Chapter 39

JuJu and Chantel were going on with their lives as if they had not assaulted my roommates. Diallo said he could not do anything unless Allura or Twyla reported the incident, he was not on duty, and if they did report it, the RA on duty would come down on her and her roommates harshly for visitors attacking residents.

And just like that, I was going to get thrown out of college!

Okay, maybe I was overreacting. Yet, how was I supposed to react? I did not want JuJu and Chantel to get into trouble, but I also had to protect myself.

"Maybe you guys should stay in a hotel for the night. Not my room with my roommates."

We were at the game, it was loud and annoying, and I could not get into it. Maybe I was not a true Mizzou stan yet. Maybe it would take all four years for me to catch the spirit. Or maybe I would enjoy it more if other things did not occupy my mind.

"Why are we running scared from them?" Chantel said. "We came to hang with you, that's it."

"I know, but-"

"It's your room too Rave, have a backbone," JuJu stated.

That's not what it was about for me. Not really. I did not want my roommates to hate me over what happened, but I didn't want to make my friends any more upset and never want to visit again.

While they were enjoying the game, I texted Jared and let him know what was up. He agreed, that they did not need to stay in my room, but he also said all hotels were booked because of Homecoming. They could not find a room if they wanted to.

Can't they stay with you in your hotel room

Two teenage girls with attitudes all up in my space?

Please, please, please!

I added crying emojis, hearts, and plenty of happy faces. I would do whatever I could to not make this issue blow up any worse than it was.

Okay, okay! I will sleep on the couch. This is why I don't have kids.

Love you, Uncle Jared!

Again, sent it with more emojis so I could suck up to him. Then I quickly added.

Don't tell Angel any of this.

Why would I do that? You did nothing wrong, but I will have a talk with your girls.

Now all I had to do was convince my friends to stay in Jared's room and not in my room. I knew Chantel would not like it because she would not be across the hall from her boo Donnell. When I had the right mind, I would give Donnell a talking to. He was the reason for all of this.

I relaxed a bit and enjoyed some of the game, eating popcorn and nachos with my friend and not discussing the situation at all.

Mizzou was winning, by a long shot, and Chantel and JuJu wanted to leave early and I had no problems with that. I texted Diallo that we were leaving and if we were going to meet up later.

Dinner with my mom

Huh? I had to do what now?

It was fine having a little barbecue meal with her and chatting it up, but dinner was something else. Sure, it seemed as if she liked me, but I knew at any time I could put my foot in my mouth. I was Rayvn Nicole Lawrence, known to be a screw-up.

I agreed to dinner, but I had to figure this all out. My friends, I was supposed to spend time with them, and my boyfriend and his mother. If I chose Diallo, I felt as if I was abandoning my friends after I begged them to come back down again. If I chose my friends, I'm sure Diallo would be upset that I brushed him and his mother off.

I was doomed.

"What do you guys want to do now?" I asked them as we left the game threw the loud crowds still cheering the Tigers on.

"Let's wild the fuck out, what else is there to do here?" JuJu asked.

I looked at my phone and there were a few hours before dinner. I could do something fun with my friends and still be able to hang out with Diallo.

"Oh yeah, there's this cool game room I went to once with uh...a friend, we can go there."

"Sounds like a plan."

As soon as I got my head out of my phone, there stood King standing in front of me.

"Hey, you."


"Ooo, who is this?" Chantel asked.

"Who? Oh, King, my friend. King, this is Chantel and JuJu my friends from St. Louis, They came down homecoming weekend."

"Nice to meet you, so St. Louis peeps!" King greeted them, gave them both a hug, then turned to her. "You guys leaving the game already? I know we won already, but at least stay and see how we finish."

"I thought you didn't care that much about football anymore."

"I don't. But this is homecoming game, I'm getting with the spirit. I did the parade and tailgate as well."

"Oh, I didn't see you at the tailgate. I was there."

"I know, I saw you, with your boyfriend and his family, right? So I let you be."

King gave her his lil Hottie Tottie grin and it made me remember old feelings about him. Oh no, this was bad.

"You should come to hang with us," JuJu said to him. "We're going to the game room place, what did you say was the name of it, Rave?"

"Bonkers," he said, with a knowing grin at me. "Oh, you ladies will have fun there, but I won't interrupt your fun. Girls' weekend and all, spend time with your friends Rave, I'll holla at you later."

He walked off, and I found myself watching after him. I didn't snap out of it till Chantel grabbed my arm.

"Girl, he finer than Diallo, and he obviously is into you."

"What? I mean, yeah, but...I chose Diallo."

"Girl, you couldn't get the guys back at Sumner to look your way, now you have the hot guys after you."

I smiled at that, feeling myself a bit. She was right, two of the nicer looking guys on campus, both sophomores were digging me. Looks weren't everything, but if they were, Diallo was number one and King a close second. Anyway, I shook thoughts of my boyfriend and another boy from my mind. That's how trouble started.

Back to the situation at hand.

"Guys, you have to stay with Jared tonight, so we need to get your things out of my room when we go back there and-"

JuJu snapped. "So you're putting us out?"

"No!" Now I was nervous about the situation. "I want peace between you and my roommates, and right's not peaceful. If you stay the night there, you guys will fight all night."

"You got that right! I will never, ever be cool with that lil bitch still trying to go after my man."

I groaned at that. "Chantel! He is not your man, he is everyone's man. He sleeps around with several girls on campus. He brags about it. He's proud of it. You and Twyla both are just another notch on his bed."

"Just gross," JuJu said.

"Chantel gave her a stank face. "Girl, you don't know what you're talking about. Yeah, he was all like that before me, but he told me I was different than all those chickenheads letting him hit and quit. I have more respect for myself."

She could not believe her friend was falling for his crap.

"Chantel, I'm serious. He is not the type of guy that will ever be serious with one girl."

"You don't know Donell like that, you just live on the same floor as him. I have had deep conversations with him, and he's told me things about himself he hasn't told anyone else. I have been on the phone with him every day since that first night. Can't a guy change? Can't a guy meet someone and want to change."

Chantel went on. "And furthermore, don't you think I have more respect for myself? I would not be with a guy that just wanted sex."

"I never thought you-"

"Yeah, you did. I'm telling you what I have with Donnell is special, and you keep bringing up his dirty deeds as if that will change how I feel about him. Rayvn, grow the hell up please, stay out of my business and stick to yours."

Well, that was that.

And Chantel and JuJu grabbed their things when we went to my room. My roommates were there, sitting in the living room but did not say a word. I wonder why they had not reported it. I would have to smooth things out with them later, as for now, I was avoiding them.

We left my suite with no fuss. Chantel barely said another word to me, but Donnell was in the hallway waiting for us. He grabbed Chantel's overnight bag from her.

"You're staying the night with me, babe."

Chantel smiled at him and then hugged him. "Aaw, you're so sweet."

"Come on, I want to show you off around campus."

What was going on? I watched Chantel go into Donnell's room and close the door. She was going to ditch us?

"I don't know if I believe ole boy is in the straight and arrow," JuJu said to her, "But I do know this, Rave, we gotta stay outta their business."

I keep trying to do that and still get pulled in.

I received a text from Jared that the game was over and that he would meet up with them get the girls situated in his hotel room and give them a key. We met up with Jared and he looked confused as to where Chantel was again.

"Please tell me your girl was not arrested or something."

I laughed at him. "She's going to stay with...another friend, so it's just JuJu."

"Humph! Y'all teenagers ain't slick."

I told Jared our plans to go to Bonkers and he took us there and played games with us. Jared was cool because he did not act like a parent, didn't treat us like kids, but also, knew we were still young and just learning. He talked to JuJu about bringing her to Pride events in St. Louis since she did not have a crew from the LGBTQA+ network.

Though JuJu liked hanging out at Mizzou, she realized that school would never be for her, but she still wanted a college experience. Jared informed her of other options besides a four-year college that could give her the same experience where high school transcripts were not that important.

She had a blast with them, but then she had to find an excuse to leave them and get ready for dinner with Diallo and his mother.

"JuJu, will you be okay hanging with Jared the rest of the night, I have to meet up with Diallo for dinner?"

"Girl, you are fine, go. And Jared doesn't have to babysit me. Just stick me in the hotel room and I will watch TV all night and chill."

She was so glad her friend was so understanding. Maybe this weekend could be salvaged after all.

A/N: What did you guys think of this chapter? I actually dropped a few gems in it.

Chantel and Donnell, what's really going on there?

King, that boy, what is he really up to?

And what will happen when Rayvn confronts her roommates?
