
i got up happily. i have to tutor haknyeon today again, we skipped wednesday last week.

i got dressed quickly and ran downstairs, putting on my shoes quickly.

i ran to school not caring if i just ran past kevin who was too invested in his phone.

once i got in the hallways, i saw someone at my locker setting stuff down.

is that my secret admirer?

i gasped excitedly and began running over. the boy ran off and i lost him in the crowd.

i pouted. i couldn't wait anymore, i wanted to know who it is.

i went back to my locker and opened it.

my face lit up.

i pulled out the stuffed ryan and smiled happily while hugging it.

there was also so much other things. he was truly spoiling me and i loved every second of it.

i put the necklace he got me in my binder, and the two bracelets. i smiled brightly as i had two notes this time.

i skipped to first period happily.

sunwoo-ah, i had to buy you all these things. i felt like you'd look so gorgeous with them! especially the necklace and bracelets. i bought silver ones because the gold ones were a little too expensive. i'm not trying to buy your love, but i just love spoiling you sunshine.
— secret admirer

saturday, i'm gonna give you something special. i really hope you love it but love me more, hehe. i'm sorry for making you wait a whole week, but once we meet, it'll be amazing like fireworks. haha, i'll see you then baby, don't forget to text me ❤️
— ju ••••••••

— 09:25am ; 02-23-20
