Chapter 45

Twyla was pregnant?

How in the heck did that happen? No, no, I know the scientific way, but just that, I thought they were using protection and were careful. They were only eighteen and freshmen in college. They were going to mess this kid up for life. What did teenagers know about raising a baby?

Wait, what was I saying? My parents had me at fifteen, I turned out fine.

I think I did.

Donnell did not back away from Twyla, he was close and up in her face. "Girl, you need to stop tripping, you ain't pregnant, and if you are how is that baby mine?"

"I love you! Why can't you love me back?"

"Are you nuts?" Donnell finally walked away from her, but she grabbed his arms and pulled him back to her. "Let me go, Twyla, I'm not playing. You want to say anything to try and trap me. It's not mine!"

"I haven't slept with anyone else but you!" Twyla began to cry and put her arms around Donnell, crying all over him. "Please, please, I'm telling you the truth. We're having a baby."

I could not move my feet from the spot I stood. This was a fascinating soap opera unfolding in front of me. Others watching were whispering to each other, but my eyes were still in disbelief over Twyla's belly. How had she hidden that for so long? Maybe it was just a food belly, they were coming back from Thanksgiving break.

Still, I inched a little closer because they were standing in front of my suite door.

Donnell pried Twyla's arms from him, holding her back. "Girl, I don't know what to tell you. It can't be mine, I used a condom."

"Yeah, those are not a hundred percent!" someone yelled out.

"Right!" someone added with a giggle.

Maybe these two should take it inside to discuss. Not in my suite, go in Donnell's but then, I wanted to hear all the details.

Twyla was still crying and babbling as she talked. "Not time...remember? You said you would pull out."

I inched a little closer, too close to the drama unfolding right in front of my door. Donnell lived across the hall, they had a right to be there. My virgin ears did not need to hear all the details.

"Uh...Twyla...excuse me...can I..."

"No! Get away from me! I'm tired of you thinking you're better than me or something," Twyla yelled at me.

"What did I do?" I asked. "I didn't get you pregnant."

"I didn't either," Donnell stated calmly. "You just want to start some mess because I'm not fucking you anymore and I said Chantell was my girl. Get over it. Get rid of the baby or something, but I'm done with you!"

With that, Donnell turned to head back into his room and slammed the door shut. I looked around at the others listening in. They were content to see more of the fallout and I can't say I blame them.

I used this moment to reach behind Twyla for the door. She was right against it, but I grabbed the doorknob and turned when suddenly she jumped away as if I did something to her.

"Ow! You're trying to hurt me and my baby!"

Was she serious? I did not even touch her.

"Twyla, I did not-"

Twyla rubbed her round belly and cried even harder. "I hate it here! I hate you! I hate him, I hate everybody!"

She pushed me away and went into the room.

Was I in Bizarro World?

This was my life. Two roommates that hated me. One pregnant by the demon boy spreading his love. My bestie had no clue she was going to be a step-baby momma. Yes, my life.

Meanwhile, I finally made it to my room and put my things inside. I closed and locked my door because I'd rather stay locked away than be a part of any more drama.

Now I felt so alone.

Who were my friends now? I stared at my phone, wiped away a tear, and started to text Angel. I missed her already.

Angel, what if I don't want to come back next semester

I waited, looking at my phone to see the little typing bubbles pop up but they did not. Of course, Angel was too busy with one kid and another cooking. I was being the overdramatic teen, always calling on mommy...or stepmom in this case.

My phone rang in my hands. It was Angel.

"Hey," I said softly.

"What are you talking about Rave? What happened in the drive down there with your father?"

I almost forgot my father was in town. If I called him, he would swoop over and take me away. I don't know why I leaned on Angel more than my father. That was a sign of something.

"Nothing. Daddy is fine, I didn't want to bother him."

"He called me after he dropped you off and said you two had a great time. He loves spending time with you like that. He said...hell, I shouldn't tell you but...he said, he could see that you are becoming an adult now. That you're not his little girl, you're a woman now."

I was going to cry like a baby. My father said that about me? Yet, here I was handling this situation like a baby and wanting to run away from it.

"Tell Daddy I love him."

"Girl, call him yourself and tell him that. What's going on?"

"Nothing Angel," I corrected myself and called her that. She was more of a mother to me than my mother. I would never reach out to her for any advice, Angel was my go-to and I needed to use my father the same way. "I'm sorry I bothered you. I'm going to call Dad now."

I hung up with her and Facetimed my father.

"Hey Rave, missing your old man already?"

I could see he was already in his hotel room and relaxed in bed.

"Daddy, thanks for being you, even when you nag me, and I love you."

"Love you too baby girl...or do you not want me calling you that anymore?"

"You can call me that dad, I am your baby girl."

"Having another baby girl, I didn't ask you how you feel about that."

I smiled showing my dimples to my father. "She better look like me because I look like you!"

My father laughed at that. "She might have some height on her since Angel is tall. You might be the little big sister."

"Hey, I'm still going to be a lot older, so she will always be my little sister."

I continued to talk to my father late into the night, about everything. This was a new zone in our relationship. He was not treating me like a kid. I liked it, though I still wanted him to be my father. I still needed him. He was the only positive male role model I had in my life.

I asked him to stop by early before he left and we could do breakfast before he left.

Then there was a knock on my door.

"Who's that, it's almost midnight?" my father asked.

"Uh..." I did not want my father to hear any of the nonsense going on with my roommates. "My roommates, Dad, I better get off the phone. See you tomorrow. Love you!"

"Love you too."

I put my phone down and went to the door and opened it. It was not either of my roommates, it was Diallo.

"Wh-what are you doing here?"

"I heard about the...incident happening with Twyla and Donnell. You okay?"

He did not get to care and come and check on me. And how did he get into my suite? I looked around to see if my roommates were near.

"Allura let me in. She's the one that told me everything."

"I'm fine. It has nothing to do with me, as you've said before."

"I'm doing my RA duty here, Rayvn, that's all."

Oh, that's what it was? How was I supposed to stay on the floor with my ex-boyfriend who was still my Resident Advisor? He still looked Mr. Perfect-y with his great skin, perfect teeth, kissable lips, and that curly hair I wanted to play in. This was torture. I still had feelings for him, they just wouldn't go away.

"Diallo, I think I need new roommates. On a different floor."

There, I said it! Maybe that was a new start I needed.

A/N: There is a lot of growth going on in Rayvn this chapter and I was here for it. And I know some of you readers want her to hurry up and get over Diallo, but think about the first person you ever had feelings for. It's hard to get over them quickly, even if they are a jerk.
