Chapter 22

I thought Diallo would be waiting for me like every other day for our Tuesday/Thursday class but he was not. Good thing I was early enough to go get my Starbucks before class. They really needed to put a Starbucks kiosk in every building.

By the time I went the opposite direction to get my coffee, stand in that long line, get my coffee drink, and then rushed toward my class building, yeah, I was a few minutes late. Not like I was the only student ever late to class, especially after having a few days off. When I looked around to find a seat, I saw Diallo was already sitting there, busy scrolling through his phone.

"Hey," I said, sitting beside him. "You couldn't wait for me, had to get to class early, huh?"

"Sorry, I need to focus on class, not other things."

"What other things?" I asked, sipping my coffee.

"Things that don't help me mentally. We cool though."

Long as we were cool. I didn't want him to think I did not like him, because I did. I still thought I would make a great Mrs. Perfect. Couldn't he see that as well?

After class I hung out at the Campus Union, spending some money shopping at the bookstore, buying things I did not need. More Mizzou t-shirts, a stuffed tiger that was too cute to pass up, some pens and highlighters because I always lost them, and some snacks because I love to eat.

After the bookstore, I walked around the Campus Union. This was a hangout spot for lots of students between classes. I had not hung out here much, just pass through or came to grab a bite to eat. Besides the bookstore, there was a bowling alley and game room on the lower level, that also had a place to eat. There were several fast-food places to eat and a large seating area for students and staff.

Then there was an auditorium in the CU and several meeting rooms and offices for various activities. I looked over some of the activities that held offices. Student Government, Resident Services, the Campus Employment Office, and more. I would love to get a campus job, but between staying ahead of my classes and having a life there was just no way. And I didn't need the money, so that was that.

I did need other things to do to occupy my time. I looked over the activities board. Lots of different clubs to join and I should consider that. Besides ABC, I was thinking of the Women Business Leaders Club. That would of course look good on a resume.

Also, there were things like the Gameboard Club, Bowling Club, various sports teams, the Reading Club, the NAACP Mizzou chapter, and of course all the Greek organizations.

I was not interested in that because I knew nothing about them. Angel was not in one, though her mother and father were. Her best friend was. Did not seem like anything I would be interested in.

I needed to get involved with things and expand my circle.

Later that day I met up with Todd for a study session at the library in our usual study room. As always, he was already there, focused on his own studying. All the boy seemed to do was study. He was so cute though.

I smiled at him and pulled out my tablet. "Guess what I got on my AG test?"

He pretended he had to think about it. "Hopefully what I predicted, an A?"

"Nope. An eighty-nine! A B plus! I'm so excited!" I grabbed him up in a hug.


"Thank you, it was all you," I said, pulling out a chair to sit down. "Now I feel confident enough that I can pass this class.

"Well, tell you what, instead of studying today, let's go and celebrate."

"I'm down with that."

We gathered our things and headed out of the library.

They decided to go right off campus to The Museum of Anthropology. It was a museum that showed Native American cultures throughout North America. It was free admission with lots of interesting history and she liked learning things like that. It was better than any class.

Todd was great with it, talking, making her laugh, just fun to be around. He was nice to talk to. Considering our different backgrounds, I was amazed I had anything to talk about with him. What did he know about a poor Black kid from the hood? Not well-traveled at all. Not an honor roll student.

I didn't know much, but that was the purpose of college, right? To learn.

After the museum, it was getting pretty late so we decided to walk around campus some more, and continue learning some history about the school.

"Both my parents went here."

"Well, that's pretty cool. My stepmom did."

"Did she bring you down here a lot?"

"Well, at first we were not that close. But then, I saw how great she was. Angel is the reason I'm here I guess. My mom didn't care. Anytime I have any questions about college I go to my step mummy.  We're pretty close. She's my best friend."

"Not many people can say that about their parents."

"Well, she's not really-"

"Stepmother is a parent. She's still responsible for taking care of you, right?"

"Sometimes. But it's not like-"

"She feeds you, helps clothe you, you came to her for any problem, right? Definition of a parent."

"I know but...just that, since she and my dad have their own kid, together, it feels different. I feel like I am on the outside looking in. And don't get me wrong, I love Angel no matter what, but she never treated me like I was her kid. And that's a good thing! That's why I consider her my friend and not a parent."

"Then maybe you are the lucky one."

We made it back to my dorm and he rode with me up to my room, still making me laugh with his corny jokes. By the time we made it to my suite, I kinda wanted to hang out with him more, but I didn't try and monopolize his time.

"I had fun tonight, Todd."

"Me too."

Then he leaned in and tried to kiss me, on my mouth, and my reflex action was to move away quickly and open my door, rush in and slam it on his face.

What just happened?

A/N: Rayvn and her boy issues. Too many for sure. Time to pick one.
