Chapter 28

All week long, every day, I hung with Diallo.

I never heard back from Todd, so I was studying on my own. By this time I was getting the hang of things. On top of going to ABC's bi-monthly meetings, I also joined Women in Business, and the Residence Hall Association, thanks to Diallo.

My grades were hanging in there, I was not flunking anything so that was cool.

Then I finally got a text from Todd.

Sorry I ghosted you. Can we meet up somewhere?

I gave him a meeting location, downstairs in the lobby of my residence hall. There were several couches laid out for students to hang out. There were televisions, a pool table, some tables and chairs for playing games or whatever. I did not hang down there much, but as I was getting used to everything, I wanted to hang out more, and not just in my room and the library.

I was on my phone, texting cute little texts with Diallo when Todd walked over.


"Hey, Todd."

He sat on the sofa across from me, not next to me. He just sat there and did not say anything. I knew he was still upset about me running from his kiss and then ghosting him. His ghosting me was just payback. Now I had to be mature about the situation and tell him I was seeing someone else.

"Todd, I'm sorry about what happened last time we were together. That was lame of me to run off like that when you-"

"No, don't. I didn't come for that. I was wrong, I'm sorry," he said. "I liked you, is all. But I see I was coming off too strong, and you didn't feel the same way about me. It's cool."

"Todd, I think you're sweet and funny, but I-"

"I have a girlfriend now," he said.

That took me by surprise. He already had a girlfriend? Just like that? It was just a few days ago he was trying to kiss me. How dare he!

"I met her when I first came here. We were just friends, and then...well, she told me she had feelings for me and I said, why not. I wanted you to be my first girlfriend, but we can't always get what we want."

I did not know how to feel about this. What was I supposed to feel? Flattered? No, concerned? Maybe. He could not have me so he got his second pick? Was that fair to the girl? And why did I care?

"Well, Todd, I'm happy for you." Maybe I didn't have to tell him about Diallo at all. It did not matter right now. Todd had moved on.

I'm pretty sure his little girlfriend was white. But I was not going to ask.

"Can we still be friends? I mean, study buddies, or whatever you need?"

"Umm, sure," I said. Friends with boys I was initially attracted to, yes Rayvn, why not. Was I going to tell my new boyfriend that I had guys that were friends, that had an initial attraction to me? Noooooo!

"Well, can we just set our study dates...I mean, studying two days a week, not every day? You know, having a girlfriend now and all."

"Okay. Cool. Hit me up whenever."

Todd left and I sat there for a moment to let it all marinate.

The weekend was here and Diallo was off-duty from RA work so he wanted to take me on a date.

"I would ask my girl where she wants to go, but you probably have no clue."

"Ummm, no, I don't," I said nervously as we walked to his car.

I dressed in basic jeans and a cute blouse. I washed my hair and had Allura help me flatiron it, then give me lots of spiral curls, so I was not looking like I stuck my finger in a socket. She even helped with makeup. I looked cute. I looked older, and I liked it. I was known for my babyface, but I wanted Diallo to see me as a woman.

"I like your hair like that."


"I mean, I like your hair any way you wear it," he said, opening the passenger door for me.

Running man dance in my head, running man dance in my head.

"Movie? A classic date night, then out to eat."

"Cool." I was fine with whatever. We could go to an abandoned building and just stand there and it would be the best date ever.

The mall had a movie complex attached to it, so that's where we went. He let me select the movie and good thing there were lots of good ones to choose from. This was a first for me, yes, I had never gone to a movie with a boy. I'm glad he chose something simple for our first date.

He held my hand as we walked in.

"Snacks? Popcorn, soda, candy?"

"You don't have to buy any of that. You already bought the tickets and they are expensive."

"Hey, I'm old school, I believe the guy buys everything."

Mr. Perfect, of course, he believed that. I still felt some way about him spending money on me. He bought my daily coffee and fed me numerous times this week, now he was spending an arm and a leg on our date. I ordered a small drink and he wanted a large popcorn we would share. I was not going to have him pay for everything, but I had to figure out a way to say I wanted to pay for myself.

The movie theater was not that crowded. Not even half full. We found our seats, sat, and talked our way through the credits. It was always so calming talking to Diallo. He had a kind of zen approach to life, like his sister. Never raising his voice. Okay with my goofy jokes. Everything was copacetic with him.

During the movies, he put his arm around me. I could see myself melting into a puddle of goo. I tried to remember how the girls in the romance books played this off.

I snuggled a bit closer to him.

"Are you cold?"

"No, I'm good."

He wrapped his other arm around me anyway. Now I was steaming hot. Like, hot, hot! Like, my body was scorching, let's melt marshmallows and make smores over my skin. He made me want to do things.

And when I say do things, I'm talking S.E.X.

But no, I knew that was just hormones popping on this little innocent body.

Take things slow Rayvn Nicole Lawrence. At least kiss the boy before you decided to jump his bones.

I kissed his neck. Then I kissed it again and kept kissing it.

He chuckled at me, moving me slightly away.

"Stop starting something in here girl."

"I was didn't like it?"

"I like anything you do that shows me you like me, but we're not making out in the movie theater. I have more respect for you."

I Michael Jackson moonwalked in my head complete with the leg kick.

What did I do to deserve a boy like this?

A/N: I like Rayvn, I do, but if you all don't see all the red flags in her I've planted...not really her fault. This is a story really about how your childhood/parents affect you as you grow.
