Chapter 36

"Are you sure, Strawhat?" Franky looked to Luffy, who was uneasy. "Don't you have to wait for one more person?"

"I did wait for him, but he didn't show up...I guess this is his answer!" Luffy laughed, but it was nervous laughter, with absolutely no amusement behind it. He was scared. Everyone could tell. "I'm sure he'll have fun! I don't think he's gonna quit being a pirate, so maybe we'll see him on the sea sometime!"

"Luffy-!!!" Y/n was cut off as the ship suddenly rocked violently, a canon ball landing in the sea beside them, creating strong waves.

"Crap! It's the marines!" Franky cursed.

"Grandpa?!" Luffy guffawed.

"Hey, Luffy! Can you hear me?! This is your grandpa!" Garp's voice echoed across the sea.

"Grandpa, what's going on?! You told us that you wouldn't arrest us here!" Luffy shouted back.

"Yeah...Things happened...So I'm sorry to say this, but I'll have to ask you to just drown and die!"

"What a loving family..." Y/n sweat dropped.

"What's he doing...?" Sanji muttered, watching Garp's movement.

"Watch it!!" The whole crew cried out in surprise as a broken ship beside them on the shoreline was blasted to pieces.

"He threw that with his bare hands!!!" Sanji's jaw dropped.

"It flew much faster than a regular cannon ball would too...Doesn't he know it's not a baseball?!" Zoro cursed.

"It can't be helped, we have to run away!" Nami called out. "Or else the new ship will get wrecked!"

"Guys, they're bringing out more!" Y/n growled.

"Full speed ahead!" The ship began to set sail, everyone very aware of the fact that one of the crew members was missing.

"He's here!!" Everyone looked to Chopper, who looked beyond excited. "Usopp's here!" Despite his appearance, everyone agreed that they would not stop the ship, not until they heard what needed to be said. The sniper could be heard from the shore, screaming, asking why they were leaving when he was right there.

"Aquarius: Wave!" Y/n grit her teeth, blocking the canon balls coming their way in rapid fire. Usopp was still shouting out, but they weren't the words the Straw Hat crew listened for. "Hurry up, you idiot!" Y/n grimaced as her wave crashed back down into the sea, dropping their biggest defense. Sanji, Zoro, Luffy, and Franky were quick to destroy what y/n couldn't block.

"Luffy!" Chopper cried out, hearing their sniper becoming more desperate.

"I didn't hear anything." Luffy scowled.

"Zoro?!" The doctor turned to the swordsman instead.

"I didn't hear anything!" The green haired male grunted, slicing down a canon ball.

"You liars!" Chopper cried. The canon balls kept coming, the crew slowly losing energy.


"About time..." Y/n sighed in relief, a soft smile growing on her lips.

"I KNOW IT'S SHAMEFUL!! AND I KNOW I SAID I LEFT THE CREW!!! BUT I TAKE IT BACK!! PLEASE!!! LET ME JOIN YOU AGAIN! PLEASE LET ME BE YOUR NAKAMA ONE MORE TIME!!!" Usopp begged, sobbing so loudly it was a wonder how he hadn't lost his voice at this point.

"Idiot!!! Hurry up and grab my hand!!!" Luffy sobbed as well, his arm stretched out to where Usopp stood.

"You're the idiot here." Zoro chuckled. Usopp and Luffy crashed onto the deck, crying their eyes out.

"Everyone's finally together!! Let's get away and head for a new adventure!!!" Everyone cheered with Luffy, vocalizing their agreement.

"Hurry up and hoist the sails!" Franky ordered, the waves becoming more and more violent as Garp's aim began to sharpen.

"Are you sure about this, Franky?" Y/n questioned, grunting as she tugged on the ropes.

"Come on, you dummy! Believe in the ship!" Franky laughed.

"That's right! You dummy!" The idiot trio joined in.

"What did you just call me...?" Y/n's eyes narrowed, Franky, Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper immediately freezing from the feeling of her dark aura.

"You guys need to help out!!" Zoro spat, running past the group as he made haste to prep for escape.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" Franky called out as the ship was prepped exactly as he ordered. "Before we take off, we need to figure out a name for the ship!"

"A name?! Are you crazy?! It can't wait until later?" Nami questioned, yelping as the ship rocked violently.

"Well, without a name, the maiden voyage wouldn't have as much meaning..." Franky hummed. "Like, Lion...something..."

"Well hurry it up! His aim is getting better!" Y/n growled, gripping onto the ship's rail to steady herself.

"I just thought of a great name!" Luffy grinned. "Bear! Polar bear! Lion!"

"What kind of name for a ship is that?!" Usopp snapped.

"What about 'Tiger, Wolf, Lion'?" Luffy suggested.

"You're just listing animals!" Y/n hissed.

"Squid! Octopus! Monkey!" Luffy tried again.

"You're not even using lion anymore!!" Y/n clenched her fist, ready to punch the rubber man.

"Iceberg came up with a name..." Franky smirked. "Sailing through the dangers of the thousand seas, shining happily like the sun. The Thousand Sunny." Everyone was quiet as the cyborg finished, smiles coming to their faces.

"Woah!!!" The idiot trio sighed in awe.

"That's way better than my 'Dumpling! Gorilla! Lion!' name!" Luffy laughed.

"Are you just playing a word game now?!" Usopp and y/n hissed at the captain.

"It's better than 'Big Boss Lionel' that I was thinking of..." Zoro sighed, crossing his arms.

"It's better than my 'Darkness' name." Robin smiled.

"I suppose 'Monsieur Sunflower' isn't that great..." Sanji hummed.

"I really do hope none of you ever have children..." Y/n sighed, imagining poor little children named 'Darkness' or 'Dumpling'.

"A ship to sail the thousand seas! That sounds wonderful!" Robin chuckled.

"But wait! That's just what Iceberg came up with!" Franky smirked. "The name I came up with is even better!"

"Let's go with Ice Pop's suggestion!" Luffy cheered, completely cutting off and ignoring Franky.

"Thousand Sunny it is!" Sanji smiled, the rest of the crew agreeing.

"Better luck next time, big guy..." Y/n muttered, watching as Franky pouted.

"Franky! What are you doing? Now that we have a name, let's get out of here!" Sanji exclaimed as he realized they were wasting time.

"Yeah, we folded up the sails, just like you said." Zoro nodded in agreement.

"Okay I get it!" Franky snapped. "Take one good look at the grand City of Water, you won't be able to see it for much longer!" He smirked.

"Okay then..." Luffy nodded, walking over to the railing to face the marines. "Grandpa!!! Coby!!!" He shouted. "I'm glad I got to see you again!!"

"What's wrong, Luffy?! I still got some cannon balls left!!" Garp shouted back, throwing more ammo towards the Straw Hat crew.

"Give it up Grandpa! We're gonna escape now! Let's meet again somewhere!" Luffy grinned.

"You're just a damn kid!! Don't you dare get cheeky with me!!" Garp growled, to which Luffy only laughed. The Straw Hats began shouting their thanks to the citizens of Water 7, though y/n doubted they could still hear them at this point.

"Franky! Let's go!!" Luffy exclaimed, watching as his grandfather had an abnormally large cannon ball in his hands.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!!!! It's huge!! We're gonna get killed!" Everyone watched in horror as the cannon ball flew closer and closer. But before their brand new ship could get destroyed, they suddenly shot forward with a large blast of air.

"If anything breaks, I'll fix it completely! I'm the one to ask about the ship and weapons! Ask me anything! Starting today, this is your ship!" Franky exclaimed, everyone cheering as they made their grand escape from Water 7.

"Amazing..." Y/n smiled as the wind blew her hair wildly around her head. The Thousand Sunny landed into the water, droplets of the sea spraying everywhere from the impact.

"If your Merry could do it, there's no reason this ship can't! It's better in every aspect!" Franky explained. "But that ship's brave soul will be carried on by the Thousand Sunny!!!"


Y/n sat atop the roof of the crows nest, watching the glittering sea surrounding the ship. She closed her eyes, breathing deep and slow. She held her rapier gently in her hands, hoping something would happen. A memory, a vision, something. But she got nothing. After a while, the goddess sighed in frustration. Y/n sheathed her sword and looked back to the sea.

"Din...I wonder...are you well...?" She muttered. "Do you know anything about my past? Would you tell me all you know?" Y/n furrowed her brows and hummed, taking out her sword again. She read those tiny words on the handle.

'Moonlit beauty, with an enchanting voice, cry your melancholy question; Then tell me which you dread more, the echo or the answer.'

She also looked at the newest mystery added to her sword. That carving of a stone. The image carved didn't look like any significant type of rock, it was just a standard shape. There were enough details to tell that what she was seeing was, in fact, some sort of rock, but there weren't any other details showing what could make it any different from a rock you would find on the ground. Perhaps it was an ore of some type? Or maybe a crystal? Geode?

There were no hints, there was no context. Y/n was becoming frustrated. She had nothing. Rather, she couldn't put the pieces together to find something. Thinking back to all those visions, she tried to remember anything significant. Nothing related to stones or crystals, but there was one common thing that appeared a lot in her visions. That man.

Who was this man? His blond hair and soft, kind eyes. Y/n felt like she knew him, like they were close, but she didn't know him at all. She must've known him in the past, but time has faded her memory and he is no longer here to give her the answers and help she needed.

"Melancholy question...dread...the echo...or the answer..." Y/n muttered the words. "Melancholy question..." She mulled it over. "Who are you...? I...?" She questioned, her eyes widening as a soft ringing of bells sounded briefly in her ears. Looking around, she saw nothing, but then she heard it again.

"" Y/n couldn't understand, but the voice grew louder and more coherent. "The.....sea......Let" The voice was growing softer, but y/n still hadn't grasped onto what it was saying.

"Wait...!" She shook her head. Y/n turned her head and looked at the soft waves. Not knowing exactly what possessed her to do so, y/n stood up and ran off the roof of the crows nest, leaping off, and into the water.

"O-Oi!!!!" She could hear Zoro exclaim right as she hit the water. Allowing herself to sink for a bit, y/n activated the Pisces realm before looking around. She ignored the muffled cries from above, only focusing on what could be around her in the cold water.

'Something's happening!' She thought, instinctively reaching to unsheathe her sword. But there was no time, even if there was anything there to slice in the first place. Whatever it was, it got to her, her mind going blank somehow. She was paralyzed. She couldn't move. Her vision became cloudy, only able to see silhouettes.

"I'm sorry..." She heard, though there was no one around.

"You promised you wouldn't leave me..." She then heard herself speak, though her lips did not move.

"It's to keep you safe..." That voice...It was that man's...

"From what?!" She heard herself respond again.

"I need to go." He said.


"I love you."

Y/n was suddenly snapped out of her trance as she was pulled out of the water. She took in a deep breath, not having realized she had stopped breathing. Using her eyes to look around, y/n saw Luffy's arm wrapped around her waist. Zoro looked wet too. He must've jumped in and grabbed her before she could drift off, then Luffy must've reeled them back in. Chopper was checking over her with teary eyes.

"What the fuck were you doing?!" Zoro growled, wringing his shirt out. Y/n sat up, with the other's help, and looked over herself. She noticed she was holding something. Out of shock, she dropped it. It was a stone. The size of a small grape, a beautiful silver-blue, with slightly jagged edges, and a glittering shine. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"Y/n-swan...What is that?" Sanji and the rest looked to her expectantly.

"I don't know..." She answered truthfully. Slowly, y/n picked up the stone, gasping as it shone brightly before beginning to sink into her skin.

"What's happening?!" Luffy exclaimed, he and the others watching with awe and slight terror as that blue color visibly ran through y/n's veins, going up through her arm and stopping at her neck, where the stone emerged again, but only about halfway. The goddess touched it, tugging on it lightly, but it was firmly implanted on her neck.

"I don't understand..." Y/n furrowed her brows.

"That's not all..." Robin hummed, pointing at y/n's right hand. Everyone looked to where the archeologist was pointing, gasping as they saw a small glowing zodiac sign on the base knuckle of y/n's pinky.

"What does it mean?" Chopper questioned with teary eyes, worried for y/n's well being.

"It's the Pisces sign. A water zodiac. Incredible..." Y/n looked at her hand, then touched the stone on the right side of the base of her neck.

"So you risked your life for a rock and a tattoo?" Zoro huffed, instantly earning himself a kick to the face. Y/n scoffed as her foot left a satisfying red mark on the swordsman's cheek.

"I still don't know exactly what it means, but, little by little, I've been regaining bits and pieces of my past. This must also be a part of that..." Y/n spoke softly.

"Your past...That must mean..!!" Robin gasped.

"Not yet. I still don't know anything, but this might be the first step I need..." Y/n sighed. "If this stone has an assigned zodiac, there must be eleven more. I have to find them all."

"Shishishi! We'll help you find them then!" Luffy giggled, a wide grin appearing on his face. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Y-Yeah! Perhaps you won't have to do such dangerous things next time if we help!" Usopp stuttered.

"The stone is quite beautiful! How lucky you get built-in jewelry!" Nami chuckled.

"If it's for you, I'd do anything, y/n-swan~!" Sanji cooed. Y/n looked at all the smiling faces of her crew. She couldn't help but chuckle.

"We'll see, then..."
