95 - full chapter


it was lunchtime now and the younger still hasn't heard from juyeon. juyeon was too afraid to text him incase he found out that he knew he gave him those notes. juyeon was also too afraid to text youngjae because he didn't want to seem distant and tell him he didn't want to meet.

youngjae would wait days for his hyungs' response. all he wants is to know if he's feeling okay. he wants juyeon to be okay. juyeon has to be okay. if juyeon wasn't okay, neither was youngjae.

he just cared for his hyung that much. he didn't notice how he started caring for the older more than he'd even care for himself at this point.

juyeon was with jacob and sangyeon.

"why are you acting like that? what happened?" jacob asks the frantic younger.

"i don't want youngjae to see me. i've somewhat been trying to avoid him ever since i gave him the first letter. i'm just scared hyung," juyeon says and whines on the last sentence.

"you'll be fine. haknyeon was totally fine. you should be too."

"but my crush doesn't happen to like me back so what do you expect jacob?" juyeon says a little harshly.

"just calm down juyeon, okay? you don't have to be upset with jacob because you;re scared of eric finding out you like him so much," sangyeon reasons and juyeon nods.

"sorry hyung."

"it's fine juyeon. anyways, we should get in line. i'm starvinggg~." jacob says as he rubs his stomach.

all three of the boys get in the lunch line and wait to get their meals. as they were chatting, juyeon couldn't help but space out and think about the younger being in his arms and being his.

juyeon had to forget that thought because it would never happen. eric likes girls not boys.

juyeon frowned as the three of them were walking to their lunch table.

when juyeon sat down, he looked up and made eye contact with eric from across tables. juyeon looked down at his food and hoped that eric didn't see him.

after a few minutes, juyeon's hand was grabbed.

"can i steal him from you guys for a sec. it won't take long," youngjae says and they both nodded.

juyeon looked at them in disbelief. his hyungs let him get taken away by someone he didn't want to see just so they could be alone together. how cruel.

"we need to talk juyeon. why haven't you texted me?"

"i..i forgot."

eric looks at juyeon with piercing eyes.

"fine. i didn't forget. i was too scared to," juyeon says telling the truth this time.

"why are you scared? did i do something hyung?"

"no, of course not. you could do nothing to make me hate you or be angry at you, you're too adorable to be mad at," juyeon says unconsciously.

"you think i'm adorable?"

"no. yes. i mean-agh!"

juyeon was starting to feel frustrated with himself. he knew what he said was true, but the thing that he couldn't tell youngjae yet was the reason why he tried to avoid him.

"what's wrong?"

both boys reached the library and they took a seat.

"nothing. it's just weird. you agreed that those kisses meant nothing but you keep kissing me. do you like me or something eric?"

this time youngjae's face blushed deeply.

"we're friends so of course i like you. and i'm sorry, is it making you uncomfortable? i'll stop if you want me to. it's just your lips are so soft and you make these faces that make me just want to kiss you," youngjae confesses. "they do mean nothing, but i only want to do them with you."


youngjae nods with a sincere smile, "i mean it."

both boys sat in silence.

eventually youngjae leaned his head on juyeon's shoulder and juyeon tried his best to not have his heart leap out of his chest. youngjae kissed juyeon's neck softly as they weren't doing anything in particular.

"do you want to just skip classes and go to my place?" eric asks.

"i can't or coach will make me run laps. but i can go afterwards."

"good enough for me."

"but can i watch you practice?"

juyeon nods and youngjae lays his head back on his shoulder, getting comfortable.

"you know, i like these little moments with you juyeonnie. i don't want them to end," youngjae says sweetly as he plays with juyeon's sleeve.

"i do too," juyeon agrees.

both sat there together for what felt like hours and eventually they had to get up because the bell rang.

"we didn't eat. what are we gonna do?"

"i'll buy us some snacks at the vending machine. let's hurry, you have to be upstairs."

youngjae grabbed juyeon's hand and walked with him as they left the library.

while leaving, juyeon intertwined their fingers hoping that the younger wouldn't mind.

of course youngjae didn't mind. he liked- no, loved doing these things with juyeon, he just didn't know it because of how oblivious and stubborn he is.

they reached the vending machine and juyeon told him what he wanted and youngjae bought it for hin.

"please try to text me hyung."

juyeon nodded and they both started walking in different directions. he turned around and ran towards the other boy.

"what are you doing juyeon? you're gonna be late!"

juyeon laughs.

"that's okay. i just wanted to walk you to class since you bought these for me. i'll buy you something next time, deal?"


they walked towards eric's classroom and talked with each other about anything and everything. they were really inseparable.

"i'll see you later hyung."

youngjae gives juyeon a quick kiss and then opens his classroom door.

juyeon waved bye and once he entered, juyeon dashed his way down the corredoors and upstairs trying to make it to class while he still had a minute left. he could not deal with his basketball coach making him run ten extra laps around the court.

juyeon was lucky enough to make it into the class before the teacher counted him as tardy. he bowed and apologized and went to his seat next to jaehyun.

"where were you? i really needed help on this trigonometry problem," jaehyun says.

"sorry, i was taking youngjae to class."

"oooh. are you guys dating? i ship it," jaehyun says and juyeon's face gets flustered yet again.

"n-no. we're just friends."

jaehyun smirked. he knew that couldn't possibly be true. juyeon didn't notice the way jaehyun looked at him as he drank his strawberry milk and did his work sheet.

- 00:40am ; 06-07-20
