Chapter 7

I was going to go back to the party and join my friends when around the corner, Mr. Perfect popped up.

I was not ready for his level of hotness. Could he get any hotter? Well indeed, he could. Curls bouncing in his fro, face smoothly shaved, teeth bright white, dressed in a gray fitted shirt and black slacks. Nice and tall so he always towered over me, even today when I had heels on.

"What's good five-eleven?"

"Don't call me that."

"Okay, my bad, Starbucks. At least you did not make us late to class on Thursday."

"I listened to my very knowledgeable Resident Assistant. I think he is a smart guy."

"He knows a few things. Enjoying the party?"

"Nice, nice. Really loud music. Lots of people. Is every party on campus like this?"

He shrugged it off. "First party of the year, whoever gets that spot has to pull it off. The Greeks fight for it, but ABC won it this year. With the amount of money we make from this party alone, we will be able to fund several projects this year. I have a lot of ideas."

Every time he talked I felt butterflies twittering away in my chest. I don't want to jump the gun, but I really, really like him. It was a different feeling than I felt for Diallo than I did King. Very slight difference. With King, it was more his looks that attracted me to him. With Diallo, I felt a bond.

"Want to come in and dance with me?"


And Diallo got me. He wanted to dance with me. He liked my weird dancing. He made me feel free and alive and that I was invincible.

Although on the dance floor, I felt all of the awkward girl I was. Especially in my faux Louboutin. They were exactly like Angel's pair, except cheap and uncomfortable. I was going to have to soak my feet after this party.

After a few fast songs, and me twerking to no end, a slower song came on and Diallo moved closer and put his arms around my waist. I tensed up.

"I'm sorry," he moved back slightly. "I should have asked. Want to dance with me? And do you mind if we dance close?"

He was sweet to ask. I nodded, and he put his arms back around me.

Was this history? I was making history and new memories. Even at my Prom, I did not dance with a boy. Any time a slow song came on, I moved off to the side and watched all the couples. I wished my friends could see me now. The only two friends I had were not attending college. They would not believe she had a whole boy dancing next to her. And not any boy, Mr. Perfect.

"I'm glad you're here Rayvn." He was so close to my ear, I could feel his breath on my neck. Heavenly.

"Mee too!" came out in a croak and I cringed. Great Rayvn, sounding like a frog with the Prince. Maybe he couldn't hear me sounding like Kermit over the music.

"You okay? You need a drink of water?"

Greaaaaat! Hmmm, what do I say to him?

"Ummm, yes, I think so."

We stopped dancing and he took my hand and led me off the crowded dance floor. I was sweating under my arms I hoped I did not leave stains. And now he was pulling me away from the comfort of the crow to yet be alone with a boy one night.

"It's a little hot in there, huh?" he said once we made it outside the auditorium. We can just hang outside and catch a cool breeze.

He stopped at a vending machine and used his school ID to pay for a bottle of water. All I could do was stand there like an idiot and watch. Should I play like my throat was really dry and itchy? I liked dancing with him and being that close, but this was all so new to me and I was not ready.

Sure hoped Diallo was the kind of guy that did not want to rush things. Boys in her high school were smashing since they were fourteen. Girls too but not my friends. They were like me, still virgins, but at least they have gone on dates.

"Here you go." He handed me the water and I opened it and took a long sip, turning away from him. If I knew he was looking at me while I drank, I probably would choke on it and die right there.

"Come on, let's go outside."

My feet hurt more than anything, so I was glad when we made it outside, he found a bench for us to sit on.

"You good?"

"Yeah, sure."

"It's a lot huh? First college party. We party pretty hard after a tough week of classes. Last year I remembered the party, the after-party, the after after party..."

"The what?"

"I can tell you're not the type, right?"

"You don't look like the type!" And here I was thinking Mr. Perfect stayed stuck in a book, or reading Robert's Rules of Order, taking his position as Resident Assistant and Vice President of the Association of Black Collegians seriously.

"Well, I'm not on my sister's level of party, but I like to have fun. What about you, what do you do for fun besides load up on caffeine?"

I gave him a playful push. "Jokes, huh? For fun...I like to read."

"Legit, I could get with that. Like what kind of books?"

"Any kind, anything that is an escape, I like historical type books, autobiographies of people I didn't know about. Or celebrities I like. Well, I guess they're called memoirs now."

"I thought maybe you were the romance book type girl."

I giggled. I read those too, but I was not going to tell Mr. Perfect he seemed like one of the male main characters in the romance books O liked to read. He probably read racially motivated books judging by his dialogue at the ABC meeting. Malcolm X, Marcus Garvey, MLK, and the such. I had read all those books as well.

"I read romance, mystery, fantasy, sci-fi..."

He was ignoring her now and texting away on his phone. How rude! I guess Mr. Perfect was not so perfect at all.

"Sorry, my bad. My sister is looking for me, I told her I was outside. You don't mind, do you."

"No, no, of course not."

But I did! I was enjoying my alone time with him, and now Mr. Perfect was perfect again because he was only looking out for his little sister. What a great big brother.

"Yo! There the two of them are!" Gay and the gang walked over to us. Gay came to sit between us and she put one arm around me and one around her brother. "Yo, the party is dope, but I met some guys that say another party off campus is even doper."

"No, no Gay, no more parties for you."

"You always tell me what to do! Just because you're older and-"

"Want me to call Mom and Dad?"

Gay said nothing. She looked at me. "What would you like to do, cuties?"

" about we go eat."

"Sounds like a plan!" Allura said, pulling her up. "Starv-ing and my feet hurt!"

"Same," I said to her.

"Then let's run to our room for a quick change before we find food," Twyla said, taking off her shoes.

"Girls," Donnell said, shaking his head. "Twyla, do you want me to carry you?"

"If you insist."

And then he did, he picked Twyla up and carried her as we walked through campus to get to our dorm. We all fussed about what we wanted to eat. It was already late, but since this was a big college town, everything was still open.

The guys stopped in their room, and the girls, we did a quick change and pee. Gay was in the room with Allura trying to find something to change into. At least she had on flats so she did not need to change her shoes. I put on sandals, shorts, and a tank top. I reglossed my lops and headed out of the room to wait for the others.

Diallo was already standing there, looking down at his phone.

"Those girls might take all night changing," I said to him.

"Sounds about right."

The guys came out of their room, still in the same gear, so not sure what they needed to do. Then we waited...and waited...and waited.

"Yo, can you go get your roomies?" Richie asked.

"Why me?"

"Because it's your room."

That made sense. I walked back into the suite, and both the girls' doors were closed. I knocked on Allura's then walked down to knock on Twyla's.

"Come on, let's go!"

Now I'm the den mother to my two roommates, staying on their necks because they were taking half an hour to do a quick wardrobe change. Took me about five minutes. Yes, I'm that girl so different from others.

Twyla finally came out, dressed in shorts and a cute t-shirt with a cat on it. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail. Allura and Gay came out, both with the same clothes on, Allura did switch her shoes.

"All that and you didn't even change?" I said. "Come on, the guys are waiting."

We all headed out the door, but Allura pulled me back a bit.

"I just made out with Gay," she said through a fit of giggles. "It was awesome."

So...that...just happened.

A/N: Nothing shocking here. We know Allura was into Gay, but wait to see how the story unfolds.

Are you liking Rayvn with Diallo or King? Of course, as always, I write this and I am undecided right now.
