
i sat down with haknyeon at the table we sat down at last week during tutoring, but this time, i was blushing.

i was so embarrassed that i cried in front of him earlier in here. plus i kissed his cheek! what if he's not gay? wouldn't he have told me then?

"sunwoooo~! you're spacing out again," haknyeon says while tapping his pencil.

i look up from the papers i was supposedly looking over.


i go back to looking over haknyeon's papers from class earlier and circled some stuff.

i was about to pass him his papers across the table but once i looked up, haknyeon's face was close to mine and he was sitting directly next to me.

my eyes widened.

"s-sorry. you were just looking spaced out."

"it's okay haknyeonnie."

i gave haknyeon his paper back and he smiled.

"you know...you're really smart," haknyeon compliments and then covered his face immediately.

"t-thanks nyeonnie," i smile with a blush.

"you're welcome sunwoo-ah."

we worked on math for a while before we took a break. i then thought back to my two letters from today.

ju ••••••••

so their surname is ju. maybe haknyeon would know.

"hey, um...nyeonnie?"


"do you know anyone with the surname ju?"

his eyes widened before he coughed.

"no, sorry."

"you okay?"

"yeah, sorry."

i looked at him suspiciously and just get back to work after a while.

— 19:04pm ; 02-27-20
