Chapter 47

Was I making a good decision rooming with my ex's sister?

Of course not! I tend to make these kinds of decisions in my life all the time. This could go horribly wrong, or even worse than my current situation. Yes, bad or worse, that was my option.

Since Diallo would not expedite my move, I went directly to the Hall Director with Gay and asked if it was possible if I could change my room now, not later.

"We don't have any vacancies here," the Hall Director told me. "I can't move you now anyway, it's three weeks before the end of the semester. Can you wait it out? Then I will put you on the list to move next semester. There are always a few students that don't return after the break."

I had to wait that long? Just great!

"Hang in there little Rave, you can make it a few weeks with those brats. In fact, let me go upstairs to your room with you. I dare they say anything to you."

Did I need Gay to be my backup?


We made it upstairs to my suite and my two roommates were sitting in the living room space, watching a movie together, while I would have to hide out in my room. And I was in the middle of them. Now I wished I had the room closest to the bathroom.

"Hey, you two, mind if we join?" Gay immediately said and plopped on the sofa, feet up on the table.

On no, what was she doing? I did not want to hang with them.

"Hey Gay, if you're going to be friends with her, you can't be friends with us," Allura said.

"Oh great, I'm not trying to be your friend." Gay grabbed the remote control and changed the channel. "Come on friend, sit. Let's find something to watch that's not boring."


"So you're taking her side!" Allura jumped up. "Diallo already dumped her, you should too."

"I'm not my brother, not easily manipulated. Nor intimidated." Gay stood up to face Allura. "And you will not harass Rayvn in any way, shape, or form, or else you will see how unfriendly I am. She did not do a damn thing to either of you. Take that up with that boy next door."

"What did she tell you?" Twyla asked.

"I didn't tell her anything!" I quickly added. I was not going to spread that Twyla was pregnant to anyone. It was not my business to tell.

"Look, I'm not trying to start anything with the two of you," Gay said. "But leave Rayvn alone, and I mean it! If you as much as look sideways at her, I will show you the not-so-sweet, little Gay."

She gave Allura a big smile and then sat back down. I did not know what to do, but I sat down as well. For sure this was not over and my roommates were thinking of a payback for me.

But we all sat there and quietly watched YouTube music videos.

All week, I managed to avoid drama with my roommates and they were sweet as pie to me. Maybe Gay's little threat worked on them. They were not speaking to me, but they did not make the suite feel like I was living in hell. Gay came over nearly every day and we hung out right in the living area, so they typically would go to one of their rooms.

"Guess what?" she said to me on Friday when we were hanging out.


She smiled at me, shaking out her locs before pulling them up in a ponytail. "My brother misses you."

I groaned. What was I supposed to say to that?

"No, no, I'm not telling you that so you can run back to him. I'm telling you because good! He should miss you. He messed up things believing silly lies, he deserves to be alone."

I still did not know how I was supposed to feel. He missed me? I was finally over him and not thinking of the possibility of begging for him back. Maybe there was a chance.

"What did he say?"

"Well, I told him what happened, how your roommates were just trying to get back at you for what your friends did. You did nothing wrong. And then he says, I was right, he jumped to conclusions, and he's sorry."

"Oh great, that was nice, I guess." The only time I saw Diallo was in our one Tuesday/Thursday class and he never said anything to me. We ignored each other perfectly.

I was over him...I think. My first boyfriend did not last long and nothing spectacular. I wasn't blaming Diallo, nor was I blaming myself. I guess we were just not meant to be. I wanted a relationship that did not take so much work. And there was trust.

"Listen, my brother is an idiot. Like a puppet, thanks to my puppetmaster parents. They think he is the Golden Child and does no wrong. Doesn't smoke or do drugs. Gets all As or something. Never crashes his car. Never gets arrested for shoplifting. Or have sex with girls and boys. Hey, I'm young! I just like to have some fun."

"Yeah," I said that as if I had done any of those things.

How was I going to room with someone so wild and free?

"Why do my parents expect me to be anything like my brother because we are a year apart in age? That means nothing. He is exactly like them, a perfect combo of them actually. I'm not like any of them and they don't understand that."

I could relate. I was nothing like my mother. Nothing like my father either. I was more like a woman that was not even biologically related to me. I wanted to be her. Have a perfect life like her.

"My mother...well, you're lucky you have a mother that cares about you at least." That's all I wanted to say about my mother situation. I did not know Gay well enough to go into more. "My father makes up for it. He is my rock. Sometimes he's a bit overbearing but that means he cares."

"Well yeah, I get that they care because they want the best for me, but let me live. And if you would have met my father, he is worse than my mother. So controlling. How I dress, who my friends are, my dating life. In fact, Diallo is a mini him."


"Yes! This other girl he dated it was the same way. So it's a good thing you got out while you did."

I had seen some of Diallo's control behavior, not enough to think he was off-kilter. Sheesh! Mr. Perfect was not so perfect after all. It was like a glass wall shattered before my eyes and I looked at him differently now. There were some red flags, but I was not equipped to read them.

No one was perfect.

A/N: Short chapter, but I am ready to get Rayvn focused on herself, before finding someone for her. College is about more than boys. It's about coming into adulthood.

No more drama for our little Rayvn.
