n was stuck sitting uselessly like a sack of rice. Y/n looked forward with a stoic expression as she heard gunshots and screams, no doubt the fall of Vivi's plan caused by Baroque Works agents.

"Stop......Stop...Please, just stop..." Vivi cried, shaking her head back and forth, covering her ears in hopes that it would block out the screams and clashing of weapons coming from down below.

"You fought well, young lady." Miss All Sunday said, watching Vivi with an amused smile. "But your voice will no longer reach them.

"Vivi! Run! Get away from that man!" Cobra pleaded to his daughter as Chaka fell, his battle lost against the warlord. The princess only turned towards Crocodile, scowling at him.

"No." She refused. "Not yet...If I stop the attack that's scheduled to happen in fifteen minutes, I can still reduce the number of casualties!" Crocodile smirked and walked up to Vivi, grabbing her by the neck.

"Mmph!" Y/n started to struggle again as he lifted the princess above the ground and over the edge of the building.

"Wake up, princess! I can't stand how annoying your idealistic theory is." Crocodile said, ignoring Vivi's scratching at his wrist, trying to make him let go. "If you wanna talk about ideals, you have to be able to make them real. You're not qualified for that!"

"I don't care if it's annoying! I won't give up on my ideals either!" Vivi choked out, tears falling from her eyes as her lungs were running out of air. "You could never understand! I'm the princess of this country! I won't give in to someone like you!" She exclaimed. "I won't give up...I will...I will save this country!"

"Vivi!" Cobra cried out, not wanting to see his daughter in such pain.

"Fifteen minutes until the square blows up. If you had just let the royal army know about the explosion earlier, even if there was a panic, you could've saved thousands or tens of thousands of lives. In the end, your optimistic ideas about saving everything, have resulted in the deaths of all the citizens you love so much. From start to finish, everyone in this country has amused me. You did everything you could, you tried so desperately to stop me, but in the end, all of your attempts were worthless. Let me tell you something...You can't save this country..." Crocodile smirked. "Goodbye, princess." His hand turned into sand, Vivi falling through and down towards the ground below.

"Crocodile!" Everyone's eyes widened as Luffy's voice was heard. The man came flying in on some sort of bird, diving down to save Vivi before she hit the ground. Crocodile bit down harder on his cigar, watching as Luffy, Vivi, and the rest of the Straw Hat Pirates gathered together, all of them alive.

"Everyone! You're alive!" Vivi gasped, glad that everyone was safe.

"Luffy's alive too!" Chopper and Usopp sighed in relief, having thought that their captain was dead for a moment.

"Wait, but if Luffy's here, then where's y/n?" Usopp asked. Vivi bit her lip and looked down.

"Y/n-san has been taken by Crocodile. He plans to use her-" She was cut off as Sanji yelled out.

"My precious y/n-swan was taken by that bastard?! I'll kill him!" He yelled out, the others also showing their displeasure.

"Sorry, everyone." Luffy spoke up, stretching out his arms to where Crocodile was, latching on to the ledge. "I lost once, but I won't lose again! I'm going to put an end to this!" He exclaimed, flinging himself forward towards Crocodile.

"No matter how many times you try, you can't even hit me." Crocodile scoffed. "Looks like you want to be skewered again." Luffy reeled his arm back, his biceps flexing. Crocodile stood still, not bothering to dodge. Y/n noticed a slight sheen to Luffy's arm and the large barrel attached to his back. Something was different about this attack. Luffy brought his fist down and, much to Crocodile's surprise, punched the warlord right in the face, sending the man flying back.

Both men landed on the floor, Luffy on his feet and Crocodile on his back. While the warlord was down, Luffy ran over to y/n and untied the gag.

"Luffy!" She looked up at him in slight surprise. Luffy smiled brightly, moving to untie the ropes binding her, but before he could, Crocodile started to stand up, catching his attention. Stretching his arms, Luffy grabbed Crocodile by the shoulders, pushing him back into the wall. He then released the tension, flying straight toward Crocodile, knocking his head against the warlord's.

"He hit Crocodile!" Cobra gasped in shock.

"It's water." Y/n told him, watching Crocodile fall to the floor once more.

"Well, well." Miss All Sunday chuckled.

"Get up." Luffy ordered, panting slightly. "That time, the water that got on your arm, taught me that you can't turn into sand when you touch water." Luffy pumped more water onto his arm, smirking at Crocodile, who was still lying on the floor, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. "You take rain away cause you're afraid of water, right? Now I can beat you up." Luffy got into a battle stance. "Our fight starts now."

Crocodile began to chuckle, despite the situation. He sat up, beginning to laugh harder. Luffy took his hat off, placing it on the floor, not wanting it to get damaged in the fight.

"You think you can beat me?" Crocodile questioned, a smirk upon his face.

"Yeah...Since you can no longer turn into sand." Luffy answered.

"I'm indeed impressed that you figured it out...especially when you were close to dying. But that is still nowhere near enough to put you on the same level as me. That's the level of the Seven Warlords of the Sea." Crocodile said confidently.

"So what if you're a warlord of the sea? Then I'm one of the...Eight Warlords of the Sea!" Luffy yelled out, making everyone deadpan.

"That doesn't make sense you idiot!" Y/n grunted, wanting so badly to face-palm at his stupidity.

"Gomu Gomu no...Pistol!" Luffy threw his fist at Crocodile, who easily dodged, grabbing the rubber man's arm with his right hand.

"It's no use if I dodge, wet or not, my hand can still absorb any kind of fluid." Crocodile began to suck all of the hydration out of Luffy's arm, mummifying it.

"Shoot! I forgot he still had that power!" Luffy ran forward, kicking Crocodile, who turned into sand and escaped. Once Crocodile let go of his arm, Luffy began to drink water, bringing his limb back to life. "You told me, didn't you? Depending on how devil fruit powers are used, you can become stronger." He poured a bunch of water on himself before throwing his fist forward again. Crocodile's confident expression faltered as Luffy yanked his arm to the side, letting it go, his arm swinging around wildly. Crocodile dodged, doing a backflip before slicing the ground they stood on with his desert spada, Luffy just barely getting out of the way.

After recovering from his dodge, Luffy ran forward, feigning a punch, faking Crocodile out before throwing a real punch, catching the warlord off guard and sending him back to the floor. Luffy then threw his barrel of water at Crocodile, only for the man to create a dust devil, blowing the barrel and Luffy away. The rubber man landed back on the ground after grabbing the barrel from the air.

"You're struggling desperately, Straw Hat Luffy. You can't do anything without that barrel after all. This isn't any different from our first fight." Crocodile laughed.

"You're right. It's no different like this." Luffy muttered before gulping down the whole barrel of water, his stomach inflating and bouncing around from all the water inside. "How's this?! Now I'm not the same as before!" Luffy threw down the now empty barrel.

"Are you serious?" Crocodile and y/n said in unison.

"Water Luffy!" The rubber man exclaimed before freaking out as water started to leak from his wounds.

"Is this brat....serious...?" Crocodile's eyebrow twitched. Miss All Sunday began to laugh at Luffy's ridiculous state. "Stop messing around, you damn brat!" Crocodile ran forward to attack, only to skid to a stop as Luffy spit a large amount of water at him, soaking him.

"Who's messing around?!" Luffy yelled out, stretching his arms back. "I'm always serious! Gomu Gomu no....Bazooka!" Luffy threw his hands forward into Crocodile's chest, making him spit up blood and sending him flying back. "How was that, you sand gator?"

"I can't believe it! He beat Crocodile! Who is this boy?!" Cobra exclaimed as he looked at Crocodile's unmoving body.

"This is no time to be impressed, right, Mr. Cobra?" Miss All Sunday questioned, using her devil fruit to take the pins out of the king's arms, making him fall to the ground. "Now, you show me the way, to where the poneglyph is!" She demanded.

"What are you going to do by just looking at it?" Cobra asked before yelping in pain, Miss All Sunday sprouting hands out from his back, locking his hands together, forcing them up towards his shoulder blades.

"Don't ask pointless questions! Just show me the way." The woman demanded again. She then turned to y/n, using her devil fruit to untie the goddess's legs so she could walk. "You'll also be coming with me." She forced y/n onto her feet, making the girl walk alongside Cobra.

"Yes, go on ahead, Nico Robin, unless you want to be dried up too." Crocodile sat up from the rubble. "I'm starting to lose my patience." The woman nodded and continued walking. Once they got out, the building started to collapse, Crocodile sucking out all of the moisture in the foundation, making everything crumble and wither.

"Nico Robin. Is that your real name?" Cobra asked suddenly.

"What if it is? It has nothing to do with you." The woman responded.

"A girl whose name was known throughout the world 20 years ago...Why are you here now?" The king asked.

"All you have to do is show me the poneglyph." Miss All Sunday frowned and stopped walking, as the navy appeared before her. "What incredible timing you have, showing up now, navy. Clear the way, we're in a hurry."

"We can't! We heard everything that's going on here in Alubarna from a soldier on the ground. Who do you think that person is?" Tashigi pointed at Cobra.

"Well, I don't really care who it is. I hate people in the World Government." Miss All Sunday answered. Y/n almost snorted at her response.

'You and me both, sister.' She thought.

"If you don't get out of my way..." Miss All Sunday murmured.

"We don't have any intention of giving way to you!" Tashigi interrupted, bringing out her sword.

"Then I might have to kill you." Miss All Sunday finished.

"Wait! Navy! Don't worry about me! At 4:30 pm a cannonball will be shot into the palace square where the rebellion is going on right now! Please stop it somehow!" Cobra pleaded, Tashigi gasping in shock. "A million lives are at stake!"

"Then we'll save you and stop the explosion! Ready!" The marine shouted, the soldiers behind her getting ready for battle.

"I said to not get in my way!" Miss All Sunday used her devil fruit powers and strangled a bunch of Tashigi's subordinates, the men falling to the ground. "We're in a hurry, so get out of the way!"

"Sergeant Major! This woman is...Nico Robin! There's no mistake! She's the girl who had a bounty put on her head when she was just 8 years old! Her bounty now is 79 million bellies! And that woman she has captive is Celestial Being l/n y/n! She has a 100 million bounty on her head since she was a child as well!" One of the still standing men exclaimed.

"Quit your rambling! Are you going to get out of the way?! Or do you want to die?! Which is it?!" Miss All Sunday yelled out, obviously annoyed. Tashigi bit her lip before bringing her arm up.

"Sergeant! Take everyone to the square and stop the explosion!" She ordered. "Hurry! There's only six minutes left!"

"Yes ma'am!" The soldiers took off, Tashigi staying behind to fight Miss All Sunday.

"Now, let that man go and hand that woman over to us!" Tashigi demanded.

"I said you're in my way!" Miss All Sunday crossed her arms out in front of her, activating her devil fruit. Tashigi gasped as two hands sprouted from her shoulders, pulling her head back, another two sprouting out of her arms, taking her sword and pointing it at her neck. As she was frozen in fear, unable to do anything, Miss All Sunday continued walking with Cobra and y/n, making their way to the royal tombs.

"So this is where the past generation royalty sleep." Miss All Sunday hummed. "Where is the poneglyph?" She asked. Cobra didn't respond, moving over towards a Sea Cat statue, turing it 90 degrees. A hidden stairway opened up in response.

"The poneglyph is hidden deep below the ground. Normally, people aren't even aware of the poneglyph's existence." Cobra explained.

"Even if countries belong to the World Government, it doesn't mean their kings know everything. You're not to blame, since you probably didn't know there was someone in this world who can decipher them." Miss All Sunday said, walking down the staircase with Cobra and y/n trailing behind.

"You can read poneglyphs?" Cobra asked. Y/n eyed the woman in front of her.

"Yes. That's why Crocodile and I teamed up. Because of that, he can't kill me. It's likely that the poneglyph in this country tells the whereabouts of the Pluton. Isn't that right?"

"I don't know. Alabasta's royal family has been obligated to protect it. That's all it is to us."

"Protect it? Don't make me laugh!" Miss All Sunday exclaimed suddenly. She sighed and continued walking, all three of them making it down to the bottom. "What an impressive looking place..." She looked around the room with interest.

"It's behind the doors in the back." Cobra informed, the woman nodding and following his directions. Opening the doors, Miss All Sunday sighed in awe at the sight of the poneglyph, y/n and Cobra watching her warily. The woman began to read the calligraphy, y/n also glancing at it's words. "Did it tell you what you wanted to know?" The woman didn't respond immediately, running her fingers over the carvings.

"Is this all there is in this country? Aren't there any more?" She asked.

"You're not satisfied? I kept my promise." Cobra said.

"Yes..." Footsteps were heard, announcing Crocodile's presence.

"Just as you'd expect from a national secret. No matter how desperately you search, it can't be found unless you know where it is." Y/n glared at the man from her spot against the wall. "So this is the poneglyph, huh, Nico Robin?"

"Where's Luffy?" Y/n growled out. Crocodile only looked at her through the side of his eye, the corners of his lips lifting into a smirk.

"It's strange, or how should I put it...Were you able to decipher it?" He asked.


"Good. Now read this so-called poneglyph." Crocodile ordered, Miss All Sunday looking over the calligraphy.

"Kahira conquered Sky Ephemeris Year 239. In 260, Taymer ruled the Bitain Dynasty." The woman began to list off history facts about Alabasta, much to Crocodile's displeasure.

"Hey, hey! Wait! Wait! Is that what we wanna know?! Who cares about the history of this country?! Just tell me the location of the Pluton!" He growled.

"It's not written here." Miss All Sunday told him. Y/n stared at the woman and at the poneglyph. What was written on the poneglyph was not the history of Alabasta. The woman was lying to Crocodile.


"History is all that is written here."

"Is that true?!"

"Pluton...I didn't see that word mentioned even once."

"Well, I see...That's unfortunate..." Crocodile murmured. "You've been an excellent partner to me, but...I think I'll kill you here."

"Wha-?!" Miss All Sunday stepped back in shock.

"The agreement that we made four years ago has been achieved here. You were very useful to me, but you broke your word in the end!" Crocodile swiped at the woman with his hook, the woman ducking, his hook ripping her hat off. "The poneglyph in this country doesn't even show a clue on the Pluton. it you weren't planning to tell me from the start, even if you found out?!"

"How silly, I knew you'd end up doing something like this." The woman took out a tube of water, throwing it at Crocodile. The man dodged, but using her devil fruit powers, Miss All Sunday caught it, throwing it down on Crocodile, running forward with a knife. Unfortunately, Crocodile turned into sand before the glass could shatter and get him wet. "He disappeared! Where-" Miss All Sunday gasped in shock and pain, dropping her weapon as a hook pierced through her torso.

"I'll forgive you for everything, Nico Robin..." Crocodile yanked his hook out, her blood splattering across the floor. "Because I've never trusted anyone from the beginning." The warlord smiled, watching as his ex-partner fell to the floor. "I now know from Cobra's reaction that Pluton really exists. I don't have to depend on poneglyphs. I'll find it on my own. I'll even assign little y/n to be my new partner. I have no doubt that she'll know how to find an ancient weapon." Y/n narrowed her eyes.

"In your dreams, Croco-dingus." She spat. Crocodile's eyebrow twitched at the nickname. Suddenly, everything started to shake, dust and small rocks falling from the ceiling.

"What's happening?! It's too early for the explosion." Crocodile's eyes narrowed as he looked at the king. "This must be your doing. What did you do?"

"Well...nothing major...This underground sacred temple is built so that pulling just one column out will cause the entire balance to be disrupted and destroy the temple. You all will die with me. As the 12th king of the Nefertari Family, I can't give this kingdom to someone like you." Cobra explained.

"Whoa, you're a model king. Are you trying to be buried alive, taking me with you, for the country?" Crocodile sneered. "But you can't kill me. I can change all the bedrocks into sand and escape from here. You'll die in vain, Cobra!" The man laughed. "It's taken me so long to get here. But the end has come!"

Suddenly, a large hole was punched into the wall, Luffy appearing as the dust cleared. Crocodile looked at the rubber man in shock. Luffy stared right back, panting slightly from having sprinted here.

"You!" Crocodile spat.

"I've cornered you, gator!" Luffy spat back.

"Why are you alive?! No matter how many times I kill you, why do you stand up to me?! Huh?! Straw Hat!"

"How...did he survive and come here?" Cobra inquired.

"Haven't you heard? He's got the devil's luck." Y/n snickered. Luffy yelled out and ran forward, ready to attack Crocodile once more.

"Even if you're alive and well, how are you going to beat me without water-" Crocodile was cut off and Luffy kicked him in the face, sending him into the far wall. He sat up, looking at Luffy in shock. How had he landed a blow without water?

"Crocodile!" Luffy punched the man in the face, sending him straight back into the wall.

"You're...using...your blood?!" Crocodile gasped as he saw blood dripping from Luffy's fist. He then stood up. "You're persistent. From Rainbase, to the palace, and now in this mortuary temple. I'll reward you for sticking up to me, even after living through hell twice..." He rasped, blood dripping from his mouth and nose. Luffy yelled out and sent a kick towards Crocodile, the man jumping to the floor, dodging it. Sitting up, Crocodile took off the golden hook, revealing a silver hook beneath it, thinner and full of holes dripping some sort of poison. "It seems you want to beat me up no matter what. And I'll admit that you're an annoying enemy to me."

"It came off?" Luffy looked at the strange hook.

"It's a poisonous hook." Crocodile stated.


"As a competent enough pirate, you seem to understand that a duel between pirates is always a fight for survival, and that there's no such thing as playing dirty. Let's settle this once and for all!"
