Chapter 17

I never laughed so much in my life.

Todd was a literal comedian and he was so funny. Turns out smart, rich, white boys had a sense of humor. Who knew? Well, not me, seeing as I didn't know any.

He joked about his friends, about Allura, how he was smarter than most of his teachers in high school, and they would get offended and make him teach the class. Which he did. Being that smart he said, did not help him with the girls.

"It's like they think because I'm smart, I don't like girls."

"Why would anyone think that?"

We were way past the library by now, and I didn't know if I wanted to go back I was enjoying talking with him. Studying was making my head hurt, and I was not good at it.

"Ask the girls."

I found that strange that he, like me, never dated or had a relationship. "But you're cute...for a nerd."

Yes, I know how that sounded as soon as it left my mouth. The equivalent to, "You're cute for a dark skin girl." I did not mean it that way, I promise.

"Do you know how wild that is for you to say? Nerds, or in my case, an extremely smart person, comes in all forms. Not the stereotypical ones you see on TV. I don't wear glasses or constantly talk about theories and call people wrong or correct them when I know the answer. I'm not like the Big Bang Theory guys either."

"I loved that show!"

"And they all eventually developed normal relationships with girls in the end."

"Did they?" I had to admit, I didn't watch all of the show.

"I think it proved a point. All smart people need love too."

Love, he said the "L" word. I couldn't even figure out who I liked or didn't like. Maybe I liked everyone. There was a word for that.

"So, you have a type of girl you like?"

He chewed on his bottom lip for a bit. "Yeah, you."

I stopped walking. What the hecky-heck? This was the third person telling me they liked me in less than a week. Since I already proved the Hottie magnet to be wrong, what was happening here? I was nothing special, and I knew that about myself.

If I was so special, why did no one ask me out in high school?

"Me? Why me?"

"Sometimes you can't explain when you meet someone and know." He picked up my hand. "Look, I don't have that much experience talking to girls, but I like talking with you. We can just get to know each other and hang out. That's all I'm asking."

"Well...okay." What was one more friend to her ever-growing list? "You will still tutor me, right?"

"I'll do more than tutor you. I will guarantee you get an A and pass all the rest of your classes with flying colors."



I hate school.

Let me clarify...I hate college. Why did I decide to attend this challenging school? I could have gone to a community college. Week three I felt that I was missing home more. Missing my friends, brothers, sister, my daddy, step mummy, and even my toxic mother.

"You can always come home for the weekend," Angel said when we talked on the phone later in the week.

"Sounds like a good idea."

It was a three-day weekend. Perfect to get in an extra day with my family.

"Can I come and stay with you guys?"

"Of course, you can! This is your home too."

Even though I spent summers there and almost every weekend, it never felt like my home. My home was with my mother and grandmother. The home I was born and raised in. The house was around the corner from my father's mother, my grandmother, where he grew up. There also was my grandfather Dwight and my uncle Alonzo. I missed all of them.

"Okay, okay, I guess I am coming home this weekend."

"Wait till I tell your father-"

"Wait, let it be a surprise."

I had not talked to my father much since I had been there. Maybe a few calls here and there of him checking on me. Don't get me wrong, I was close with my dad, but we didn't have much to talk about except him harping on me about my grades and not getting into any trouble. Parent stuff, I guess. Angel talked to me like I was on her level.

I had to let my roomies know I was leaving for the weekend.

"Duh! Girl, so am I," Allura said. "John and Todd are giving me a lift.

"Todd? He didn't tell me-"

"Yes, I hear you two are getting quite close." Allura came up and put an arm around me. "I thought the boy was gay at one point."

I can't believe how some people jumped to conclusions about people, and she knew Todd very well, growing up with him.

"Why would you think that? Because he never had a girlfriend?"

"That and he was always weird acting around girls. Anyway, it's cool. We've been friends long as I can remember."

Friends obviously that did not know each other very well. Todd was the sweetest guy. Even though I still was not picking up American Government like he insisted that I would. So far we had three study sessions, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. It was now Thursday and I told the poor boy to take a break.

And he did not tell me he was going home for the weekend. I shot him a text.

You're leaving for the weekend?

Pretty much everyone is. I hear it will be a ghost town here

Ok, well have fun

Wait...can I see you before I take off. I leave Friday morning after my class. Swinging by to get Allura, will you be there?

Sure. See you tomorrow

I had to figure out when I was driving back. I had several classes on Friday and so far the professors were not canceling classes. I guess I was leaving later. I started to grab things to pack, though I left plenty of things at home.

Home. I couldn't wait to grab AJ and cuddle with him.

Friday morning in our English class, half the class skipped. Probably getting a head start on getting away for the weekend. All my crew was there. Allura, Twyla, Donnell, Richie, and of course King. We all generally sat near each other, and even though the Professor was pretty strict about talking in her class, we all kind of did anyway.

"What are you doing this weekend, fresh," King asked sitting beside me.

"Going home, aren't you?"

"Naw, staying here and chilling."

"But no one will be here, you'll be so lonely."

"Facetime me and keep me company," he said with a grin at me.

Ever since our date, the most we did was talk in class and a few texts. I didn't know what I was supposed to do in that situation. I was allowing him to take the lead.

"I'm going to miss you guys!" Twyla said, on my other side, pretending to be sad.

I rolled my eyes at her. "Girl, three days. We've seen each other every day for three weeks. Don't you miss your family?"

Twyla was from a little town in Indiana she had no clue where it was if you showed her on a map. She was flying out later tonight. Donnell and Richie were from the Kansas side of Kansas City. We were a pretty diverse crew. Add in Diallo and Gay from Jefferson City were, none of us from the same place.

"King, you want to tag along with me up to Chicago?" Allura said to him.

What? How was she going to ask my Hottie...I mean, King to go with her? Wasn't she back with John, her boyfriend? I thought staying out of my roommates' business was the way to go, but now, I wanted to be nosy.

"What about John?"

"What about him?" Allura asked. "So King, wanna come?"

"Naw, I'm cool. I kinda like it when everyone is gone. You freshmen, enjoy yourselves."

Crisis diverted.

After class, we all went back to our rooms. The guys were not leaving yet, they were leaving later. For the rest of Allura's classes, her professors excused them. That girl was always lucky. I was going to eat in my room, some leftovers I had, and chill before my next class.

Allura was still packing things. For three days, she had enough things looked like she was going on a month-long vacation. I had an overnight bag, that's it, that's all. I was not planning on doing much when I got home but sitting around the house.

A knock on the door while I was stuffing my face with reheated Chipotle.

"That's the guys. I'm almost done!" Allura yelled out from her room.

I went to open the door and it was Todd and Jonathan.


"Hey, glad you're still here," Todd said.

"Is the Diva ready yet?" Jonathan called out.

"Come get my things!" she yelled back at him.

"Only for you, Princess." John headed to her room to help with her things.

"So," Todd said, looking shy like he never had been before. "You're driving back all by yourself?"

"Yes. I decided at the last minute to go back home, but it's okay. It's only like, two hours away."

"Better than our seven."

"Sheesh! I would be sleeping in the car."

"Will me over the weekend? I don't want to miss talking to you."


I got it now, I was a playa, playa! I promised to chat with King and now Todd over the weekend. I was fighting guys off me at this point.

Well? Maybe not fighting, but I knew soon, one of them would be my boyfriend.

A/N: Rayvn and these boys! But more drama when she goes home.
