Chapter 34

Chantel snuck in early the next morning, like five a.m.

I know because she texted me to open the door for her. She only giggled and said she needed to take a shower.

I groaned thinking to myself how bad this was. She slept with Donell, the campus gigolo, and what if Twyla found out? Maybe Twyla didn't care since she was just another girl of his many. She knew how he was, right?

When Chantel came back to the room, she tried to go to sleep without giving me the deets.

"Chantel!" I said, loud enough so that she could hear but loud enough I woke JuJu.

"I need sleep," she moaned.

"That's not what you were doing with Donnell?"

She turned to her and smiled. "No."

Okay, maybe I did not need to know the details. I tossed around in my bed to catch a few more hours of sleep. Angel was coming to take us all out to brunch before taking my friends back to St. Louis. I wanted more time with them, maybe then I could tell them what was going on with my mother. But no, I did not want to talk about that either.

Angel came knocking at my door at around ten and I was not ready to get up and face her, but I did my best with a quick shower and change. A long denim skirt and a tee with a rainbow on it. My hair was a mess, I needed to do something better to it, but alas, another messy ponytail.

Chantel and JuJu had their things all packed and ready to go. Chantel still said nothing about her overnight stay with Donnell, and I guess she would tell me on her own. She would call me and tell me all the deets when she was far away and I couldn't smack her for sleeping with a stranger. Well, a stranger to her.

I missed my friends already and they were not gone yet. It's like, there were not enough days with them.

"You good?" Angel asked me as we were about to leave. Why did Angel still look like a supermodel on the runway? She always looked like she was professionally made up even for something mundane like going to Walmart.

"Mm-hmm," I said with a head nod.

"You don't want to invite your roommates?"

Ha! My roommates who could sleep through anything probably did not hear Chantel come in so early in the morning and take a shower. They did not miss a beat when she was in the bathroom taking hers or the noise my friends and I made as we got them ready to leave. I was sure Allura had her boyfriend sleep over, I heard them last night. And with Twyla, who knew.

"No! They're busy...want to sleep in...long night last night."

"Yeah, I bet," Angel grinned at her. "I remember those college nights."

"Weren't you married, or something? Super young, to your ex-husband."

"First of all, we are not going to get into my business today. Secondly, I partied in college, okay! And that's all you need to know."

We had brunch at Addison's and my friends talked about how much fun they had and when they could come back and Angel couldn't say. She was pregnant after all and getting bigger and bigger. I was sure she wouldn't want to keep making the trek to bring my friends.

"Maybe your dad can bring us?" Chantel asked.

I was not, in any way shape, or form inviting my father down to my school. No way! He would want to be nosy and meet all my friends and boyfriend. No, no way. Though I wanted to see my friends again, they would need to find another way to come down.

"Oh, Jared's coming down for Homecoming, I can ask him."

Homecoming was two weeks away. That could work. See, that is why Angel is awesome.

I said my goodbyes to them, cried like a baby, hugged Angel tight, said bye to my little brother or sister, and went back to my dorm room. I stopped to see if Diallo was free.

"Hey," he said when he opened the door. He looked like sunshine. His curly fro popping, face glowing like he was out in the sun, crisp white t-shirt and denim long shorts. So cute.

"Are you on duty or something? Can I come in?"

"Come on in."

Looked like he was watching TV as it was on, but also he had his laptop out and open.

"Are you studying"

"Always studying." He sat and took my hand, pulling me down to sit with him. "Are your friends gone?"

"Just left. It was so cool they came down to see me, I really needed-"

"I'm sorry how I acted yesterday. I was being selfish trying to keep you to myself when you wanted to hang with your friends you don't get to see a lot. You forgive me?"

I wasn't even upset about it. I understood where he was coming from with it. I just didn't know the proper etiquette over things like this. Boyfriend over friends? Friends over boyfriends? Why couldn't I have them all?

"I wished you would have come to the party. It was fun."

"I know, Gay told me."

Oh, no! Did Gay tell him I danced with other guys? I was prepared to defend myself, but instead, Diallo pulled me in for a hug and then kissed me.

"You didn't say if you forgive me. Now I have to grovel, huh?" He tickled my sides and I let out a fit of giggles.

"Stop it! All's forgiven."

I snuggled in his arms, wanting to stay there forever. And did. We watched TV, I helped him with his studies, and we talked about working on the ABC Homecoming banner for the upcoming week and if I was going to march in the parade with them.

Considering my friends would be back down, I had to think that one through before I answered. I only left his room because I needed to do my studying for the day before my classes tomorrow.

Back in my room, I was shocked that Gay was there, sitting with Allura and Twyla. No TV on, they were heavy in conversation that seemed too deep for her.

"Hey, guys, what's up."

"Having a girls talk, sit," Gay said to her.

"I need to study," I said, inching towards my room.

"Get over here, sit," Gay said more firmly to her. "We're talking right up your alley. Boys."

"I have nothing to add about boys." I took a seat anyway because Gay never took no for an answer.

"Sure you do," she said. "Just because you bagged my brother, doesn't mean you don't have boy issues. He is my brother, and I know him better than anyone."

"It has to be hard to date someone so hot!" Allura said. "That's why I only wanted to smash and dash with him...I know, hypothetically speaking."

She said what? About my boyfriend? "Excuse me?"

"Relax little Rave," Gay said with a grin. "My brother's a big virgin, he would never."

"A virgin!" Allura shouted out. "Well, good thing he wasn't into me. I can't do virgin boys, just no."

Why was this conversation making me upset? There was absolutely nothing wrong with Diallo still being a virgin. What was wrong with my generation?

"Allura is right, a virgin at this old age?" Twyla said.

"He's nineteen!" I stated.

"Yeah, and he's waiting for the right one, and maybe our Rayvn is it," Gay said with a smile.

I held in a groan and an eye roll. Maybe he was the one, but I was not thinking about sex with him. What Diallo and I had was great as is. Sex was a complication we did not need. I could not expect them to understand. All three of them were super sexually active.

"How about we talk about one of you guys' relationships? and John. I heard him over here last night."

She smiled dreamily. "Yes. I was just telling the girls, that something is different about us this time. Maybe being away in college now, grown, he's mature now. I think I'm in love. No, I know I'm in love."

Knowing their relationship was off and on for the last four years, I wouldn't bet on it. Also, she just admitted she wanted to sleep with my boyfriend and nearly slept with Gay as well. So now she was suddenly in love with John?

"You're lucky," Twyla said. "Having a great guy like John that isn't afraid to call you his girlfriend in public. Me and Donnell, he only wants to link up at night and we never go out and do anything together unless it's with a group."

Hold up, wait! Was she acting like she and Donnell were boyfriend and girlfriend? He admitted he had several girls all around campus, and now one back in St. Louis, what part of that did she not understand?

"Donell has slept with everybody!" Gay added.

"With you?" Twyla asked her.

"Hell no!" Gay was quick to add. "I don't step on my friends' toes like that, but I do know at least two other girls on campus he is seeing."

"So, whatever, I think what we have is different. We have a connection."

Was she serious? I was not going to be the one to burst her bubble.

"Guys are idiots, let me just put that out there," Gay stood as if she was about to give a speech, and did. "They can sleep around, mess around, have a dozen girls on standby, and are looked at as cool. Meanwhile, if a girl sees more than one person people look down on her. Fuck that! I'm banning men from my life. I declare today I am no longer bi-sexual, I am gay."

I stifled a giggle at her. "Okay, Gay, you're gay. Just into girls now."

"Yes. And as many girls as I want!"

"Don't you want a serious relationship? Someone you care about and cares for you."

"Fuck it! I'm young, I need to live a little, but you go ahead and get serious with my brother." She grinned at me. "See how that turns out for you."

What was she getting at? Why would she say that? Now I was worried. Was Mr. Perfect as perfect as I made him out to be?

A/N: What do we think about Gay and her declaration? Why is she always so dramatic?

And Twyla, poor thing. Is she serious about this guy Donell? I need more on the guys, I haven't delved into their personalities much.
