
"juyeonnie? are you still awake?"

he opens his eyes and looks at me, "of course."

"am i keeping you up?"

"no. i just couldn't sleep after todays events. i keep getting excited the more and more i think about us being together."

i kiss his cheek softly and look away shyly.

"why are you so shy? it's so cute," juyeon says while squeezing my cheeks in his hands.

"juyeonnn~!" i whine.

"i'm sorry but you're so perfect."

i blush, "thank you. you are too."

he smiled and kisses my forehead.

"juyeonnie, i'm sorry that i didn't notice before. i was stupid to not realize."

"it's okay youngie, we're together now, right?"

i nod my head.

"can i tell you something?"


"i know i was confusing at first and that i hurt your feelings in someways that i don't understand and i'm really, really sorry. i know you already probably have forgiven me but i'm still soβ€”"

juyeon cuts me off by kissing my lips.

i kiss him back of course but it felt different this time.

juyeon pulled away and sat up.

i yelped when juyeon sat me on his lap.

we sat there for what felt like hours until juyeon moved my hair out of my eyes.

i smiled softly and fiddled with my fingers.

"you don't have to apologize or feel bad anymore. i'm fine and we're together now. there's nothing better i could ask for."

i boop his nose and giggle, "okay juyeonnie."

"are you tired now?"

i shake my head no.

we continued to sit there and let the moonlight shine softly in the room through his white curtains.

"you're my precious baby," juyeon says sweetly and kisses my forehead.

β€” 00:34am ; 06-14-20
