
"hyunjoon, i don't know if i can talk to him.." i say nervously.

"it's not like you haven't talked before! just go do it, dummy!"

hyunjoon pushed me and i stumbled.

i looked back and there hwall was holding up a thumbs up.

i looked forward and proceeded to walk towards sunwoo.


sunwoo turned around and looked at me.

i put my hands behind my back and held them together as i moved forward and backward slightly.


i gulped.

"is there something you need kevin-hyung?"

"uhm..yes actually."

"what is it?"

"look..i'm sorry. i'm sorry for everything..i know i've been ignoring and being mean to you these past weeks," i pause, "bestfriends?"

"it's gonna take more than that for me to forgive you."


sunwoo nods his head and closes his locker.

"what is it gonna take?"

"i have to head to class now, bye kevin!" sunwoo waves and goes into class.

i roll my eyes and sigh.

this kid.

โ€” 16:34pm : 04-30-20
