
i walked into school with a smile prominent on my face.

evidently, it was because i was excited for another note. i couldn't wait to figure out their name.

it was wednesday now, the week was almost over.

it was almost saturday! the day i'd meet my admirer if he shows up.

what should i say? what should i do? what should i—

my thoughts were stopped as i landed on my butt from a hard impact.

i looked up and saw haknyeon with his hand out.

i grabbed it as he helped me up.

"i'm sorry."

"it's okay sunwoo-ah," he smiles.

i smile back and open my locker.

i squealed and jumped excitedly.

"what is it, sunwoo?"

"look! he got me another piece of cake and some more gummy bears."

"aww~. that's so sweet."

"i know!"

i grab the note and open it and began reading it.

he was the sweetest person ever.

it made my stomach feel fluttery and i knew my face was pink.

"awww~. sunwoo-ah, you're blushing," haknyeon says and pokes my cheeks.

i giggled as it tickled.

after a while nyeonnie stops.

"lets get to class."

i smiled and wrapped my arm around haknyeon and he did the same with me.

we talked and laughed as we reached our homeroom.

i sat in my assigned seat and let haknyeon sit next to me.

"the few students that are juniors in our class have left back to their old classrooms. they took a test yesterday that determined their skills."

"so kevin's not coming back to class anytime soon so you can sit next to me for the rest of the year!"

"really? aren't you a little upset?"

"of course i am, but i'll get over it."

you're such a cute little baby. i love every little thing about you. you're such a lovely sight to see every single day. you make my heart go pitapat, and bboom bboom at the same time. you make my heart go soft anytime i see you. you're just so gorgeous and ethereal that i can't believe i'm literally alive during the same life you are. i can't wait to see you saturday. i love you sunshine. have a good day, sunwoo-ah
— ju ha••••••

— 12:31pm ; 03-22-20
