Chapter 23

No sooner than I walked into my suite, Gay was there laid out on my sofa, TV on, eating a slice of my death by chocolate cake.

"Yo!" she said to me, mouth full of my delicious cake.

I just had maybe the most embarrassing moment of my life, and now Gay was here, looking all "don't worry be happy" hippyish, in my suite, eating my cake. I did not know if I had the patience to deal with her right now.

"You okay?"

"I'm fine!" I snapped at her.

"Whoa, someone got up on the wrong side of the bed."

"Why are you here?"

"Allura said I can hang out. Hideout mostly. Bro on one today, roommate sucks ass, so I like to find my zen place and this is it." She looked me over. "It's cool or nah? I can leave."

"No, no, it's fine," I said, heading to my bedroom. I needed me time, time alone. I could easily close my door and shut her out.

I tossed my bag to the ground, slipped off my shoes, and sat at my desk chair. Why did I do that to Todd? He did not deserve for me to run away from him without a word, while he just wanted a kiss from me. A kiss may not be much to some but it meant a lot to me. It was his fault, he should have warned me he was going to do that.

A knock on my door and it opened and Gay stood there.

"I feel some kind of weird energy coming from this room. I don't think you're okay."

"Gay, not right now. I just need to be alone."

"No, I think you just need to talk."

She welcomed herself into my room and sat on my bed. Now I was not a germaphobe or anything, but I always felt some kind of way of people sitting on my bed in the clothes they wore all day. And knowing Gay, she could have been anywhere.

"Can you not...sit on my bed? I'm kinda weird that way."

"It's cool." Then she scooted down on the floor and sat with her legs crossed, criss-cross-applesauce style. "Can you come to sit with me?"

Why not? What could possibly go any wronger?

I sat across from her, criss-cross-applesauce style. I looked at her and remembered why I was attracted to her. She was flawless. Beautiful, but not just that, the energy she gave off was so inviting. I immediately felt less stress in her presence. She was a miracle worker.

"Tell me, what's bothering you."

I didn't know if I could even talk to her about this. There was her brother. Then King, then Todd. Maybe her. Yes, how could I start this conversation?

"What boy?" she asked.

"Huh?" How did she know I was thinking about boys? Was it somehow written on my face?

"A lot of girls, your age, your inexperience, it's always a boy," she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

My age? We were the same age!

"Is it that cute guy I saw here yesterday with you when we came over? Or that hot white boy you're always hanging with. Or...and please say no, my brother?"

Well, she was a psychic, I was sure of that now. Or maybe it did not take a rocket scientist to see that I hung with those three a lot. Like a lot, even more than my roommates. From day one, it had always been about a boy. At this point, it felt like that's why I was there, at college, to meet a boy.


"Yes? All of them?"

"Something like that," I said.

"Ooh, so you are a little freaky!"

"Noooo! No, no, no! Not anything like that but..." I twisted my lips, thinking hard about what I should say before I blurted out something stupid. "King wants to be my boyfriend. Todd tried to kiss me! And Diallo is giving me the cold shoulder right now."

She grunted at that.


"My brother is only giving you the cold shoulder because he likes you. I mean, really, really likes you."

"Huh? Say what?" I was flabbergasted. "Say that again now?"

"He's not me, with his feelings, open with them. If I like a person, I just tell them."

"I wish I was as cool as you. Confident and sure of myself."

"Don't change. I like you the way you are."

I smiled at her. It was nice talking with her right now. I was glad I could call her my friend.

"Rayvn...can I ...kiss you?"

Wait, what?

"You said you've never kissed anyone before. Maybe if you get that out of the way, you can figure out your feelings...see things more clearly."

I did not see how that would work. Yet...I wanted to try it. My first kiss, why not? Kissing didn't mean anything. Maybe I was freaked out over nothing.

What do I do? What do I do? I screamed inside of my head.

I nodded, giving her the okay, and then she leaned over closer to me and I did not back away. This time, I was ready for a kiss. I wanted it. I needed it!

When her lips touched mine, I froze, but Gay knew what she was doing. She slowly kissed my lips before opening her mouth, and mine instinctively opened. Then her tongue went inside and my head started to buzz. I was kissing a girl. I was having my first kiss.

It was intense. It was exciting! I liked it.

When Gay moved away, I had a silly smile on my face. This was the best day of my life.

"I'm gay! I like girls!" I blurted out.

She laughed. "You're not gay."

"I'm bi! I like girls and boys?"

"No, you're not. Just because we kissed does not make you gay. You're very straight."

"How do you know that? Why would you kiss me if you think I'm straight."

"Hey, I knew you were straight the moment I met you, I still like a challenge," she said with a little twinkle in her eye. "And I like to fuck with my brother. It will kill him if he knew I kissed you first."

"What? You would tell him?"

"No, not if you don't want me to."

I didn't know what I wanted. One minute ago I thought I was gay and wanted to be with Gay. Now, I was questioning everything. Gay was right, the kiss did clear up a few things. My feelings.

I knew who I wanted to be with.

A/N: College is the time to explore things. Now we know Rayvn is not bi so Gay is out. It's time for her to choose.
