


"what are you doing here?"

"i wanted to take you on a date. i hope that's okay."

"of course it is! let me go get changed, i look terrible."

"you never look terrible hyunjoon, you always look gorgeous in my eyes."

i let kevin in and closed my front door.

i went upstairs to my room and looked through my clothes.

i had to choose something really, really nice.

after a few minutes i made up my mind.

i got dressed and walked out of my room.

"i'm ready now kevin."

"you look amazing hyunjoon."

"thank you."

i hold kevin's hand as we leave my house.

"where are we going?"

"to one of my favorite places!"

i smile.

last time we went to one of his favorite places, we went to stargaze on his balcony.

it was really nice.

"a library?"

"yes! come on!"

kevin practically dragged me into the library and to the very back where they had blue and green couches.

"why are we here?"

"i needed another book to read and i also wanted to spend time with you."

"how nice," i say sarcastically.

i sat on one of the couches while kevin went to go look for a book.

i played on my phone as i waited.

"hyunjoon-ssi!" kevin whisper yells as he jumps on the couch and wrapa his arms around me.

"hi kev. did you find your book?"

i put my phone away and leaned into kevin's touch.

"mhm. i think i'm gonna like this one," he smiles.

kevin opens the book and begins reading it aloud.

i repositioned myself and laid my head on kevin's thighs.

"kevin? can you play with my hair please?"

"anything for you."

kevin ran his fingers through my hair as he read to me.

i started getting to get tired.

"i'm tired kev."

"you can go to sleep baby."

i closed my eyes and listened to kevin reading for as long as i could.

β€” 01:59am ; 05-30-20
