
"nyeonnie, i love you," i kiss his neck repeatedly.

"sunwoo-ah," haknyeon says tiredly.

"what? don't you like my kisses?" i pout.

"of course i do. i'm just tired."

"then rest. i'll make you some tea if you want."

"thank you sunshine," he kisses my cheek and i get up.

i went to his kitchen and made us tea.

i stirred both cups before i went to my nyeonnie's room.

once i was finished, i headed back towards my boyfriend's room.

i open the door with my foot and close it.

"i hope you like peach tea."

haknyeon smiles, "of course i do."

i hand haknyeon his cup and get back in bed.

"wah~! it's so good sunshine."

i blush.

we both finish our tea and cuddle together.

"rest well nyeonnie."

"i love you baby."

"i love you more," i kiss his forehead softly.

haknyeon kisses my lips before closing his eyes.

i play with his shirt as he goes to sleep, feeling tired myself.

— 02:25am ; 06-14-20
