
"hi, i'm sunwoo," i smiled to the rest of the table.

they all smiled and waved.

"i'm sangyeon."

"i'm younghoon."

"i'm juyeon," he smiles.

"i'm jaehyun and hyunjoon isn't here. i don't know where he is actually."


that name seems familiar.

"oh. it's fine. i'll meet him another time."

haknyeon wrapped his arm around my waist and kept me close.

the cafeteria doors opened and there was kevin with a familiar looking face.

is that hyunjoon?

"hyunjoon! get your ass over here!"

"language, juyeon!" sangyeon says as he smacks the back of juyeon's head.


"hyung's not always like this," juyeon says while covering his mouth with his hand.

both boys walked over and sat down.

"hyunjoon, where were you?"

"i had to go find this dummy. he was supposedly 'lost'," hyunjoon replies.

"not my fault that i got distracted and didn't know where i was!"

"of course. anyways, what's going on?"

"well, haknyeon's boyfriend is here!" juyeon cheers.

i blush and kinda hide my face.

"you're dating haknyeon?" kevin asks.

"not yet," i whisper and he nods his head in understanding.

"are you dating hyunjoon?"

"why am i the only single one here?!" juyeon cries.

"yes, of course i'm dating hyunjoon."

"he kinda looks like you. isn't that kinda narcissistic?"

"no! no, it's not," kevin says.

"he looks better anyways," i smile teasingly before sipping my drink.

"he doesn't! i look way hotter!"

"oh my gosh, calm down kevin."

he huffs and i laugh.

— 17:51pm : 04-30-20
