Chapter 61

My drive back to Columbia for school was uneventful. The roads were clear and the traffic was light.

Chantel decided not to come back with me and I thought that was best. No need to confront the boy in his face if he was going to disown his baby. I still had not told her about Twyla and her baby. I was not going to tell her I told you so either. She was going through enough.

I felt so bad for her. I wanted to do something, but not sure what that was. After the bay was born maybe I could babysit? When I was back home in St. Louis anyway. While I was at school, I could not focus on her.

I hoped she got it together, got a job, went to school, and did something so she could have a future for herself and her child. Maybe Donell would step up eventually and help out.

That I doubted.

I was upset I did not get to see Angel, but I Facetimed with her and she was all good. I definitely wanted to go back home soon and spend time with her.

I made it back to my residence hall, tired, and wanted sleep. I crashed for hours and woke up later that night to finish some homework before I went back to sleep, tired from my crazy weekend.

The snow was pretty cleared out on campus, at least the walking paths, and everyone ignored the big mountains of snow piled up. I loved how the mountains of snow made our campus look like a winter wonderland Students that were not used to the snow were the only ones freaking out. Me struggling with my classes, trying extra hard to keep my grades up, and working at the front desk. Life was good. No worries.

"Hey, Rayvn! Hey!"

I was bundled up in my coat, my scarf, gloves, and earmuffs, so I barely heard someone calling me as I walked to class. When the person stepped towards me and grabbed my arm, I saw that it was Todd.

"Hey." I took off my earmuffs so I could understand why this boy was bothering me after I told him I had no interest in him.

"Hey Rayvn, long time no see. Were you away last weekend?"

How could he possibly know that?


"I stopped by your dorm when we were snowed in and I didn't see your car and when I went to your room, your roommate didn't tell me anything but I knew you must have been gone."

Now, this was getting creepier and creepier. He knew I changed residence halls? I stopped talking to him before the break. How did he know where my room was? He noticed my car, amongst many in the parking lot was not there. And he happened to know I would be walking right here, right now on this ginormous campus?

"Ummm, I need to get to class, and it's cold out here." I tried to walk away but he held my arm firmly.

"Wait, wait, I just want to talk."

"And I don't Todd, let me go!" I snatched my arm away and hurriedly walked off, afraid that this boy was doing something devious.

Was he stalking me?

I made it to my building, looking behind me as if he was still following me. I know I was being a little paranoid, but I did not know what else to think. Todd had this infatuation with me, even though I gave him no reason.

Wait, the last thing I said to him was maybe we could be friends.

I slapped my forehead. I was only being nice to him because he wanted something more.

What had I done to deserve this? He was not cute to me anymore, he was annoying. Scary even.

I made it to class and my seat then scrolled through my phone. I had not blocked Todd's number before, but I blocked it now. I did not want him calling or texting me. That would not do enough if he knew my car, where I parked, where I laid my head, and when I walked to class.

I got a sick feeling in my stomach. The first person I thought to text was King.

Hey, u busy?

Finished my classes for the day. Chillin

Can you come to Franklin Hall after my class

I did not want to walk out of my class and see Todd lurking somewhere. I'd rather have someone I trusted near.

Sure. We can hang out

I could not focus in class. I recorded the instructor playing back later instead of trying to focus and take notes. My mind was racing everywhere.

I texted Gay.

Hey. Did some guy come by the room asking about me?

that white guy?


What's his deal? I told him you were minding your business and he needs to get some.

I had the best roommate ever. She could have easily told him I was in St. Louis, not that he could do anything, but I was glad she did not tell him.

After class, as soon as I walked out of the building, King was standing there out in the cold, waiting when I told him I exited the building.

"You didn't have to wait in the cold! You could have come inside and-"

"I ain't no punk about the cold, I'm from Kansas City. This is nothing."

"Boy, it's cold!"

"Want to go to the Student Union, get some hot chocolate, and warm up?"

"Oh bet!"

King was the coolest guy ever. With him, I did not have to think about anything other than having fun. Sure, he was hot and all that, but I did not have to worry about him pestering me about being more than a friend.

We sat in the cafe, drank hot chocolate and people watched and laughed at goofy things. He talked about some of the antics he did last year as a freshman with his crew of friends. Friends I had yet to meet. He said they were more associates, he used the term friend lightly.

Last year he ran wild with them and got into lots of trouble so that is why he was more lowkey this year and focused. I wanted to know more about his personal life.

Just as I was wondering why a guy like King was single, Tassica Spencer walked over to us. I knew her from the Association of Black Collegians. He was the President, and she worked closely with Diallo as Secretary.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey, Tassica." I was wondering what she wondered. I was waiting for her to say she was King's girlfriend as I held my breath and waited.

"So you and Diallo, are over right?"

"Uh...yeah," I replied with hesitancy. Why was she asking me this? Was she about to tell me something I did not want to hear?

"Girl he fine!" was all she said. "I would try and get him but he has no interest in me."

Why was she telling me this? Then she looked to King.

"Hey, King!"

"What's up Tass."

Jessica leaned over to me, near my ear so only I could hear. "Damn, you have good taste girl."

Then she walked off. What was that all about? If she wanted to date Diallo, have at him, we were not cool like that she didn't need to tell me.

As far as King, no, she could not have him. I haven't decided if I want more with him yet.

"How do you know Tassica?" I asked King. "From ABC?"

"Nah! I don't get into those meeting things. I had a class with Tass last year, she's cool. We hung out."


He grinned at me. "Just friends Fresh."

"I mean...I don't care it's not my business."

"I already told you my dating record. I don't date. You have to be special for me to want to go out with you."

I smiled at him. "Like me?"

King grinned and then licked his lips. "Yes. You're special."

Now I know I said I was not ready for a boyfriend again, but with was going to be hard to just be friends.

A/N: Todd is being real extra, but thanks to King for the rescue. Will Rayvn ever take him out of the friend zone?
